blob: 42439986e06ce78e4a91497aa091645536fe3b77 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Token.h - Token interface ------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the Token interface.
#include "swift/Basic/SourceLoc.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/TokenKinds.h"
#include "swift/Config.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
namespace swift {
/// Token - This structure provides full information about a lexed token.
/// It is not intended to be space efficient, it is intended to return as much
/// information as possible about each returned token. This is expected to be
/// compressed into a smaller form if memory footprint is important.
class Token {
/// Kind - The actual flavor of token this is.
tok Kind;
/// Whether this token is the first token on the line.
unsigned AtStartOfLine : 1;
/// Whether this token is an escaped `identifier` token.
unsigned EscapedIdentifier : 1;
/// Modifiers for string literals
unsigned MultilineString : 1;
/// Length of custom delimiter of "raw" string literals
unsigned CustomDelimiterLen : 8;
// Padding bits == 32 - 11;
/// The length of the comment that precedes the token.
unsigned CommentLength;
/// Text - The actual string covered by the token in the source buffer.
StringRef Text;
StringRef trimComment() const {
assert(hasComment() && "Has no comment to trim.");
StringRef Raw(Text.begin() - CommentLength, CommentLength);
return Raw.trim();
Token(tok Kind, StringRef Text, unsigned CommentLength = 0)
: Kind(Kind), AtStartOfLine(false), EscapedIdentifier(false),
MultilineString(false), CustomDelimiterLen(0),
CommentLength(CommentLength), Text(Text) {}
Token() : Token(tok::NUM_TOKENS, {}, 0) {}
tok getKind() const { return Kind; }
void setKind(tok K) { Kind = K; }
void clearCommentLength() { CommentLength = 0; }
/// is/isNot - Predicates to check if this token is a specific kind, as in
/// "if ( {...}".
bool is(tok K) const { return Kind == K; }
bool isNot(tok K) const { return Kind != K; }
// Predicates to check to see if the token is any of a list of tokens.
bool isAny(tok K1) const {
return is(K1);
template <typename ...T>
bool isAny(tok K1, tok K2, T... K) const {
if (is(K1))
return true;
return isAny(K2, K...);
// Predicates to check to see if the token is not the same as any of a list.
template <typename ...T>
bool isNot(tok K1, T... K) const { return !isAny(K1, K...); }
bool isBinaryOperator() const {
return Kind == tok::oper_binary_spaced || Kind == tok::oper_binary_unspaced;
bool isAnyOperator() const {
return isBinaryOperator() || Kind == tok::oper_postfix ||
Kind == tok::oper_prefix;
bool isNotAnyOperator() const {
return !isAnyOperator();
bool isEllipsis() const {
return isAnyOperator() && Text == "...";
bool isNotEllipsis() const {
return !isEllipsis();
/// Determine whether this token occurred at the start of a line.
bool isAtStartOfLine() const { return AtStartOfLine; }
/// Set whether this token occurred at the start of a line.
void setAtStartOfLine(bool value) { AtStartOfLine = value; }
/// True if this token is an escaped identifier token.
bool isEscapedIdentifier() const { return EscapedIdentifier; }
/// Set whether this token is an escaped identifier token.
void setEscapedIdentifier(bool value) {
assert((!value || Kind == tok::identifier) &&
"only identifiers can be escaped identifiers");
EscapedIdentifier = value;
bool isContextualKeyword(StringRef ContextKW) const {
return is(tok::identifier) && !isEscapedIdentifier() &&
Text == ContextKW;
/// Return true if this is a contextual keyword that could be the start of a
/// decl.
bool isContextualDeclKeyword() const {
if (isNot(tok::identifier) || isEscapedIdentifier() || Text.empty())
return false;
return llvm::StringSwitch<bool>(Text)
#define CONTEXTUAL_CASE(KW) .Case(#KW, true)
#include "swift/AST/Attr.def"
bool isContextualPunctuator(StringRef ContextPunc) const {
return isAnyOperator() && Text == ContextPunc;
/// Determine whether the token can be an argument label.
/// This covers all identifiers and keywords except those keywords
/// used
bool canBeArgumentLabel() const {
// Identifiers, escaped identifiers, and '_' can be argument labels.
if (is(tok::identifier) || isEscapedIdentifier() || is(tok::kw__)) {
// ... except for '__shared' and '__owned'.
if (getRawText().equals("__shared") ||
return false;
/* // ...or some
if (getRawText().equals("some"))
return false;*/
return true;
// inout cannot be used as an argument label.
if (is(tok::kw_inout))
return false;
// All other keywords can be argument labels.
return isKeyword();
/// True if the token is an identifier or '_'.
bool isIdentifierOrUnderscore() const {
return isAny(tok::identifier, tok::kw__);
/// True if the token is an l_paren token that does not start a new line.
bool isFollowingLParen() const {
return !isAtStartOfLine() && Kind == tok::l_paren;
/// True if the token is an l_square token that does not start a new line.
bool isFollowingLSquare() const {
return !isAtStartOfLine() && Kind == tok::l_square;
/// True if the token is any keyword.
bool isKeyword() const {
switch (Kind) {
#define KEYWORD(X) case tok::kw_##X: return true;
#include "swift/Syntax/TokenKinds.def"
default: return false;
/// True if the token is any literal.
bool isLiteral() const {
switch(Kind) {
case tok::integer_literal:
case tok::floating_literal:
case tok::string_literal:
return true;
return false;
bool isPunctuation() const {
switch (Kind) {
#define PUNCTUATOR(Name, Str) case tok::Name: return true;
#include "swift/Syntax/TokenKinds.def"
default: return false;
/// True if the string literal token is multiline.
bool isMultilineString() const {
return MultilineString;
/// Count of extending escaping '#'.
unsigned getCustomDelimiterLen() const {
return CustomDelimiterLen;
/// Set characteristics of string literal token.
void setStringLiteral(bool IsMultilineString, unsigned CustomDelimiterLen) {
assert(Kind == tok::string_literal);
this->MultilineString = IsMultilineString;
this->CustomDelimiterLen = CustomDelimiterLen;
/// getLoc - Return a source location identifier for the specified
/// offset in the current file.
SourceLoc getLoc() const {
return SourceLoc(llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(Text.begin()));
unsigned getLength() const { return Text.size(); }
CharSourceRange getRange() const {
return CharSourceRange(getLoc(), getLength());
bool hasComment() const {
return CommentLength != 0;
CharSourceRange getCommentRange() const {
if (CommentLength == 0)
return CharSourceRange(SourceLoc(llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(Text.begin())),
auto TrimedComment = trimComment();
return CharSourceRange(
SourceLoc getCommentStart() const {
if (CommentLength == 0) return SourceLoc();
return SourceLoc(llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(trimComment().begin()));
StringRef getRawText() const {
return Text;
StringRef getText() const {
if (EscapedIdentifier) {
// Strip off the backticks on either side.
assert(Text.front() == '`' && Text.back() == '`');
return Text.slice(1, Text.size() - 1);
return Text;
void setText(StringRef T) { Text = T; }
/// Set the token to the specified kind and source range.
void setToken(tok K, StringRef T, unsigned CommentLength = 0) {
Kind = K;
Text = T;
this->CommentLength = CommentLength;
EscapedIdentifier = false;
this->MultilineString = false;
this->CustomDelimiterLen = 0;
assert(this->CustomDelimiterLen == CustomDelimiterLen &&
"custom string delimiter length > 255");
} // end namespace swift
namespace llvm {
template <typename T> struct isPodLike;
template <>
struct isPodLike<swift::Token> { static const bool value = true; };
} // end namespace llvm