blob: ffdbdce1cd540d9cfd1da7bb81d81d1479f02e41 [file] [log] [blame]
//===----------- SyntaxParsingCache.h -================----------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Syntax/SyntaxNodes.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <unordered_set>
namespace swift {
using namespace swift::syntax;
/// A single edit to the original source file in which a continuous range of
/// characters have been replaced by a new string
struct SourceEdit {
/// The byte offset from which on characters were replaced.
size_t Start;
/// The byte offset to which on characters were replaced.
size_t End;
/// The length of the string that replaced the range described above.
size_t ReplacementLength;
SourceEdit(size_t Start, size_t End, size_t ReplacementLength)
: Start(Start), End(End), ReplacementLength(ReplacementLength){};
/// The length of the range that has been replaced
size_t originalLength() const { return End - Start; }
/// Check if the characters replaced by this edit fall into the given range
/// or are directly adjacent to it
bool intersectsOrTouchesRange(size_t RangeStart, size_t RangeEnd) {
return End >= RangeStart && Start <= RangeEnd;
struct SyntaxReuseRegion {
AbsolutePosition Start;
AbsolutePosition End;
class SyntaxParsingCache {
/// The syntax tree prior to the edit
SourceFileSyntax OldSyntaxTree;
/// The edits that were made from the source file that created this cache to
/// the source file that is now parsed incrementally
llvm::SmallVector<SourceEdit, 4> Edits;
/// The IDs of all syntax nodes that got reused are collected in this vector.
std::unordered_set<SyntaxNodeId> ReusedNodeIds;
SyntaxParsingCache(SourceFileSyntax OldSyntaxTree)
: OldSyntaxTree(OldSyntaxTree) {}
/// Add an edit that transformed the source file which created this cache into
/// the source file that is now being parsed incrementally. \c Start must be a
/// position from the *original* source file, and it must not overlap any
/// other edits previously added. For instance, given:
/// (aaa, bbb)
/// 0123456789
/// When you want to turn this into:
/// (c, dddd)
/// 0123456789
/// edits should be: { 1, 4, 1 } and { 6, 9, 4 }.
void addEdit(size_t Start, size_t End, size_t ReplacementLength);
/// Check if a syntax node of the given kind at the given position can be
/// reused for a new syntax tree.
llvm::Optional<Syntax> lookUp(size_t NewPosition, SyntaxKind Kind);
const std::unordered_set<SyntaxNodeId> &getReusedNodeIds() const {
return ReusedNodeIds;
/// Get the source regions of the new source file, represented by
/// \p SyntaxTree that have been reused as part of the incremental parse.
getReusedRegions(const SourceFileSyntax &SyntaxTree) const;
/// Translates a post-edit position to a pre-edit position by undoing the
/// specified edits. Returns \c None if no pre-edit position exists because
/// the post-edit position has been inserted by an edit.
/// Should not be invoked externally. Only public for testing purposes.
static Optional<size_t>
translateToPreEditPosition(size_t PostEditPosition,
ArrayRef<SourceEdit> Edits);
llvm::Optional<Syntax> lookUpFrom(const Syntax &Node, size_t NodeStart,
size_t Position, SyntaxKind Kind);
bool nodeCanBeReused(const Syntax &Node, size_t Position, size_t NodeStart,
SyntaxKind Kind) const;
} // namespace swift