blob: 08f8c3cca83cac634bd6db3d2246867ef900e389 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SwiftRemoteMirror.h - Public remote reflection interf. -*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// This header declares functions in the libswiftReflection library,
/// which provides mechanisms for reflecting heap information in a
/// remote Swift process.
#include "Platform.h"
#include "MemoryReaderInterface.h"
#include "SwiftRemoteMirrorTypes.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
/// Major version changes when there are ABI or source incompatible changes.
/// Minor version changes when new APIs are added in ABI- and source-compatible
/// way.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if !defined(_WIN32)
extern unsigned long long swift_reflection_classIsSwiftMask;
/// Get the metadata version supported by the Remote Mirror library.
uint16_t swift_reflection_getSupportedMetadataVersion(void);
/// \returns An opaque reflection context.
swift_reflection_createReflectionContext(void *ReaderContext,
uint8_t PointerSize,
FreeBytesFunction Free,
ReadBytesFunction ReadBytes,
GetStringLengthFunction GetStringLength,
GetSymbolAddressFunction GetSymbolAddress);
/// \returns An opaque reflection context.
swift_reflection_createReflectionContextWithDataLayout(void *ReaderContext,
QueryDataLayoutFunction DataLayout,
FreeBytesFunction Free,
ReadBytesFunction ReadBytes,
GetStringLengthFunction GetStringLength,
GetSymbolAddressFunction GetSymbolAddress);
/// Destroys an opaque reflection context.
swift_reflection_destroyReflectionContext(SwiftReflectionContextRef Context);
/// DEPRECATED. Add reflection sections for a loaded Swift image.
/// You probably want to use \c swift_reflection_addImage instead.
swift_reflection_addReflectionInfo(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
swift_reflection_info_t Info);
/// Add reflection sections from a loaded Swift image.
void swift_reflection_addReflectionMappingInfo(
SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef, swift_reflection_mapping_info_t Info);
/// Add reflection information from a loaded Swift image.
/// Returns true on success, false if the image's memory couldn't be read.
swift_reflection_addImage(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
swift_addr_t imageStart);
/// Returns a boolean indicating if the isa mask was successfully
/// read, in which case it is stored in the isaMask out parameter.
int swift_reflection_readIsaMask(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
uintptr_t *outIsaMask);
/// Returns an opaque type reference for a metadata pointer, or
/// NULL if one can't be constructed.
/// This function loses information; in particular, passing the
/// result to swift_reflection_infoForTypeRef() will not give
/// the same result as calling swift_reflection_infoForMetadata().
swift_reflection_typeRefForMetadata(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
uintptr_t Metadata);
/// Returns whether the given object appears to have metadata understood
/// by this library. Images must be added using
/// swift_reflection_addImage, not swift_reflection_addReflectionInfo,
/// for this function to work properly. If addImage is used, a negative
/// result is always correct, but a positive result may be a false
/// positive if the address in question is not really a Swift or
/// Objective-C object. If addReflectionInfo is used, the return value
/// will always be false.
swift_reflection_ownsObject(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef, uintptr_t Object);
/// Returns whether the given address is associated with an image added to this
/// library. Images must be added using swift_reflection_addImage, not
/// swift_reflection_addReflectionInfo, for this function to work
/// properly. If addReflectionInfo is used, the return value will always
/// be false.
swift_reflection_ownsAddress(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef, uintptr_t Address);
/// Returns the metadata pointer for a given object.
swift_reflection_metadataForObject(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
uintptr_t Object);
/// Returns an opaque type reference for a class or closure context
/// instance pointer, or NULL if one can't be constructed.
/// This function loses information; in particular, passing the
/// result to swift_reflection_infoForTypeRef() will not give
/// the same result as calling swift_reflection_infoForInstance().
swift_reflection_typeRefForInstance(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
uintptr_t Object);
/// Returns a typeref from a mangled type name string.
swift_reflection_typeRefForMangledTypeName(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
const char *MangledName,
uint64_t Length);
/// Returns the demangled name for a typeref, or NULL if the name couldn't be
/// created.
/// The returned string is heap allocated and the caller must free() it when
/// done.
char *
SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef, swift_typeref_t OpaqueTypeRef);
char *
SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef, swift_reflection_ptr_t Proto);
/// Returns a structure describing the layout of a value of a typeref.
/// For classes, this returns the reference value itself.
swift_reflection_infoForTypeRef(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
swift_typeref_t OpaqueTypeRef);
/// Returns the information about a child field of a value by index.
swift_reflection_childOfTypeRef(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
swift_typeref_t OpaqueTypeRef, unsigned Index);
/// Returns a structure describing the layout of a class instance
/// from the isa pointer of a class.
swift_reflection_infoForMetadata(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
uintptr_t Metadata);
/// Returns the information about a child field of a class instance
/// by index.
swift_reflection_childOfMetadata(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
uintptr_t Metadata, unsigned Index);
/// Returns a structure describing the layout of a class or closure
/// context instance, from a pointer to the object itself.
swift_reflection_infoForInstance(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
uintptr_t Object);
/// Returns the information about a child field of a class or closure
/// context instance.
swift_reflection_childOfInstance(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
uintptr_t Object, unsigned Index);
/// Returns the number of generic arguments of a typeref.
swift_reflection_genericArgumentCountOfTypeRef(swift_typeref_t OpaqueTypeRef);
/// Returns a fully instantiated typeref for a generic argument by index.
swift_reflection_genericArgumentOfTypeRef(swift_typeref_t OpaqueTypeRef,
unsigned Index);
/// Projects the type inside of an existential container.
/// Takes the address of the start of an existential container and the typeref
/// for the existential, and sets two out parameters:
/// - InstanceTypeRef: A type reference for the type inside of the existential
/// container.
/// - StartOfInstanceData: The address to the start of the inner type's instance
/// data, which may or may not be inside the container directly.
/// If the type is a reference type, the pointer to the instance is the first
/// word in the container.
/// If the existential contains a value type that can fit in the first three
/// spare words of the container, *StartOfInstanceData == InstanceAddress.
/// If it's a value type that can't fit in three words, the data will be in
/// its own heap box, so *StartOfInstanceData will be the address of that box.
/// Returns true if InstanceTypeRef and StartOfInstanceData contain valid
/// valid values.
int swift_reflection_projectExistential(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
swift_addr_t ExistentialAddress,
swift_typeref_t ExistentialTypeRef,
swift_typeref_t *OutInstanceTypeRef,
swift_addr_t *OutStartOfInstanceData);
/// Projects the value of an enum.
/// Takes the address and typeref for an enum and determines the
/// index of the currently-selected case within the enum.
/// You can use this index with `swift_reflection_childOfTypeRef`
/// to get detailed information about the specific case.
/// Returns true if the enum case could be successfully determined.
/// In particular, note that this code may fail for valid in-memory data
/// if the compiler is using a strategy we do not yet understand.
int swift_reflection_projectEnumValue(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
swift_addr_t EnumAddress,
swift_typeref_t EnumTypeRef,
int *CaseIndex);
/// Dump a brief description of the typeref as a tree to stderr.
void swift_reflection_dumpTypeRef(swift_typeref_t OpaqueTypeRef);
/// Dump information about the layout for a typeref.
void swift_reflection_dumpInfoForTypeRef(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
swift_typeref_t OpaqueTypeRef);
/// Dump information about the layout of a class instance from its isa pointer.
void swift_reflection_dumpInfoForMetadata(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
uintptr_t Metadata);
/// Dump information about the layout of a class or closure context instance.
void swift_reflection_dumpInfoForInstance(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
uintptr_t Object);
/// Demangle a type name.
/// Copies at most `MaxLength` bytes from the demangled name string into
/// `OutDemangledName`.
/// Returns the length of the demangled string this function tried to copy
/// into `OutDemangledName`.
size_t swift_reflection_demangle(const char *MangledName, size_t Length,
char *OutDemangledName, size_t MaxLength);
/// Iterate over the process's protocol conformance cache.
/// Calls the passed in Call function for each protocol conformance found in
/// the conformance cache. The function is passed the type which conforms and
/// the protocol it conforms to. The ContextPtr is passed through unchanged.
/// Returns NULL on success. On error, returns a pointer to a C string
/// describing the error. This pointer remains valid until the next
/// swift_reflection call on the given context.
const char *swift_reflection_iterateConformanceCache(
SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
void (*Call)(swift_reflection_ptr_t Type,
swift_reflection_ptr_t Proto,
void *ContextPtr),
void *ContextPtr);
/// Iterate over the process's metadata allocations.
/// Calls the passed in Call function for each metadata allocation. The function
/// is passed a structure that describes the allocation. The ContextPtr is
/// passed through unchanged.
/// Returns NULL on success. On error, returns a pointer to a C string
/// describing the error. This pointer remains valid until the next
/// swift_reflection call on the given context.
const char *swift_reflection_iterateMetadataAllocations(
SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
void (*Call)(swift_metadata_allocation_t Allocation,
void *ContextPtr),
void *ContextPtr);
/// Given a metadata allocation, return the metadata it points to. Returns NULL
/// on failure. Despite the name, not all allocations point to metadata.
/// Currently, this will return a metadata only for allocations with tag
/// GenericMetadataCache. Support for additional tags may be added in the
/// future. The caller must gracefully handle failure.
swift_reflection_ptr_t swift_reflection_allocationMetadataPointer(
SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
swift_metadata_allocation_t Allocation);
/// Return the name of a metadata allocation tag, or NULL if the tag is unknown.
/// This pointer remains valid until the next swift_reflection call on the given
/// context.
const char *
swift_reflection_metadataAllocationTagName(SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
swift_metadata_allocation_tag_t Tag);
int swift_reflection_metadataAllocationCacheNode(
SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
swift_metadata_allocation_t Allocation,
swift_metadata_cache_node_t *OutNode);
/// Backtrace iterator callback passed to
/// swift_reflection_iterateMetadataAllocationBacktraces
typedef void (*swift_metadataAllocationBacktraceIterator)(
swift_reflection_ptr_t AllocationPtr, size_t Count,
const swift_reflection_ptr_t Ptrs[], void *ContextPtr);
/// Iterate over all recorded metadata allocation backtraces in the process.
/// Calls the passed in Call function for each recorded backtrace. The function
/// is passed the number of backtrace entries and an array of those entries, as
/// pointers. The array is stored from deepest to shallowest, so main() will be
/// somewhere near the end. This array is valid only for the duration of the
/// call.
/// Returns NULL on success. On error, returns a pointer to a C string
/// describing the error. This pointer remains valid until the next
/// swift_reflection call on the given context.
const char *swift_reflection_iterateMetadataAllocationBacktraces(
SwiftReflectionContextRef ContextRef,
swift_metadataAllocationBacktraceIterator Call, void *ContextPtr);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"