blob: ffab8e0f17918136796fdc239401538b41c3ba87 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- APIDigesterData.h - Declaration of api digester data ---*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/JSONSerialization.h"
#include "swift/IDE/Utils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
namespace swift {
class DiagnosticEngine;
namespace ide {
namespace api {
enum class KeyKind {
#define KEY(NAME) KK_##NAME,
#include "swift/IDE/DigesterEnums.def"
// The node kind appearing in the tree that describes the content of the SDK
enum class SDKNodeKind: uint8_t {
#include "DigesterEnums.def"
Optional<SDKNodeKind> parseSDKNodeKind(StringRef Content);
enum class NodeAnnotation: uint8_t{
#include "DigesterEnums.def"
NodeAnnotation parseSDKNodeAnnotation(StringRef Content);
enum class SpecialCaseId: uint8_t{
#include "DigesterEnums.def"
SpecialCaseId parseSpecialCaseId(StringRef Content);
enum class APIDiffItemKind: uint8_t{
#include "DigesterEnums.def"
// Redefine << so that we can output the name of the annotation kind.
raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Out, const NodeAnnotation Value);
// Redefine << so that we can output the name of the node kind.
raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Out, const SDKNodeKind Value);
StringRef getDeclKindStr(const DeclKind Value, bool lower);
// Redefine << so that we can output the name of decl kind.
raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &Out, const DeclKind Value);
struct APIDiffItem {
virtual void streamDef(llvm::raw_ostream &S) const = 0;
virtual APIDiffItemKind getKind() const = 0;
virtual StringRef getKey() const = 0;
virtual ~APIDiffItem() = default;
bool operator==(const APIDiffItem &Other) const;
// CommonDiffItem describes how an element in SDK evolves in a way that migrator can
// read conveniently. Each CommonDiffItem corresponds to one JSON element and contains
// sub fields explaining how migrator can assist client code to cope with such
// SDK change. For instance, the following first JSON element describes an unwrap
// optional change in the first parameter of function "c:@F@CTTextTabGetOptions".
// Similarly, the second JSON element describes a type parameter down cast in the
// second parameter of function "c:objc(cs)NSXMLDocument(im)insertChildren:atIndex:".
// We keep both usrs because in the future this may support auto-rename.
struct CommonDiffItem: public APIDiffItem {
SDKNodeKind NodeKind;
NodeAnnotation DiffKind;
StringRef ChildIndex;
llvm::SmallVector<uint8_t, 4> ChildIndexPieces;
StringRef LeftUsr;
StringRef RightUsr;
StringRef LeftComment;
StringRef RightComment;
StringRef ModuleName;
CommonDiffItem(SDKNodeKind NodeKind, NodeAnnotation DiffKind,
StringRef ChildIndex, StringRef LeftUsr, StringRef RightUsr,
StringRef LeftComment, StringRef RightComment,
StringRef ModuleName);
ArrayRef<uint8_t> getChildIndices() { return ChildIndexPieces; }
static StringRef head();
bool operator<(CommonDiffItem Other) const;
static bool classof(const APIDiffItem *D);
static void describe(llvm::raw_ostream &os);
static void undef(llvm::raw_ostream &os);
void streamDef(llvm::raw_ostream &S) const override;
StringRef getKey() const override { return LeftUsr; }
bool isRename() const {
return DiffKind == NodeAnnotation::Rename ||
DiffKind == NodeAnnotation::ModernizeEnum;
bool isTypeChange() const {
switch (DiffKind) {
case NodeAnnotation::WrapOptional:
case NodeAnnotation::UnwrapOptional:
case NodeAnnotation::ImplicitOptionalToOptional:
case NodeAnnotation::OptionalToImplicitOptional:
case NodeAnnotation::WrapImplicitOptional:
case NodeAnnotation::TypeRewritten:
return true;
return false;
bool isToPropertyChange() const {
switch (DiffKind) {
case NodeAnnotation::GetterToProperty:
case NodeAnnotation::SetterToProperty:
return true;
return false;
bool isStringRepresentableChange() const {
switch(DiffKind) {
case NodeAnnotation::DictionaryKeyUpdate:
case NodeAnnotation::OptionalDictionaryKeyUpdate:
case NodeAnnotation::ArrayMemberUpdate:
case NodeAnnotation::OptionalArrayMemberUpdate:
case NodeAnnotation::SimpleStringRepresentableUpdate:
case NodeAnnotation::SimpleOptionalStringRepresentableUpdate:
return true;
return false;
StringRef getNewName() const { assert(isRename()); return RightComment; }
APIDiffItemKind getKind() const override {
return APIDiffItemKind::ADK_CommonDiffItem;
bool rightCommentUnderscored() const {
DeclNameViewer Viewer(RightComment);
auto HasUnderScore =
[](StringRef S) { return S.find('_') != StringRef::npos; };
auto Args = Viewer.args();
return HasUnderScore(Viewer.base()) ||
std::any_of(Args.begin(), Args.end(), HasUnderScore);
// TypeMemberDiffItem stores info about movements of functions to type members
// Outputs:
// SDK_CHANGE_TYPE_MEMBER(USR, new type context name, new printed name, self
// index, old printed name)
// Examples:
// Init:
// CGAffineTransformMakeScale(_:_:)
// ==>
// SDK_CHANGE_TYPE_MEMBER("c:@F@CGAffineTransformMakeScale",
// "CGAffineTransform", "init(scaleX:y:)", ,
// "CGAffineTransformMakeScale(_:_:)")
// Meaning that source should transform like:
// let myAffineTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(myX, myY)
// ==>
// let myAffineTransform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: myX, y: myY)
// Static/Class Method:
// CGColorGetConstantColor(_:)
// ==>
// SDK_CHANGE_TYPE_MEMBER("c:@F@CGColorGetConstantColor", "CGColor",
// "constantColor(forName:)", ,
// "CGColorGetConstantColor(_:)")
// Meaning that source should transform like:
// CGColorGetConstantColor(nameOfWhiteColor)
// ==>
// CGColor.constantColor(forName: nameOfWhiteColor)
// Instance Method:
// CGEventPost(_:_:)
// ==>
// SDK_CHANGE_TYPE_MEMBER("c:@F@CGEventPost", "CGEvent", "post(tap:)", 1,
// "CGEventPost(_:_:)")
// Meaning that source should transform like:
// CGEventPost(myTap, myEvent)
// ==>
// myTap)
// Static/Class Stored Variable:
// kCGColorWhite
// ==>
// SDK_CHANGE_TYPE_MEMBER("c:@kCGColorWhite", "CGColor", "white", ,
// "kCGColorWhite")
// Meaning that source should transform like:
// let colorName = kCGColorWhite
// ==>
// let colorName = CGColor.white
// Instance Computed Property
// CGColorGetComponents(_:)
// ==>
// SDK_CHANGE_TYPE_MEMBER("c:@F@CGColorGetComponents", "CGColor",
// "components", 0, "CGColorGetComponents(_:)")
// Meaning that source should transform like:
// CGColorGetComponents(myColor)
// ==>
// myColor.components
enum class TypeMemberDiffItemSubKind {
struct TypeMemberDiffItem: public APIDiffItem {
StringRef usr;
StringRef newTypeName;
StringRef newPrintedName;
Optional<uint8_t> selfIndex;
Optional<uint8_t> removedIndex;
StringRef oldTypeName;
StringRef oldPrintedName;
DeclNameViewer OldNameViewer;
DeclNameViewer NewNameViewer;
std::string NewTypeDot;
TypeMemberDiffItemSubKind Subkind;
TypeMemberDiffItem(StringRef usr, StringRef newTypeName,
StringRef newPrintedName, Optional<uint8_t> selfIndex,
Optional<uint8_t> removedIndex, StringRef oldTypeName,
StringRef oldPrintedName) : usr(usr),
newTypeName(newTypeName), newPrintedName(newPrintedName),
selfIndex(selfIndex), removedIndex(removedIndex), oldTypeName(oldTypeName),
oldPrintedName(oldPrintedName), OldNameViewer(oldPrintedName),
NewTypeDot(isNewNameGlobal() ? "" : (llvm::Twine(newTypeName) + ".").str()),
Subkind(getSubKind()) {}
static StringRef head();
static void describe(llvm::raw_ostream &os);
static void undef(llvm::raw_ostream &os);
void streamDef(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const override;
bool operator<(TypeMemberDiffItem Other) const;
static bool classof(const APIDiffItem *D);
StringRef getKey() const override { return usr; }
const DeclNameViewer &getOldName() const { return OldNameViewer; }
const DeclNameViewer &getNewName() const { return NewNameViewer; }
StringRef getNewTypeAndDot() const { return NewTypeDot; }
APIDiffItemKind getKind() const override {
return APIDiffItemKind::ADK_TypeMemberDiffItem;
bool isNewNameGlobal() const { return newTypeName.empty(); }
TypeMemberDiffItemSubKind getSubKind() const;
/// This is an authored item to associate a USR with a specially handled case.
/// It is up to the migrator to interpret the special case Id and apply proper
/// transformation on an entity.
struct SpecialCaseDiffItem: public APIDiffItem {
StringRef usr;
SpecialCaseId caseId;
SpecialCaseDiffItem(StringRef usr, StringRef caseId): usr(usr),
caseId(parseSpecialCaseId(caseId)) {}
StringRef getKey() const override { return usr; }
void streamDef(llvm::raw_ostream &S) const override {};
static bool classof(const APIDiffItem *D);
APIDiffItemKind getKind() const override {
return APIDiffItemKind::ADK_SpecialCaseDiffItem;
struct NoEscapeFuncParam: public APIDiffItem {
StringRef Usr;
unsigned Index;
NoEscapeFuncParam(StringRef Usr, unsigned Index) : Usr(Usr), Index(Index) {}
static StringRef head();
static void describe(llvm::raw_ostream &os);
static void undef(llvm::raw_ostream &os);
void streamDef(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const override;
bool operator<(NoEscapeFuncParam Other) const;
static bool classof(const APIDiffItem *D);
StringRef getKey() const override { return Usr; }
APIDiffItemKind getKind() const override {
return APIDiffItemKind::ADK_NoEscapeFuncParam;
/// This info is about functions meet the following criteria:
/// - This function is a member function of a type.
/// - This function is overloaded.
struct OverloadedFuncInfo: public APIDiffItem {
StringRef Usr;
OverloadedFuncInfo(StringRef Usr) : Usr(Usr) {}
static StringRef head();
static void describe(llvm::raw_ostream &os);
static void undef(llvm::raw_ostream &os);
void streamDef(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const override;
bool operator<(OverloadedFuncInfo Other) const;
static bool classof(const APIDiffItem *D);
StringRef getKey() const override { return Usr; }
APIDiffItemKind getKind() const override {
return APIDiffItemKind::ADK_OverloadedFuncInfo;
struct NameCorrectionInfo {
StringRef OriginalName;
StringRef CorrectedName;
StringRef ModuleName;
NameCorrectionInfo(StringRef OriginalName, StringRef CorrectedName,
StringRef ModuleName): OriginalName(OriginalName),
CorrectedName(CorrectedName), ModuleName(ModuleName) {}
bool operator<(NameCorrectionInfo Other) const {
if (ModuleName != Other.ModuleName)
return < 0;
return < 0;
/// APIDiffItem store is the interface that migrator should communicates with;
/// Given a key, usually the usr of the system entity under migration, the store
/// should return a slice of related changes in the same format of
/// swift-api-digester. This struct also handles the serialization and
/// deserialization of all kinds of API diff items declared above.
struct APIDiffItemStore {
struct Implementation;
Implementation &Impl;
static void serialize(llvm::raw_ostream &os, ArrayRef<APIDiffItem*> Items);
static void serialize(llvm::raw_ostream &os, ArrayRef<NameCorrectionInfo> Items);
APIDiffItemStore(const APIDiffItemStore& that) = delete;
APIDiffItemStore(DiagnosticEngine &Diags);
ArrayRef<APIDiffItem*> getDiffItems(StringRef Key) const;
ArrayRef<APIDiffItem*> getAllDiffItems() const;
void printIncomingUsr(bool print = true);
/// Add a path of a JSON file dumped from swift-api-digester that contains
/// API changes we care about. Calling this can be heavy since the procedure
/// will parse and index the data inside of the given file.
void addStorePath(StringRef Path);
namespace json {
struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<ide::api::SDKNodeKind> {
static void enumeration(Output &out, ide::api::SDKNodeKind &value) {
out.enumCase(value, #VALUE, ide::api::SDKNodeKind::KEY);
#include "swift/IDE/DigesterEnums.def"