blob: 0b968efcfc32129ef93092d0dea9618900fe715b [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Concurrent.h - Concurrent Data Structures -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "Atomic.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "Mutex.h"
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__HAIKU__)
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
#include <malloc/malloc.h>
namespace swift {
/// This is a node in a concurrent linked list.
template <class ElemTy> struct ConcurrentListNode {
ConcurrentListNode(ElemTy Elem) : Payload(Elem), Next(nullptr) {}
ConcurrentListNode(const ConcurrentListNode &) = delete;
ConcurrentListNode &operator=(const ConcurrentListNode &) = delete;
/// The element.
ElemTy Payload;
/// Points to the next link in the chain.
ConcurrentListNode<ElemTy> *Next;
/// This is a concurrent linked list. It supports insertion at the beginning
/// of the list and traversal using iterators.
/// This is a very simple implementation of a concurrent linked list
/// using atomic operations. The 'push_front' method allocates a new link
/// and attempts to compare and swap the old head pointer with pointer to
/// the new link. This operation may fail many times if there are other
/// contending threads, but eventually the head pointer is set to the new
/// link that already points to the old head value. Notice that the more
/// difficult feature of removing links is not supported.
/// See 'push_front' for more details.
template <class ElemTy> struct ConcurrentList {
ConcurrentList() : First(nullptr) {}
~ConcurrentList() {
/// Remove all of the links in the chain. This method leaves
/// the list at a usable state and new links can be added.
/// Notice that this operation is non-concurrent because
/// we have no way of ensuring that no one is currently
/// traversing the list.
void clear() {
// Iterate over the list and delete all the nodes.
auto Ptr = First.load(std::memory_order_acquire);, std:: memory_order_release);
while (Ptr) {
auto N = Ptr->Next;
delete Ptr;
Ptr = N;
ConcurrentList(const ConcurrentList &) = delete;
ConcurrentList &operator=(const ConcurrentList &) = delete;
/// A list iterator.
struct ConcurrentListIterator :
public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, ElemTy> {
/// Points to the current link.
ConcurrentListNode<ElemTy> *Ptr;
/// C'tor.
ConcurrentListIterator(ConcurrentListNode<ElemTy> *P) : Ptr(P) {}
/// Move to the next element.
ConcurrentListIterator &operator++() {
Ptr = Ptr->Next;
return *this;
/// Access the element.
ElemTy &operator*() { return Ptr->Payload; }
/// Same?
bool operator==(const ConcurrentListIterator &o) const {
return o.Ptr == Ptr;
/// Not the same?
bool operator!=(const ConcurrentListIterator &o) const {
return o.Ptr != Ptr;
/// Iterator entry point.
typedef ConcurrentListIterator iterator;
/// Marks the beginning of the list.
iterator begin() const {
return ConcurrentListIterator(First.load(std::memory_order_acquire));
/// Marks the end of the list.
iterator end() const { return ConcurrentListIterator(nullptr); }
/// Add a new item to the list.
void push_front(ElemTy Elem) {
/// Allocate a new node.
ConcurrentListNode<ElemTy> *N = new ConcurrentListNode<ElemTy>(Elem);
// Point to the first element in the list.
N->Next = First.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
auto OldFirst = N->Next;
// Try to replace the current First with the new node.
while (!std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(&First, &OldFirst, N,
std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
// If we fail, update the new node to point to the new head and try to
// insert before the new
// first element.
N->Next = OldFirst;
/// Points to the first link in the list.
std::atomic<ConcurrentListNode<ElemTy> *> First;
/// A utility function for ordering two integers, which is useful
/// for implementing compareWithKey.
template <class T>
static inline int compareIntegers(T left, T right) {
return (left == right ? 0 : left < right ? -1 : 1);
/// A utility function for ordering two pointers, which is useful
/// for implementing compareWithKey.
template <class T>
static inline int comparePointers(const T *left, const T *right) {
return (left == right ? 0 : std::less<const T *>()(left, right) ? -1 : 1);
template <class EntryTy, bool ProvideDestructor, class Allocator>
class ConcurrentMapBase;
/// The partial specialization of ConcurrentMapBase whose destructor is
/// trivial. The other implementation inherits from this, so this is a
/// base for all ConcurrentMaps.
template <class EntryTy, class Allocator>
class ConcurrentMapBase<EntryTy, false, Allocator> : protected Allocator {
struct Node {
std::atomic<Node*> Left;
std::atomic<Node*> Right;
EntryTy Payload;
template <class... Args>
Node(Args &&... args)
: Left(nullptr), Right(nullptr), Payload(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
Node(const Node &) = delete;
Node &operator=(const Node &) = delete;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void dump() const {
auto L = Left.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
auto R = Right.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
printf("\"%p\" [ label = \" {<f0> %08lx | {<f1> | <f2>}}\" "
"style=\"rounded\" shape=\"record\"];\n",
this, (long) Payload.getKeyValueForDump());
if (L) {
printf("\"%p\":f1 -> \"%p\":f0;\n", this, L);
if (R) {
printf("\"%p\":f2 -> \"%p\":f0;\n", this, R);
std::atomic<Node*> Root;
constexpr ConcurrentMapBase() : Root(nullptr) {}
// Implicitly trivial destructor.
~ConcurrentMapBase() = default;
void destroyNode(Node *node) {
assert(node && "destroying null node");
auto allocSize = sizeof(Node) + node->Payload.getExtraAllocationSize();
// Destroy the node's payload.
// Deallocate the node. The static_cast here is required
// because LLVM's allocator API is insane.
this->Deallocate(static_cast<void*>(node), allocSize, alignof(Node));
/// The partial specialization of ConcurrentMapBase which provides a
/// non-trivial destructor.
template <class EntryTy, class Allocator>
class ConcurrentMapBase<EntryTy, true, Allocator>
: protected ConcurrentMapBase<EntryTy, false, Allocator> {
using super = ConcurrentMapBase<EntryTy, false, Allocator>;
using Node = typename super::Node;
constexpr ConcurrentMapBase() {}
~ConcurrentMapBase() {
void destroyTree(const std::atomic<Node*> &edge) {
// This can be a relaxed load because destruction is not allowed to race
// with other operations.
auto node = edge.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (!node) return;
// Destroy the node's children.
// Destroy the node itself.
/// A concurrent map that is implemented using a binary tree. It supports
/// concurrent insertions but does not support removals or rebalancing of
/// the tree.
/// The entry type must provide the following operations:
/// /// For debugging purposes only. Summarize this key as an integer value.
/// intptr_t getKeyIntValueForDump() const;
/// /// A ternary comparison. KeyTy is the type of the key provided
/// /// to find or getOrInsert.
/// int compareWithKey(KeyTy key) const;
/// /// Return the amount of extra trailing space required by an entry,
/// /// where KeyTy is the type of the first argument to getOrInsert and
/// /// ArgTys is the type of the remaining arguments.
/// static size_t getExtraAllocationSize(KeyTy key, ArgTys...)
/// /// Return the amount of extra trailing space that was requested for
/// /// this entry. This method is only used to compute the size of the
/// /// object during node deallocation; it does not need to return a
/// /// correct value so long as the allocator's Deallocate implementation
/// /// ignores this argument.
/// size_t getExtraAllocationSize() const;
/// If ProvideDestructor is false, the destructor will be trivial. This
/// can be appropriate when the object is declared at global scope.
template <class EntryTy, bool ProvideDestructor = true,
class Allocator = llvm::MallocAllocator>
class ConcurrentMap
: private ConcurrentMapBase<EntryTy, ProvideDestructor, Allocator> {
using super = ConcurrentMapBase<EntryTy, ProvideDestructor, Allocator>;
using Node = typename super::Node;
/// Inherited from base class:
/// std::atomic<Node*> Root;
using super::Root;
/// This member stores the address of the last node that was found by the
/// search procedure. We cache the last search to accelerate code that
/// searches the same value in a loop.
std::atomic<Node*> LastSearch;
constexpr ConcurrentMap() : LastSearch(nullptr) {}
ConcurrentMap(const ConcurrentMap &) = delete;
ConcurrentMap &operator=(const ConcurrentMap &) = delete;
// ConcurrentMap<T, false> must have a trivial destructor.
~ConcurrentMap() = default;
Allocator &getAllocator() {
return *this;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void dump() const {
auto R = Root.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
printf("digraph g {\n"
"graph [ rankdir = \"TB\"];\n"
"node [ fontsize = \"16\" ];\n"
"edge [ ];\n");
if (R) {
/// Search for a value by key \p Key.
/// \returns a pointer to the value or null if the value is not in the map.
template <class KeyTy>
EntryTy *find(const KeyTy &key) {
// Check if we are looking for the same key that we looked for in the last
// time we called this function.
if (Node *last = LastSearch.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
if (last->Payload.compareWithKey(key) == 0)
return &last->Payload;
// Search the tree, starting from the root.
Node *node = Root.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
while (node) {
int comparisonResult = node->Payload.compareWithKey(key);
if (comparisonResult == 0) {, std::memory_order_release);
return &node->Payload;
} else if (comparisonResult < 0) {
node = node->Left.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
} else {
node = node->Right.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
return nullptr;
/// Get or create an entry in the map.
/// \returns the entry in the map and whether a new node was added (true)
/// or already existed (false)
template <class KeyTy, class... ArgTys>
std::pair<EntryTy*, bool> getOrInsert(KeyTy key, ArgTys &&... args) {
// Check if we are looking for the same key that we looked for the
// last time we called this function.
if (Node *last = LastSearch.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
if (last && last->Payload.compareWithKey(key) == 0)
return { &last->Payload, false };
// The node we allocated.
Node *newNode = nullptr;
// Start from the root.
auto edge = &Root;
while (true) {
// Load the edge.
Node *node = edge->load(std::memory_order_acquire);
// If there's a node there, it's either a match or we're going to
// one of its children.
if (node) {
// Compare our key against the node's key.
int comparisonResult = node->Payload.compareWithKey(key);
// If it's equal, we can use this node.
if (comparisonResult == 0) {
// Destroy the node we allocated before if we're carrying one around.
if (newNode) this->destroyNode(newNode);
// Cache and report that we found an existing node., std::memory_order_release);
return { &node->Payload, false };
// Otherwise, select the appropriate child edge and descend.
edge = (comparisonResult < 0 ? &node->Left : &node->Right);
// Create a new node.
if (!newNode) {
size_t allocSize =
sizeof(Node) + EntryTy::getExtraAllocationSize(key, args...);
void *memory = this->Allocate(allocSize, alignof(Node));
newNode = ::new (memory) Node(key, std::forward<ArgTys>(args)...);
// Try to set the edge to the new node.
if (std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(edge, &node, newNode,
std::memory_order_acquire)) {
// If that succeeded, cache and report that we created a new node., std::memory_order_release);
return { &newNode->Payload, true };
// Otherwise, we lost the race because some other thread initialized
// the edge before us. node will be set to the current value;
// repeat the search from there.
assert(node && "spurious failure from compare_exchange_strong?");
goto searchFromNode;
/// An append-only array that can be read without taking locks. Writes
/// are still locked and serialized, but only with respect to other
/// writes.
template <class ElemTy> struct ConcurrentReadableArray {
/// The struct used for the array's storage. The `Elem` member is
/// considered to be the first element of a variable-length array,
/// whose size is determined by the allocation. The `Capacity` member
/// from `ConcurrentReadableArray` indicates how large it can be.
struct Storage {
std::atomic<size_t> Count;
typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(ElemTy), alignof(ElemTy)>::type Elem;
static Storage *allocate(size_t capacity) {
auto size = sizeof(Storage) + (capacity - 1) * sizeof(Storage().Elem);
auto *ptr = reinterpret_cast<Storage *>(malloc(size));
if (!ptr) swift::crash("Could not allocate memory.");
ptr->, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return ptr;
void deallocate() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++i) {
ElemTy *data() {
return reinterpret_cast<ElemTy *>(&Elem);
size_t Capacity;
std::atomic<size_t> ReaderCount;
std::atomic<Storage *> Elements;
Mutex WriterLock;
std::vector<Storage *> FreeList;
void incrementReaders() {
ReaderCount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acquire);
void decrementReaders() {
ReaderCount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release);
void deallocateFreeList() {
for (Storage *storage : FreeList)
struct Snapshot {
ConcurrentReadableArray *Array;
const ElemTy *Start;
size_t Count;
Snapshot(ConcurrentReadableArray *array, const ElemTy *start, size_t count)
: Array(array), Start(start), Count(count) {}
Snapshot(const Snapshot &other)
: Array(other.Array), Start(other.Start), Count(other.Count) {
~Snapshot() {
const ElemTy *begin() { return Start; }
const ElemTy *end() { return Start + Count; }
size_t count() { return Count; }
// This type cannot be safely copied or moved.
ConcurrentReadableArray(const ConcurrentReadableArray &) = delete;
ConcurrentReadableArray(ConcurrentReadableArray &&) = delete;
ConcurrentReadableArray &operator=(const ConcurrentReadableArray &) = delete;
ConcurrentReadableArray() : Capacity(0), ReaderCount(0), Elements(nullptr) {}
~ConcurrentReadableArray() {
assert(ReaderCount.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == 0 &&
"deallocating ConcurrentReadableArray with outstanding snapshots");
void push_back(const ElemTy &elem) {
Mutex::ScopedLock guard(WriterLock);
auto *storage = Elements.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
auto count = storage ? storage->Count.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) : 0;
if (count >= Capacity) {
auto newCapacity = std::max((size_t)16, count * 2);
auto *newStorage = Storage::allocate(newCapacity);
if (storage) {
std::copy(storage->data(), storage->data() + count, newStorage->data());
newStorage->, std::memory_order_release);
storage = newStorage;
Capacity = newCapacity;, std::memory_order_release);
new(&storage->data()[count]) ElemTy(elem);
storage-> + 1, std::memory_order_release);
if (ReaderCount.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == 0)
Snapshot snapshot() {
auto *storage = Elements.load(SWIFT_MEMORY_ORDER_CONSUME);
if (storage == nullptr) {
return Snapshot(this, nullptr, 0);
auto count = storage->Count.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
const auto *ptr = storage->data();
return Snapshot(this, ptr, count);
using llvm::hash_value;
/// A hash table that can be queried without taking any locks. Writes are still
/// locked and serialized, but only with respect to other locks. Writers can add
/// elements and clear the table, but they cannot remove individual elements.
/// Readers work by taking a snapshot of the table and then querying that
/// snapshot.
/// The basic structure of the table consists of two arrays. Elements are stored
/// in a contiguous array, with new elements appended to the end. The second
/// array is the actual hash table, and it contains indices into the elements
/// array. This scheme cuts down on wasted space when the elements are larger
/// than a few bytes: instead of wasting `(1 - loadFactor) * sizeof(element)`
/// bytes on unused space in the hash table, we only waste `(1 - loadFactor) *
/// sizeof(index)`. This scheme also avoids readers seeing partially constructed
/// elements.
/// Reader/writer synchronization for new elements is handled by keeping an
/// element count which is only incremented when the element has been fully
/// constructed. A reader which sees an index beyond its view of the current
/// count will ignore it and treat that as if there was no entry.
/// Reader/writer synchronization for resizing the arrays is handled by tracking
/// the current number of active readers. When resizing, the new array is
/// allocated, the data copied, and then the old array is placed in a free list.
/// The free list is only deallocated if there are no readers, otherwise freeing
/// is deferred.
/// Reader/writer synchronization for clearing the table is a combination of the
/// above. By keeping the old arrays around until all readers are finished, we
/// ensure that readers which started before the clear see valid (pre-clear)
/// data. Readers which see any array as empty will produce no results, thus
/// providing valid post-clear data.
/// This is intended to be used for tables that exist for the life of the
/// process. It has no destructor, to avoid generating useless global destructor
/// calls. The memory it allocates can be freed by calling clear() with no
/// outstanding readers, but this won't destroy the static mutex it uses.
template <class ElemTy, class MutexTy = StaticMutex>
struct ConcurrentReadableHashMap {
// We use memcpy and don't call destructors. Make sure the elements will put
// up with this.
"Elements must be trivially copyable.");
"Elements must not have destructors (they won't be called).");
/// The reciprocal of the load factor at which we expand the table. A value of
/// 4 means that we resize at 1/4 = 75% load factor.
static const size_t ResizeProportion = 4;
/// Get the "good size" for a given allocation size. When available, this
/// rounds up to the next allocation quantum by calling `malloc_good_size`.
/// Otherwise, just return the passed-in size, which is always valid even if
/// not necessarily optimal.
static size_t goodSize(size_t size) {
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
return malloc_good_size(size);
return size;
/// A private class representing the storage of the indices. In order to
/// ensure that readers can get a consistent view of the indices with a single
/// atomic read, we store the size of the indices array inline, as the first
/// element in the array.
/// We want the number of indices to be a power of two so that we can use a
/// bitwise AND to convert a hash code to an index. We want the entire array
/// to be a power of two in size to be friendly to the allocator, but the size
/// is stored inline. We work around this contradiction by considering the
/// first index to always be occupied with a value that never matches any key.
struct IndexStorage {
using RawType = uintptr_t;
RawType Value;
static constexpr uintptr_t log2(uintptr_t x) {
return x <= 1 ? 0 : log2(x >> 1) + 1;
static constexpr uintptr_t InlineIndexBits = 4;
static constexpr uintptr_t InlineIndexMask = 0xF;
static constexpr uintptr_t InlineCapacity =
sizeof(RawType) * CHAR_BIT / InlineIndexBits;
static constexpr uintptr_t InlineCapacityLog2 = log2(InlineCapacity);
// Indices can be stored in different ways, depending on how big they need
// to be. The index mode is stored in the bottom two bits of Value. The
// meaning of the rest of Value depends on the mode.
enum class IndexMode {
// Value is treated as an array of four-bit integers, storing the indices.
// The first element overlaps with the mode, and is never used.
// The rest of Value holds a pointer to storage. The first byte of this
// storage holds the log2 of the storage capacity. The storage is treated
// as an array of 8, 16, or 32-bit integers. The first element overlaps
// with the capacity, and is never used.
IndexStorage() : Value(0) {}
IndexStorage(RawType value) : Value(value) {}
IndexStorage(void *ptr, unsigned indexSize, uint8_t capacityLog2) {
assert(capacityLog2 > InlineCapacityLog2);
IndexMode mode;
switch (indexSize) {
case sizeof(uint8_t):
mode = IndexMode::Array8;
case sizeof(uint16_t):
mode = IndexMode::Array16;
case sizeof(uint32_t):
mode = IndexMode::Array32;
swift_unreachable("unknown index size");
Value = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr) | static_cast<uintptr_t>(mode);
*reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(ptr) = capacityLog2;
bool valueIsPointer() { return Value & 3; }
void *pointer() {
if (valueIsPointer())
return (void *)(Value & (RawType)~3);
return nullptr;
IndexMode indexMode() { return IndexMode(Value & 3); }
// Index size is variable based on capacity, either 8, 16, or 32 bits.
// This is somewhat conservative. We could have, for example, a capacity of
// 512 but a maximum index of only 200, which would still allow for 8-bit
// indices. However, taking advantage of this would require reallocating
// the index storage when the element count crossed a threshold, which is
// more complex, and the advantages are minimal. This keeps it simple.
// Get the size, in bytes, of the index needed for the given capacity.
static unsigned indexSize(uint8_t capacityLog2) {
if (capacityLog2 <= sizeof(uint8_t) * CHAR_BIT)
return sizeof(uint8_t);
if (capacityLog2 <= sizeof(uint16_t) * CHAR_BIT)
return sizeof(uint16_t);
return sizeof(uint32_t);
uint8_t getCapacityLog2() {
if (auto *ptr = pointer())
return *reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(ptr);
return InlineCapacityLog2;
static IndexStorage allocate(size_t capacityLog2) {
assert(capacityLog2 > 0);
size_t capacity = 1UL << capacityLog2;
unsigned size = indexSize(capacityLog2);
auto *ptr = calloc(capacity, size);
if (!ptr)
swift::crash("Could not allocate memory.");
return IndexStorage(ptr, size, capacityLog2);
unsigned loadIndexAt(size_t i, std::memory_order order) {
assert(i > 0 && "index zero is off-limits, used to store capacity");
assert(i < (1 << getCapacityLog2()) &&
"index is off the end of the indices");
switch (indexMode()) {
case IndexMode::Inline:
return (Value >> (i * InlineIndexBits)) & InlineIndexMask;
case IndexMode::Array8:
return ((std::atomic<uint8_t> *)pointer())[i].load(order);
case IndexMode::Array16:
return ((std::atomic<uint16_t> *)pointer())[i].load(order);
case IndexMode::Array32:
return ((std::atomic<uint32_t> *)pointer())[i].load(order);
void storeIndexAt(std::atomic<RawType> *inlineStorage, unsigned value,
size_t i, std::memory_order order) {
assert(i > 0 && "index zero is off-limits, used to store capacity");
assert(i < (1 << getCapacityLog2()) &&
"index is off the end of the indices");
switch (indexMode()) {
case IndexMode::Inline: {
assert(value == (value & InlineIndexMask) && "value is too big to fit");
auto shift = i * InlineIndexBits;
assert((Value & (InlineIndexMask << shift)) == 0 &&
"can't overwrite an existing index");
assert(Value == inlineStorage->load(std::memory_order_relaxed) &&
"writing with a stale IndexStorage");
auto newStorage = Value | ((RawType)value << shift);
inlineStorage->store(newStorage, order);
case IndexMode::Array8:
((std::atomic<uint8_t> *)pointer())[i].store(value, order);
case IndexMode::Array16:
((std::atomic<uint16_t> *)pointer())[i].store(value, order);
case IndexMode::Array32:
((std::atomic<uint32_t> *)pointer())[i].store(value, order);
/// The struct used for element storage. The `Elem` member is considered to be
/// the first element of a variable-length array, whose size is determined by
/// the allocation.
struct ElementStorage {
uint32_t Capacity;
ElemTy Elem;
static ElementStorage *allocate(size_t capacity) {
auto headerSize = offsetof(ElementStorage, Elem);
auto size = goodSize(headerSize + capacity * sizeof(ElemTy));
auto *ptr = reinterpret_cast<ElementStorage *>(malloc(size));
if (!ptr)
swift::crash("Could not allocate memory.");
ptr->Capacity = (size - headerSize) / sizeof(ElemTy);
return ptr;
ElemTy *data() { return &Elem; }
/// A simple linked list representing pointers that need to be freed.
struct FreeListNode {
FreeListNode *Next;
void *Ptr;
static void add(FreeListNode **head, void *ptr) {
auto *newNode = new FreeListNode{*head, ptr};
*head = newNode;
static void freeAll(FreeListNode **head) {
auto *node = *head;
while (node) {
auto *next = node->Next;
delete node;
node = next;
*head = nullptr;
/// The number of readers currently active, equal to the number of snapshot
/// objects currently alive.
std::atomic<uint32_t> ReaderCount{0};
/// The number of elements in the elements array.
std::atomic<uint32_t> ElementCount{0};
/// The array of elements.
std::atomic<ElementStorage *> Elements{nullptr};
/// The array of indices.
/// This has to be stored as a IndexStorage::RawType instead of a IndexStorage
/// because some of our targets don't support interesting structs as atomic
/// types. See also MetadataCache::TrackingInfo which uses the same technique.
std::atomic<typename IndexStorage::RawType> Indices{0};
/// The writer lock, which must be taken before any mutation of the table.
MutexTy WriterLock;
/// The list of pointers to be freed once no readers are active.
FreeListNode *FreeList{nullptr};
void incrementReaders() {
ReaderCount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acquire);
void decrementReaders() {
ReaderCount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release);
/// Free all the arrays in the free lists if there are no active readers. If
/// there are active readers, do nothing.
void deallocateFreeListIfSafe() {
if (ReaderCount.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == 0)
/// Grow the elements array, adding the old array to the free list and
/// returning the new array with all existing elements copied into it.
ElementStorage *resize(ElementStorage *elements, size_t elementCount) {
// Grow capacity by 25%, making sure we grow by at least 1.
size_t newCapacity =
std::max(elementCount + (elementCount >> 2), elementCount + 1);
auto *newElements = ElementStorage::allocate(newCapacity);
if (elements) {
memcpy(newElements->data(), elements->data(),
elementCount * sizeof(ElemTy));
FreeListNode::add(&FreeList, elements);
}, std::memory_order_release);
return newElements;
/// Grow the indices array, adding the old array to the free list and
/// returning the new array with all existing indices copied into it. This
/// operation performs a rehash, so that the indices are in the correct
/// location in the new array.
IndexStorage resize(IndexStorage indices, uint8_t indicesCapacityLog2,
ElemTy *elements) {
// Double the size.
size_t newCapacityLog2 = indicesCapacityLog2 + 1;
size_t newMask = (1UL << newCapacityLog2) - 1;
IndexStorage newIndices = IndexStorage::allocate(newCapacityLog2);
size_t indicesCount = 1UL << indicesCapacityLog2;
for (size_t i = 1; i < indicesCount; i++) {
unsigned index = indices.loadIndexAt(i, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (index == 0)
auto *element = &elements[index - 1];
auto hash = hash_value(*element);
size_t newI = hash & newMask;
// Index 0 is unusable (occupied by the capacity), so always skip it.
while (newI == 0 ||
newIndices.loadIndexAt(newI, std::memory_order_relaxed) != 0) {
newI = (newI + 1) & newMask;
newIndices.storeIndexAt(nullptr, index, newI, std::memory_order_relaxed);
}, std::memory_order_release);
if (auto *ptr = indices.pointer())
FreeListNode::add(&FreeList, ptr);
return newIndices;
/// Search for the given key within the given indices and elements arrays. If
/// an entry already exists for that key, return a pointer to the element. If
/// no entry exists, return the location in the indices array where the index
/// of the new element would be stored.
template <class KeyTy>
static std::pair<ElemTy *, unsigned>
find(const KeyTy &key, IndexStorage indices, size_t elementCount,
ElemTy *elements) {
auto hash = hash_value(key);
auto indicesMask = (1UL << indices.getCapacityLog2()) - 1;
auto i = hash & indicesMask;
while (true) {
// Index 0 is used for the mask and is not actually an index.
if (i == 0)
auto index = indices.loadIndexAt(i, std::memory_order_acquire);
// Element indices are 1-based, 0 means no entry.
if (index == 0)
return {nullptr, i};
if (index - 1 < elementCount) {
auto *candidate = &elements[index - 1];
if (candidate->matchesKey(key))
return {candidate, 0};
i = (i + 1) & indicesMask;
// Implicitly trivial constructor/destructor.
ConcurrentReadableHashMap() = default;
~ConcurrentReadableHashMap() = default;
// This type cannot be safely copied or moved.
ConcurrentReadableHashMap(const ConcurrentReadableHashMap &) = delete;
ConcurrentReadableHashMap(ConcurrentReadableHashMap &&) = delete;
ConcurrentReadableHashMap &
operator=(const ConcurrentReadableHashMap &) = delete;
/// Returns whether there are outstanding readers. For testing purposes only.
bool hasActiveReaders() {
return ReaderCount.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) > 0;
/// Readers take a snapshot of the hash map, then work with the snapshot.
class Snapshot {
ConcurrentReadableHashMap *Map;
IndexStorage Indices;
ElemTy *Elements;
size_t ElementCount;
Snapshot(ConcurrentReadableHashMap *map, IndexStorage indices,
ElemTy *elements, size_t elementCount)
: Map(map), Indices(indices), Elements(elements),
ElementCount(elementCount) {}
Snapshot(const Snapshot &other)
: Map(other.Map), Indices(other.Indices), Elements(other.Elements),
ElementCount(other.ElementCount) {
~Snapshot() { Map->decrementReaders(); }
/// Search for an element matching the given key. Returns a pointer to the
/// found element, or nullptr if no matching element exists.
template <class KeyTy> const ElemTy *find(const KeyTy &key) {
if (!Indices.Value || !ElementCount || !Elements)
return nullptr;
return ConcurrentReadableHashMap::find(key, Indices, ElementCount,
/// Take a snapshot of the current state of the hash map.
Snapshot snapshot() {
// Carefully loading the indices, element count, and elements pointer in
// order ensures a consistent view of the table with respect to concurrent
// inserts. However, this is not sufficient to avoid an inconsistent view
// with respect to concurrent clears. The danger scenario is:
// 1. Read indices and elementCount from a table with N entries.
// 2. Another thread clears the table.
// 3. Another thread inserts M entries, where M < N.
// 4. The reader thread reads elements.
// 5. The reader thread performs a find. The key's hash leads us to an index
// I, where > M.
// 6. The reader thread reads from element I, which is off the end of the
// elements array.
// To avoid this, read the elements pointer twice, at the beginning and end.
// If the values are not the same then there may have been a clear in the
// middle, so we retry. This will have false positives: a new element
// pointer can just mean a concurrent insert that triggered a resize of the
// elements array. This is harmless aside from a small performance hit, and
// should not happen often.
IndexStorage indices;
size_t elementCount;
ElementStorage *elements;
ElementStorage *elements2;
do {
elements = Elements.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
indices = Indices.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
elementCount = ElementCount.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
elements2 = Elements.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
} while (elements != elements2);
ElemTy *elementsPtr = elements ? elements->data() : nullptr;
return Snapshot(this, indices, elementsPtr, elementCount);
/// Get an element by key, or insert a new element for that key if one is not
/// already present. Invoke `call` with the pointer to the element. BEWARE:
/// `call` is invoked with the internal writer lock held, keep work to a
/// minimum.
/// `call` is passed the following parameters:
/// - `element`: the pointer to the element corresponding to `key`
/// - `created`: true if the element is newly created, false if it already
/// exists
/// `call` returns a `bool`. When `created` is `true`, the return values mean:
/// - `true` the new entry is to be kept
/// - `false` indicates that the new entry is discarded
/// If the new entry is kept, then the new element MUST be initialized, and
/// have a hash value that matches the hash value of `key`.
/// The return value is ignored when `created` is `false`.
template <class KeyTy, typename Call>
void getOrInsert(KeyTy key, const Call &call) {
typename MutexTy::ScopedLock guard(WriterLock);
auto indices = IndexStorage{Indices.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)};
auto indicesCapacityLog2 = indices.getCapacityLog2();
auto elementCount = ElementCount.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
auto *elements = Elements.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
auto *elementsPtr = elements ? elements->data() : nullptr;
auto found = this->find(key, indices, elementCount, elementsPtr);
if (found.first) {
call(found.first, false);
auto indicesCapacity = 1UL << indicesCapacityLog2;
// The number of slots in use is elementCount + 1, since the capacity also
// takes a slot.
auto emptyCount = indicesCapacity - (elementCount + 1);
auto proportion = indicesCapacity / emptyCount;
if (proportion >= ResizeProportion) {
indices = resize(indices, indicesCapacityLog2, elementsPtr);
found = find(key, indices, elementCount, elementsPtr);
assert(!found.first && "Shouldn't suddenly find the key after rehashing");
if (!elements || elementCount >= elements->Capacity) {
elements = resize(elements, elementCount);
auto *element = &elements->data()[elementCount];
// Order matters: fill out the element, then update the count,
// then update the index.
bool keep = call(element, true);
if (keep) {
assert(hash_value(key) == hash_value(*element) &&
"Element must have the same hash code as its key."); + 1, std::memory_order_release);
indices.storeIndexAt(&Indices, elementCount + 1, found.second,
/// Clear the hash table, freeing (when safe) all memory currently used for
/// indices and elements.
void clear() {
typename MutexTy::ScopedLock guard(WriterLock);
IndexStorage indices = Indices.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
auto *elements = Elements.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Order doesn't matter here, snapshots will gracefully handle any field
// being NULL/0 while the others are not., std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (auto *ptr = indices.pointer())
FreeListNode::add(&FreeList, ptr);
FreeListNode::add(&FreeList, elements);
/// A wrapper type for indirect hash map elements. Stores a pointer to the real
/// element and forwards key matching and hashing.
template <class ElemTy> struct HashMapElementWrapper {
ElemTy *Ptr;
template <class KeyTy> bool matchesKey(const KeyTy &key) {
return Ptr->matchesKey(key);
friend llvm::hash_code hash_value(const HashMapElementWrapper &wrapper) {
return hash_value(*wrapper.Ptr);
/// A ConcurrentReadableHashMap that provides stable addresses for the elements
/// by allocating them separately and storing pointers to them. The elements of
/// the hash table are instances of HashMapElementWrapper. A new getOrInsert
/// method is provided that directly returns the stable element pointer.
template <class ElemTy, class Allocator, class MutexTy = StaticMutex>
struct StableAddressConcurrentReadableHashMap
: public ConcurrentReadableHashMap<HashMapElementWrapper<ElemTy>, MutexTy> {
// Implicitly trivial destructor.
~StableAddressConcurrentReadableHashMap() = default;
std::atomic<ElemTy *> LastFound{nullptr};
/// Get or insert an element for the given key and arguments. Returns the
/// pointer to the existing or new element, and a bool indicating whether the
/// element was created. When false, the element already existed before the
/// call.
template <class KeyTy, class... ArgTys>
std::pair<ElemTy *, bool> getOrInsert(KeyTy key, ArgTys &&...args) {
// See if this is a repeat of the previous search.
if (auto lastFound = LastFound.load(std::memory_order_acquire))
if (lastFound->matchesKey(key))
return {lastFound, false};
// Optimize for the case where the value already exists.
// Tightly scope the snapshot so it's gone before we call getOrInsert
// below, otherwise that call will always see an outstanding snapshot and
// never be able to collect garbage.
auto snapshot = this->snapshot();
if (auto wrapper = snapshot.find(key)) {>Ptr, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return {wrapper->Ptr, false};
// No such element. Insert if needed. Note: another thread may have inserted
// it in the meantime, so we still have to handle both cases!
ElemTy *ptr = nullptr;
bool outerCreated = false;
ConcurrentReadableHashMap<HashMapElementWrapper<ElemTy>, MutexTy>::
getOrInsert(key, [&](HashMapElementWrapper<ElemTy> *wrapper,
bool created) {
if (created) {
// Created the indirect entry. Allocate the actual storage.
size_t allocSize =
sizeof(ElemTy) + ElemTy::getExtraAllocationSize(key, args...);
void *memory = Allocator().Allocate(allocSize, alignof(ElemTy));
new (memory) ElemTy(key, std::forward<ArgTys>(args)...);
wrapper->Ptr = reinterpret_cast<ElemTy *>(memory);
ptr = wrapper->Ptr;
outerCreated = created;
return true; // Keep the new entry.
});, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return {ptr, outerCreated};
template <class KeyTy> ElemTy *find(const KeyTy &key) {
auto result = this->snapshot().find(key);
if (!result)
return nullptr;
return result->Ptr;
// Clearing would require deallocating elements, which we don't support.
void clear() = delete;
} // end namespace swift