blob: 987de9ee4c06a03f6fc712adc58d99b699bea873 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SyntaxParseActions.h - Syntax Parsing Actions ----------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the interface between the parser and a receiver of
// raw syntax nodes.
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
namespace swift {
class CharSourceRange;
class ParsedTriviaPiece;
class SourceFile;
class SourceLoc;
enum class tok;
namespace syntax {
class SourceFileSyntax;
enum class SyntaxKind;
typedef void *OpaqueSyntaxNode;
class SyntaxParseActions {
virtual void _anchor();
virtual ~SyntaxParseActions() = default;
virtual OpaqueSyntaxNode recordToken(tok tokenKind,
ArrayRef<ParsedTriviaPiece> leadingTrivia,
ArrayRef<ParsedTriviaPiece> trailingTrivia,
CharSourceRange range) = 0;
/// Record a missing token. \c loc can be invalid or an approximate location
/// of where the token would be if not missing.
virtual OpaqueSyntaxNode recordMissingToken(tok tokenKind, SourceLoc loc) = 0;
/// The provided \c elements are an exact layout appropriate for the syntax
/// \c kind. Missing optional elements are represented with a null
/// OpaqueSyntaxNode object.
virtual OpaqueSyntaxNode recordRawSyntax(syntax::SyntaxKind kind,
ArrayRef<OpaqueSyntaxNode> elements,
CharSourceRange range) = 0;
/// Attempt to realize an opaque raw syntax node for a source file into a
/// SourceFileSyntax node. This will return \c None if the parsing action
/// doesn't support the realization of syntax nodes.
virtual Optional<syntax::SourceFileSyntax>
realizeSyntaxRoot(OpaqueSyntaxNode root, const SourceFile &SF) = 0;
/// Discard raw syntax node.
/// FIXME: This breaks invariant that any recorded node will be a part of the
/// result SourceFile syntax. This method is a temporary workaround, and
/// should be removed when we fully migrate to libSyntax parsing.
virtual void discardRecordedNode(OpaqueSyntaxNode node) = 0;
/// Used for incremental re-parsing.
virtual std::pair<size_t, OpaqueSyntaxNode>
lookupNode(size_t lexerOffset, syntax::SyntaxKind kind) {
return std::make_pair(0, nullptr);
} // end namespace swift