blob: 1a6facca4d74a2e434408e34e8965e642d71be5c [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SourceEntityWalker.h - Routines for semantic source info ---------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/AST/ASTWalker.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceLoc.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
namespace clang {
class Module;
namespace swift {
class DeclContext;
class Identifier;
class SourceFile;
class ModuleDecl;
class ModuleEntity;
class Decl;
class ValueDecl;
class TypeDecl;
class ExtensionDecl;
class Stmt;
class Expr;
class Type;
struct ASTNode;
/// An abstract class used to traverse the AST and provide source information.
/// Visitation happens in source-order and compiler-generated semantic info,
/// like implicit declarations, is ignored.
class SourceEntityWalker {
/// Walks the provided source file.
/// \returns true if traversal was aborted, false otherwise.
bool walk(SourceFile &SrcFile);
/// Walks the provided module.
/// \returns true if traversal was aborted, false otherwise.
bool walk(ModuleDecl &Mod);
/// Walks the provided Decl.
/// \returns true if traversal was aborted, false otherwise.
bool walk(Decl *D);
/// Walks the provided DeclContext.
/// \returns true if traversal was aborted, false otherwise.
bool walk(DeclContext *DC);
/// Walks the provided Stmt.
/// \returns true if traversal was aborted, false otherwise.
bool walk(Stmt *S);
/// Walks the provided Expr.
/// \returns true if traversal was aborted, false otherwise.
bool walk(Expr *E);
/// Walks the provided ASTNode.
/// \returns true if traversal was aborted, false otherwise.
bool walk(ASTNode N);
/// This method is called when first visiting a decl, before walking into its
/// children. If it returns false, the subtree is skipped.
virtual bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *D, CharSourceRange Range) { return true; }
/// This method is called after visiting the children of a decl. If it returns
/// false, the remaining traversal is terminated and returns failure.
virtual bool walkToDeclPost(Decl *D) { return true; }
/// This method is called when first visiting a statement, before walking into
/// its children. If it returns false, the subtree is skipped.
virtual bool walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) { return true; }
/// This method is called after visiting the children of a statement. If it
/// returns false, the remaining traversal is terminated and returns failure.
virtual bool walkToStmtPost(Stmt *S) { return true; }
/// This method is called when first visiting an expression, before walking
/// into its children. If it returns false, the subtree is skipped.
virtual bool walkToExprPre(Expr *E) { return true; }
/// This method is called after visiting the children of an expression. If it
/// returns false, the remaining traversal is terminated and returns failure.
virtual bool walkToExprPost(Expr *E) { return true; }
/// This method is called when a ValueDecl is referenced in source. If it
/// returns false, the remaining traversal is terminated and returns failure.
/// \param D the referenced decl.
/// \param Range the source range of the source reference.
/// \param CtorTyRef this is set when the entity is a reference to a
/// \c ConstructorDecl, to point to the type declaration that the source
/// refers to.
/// \param ExtTyRef this is set when the entity is a reference to a type loc
/// in \c ExtensionDecl.
virtual bool visitDeclReference(ValueDecl *D, CharSourceRange Range,
TypeDecl *CtorTyRef, ExtensionDecl *ExtTyRef,
Type T, ReferenceMetaData Data);
/// This method is called when a ValueDecl for a subscript is referenced in
/// source. If it returns false, the remaining traversal is terminated
/// and returns failure.
/// Unlike the ordinary decl reference (\c visitDeclReference), this method
/// is called twice for each subscript reference: on open and close brackets.
/// \param D the referenced decl.
/// \param Range the source range of the source reference.
/// \param Data whether this is a read, write or read/write access, etc.
/// \param IsOpenBracket this is \c true when the method is called on an
/// open bracket.
virtual bool visitSubscriptReference(ValueDecl *D, CharSourceRange Range,
ReferenceMetaData Data,
bool IsOpenBracket);
/// This method is called when a ValueDecl for a callAsFunction decl is
/// referenced in source. If it returns false, the remaining traversal is
/// terminated and returns failure.
/// \param D the referenced decl.
/// \param Range the source range of the source reference.
/// \param Data whether this is a read, write or read/write access, etc.
virtual bool visitCallAsFunctionReference(ValueDecl *D, CharSourceRange Range,
ReferenceMetaData Data);
/// This method is called for each keyword argument in a call expression.
/// If it returns false, the remaining traversal is terminated and returns
/// failure.
/// \param Name the argument name.
/// \param Range the source range of the argument name.
/// \param D the referenced decl.
virtual bool visitCallArgName(Identifier Name, CharSourceRange Range,
ValueDecl *D);
/// This method is called for each external argument name in function-like
/// declarations like constructor, function and subscript. The function is
/// called only when an external argument label is specifically specified,
/// like func foo(External Internal: Int) {}.
/// If it returns false, the remaining traversal is terminated and returns
/// failure.
/// \param Name the argument name.
/// \param StartLoc the source loc of the argument name start.
/// \param D the function-like decl.
virtual bool visitDeclarationArgumentName(Identifier Name, SourceLoc StartLoc,
ValueDecl *D);
/// This method is called when a Module is referenced in source.
virtual bool visitModuleReference(ModuleEntity Mod, CharSourceRange Range);
/// Whether walk into the inactive region in a #if config statement.
virtual bool shouldWalkInactiveConfigRegion() { return false; }
virtual bool shouldWalkIntoGenericParams() { return true; }
SourceEntityWalker() = default;
SourceEntityWalker(const SourceEntityWalker &) = default;
virtual ~SourceEntityWalker() {}
virtual void anchor();
} // namespace swift