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//===--- SyntaxData.h - Swift Syntax Data Interface -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the SyntaxData interface, the type for the instance
// data for Syntax nodes.
// Effectively, these provide two main things to a Syntax node - parental
// relationships and caching for its children.
// A SyntaxData contains at least a strong reference to the RawSyntax,
// from which most information comes, and additionally a weak reference to
// its parent and the "index" at which it occurs in its parent. These were
// originally intended to have the important public APIs for structured
// editing but now contain no significant or public API; for those, see the
// Syntax type. These are purely to contain data, hence the name.
// Conceptually, SyntaxData add the characteristic of specific identity in a
// piece of Swift source code. While the RawSyntax for the integer literal
// token '1' can be reused anywhere a '1' occurs and has identical formatting,
// a SyntaxData represents *a* specific '1' at a particular location in
// Swift source.
// These are effectively internal implementation. For all public APIs, look
// for the type without "Data" in its name. For example, a StructDeclSyntaxData
// expresses its API through the wrapping StructDeclSyntax type.
#include "swift/Basic/Debug.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/AtomicCache.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/RawSyntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/References.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include <atomic>
namespace swift {
namespace syntax {
/// The class for holding parented syntax.
/// This structure should not contain significant public
/// API or internal modification API.
/// This is only for holding a strong reference to the RawSyntax, a weak
/// reference to the parent, and, in subclasses, lazily created strong
/// references to non-terminal child nodes.
class SyntaxData final
: public llvm::ThreadSafeRefCountedBase<SyntaxData>,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<SyntaxData, AtomicCache<SyntaxData>> {
friend TrailingObjects;
using RootDataPair = std::pair<RC<SyntaxData>, RC<SyntaxData>>;
/// The shared raw syntax representing this syntax data node.
const RC<RawSyntax> Raw;
/// The parent of this syntax.
/// WARNING! Do not access this directly. Use getParent(),
/// which enforces nullptr checking.
const SyntaxData *Parent;
/// The index into the parent's child layout.
/// If there is no parent, this is 0.
const CursorIndex IndexInParent;
/// Cache the absolute position of this node.
Optional<AbsolutePosition> PositionCache;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<AtomicCache<SyntaxData>>) const {
return Raw->getNumChildren();
SyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw, const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0)
: Raw(Raw), Parent(Parent), IndexInParent(IndexInParent) {
auto *I = getTrailingObjects<AtomicCache<SyntaxData>>();
for (auto *E = I + getNumChildren(); I != E; ++I)
::new (static_cast<void *>(I)) AtomicCache<SyntaxData>();
/// With a new RawSyntax node, create a new node from this one and
/// recursively rebuild the parental chain up to the root.
/// DO NOT expose this as public API.
RootDataPair replaceSelf(const RC<RawSyntax> NewRaw) const {
if (hasParent()) {
auto NewRootAndParent = Parent->replaceChild(NewRaw, IndexInParent);
auto NewMe = NewRootAndParent.second->getChild(IndexInParent);
return { NewRootAndParent.first, NewMe.get() };
} else {
auto NewMe = make(NewRaw, nullptr, IndexInParent);
return { NewMe, NewMe.get() };
/// Create the data for a child node with the raw syntax in our layout
/// at the provided index.
/// DO NOT expose this as public API.
RC<SyntaxData> realizeSyntaxNode(CursorIndex Index) const {
if (auto &RawChild = Raw->getChild(Index))
return SyntaxData::make(RawChild, this, Index);
return nullptr;
/// Replace a child in the raw syntax and recursively rebuild the
/// parental chain up to the root.
/// DO NOT expose this as public API.
template <typename CursorType>
RootDataPair replaceChild(const RC<RawSyntax> RawChild,
CursorType ChildCursor) const {
auto NewRaw = Raw->replaceChild(ChildCursor, RawChild);
return replaceSelf(NewRaw);
ArrayRef<AtomicCache<SyntaxData>> getChildren() const {
return {getTrailingObjects<AtomicCache<SyntaxData>>(), getNumChildren()};
/// Disable sized deallocation for SyntaxData, because it has tail-allocated
/// data.
void operator delete(void *p) { ::operator delete(p); }
/// Get the node immediately before this current node that does contain a
/// non-missing token. Return nullptr if we cannot find such node.
RC<SyntaxData> getPreviousNode() const;
/// Get the node immediately after this current node that does contain a
/// non-missing token. Return nullptr if we cannot find such node.
RC<SyntaxData> getNextNode() const;
/// Get the first non-missing token node in this tree. Return nullptr if this
/// node does not contain non-missing tokens.
RC<SyntaxData> getFirstToken() const;
~SyntaxData() {
for (auto &I : getChildren())
/// Constructs a SyntaxNode by replacing `self` and recursively building
/// the parent chain up to the root.
template <typename SyntaxNode>
SyntaxNode replaceSelf(const RC<RawSyntax> NewRaw) const {
auto NewRootAndData = replaceSelf(NewRaw);
return { NewRootAndData.first, NewRootAndData.second.get() };
/// Replace a child in the raw syntax and recursively rebuild the
/// parental chain up to the root.
/// DO NOT expose this as public API.
template <typename SyntaxNode, typename CursorType>
SyntaxNode replaceChild(const RC<RawSyntax> RawChild,
CursorType ChildCursor) const {
auto NewRootAndParent = replaceChild(RawChild, ChildCursor);
return SyntaxNode {
static RC<SyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
/// Returns the raw syntax node for this syntax node.
const RC<RawSyntax> &getRaw() const {
return Raw;
/// Returns the kind of syntax node this is.
SyntaxKind getKind() const {
return Raw->getKind();
/// Return the parent syntax if there is one.
const SyntaxData * getParent() const {
return Parent;
/// Returns true if this syntax node has a parent.
bool hasParent() const {
return Parent != nullptr;
/// Returns the child index of this node in its parent, if it has a parent,
/// otherwise 0.
size_t getIndexInParent() const {
return IndexInParent;
/// Returns the number of children this SyntaxData represents.
size_t getNumChildren() const {
return Raw->getLayout().size();
/// Gets the child at the index specified by the provided cursor,
/// lazily creating it if necessary.
template <typename CursorType>
RC<SyntaxData> getChild(CursorType Cursor) const {
return getChild((size_t)cursorIndex(Cursor));
/// Gets the child at the specified index in this data's children array.
/// Why do we need this?
/// - SyntaxData nodes should have pointer identity.
/// - We only want to construct parented, realized child nodes as
/// SyntaxData when asked.
/// For example, if we have a ReturnStmtSyntax, and ask for its returned
/// expression for the first time with getExpression(), two nodes can race
/// to create and set the cached expression.
/// Looking at an example - say we have a SyntaxData.
/// SyntaxData = {
/// RC<RawSyntax> Raw = {
/// RC<RawTokenSyntax> { SyntaxKind::Token, tok::return_kw, "return" },
/// RC<RawSyntax> { SyntaxKind::SomeExpression, ... }
/// }
/// llvm::SmallVector<AtomicCache<SyntaxData>, 10> Children {
/// AtomicCache<SyntaxData> { RC<SyntaxData> = nullptr; },
/// AtomicCache<SyntaxData> { RC<SyntaxData> = nullptr; },
/// }
/// }
/// If we wanted to safely create the 0th child, an instance of TokenSyntax,
/// then we ask the AtomicCache in that position to realize its value and
/// cache it. This is safe because AtomicCache only ever mutates its cache
/// one time -- the first initialization that wins a compare_exchange_strong.
RC<SyntaxData> getChild(size_t Index) const {
if (!getRaw()->getChild(Index))
return nullptr;
return getChildren()[Index].getOrCreate([&]() {
return realizeSyntaxNode(Index);
/// Calculate the absolute position of this node, use cache if the cache
/// is populated.
AbsolutePosition getAbsolutePosition() const;
/// Calculate the absolute end position of this node, use cache of the immediate
/// next node if populated.
AbsolutePosition getAbsoluteEndPositionAfterTrailingTrivia() const;
/// Get the absolute position without skipping the leading trivia of this
/// node.
AbsolutePosition getAbsolutePositionBeforeLeadingTrivia() const;
/// Returns true if the data node represents type syntax.
bool isType() const;
/// Returns true if the data node represents statement syntax.
bool isStmt() const;
/// Returns true if the data node represents declaration syntax.
bool isDecl() const;
/// Returns true if the data node represents expression syntax.
bool isExpr() const;
/// Returns true if the data node represents pattern syntax.
bool isPattern() const;
/// Returns true if this syntax is of some "unknown" kind.
bool isUnknown() const;
/// Dump a debug description of the syntax data for debugging to
/// standard error.
void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const;
} // end namespace syntax
} // end namespace swift
// DenseMapInfo for RC<SyntaxData>, used for a Syntax Node -> lib/AST mapping.
namespace llvm {
using SD = swift::syntax::SyntaxData;
using RCSD = swift::RC<SD>;
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<RCSD> {
static inline RCSD getEmptyKey() {
return SD::make(nullptr, nullptr, 0);
static inline RCSD getTombstoneKey() {
return SD::make(nullptr, nullptr, 0);
static unsigned getHashValue(const RCSD Value) {
unsigned H = 0;
H ^= DenseMapInfo<uintptr_t>::getHashValue(reinterpret_cast<const uintptr_t>(Value->getRaw().get()));
H ^= DenseMapInfo<uintptr_t>::getHashValue(reinterpret_cast<const uintptr_t>(Value->getParent()));
H ^= DenseMapInfo<swift::syntax::CursorIndex>::getHashValue(Value->getIndexInParent());
return H;
static bool isEqual(const RCSD LHS, const RCSD RHS) {
return LHS->getRaw().get() == RHS->getRaw().get() &&
LHS->getParent() == RHS->getParent() &&
LHS->getIndexInParent() == RHS->getIndexInParent();