blob: 387279d73f8913091e360c85540de6c4c9fb3568 [file] [log] [blame]
from gyb_syntax_support import *
# -*- mode: C++ -*-
# Ignore the following admonition; it applies to the resulting .h file only
//// Automatically Generated From SyntaxFactory.h.gyb.
//// Do Not Edit Directly!
//===------------- SyntaxFactory.h - Syntax Factory definition ------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the SyntaxFactory, one of the most important client-facing
// types in lib/Syntax and likely to be very commonly used.
// Effectively a namespace, SyntaxFactory is never instantiated, but is *the*
// one-stop shop for making new Syntax nodes. Putting all of these into a
// collection of static methods provides a single point of API lookup for
// clients' convenience and also allows the library to hide all of the
// constructors for all Syntax nodes, as the SyntaxFactory is friend to all.
#include "swift/Syntax/SyntaxNodes.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/Trivia.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include <vector>
namespace swift {
namespace syntax {
class SyntaxArena;
/// The Syntax factory - the one-stop shop for making new Syntax nodes.
struct SyntaxFactory {
/// Make any kind of token.
static TokenSyntax makeToken(tok Kind,
OwnedString Text, const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia,
SourcePresence Presence,
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
/// Collect a list of tokens into a piece of "unknown" syntax.
static UnknownSyntax makeUnknownSyntax(llvm::ArrayRef<TokenSyntax> Tokens,
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
static Optional<Syntax> createSyntax(SyntaxKind Kind,
llvm::ArrayRef<Syntax> Elements,
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
static RC<RawSyntax> createRaw(SyntaxKind Kind,
llvm::ArrayRef<RC<RawSyntax>> Elements,
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
/// Count the number of children for a given syntax node kind,
/// returning a pair of mininum and maximum count of children. The gap
/// between these two numbers is the number of optional children.
static std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> countChildren(SyntaxKind Kind);
static Syntax
makeBlankCollectionSyntax(SyntaxKind Kind);
% for node in SYNTAX_NODES:
% if node.children:
% child_params = []
% for child in node.children:
% param_type = child.type_name
% if child.is_optional:
% param_type = "llvm::Optional<%s>" % param_type
% end
% child_params.append("%s %s" % (param_type,
% end
% child_params = ', '.join(child_params)
static ${} make${node.syntax_kind}(${child_params},
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
% elif node.is_syntax_collection():
static ${} make${node.syntax_kind}(
const std::vector<${node.collection_element_type}> &elts,
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
% end
static ${} makeBlank${node.syntax_kind}(RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
% end
% for token in SYNTAX_TOKENS:
% if token.is_keyword:
static TokenSyntax make${}Keyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia,
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
% elif token.text:
static TokenSyntax make${}Token(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia,
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
% else:
static TokenSyntax make${}(OwnedString Text,
const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia,
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
% end
% end
#pragma mark - Convenience APIs
static TupleTypeSyntax makeVoidTupleType(RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
/// Creates an labelled TupleTypeElementSyntax with the provided label,
/// colon, type and optional trailing comma.
static TupleTypeElementSyntax makeTupleTypeElement(
llvm::Optional<TokenSyntax> Label,
llvm::Optional<TokenSyntax> Colon, TypeSyntax Type,
llvm::Optional<TokenSyntax> TrailingComma = llvm::None,
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
/// Creates an unlabelled TupleTypeElementSyntax with the provided type and
/// optional trailing comma.
static TupleTypeElementSyntax
makeTupleTypeElement(TypeSyntax Type,
llvm::Optional<TokenSyntax> TrailingComma = llvm::None,
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
/// Creates a TypeIdentifierSyntax with the provided name and leading/trailing
/// trivia.
static TypeSyntax makeTypeIdentifier(OwnedString TypeName,
const Trivia &LeadingTrivia = {},
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia = {},
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
/// Creates a GenericParameterSyntax with no inheritance clause and an
/// optional trailing comma.
static GenericParameterSyntax
makeGenericParameter(TokenSyntax Name,
llvm::Optional<TokenSyntax> TrailingComma,
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
/// Creates a TypeIdentifierSyntax for the `Any` type.
static TypeSyntax makeAnyTypeIdentifier(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia = {},
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia = {},
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
/// Creates a TypeIdentifierSyntax for the `Self` type.
static TypeSyntax makeSelfTypeIdentifier(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia = {},
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia = {},
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
/// Creates a TokenSyntax for the `Type` identifier.
static TokenSyntax makeTypeToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia = {},
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia = {},
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
/// Creates a TokenSyntax for the `Protocol` identifier.
static TokenSyntax makeProtocolToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia = {},
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia = {},
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
/// Creates an `==` operator token.
static TokenSyntax makeEqualityOperator(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia = {},
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia = {},
RC<SyntaxArena> Arena = nullptr);
/// Whether a raw node kind `MemberKind` can serve as a member in a syntax
/// collection of the given syntax collection kind.
static bool canServeAsCollectionMemberRaw(SyntaxKind CollectionKind,
SyntaxKind MemberKind);
/// Whether a raw node `Member` can serve as a member in a syntax collection
/// of the given syntax collection kind.
static bool canServeAsCollectionMemberRaw(SyntaxKind CollectionKind,
const RC<RawSyntax> &Member);
/// Whether a node `Member` can serve as a member in a syntax collection of
/// the given syntax collection kind.
static bool canServeAsCollectionMember(SyntaxKind CollectionKind, Syntax Member);