blob: 5bbc07321f49d02e28493c96d447db7e463bf577 [file] [log] [blame]
from gyb_syntax_support import *
# -*- mode: C++ -*-
# Ignore the following admonition; it applies to the resulting .h file only
//// Automatically Generated From ParsedSyntaxNodes.h.gyb.
//// Do Not Edit Directly!
//===--- ParsedSyntaxNodes.h - Parsed Syntax Node definitions -------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Parse/ParsedSyntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/SyntaxKind.h"
namespace swift {
% # Emit the non-collection classes first, then emit the collection classes
% # that reference these classes.
% for node in SYNTAX_NODES:
% if not node.is_syntax_collection():
class Parsed${};
% end
% end
% for node in SYNTAX_NODES:
% if node.is_syntax_collection():
using Parsed${} =
% end
% end
% for node in SYNTAX_NODES:
% if not node.is_syntax_collection():
% qualifier = "" if node.is_base() else "final"
% for line in dedented_lines(node.description):
/// ${line}
% end
class Parsed${} ${qualifier} : public Parsed${node.base_type} {
% if node.is_buildable():
friend class Parsed${}Builder;
% end
explicit Parsed${}(ParsedRawSyntaxNode rawNode)
: Parsed${node.base_type}(std::move(rawNode)) {
% for child in node.children:
% for line in dedented_lines(child.description):
/// ${line}
% end
% if child.is_optional:
llvm::Optional<Parsed${child.type_name}> getDeferred${}();
% else:
Parsed${child.type_name} getDeferred${}();
% end
% end
static bool kindof(syntax::SyntaxKind Kind) {
% if node.is_base():
return is${node.syntax_kind}Kind(Kind);
% else:
return Kind == syntax::SyntaxKind::${node.syntax_kind};
% end
static bool classof(const ParsedSyntax *S) {
return kindof(S->getKind());
% end
% end