blob: 0afc3a843ded1c3d5b3778a65f2aa3c468804bd9 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ParserResult.h - Parser Result Wrapper -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include <type_traits>
namespace swift {
class ParserStatus;
/// A wrapper for a parser AST node result (Decl, Stmt, Expr, Pattern,
/// etc.)
/// Contains the pointer to the AST node itself (or null) and additional bits
/// that indicate:
/// \li if there was a parse error;
/// \li if there was a code completion token.
/// If you want to return an AST node pointer in the Parser, consider using
/// ParserResult instead.
template <typename T> class ParserResult {
llvm::PointerIntPair<T *, 2> PtrAndBits;
enum {
IsError = 0x1,
IsCodeCompletion = 0x2,
template <typename U>
friend class ParserResult;
template <typename U>
friend inline ParserResult<U> makeParserResult(ParserStatus Status,
U *Result);
/// Construct a null result with error bit set.
ParserResult(std::nullptr_t = nullptr) { setIsParseError(); }
/// Construct a null result with specified error bits set.
ParserResult(ParserStatus Status);
/// Construct a successful parser result.
explicit ParserResult(T *Result) : PtrAndBits(Result) {
assert(Result && "a successful parser result cannot be null");
/// Convert from a different but compatible parser result.
template <typename U, typename Enabler = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_base_of<T, U>::value>::type>
ParserResult(ParserResult<U> Other)
: PtrAndBits(Other.PtrAndBits.getPointer(), Other.PtrAndBits.getInt()) {}
/// Return true if this result does not have an AST node.
/// If returns true, then error bit is set.
bool isNull() const { return getPtrOrNull() == nullptr; }
/// Return true if this result has an AST node.
/// Note that this does not tell us if there was a parse error or not.
bool isNonNull() const { return getPtrOrNull() != nullptr; }
/// Return the AST node if non-null.
T *get() const {
assert(getPtrOrNull() && "not checked for nullptr");
return getPtrOrNull();
/// Return the AST node or a null pointer.
T *getPtrOrNull() const { return PtrAndBits.getPointer(); }
/// Return true if there was a parse error that the parser has not yet
/// recovered from.
/// Note that we can still have an AST node which was constructed during
/// recovery.
bool isParseError() const { return PtrAndBits.getInt() & IsError; }
/// Return true if there was a parse error that the parser has not yet
/// recovered from, or if we found a code completion token while parsing.
/// Note that we can still have an AST node which was constructed during
/// recovery.
bool isParseErrorOrHasCompletion() const {
return PtrAndBits.getInt() & (IsError | IsCodeCompletion);
/// Return true if we found a code completion token while parsing this.
bool hasCodeCompletion() const {
return PtrAndBits.getInt() & IsCodeCompletion;
void setIsParseError() { PtrAndBits.setInt(PtrAndBits.getInt() | IsError); }
void setHasCodeCompletionAndIsError() {
PtrAndBits.setInt(PtrAndBits.getInt() | IsError | IsCodeCompletion);
void setHasCodeCompletion() {
PtrAndBits.setInt(PtrAndBits.getInt() | IsCodeCompletion);
/// Create a successful parser result.
template <typename T>
static inline ParserResult<T> makeParserResult(T *Result) {
return ParserResult<T>(Result);
/// Create a result (null or non-null) with error bit set.
template <typename T>
static inline ParserResult<T> makeParserErrorResult(T *Result = nullptr) {
ParserResult<T> PR;
if (Result)
PR = ParserResult<T>(Result);
return PR;
/// Create a result (null or non-null) with error and code completion bits set.
template <typename T>
static inline ParserResult<T> makeParserCodeCompletionResult(T *Result =
nullptr) {
ParserResult<T> PR;
if (Result)
PR = ParserResult<T>(Result);
return PR;
/// Same as \c ParserResult, but just the status bits without the AST
/// node.
/// Useful when the AST node is returned by some other means (for example, in
/// a vector out parameter).
/// If you want to use 'bool' as a result type in the Parser, consider using
/// ParserStatus instead.
class ParserStatus {
unsigned IsError : 1;
unsigned IsCodeCompletion : 1;
/// Construct a successful parser status.
ParserStatus() : IsError(0), IsCodeCompletion(0) {}
/// Construct a parser status with specified bits.
template<typename T>
ParserStatus(ParserResult<T> Result) : IsError(0), IsCodeCompletion(0) {
if (Result.isParseError())
if (Result.hasCodeCompletion())
IsCodeCompletion = true;
/// Return true if either 1) no errors were encountered while parsing this,
/// or 2) there were errors but the the parser already recovered from them.
bool isSuccess() const { return !isError(); }
bool isErrorOrHasCompletion() const { return IsError || IsCodeCompletion; }
/// Return true if we found a code completion token while parsing this.
bool hasCodeCompletion() const { return IsCodeCompletion; }
/// Return true if we encountered any errors while parsing this that the
/// parser hasn't yet recovered from.
bool isError() const { return IsError; }
void setIsParseError() {
IsError = true;
void clearIsError() {
IsError = false;
void setHasCodeCompletionAndIsError() {
IsError = true;
IsCodeCompletion = true;
ParserStatus &operator|=(ParserStatus RHS) {
IsError |= RHS.IsError;
IsCodeCompletion |= RHS.IsCodeCompletion;
return *this;
friend ParserStatus operator|(ParserStatus LHS, ParserStatus RHS) {
ParserStatus Result = LHS;
Result |= RHS;
return Result;
/// Create a successful parser status.
static inline ParserStatus makeParserSuccess() {
return ParserStatus();
/// Create a status with error bit set.
static inline ParserStatus makeParserError() {
ParserStatus Status;
return Status;
/// Create a status with error and code completion bits set.
static inline ParserStatus makeParserCodeCompletionStatus() {
ParserStatus Status;
return Status;
/// Create a parser result with specified bits.
template <typename T>
static inline ParserResult<T> makeParserResult(ParserStatus Status,
T *Result) {
ParserResult<T> PR = Status.isError()
? makeParserErrorResult(Result)
: makeParserResult(Result);
if (Status.hasCodeCompletion())
return PR;
template <typename T> ParserResult<T>::ParserResult(ParserStatus Status) {
if (Status.hasCodeCompletion())
} // namespace swift