blob: 4057a78a8ec886eaabb2203028a00a76a4291c6f [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Concurrency.h - Runtime interface for concurrency ------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// The runtime interface for concurrency.
#include "swift/ABI/TaskStatus.h"
namespace swift {
class DefaultActor;
struct SwiftError;
struct AsyncTaskAndContext {
AsyncTask *Task;
AsyncContext *InitialContext;
/// Create a task object with no future which will run the given
/// function.
/// The task is not yet scheduled.
/// If a parent task is provided, flags.task_hasChildFragment() must
/// be true, and this must be called synchronously with the parent.
/// The parent is responsible for creating a ChildTaskStatusRecord.
/// TODO: should we have a single runtime function for creating a task
/// and doing this child task status record management?
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
AsyncTaskAndContext swift_task_create(JobFlags flags,
AsyncTask *parent,
const ThinNullaryAsyncSignature::FunctionPointer *function);
/// Create a task object with no future which will run the given
/// function.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
AsyncTaskAndContext swift_task_create_f(JobFlags flags,
AsyncTask *parent,
ThinNullaryAsyncSignature::FunctionType *function,
size_t initialContextSize);
/// Caution: not all future-initializing functions actually throw, so
/// this signature may be incorrect.
using FutureAsyncSignature =
AsyncSignature<void(void*), /*throws*/ true>;
/// Create a task object with a future which will run the given
/// function.
/// The task is not yet scheduled.
/// If a parent task is provided, flags.task_hasChildFragment() must
/// be true, and this must be called synchronously with the parent.
/// The parent is responsible for creating a ChildTaskStatusRecord.
/// TODO: should we have a single runtime function for creating a task
/// and doing this child task status record management?
/// flags.task_isFuture must be set. \c futureResultType is the type
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
AsyncTaskAndContext swift_task_create_future(
JobFlags flags, AsyncTask *parent, const Metadata *futureResultType,
const FutureAsyncSignature::FunctionPointer *function);
/// Create a task object with a future which will run the given
/// function.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
AsyncTaskAndContext swift_task_create_future_f(
JobFlags flags, AsyncTask *parent, const Metadata *futureResultType,
FutureAsyncSignature::FunctionType *function,
size_t initialContextSize);
/// Allocate memory in a task.
/// This must be called synchronously with the task.
/// All allocations will be rounded to a multiple of MAX_ALIGNMENT.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void *swift_task_alloc(AsyncTask *task, size_t size);
/// Deallocate memory in a task.
/// The pointer provided must be the last pointer allocated on
/// this task that has not yet been deallocated; that is, memory
/// must be allocated and deallocated in a strict stack discipline.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void swift_task_dealloc(AsyncTask *task, void *ptr);
/// Cancel a task and all of its child tasks.
/// This can be called from any thread.
/// This has no effect if the task is already cancelled.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void swift_task_cancel(AsyncTask *task);
/// Escalate the priority of a task and all of its child tasks.
/// This can be called from any thread.
/// This has no effect if the task already has at least the given priority.
/// Returns the priority of the task.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
swift_task_escalate(AsyncTask *task, JobPriority newPriority);
/// The result of waiting for a task future.
struct TaskFutureWaitResult {
/// Whether the storage represents the error result vs. the successful
/// result.
bool hadErrorResult;
/// Storage for the result of the future.
/// When the future completed normally, this is a pointer to the storage
/// of the result value, which lives inside the future task itself.
/// When the future completed by throwing an error, this is the error
/// object itself.
OpaqueValue *storage;
using TaskFutureWaitSignature =
AsyncSignature<TaskFutureWaitResult(AsyncTask *), /*throws*/ false>;
/// Wait for a future task to complete.
/// This can be called from any thread. Its Swift signature is
/// \code
/// func swift_task_future_wait(on task: Builtin.NativeObject) async
/// -> TaskFutureWaitResult
/// \endcode
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swiftasync)
/// Wait for a readyQueue of a Channel to become non empty.
/// This can be called from any thread. Its Swift signature is
/// \code
/// func swift_task_group_wait_next(on groupTask: Builtin.NativeObject) async
/// -> (hadErrorResult: Bool, storage: UnsafeRawPointer?)
/// \endcode
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swiftasync)
/// This can be called from any thread. Its Swift signature is
/// \code
/// func swift_task_group_add_pending(
/// _ groupTask: Builtin.NativeObject)
/// )
/// \endcode
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
swift_task_group_add_pending(AsyncTask *groupTask);
/// Check the readyQueue of a Channel, return true if it has no pending tasks.
/// This can be called from any thread. Its Swift signature is
/// \code
/// func swift_task_group_is_empty(on groupTask: Builtin.NativeObject) -> Bool
/// \endcode
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
swift_task_group_is_empty(AsyncTask *task);
/// Add a status record to a task. The record should not be
/// modified while it is registered with a task.
/// This must be called synchronously with the task.
/// If the task is already cancelled, returns `false` but still adds
/// the status record.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
bool swift_task_addStatusRecord(AsyncTask *task,
TaskStatusRecord *record);
/// Add a status record to a task if the task has not already
/// been cancelled. The record should not be modified while it is
/// registered with a task.
/// This must be called synchronously with the task.
/// If the task is already cancelled, returns `false` and does not
/// add the status record.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
bool swift_task_tryAddStatusRecord(AsyncTask *task,
TaskStatusRecord *record);
/// Remove a status record from a task. After this call returns,
/// the record's memory can be freely modified or deallocated.
/// This must be called synchronously with the task. The record must
/// be registered with the task or else this may crash.
/// The given record need not be the last record added to
/// the task, but the operation may be less efficient if not.
/// Returns false if the task has been cancelled.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
bool swift_task_removeStatusRecord(AsyncTask *task,
TaskStatusRecord *record);
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
size_t swift_task_getJobFlags(AsyncTask* task);
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
bool swift_task_isCancelled(AsyncTask* task);
/// This should have the same representation as an enum like this:
/// enum NearestTaskDeadline {
/// case none
/// case alreadyCancelled
/// case active(TaskDeadline)
/// }
/// TODO: decide what this interface should really be.
struct NearestTaskDeadline {
enum Kind : uint8_t {
TaskDeadline Value;
Kind ValueKind;
/// Returns the nearest deadline that's been registered with this task.
/// This must be called synchronously with the task.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
swift_task_getNearestDeadline(AsyncTask *task);
/// Run the given async function and block the current thread until
/// it returns. This is a hack added for testing purposes; eventually
/// top-level code will be an async context, and the need for this in
/// tests should go away. We *definitely* do not want this to be part
/// of the standard feature set.
/// The argument is a `() async -> ()` function, whose ABI is currently
/// quite complex. Eventually this should use a different convention;
/// that's rdar://72105841.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void swift_task_runAndBlockThread(const void *function,
HeapObject *functionContext);
/// Switch the current task to a new executor if we aren't already
/// running on a compatible executor.
/// The resumption function pointer and continuation should be set
/// appropriately in the task.
/// Generally the compiler should inline a fast-path compatible-executor
/// check to avoid doing the suspension work. This function should
/// generally be tail-called, as it may continue executing the task
/// synchronously if possible.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swiftasync)
void swift_task_switch(AsyncTask *task,
ExecutorRef currentExecutor,
ExecutorRef newExecutor);
/// Enqueue the given job to run asynchronously on the given executor.
/// The resumption function pointer and continuation should be set
/// appropriately in the task.
/// Generally you should call swift_task_switch to switch execution
/// synchronously when possible.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void swift_task_enqueue(Job *job, ExecutorRef executor);
/// Enqueue the given job to run asynchronously on the global
/// execution pool.
/// The resumption function pointer and continuation should be set
/// appropriately in the task.
/// Generally you should call swift_task_switch to switch execution
/// synchronously when possible.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void swift_task_enqueueGlobal(Job *job);
/// A hook to take over global enqueuing.
/// TODO: figure out a better abstraction plan than this.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void (*swift_task_enqueueGlobal_hook)(Job *job);
/// Initialize the runtime storage for a default actor.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void swift_defaultActor_initialize(DefaultActor *actor);
/// Destroy the runtime storage for a default actor.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void swift_defaultActor_destroy(DefaultActor *actor);
/// Enqueue a job on the default actor implementation.
/// The job must be ready to run. Notably, if it's a task, that
/// means that the resumption function and context should have been
/// set appropriately.
/// Jobs are assumed to be "self-consuming": once it starts running,
/// the job memory is invalidated and the executor should not access it
/// again.
/// Jobs are generally expected to keep the actor alive during their
/// execution.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void swift_defaultActor_enqueue(Job *job, DefaultActor *actor);
/// Resume a task from its continuation, given a normal result value.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void swift_continuation_resume(/* +1 */ OpaqueValue *result,
void *continuation,
const Metadata *resumeType);
/// Resume a task from its throwing continuation, given a normal result value.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void swift_continuation_throwingResume(/* +1 */ OpaqueValue *result,
void *continuation,
const Metadata *resumeType);
/// Resume a task from its throwing continuation by throwing an error.
SWIFT_EXPORT_FROM(swift_Concurrency) SWIFT_CC(swift)
void swift_continuation_throwingResumeWithError(/* +1 */ SwiftError *error,
void *continuation,
const Metadata *resumeType);