blob: 3074549a775e37905f286cf1efad90cf9104c601 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- TopCollection.h - A size-limiting top-N collection -----*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the TopCollection class, a data structure which,
// given a size limit, keeps the best-scoring (i.e. lowest) N values
// added to it.
// The current implementation of this is only suited for small values
// of maxSize.
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
namespace swift {
template <class ScoreType, class T, unsigned InlineCapacity = 16>
class TopCollection {
struct Entry {
ScoreType Score;
T Value;
SmallVector<Entry, InlineCapacity> Data;
unsigned MaxSize;
unsigned EndOfAccepted = 0;
explicit TopCollection(unsigned maxSize) : MaxSize(maxSize) {
assert(maxSize > 0 && "creating collection with a maximum size of 0?");
// The invariants work fine with these.
TopCollection(const TopCollection &other) = default;
TopCollection &operator=(const TopCollection &other) = default;
// We need to clear EndOfAccepted to preserve the invariants here.
TopCollection(TopCollection &&other)
: Data(std::move(other.Data)),
EndOfAccepted(other.EndOfAccepted) {
other.EndOfAccepted = 0;
TopCollection &operator=(TopCollection &&other) {
Data = std::move(other.Data);
MaxSize = other.MaxSize;
EndOfAccepted = other.EndOfAccepted;
other.EndOfAccepted = 0;
return *this;
~TopCollection() {}
bool empty() const {
return EndOfAccepted == 0;
size_t size() const {
return EndOfAccepted;
using iterator = const Entry *;
iterator begin() const { return Data.begin(); }
iterator end() const { return Data.begin() + EndOfAccepted; }
/// Return a score beyond which scores are uninteresting. Inserting
/// a value with this score will never change the collection.
ScoreType getMinUninterestingScore(ScoreType defaultBound) const {
assert(EndOfAccepted <= MaxSize);
assert(EndOfAccepted <= Data.size());
// If we've accepted as many values as we can, then all scores up (and
// including) that value are interesting.
if (EndOfAccepted == MaxSize)
return Data[EndOfAccepted - 1].Score + 1;
// Otherwise, if there are values in the collection that we've rejected,
// any score up to that is still interesting.
if (EndOfAccepted != Data.size())
return Data[EndOfAccepted].Score;
// Otherwise, use the default bound.
return defaultBound;
/// Try to add a scored value to the collection.
/// \return true if the insertion was successful
bool insert(ScoreType score, T &&value) {
assert(EndOfAccepted <= MaxSize);
assert(EndOfAccepted <= Data.size());
// Find the index of the last entry whose score is larger than 'score'.
auto i = EndOfAccepted;
while (i != 0 && score < Data[i - 1].Score)
assert(0 <= i && i <= EndOfAccepted);
assert(i == 0 || score >= Data[i - 1].Score);
// If we skipped anything, it's definitely safe to insert.
if (i != EndOfAccepted) {
// fall through
// If there's a tie with the previous thing, we might have to declare
// an existing tier off-bounds.
} else if (i != 0 && score == Data[i - 1].Score) {
// Only if there isn't space to expand the tier.
if (i == MaxSize) {
for (--i; i != 0; --i) {
if (Data[i - 1].Score != Data[i].Score)
EndOfAccepted = i;
return false;
// Otherwise, there's a non-trivial prefix that the new element has a
// strictly higher score than. We can still insert if there's space.
} else {
// Don't insert if there's no room.
if (i == MaxSize)
return false;
// Don't insert if we're at least as high as things we've previously
// rejected.
if (i != Data.size() && score >= Data[i].Score)
return false;
// We don't care about any of the actual values after EndOfAccepted
// *except* that we need to remember the minimum value following
// EndOfAccepted if that's less than MaxSize so that we continue to
// drop values with that score.
// Note that all of the values between EndOfAccepted and MaxSize
// should have the same score, because otherwise there's a tier we
// shouldn't have marked dead.
// Just overwrite the next element instead of inserting if possible.
if (i == EndOfAccepted && i != Data.size()) {
Data[i].Score = score;
Data[i].Value = std::move(value);
} else {
if (Data.size() == MaxSize) {
if (EndOfAccepted == MaxSize)
Data.insert(Data.begin() + i, { score, std::move(value) });
assert(EndOfAccepted <= Data.size());
assert(EndOfAccepted <= MaxSize);
return true;
/// Drop any values which a score more than the given value from the
/// minimum score.
template <class Range>
void filterMaxScoreRange(Range difference) {
if (EndOfAccepted < 2) return;
for (unsigned i = 1; i != EndOfAccepted; ++i) {
if (Data[i].Score > Data[0].Score + difference) {
EndOfAccepted = i;
} // end namespace swift