SIL Bug Reducer

This directory contains a script called bug_reducer. It is a reimplementation of llvm's bugpoint using a python script + high level IR utilities. This will enable bugpoint to easily be ported to newer IRs.

An example invocation would be:

--sdk=$(xcrun --sdk macosx --toolchain default --show-sdk-path)

This is still very alpha and needs a lot of work including tests, so please do not expect it to work at all until tests are available. Once testing is available, please only use this if you are willing to tolerate bugs (and hopefully help fix them/add tests).


  1. A lot of this code was inspired by llvm's bisect tool. This includes a bit of the code style, we should clean this up and pythonify these parts of the tool.
  2. Once this is done, we should consider implementing function reducing functionality. We already have sil-func-extractor which can reduce functions in modules just how a bugpoint tool would like. We should wire up code to use that tool to reduce functions. After this point, our tool should be good enough for reducing test cases. Later we can implement block/instruction extraction, but this is a first step.
  3. Then we need to implement miscompile detection support. This implies implementing support for codegening code from this tool using swiftc. This implies splitting modules into optimized and unoptimized parts. Luckily, sil-func-extractor can perform this task modulo one task*.
  • Specifically, we need to be able to create internal shims that call shared functions so that if a shared function is partitioned on the opposite side of any of its call sites, we can avoid having to create a shared function declaration in the other partition. We avoid this since creating shared function declarations is illegal in SIL.