blob: 4e837605d2c12953afccc78c5e172e946856f107 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- StringExtras.h - String Utilities ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides utilities for working with English words and
// camelCase names.
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/OptionSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
namespace swift {
/// Determine whether the given string can be an argument label.
/// \seealso Token::canBeArgumentLabel()
bool canBeArgumentLabel(StringRef identifier);
/// Determine whether the given string can be the name of a member.
bool canBeMemberName(StringRef identifier);
/// Returns true if the given word is one of Swift's known prepositions.
/// This can be faster than getPartOfSpeech(StringRef).
bool isPreposition(StringRef word);
/// Describes the part of speech of a particular word.
enum class PartOfSpeech {
/// Determine the part of speech for the given word.
PartOfSpeech getPartOfSpeech(StringRef word);
/// Scratch space used for returning a set of StringRefs.
class StringScratchSpace {
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Allocator;
StringRef copyString(StringRef string);
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &getAllocator() { return Allocator; }
namespace camel_case {
class WordIterator;
/// A bidirectional iterator that walks through the words in a camelCase
/// string.
/// Note that this iterator is not technically conforming bidirectional
/// iterator, because it's reference type is not a true reference. But it
/// quacks like a duck.
class WordIterator {
StringRef String;
unsigned Position;
mutable unsigned NextPosition : 31;
mutable unsigned NextPositionValid : 1;
mutable unsigned PrevPosition : 31;
mutable unsigned PrevPositionValid : 1;
void computeNextPosition() const;
void computePrevPosition() const;
/// Proxy used for the arrow operator of the word iterator.
class ArrowProxy {
StringRef String;
explicit ArrowProxy(StringRef string) : String(string) { }
const StringRef *operator->() const {
return &String;
using value_type = StringRef;
using reference = StringRef;
using pointer = ArrowProxy;
using difference_type = int;
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
WordIterator(StringRef string, unsigned position)
: String(string), Position(position)
NextPositionValid = false;
PrevPositionValid = false;
StringRef operator*() const {
if (!NextPositionValid)
return String.slice(Position, NextPosition);
ArrowProxy operator->() const {
return ArrowProxy(**this);
WordIterator &operator++() {
if (!NextPositionValid)
// Save the previous position.
PrevPosition = Position;
PrevPositionValid = true;
// Move to the next position.
Position = NextPosition;
// We don't know what lies ahead.
NextPositionValid = false;
return *this;
WordIterator operator++(int) {
WordIterator tmp(*this);
return tmp;
WordIterator &operator--() {
if (!PrevPositionValid)
// Save the next position.
NextPosition = Position;
NextPositionValid = true;
// Move to the previous position.
Position = PrevPosition;
// We don't know what lies behind.
PrevPositionValid = false;
return *this;
WordIterator operator--(int) {
WordIterator tmp(*this);
return tmp;
friend bool operator==(const WordIterator &x, const WordIterator &y) {
assert( == &&
x.String.size() == y.String.size() &&
"comparing word iterators from different strings");
return x.Position == y.Position;
friend bool operator!=(const WordIterator &x, const WordIterator &y) {
return !(x == y);
/// Retrieve the position of this iterator within the underlying
/// string.
unsigned getPosition() const {
return Position;
/// Retrieve the string up until this iterator
StringRef getPriorStr() const {
return String.slice(0, Position);
/// Retrieve the rest of the string (including this position)
StringRef getRestOfStr() const {
return String.slice(Position, String.size());
/// Find the first camelCase word in the given string.
StringRef getFirstWord(StringRef string);
/// Find the last camelCase word in the given string.
StringRef getLastWord(StringRef string);
/// A wrapper that treats a string as a container of camelCase words.
class Words {
StringRef String;
using iterator = WordIterator;
using const_iterator = WordIterator;
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<WordIterator>;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<WordIterator>;
explicit Words(StringRef string) : String(string) { }
bool empty() const { return String.empty(); }
iterator begin() const { return WordIterator(String, 0); }
iterator end() const { return WordIterator(String, String.size()); }
reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
reverse_iterator rend() const { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
/// Retrieve the camelCase words in the given string.
inline Words getWords(StringRef string) { return Words(string); }
/// Check whether the two words are the same, ignoring the case of the
/// first letter.
bool sameWordIgnoreFirstCase(StringRef word1, StringRef word2);
/// Check whether the first word starts with the second word, ignoring the
/// case of the first letter.
bool startsWithIgnoreFirstCase(StringRef word1, StringRef word2);
/// Lowercase the first word within the given camelCase string.
/// \param string The string to lowercase.
/// \param scratch Scratch buffer used to form the resulting string.
/// \returns the string with the first word lowercased. When the
/// first word is an acronym, the string will be returned
/// unchanged.
StringRef toLowercaseWord(StringRef string, SmallVectorImpl<char> &scratch);
/// Lowercase the first word within the given camelCase string.
/// \param string The string to lowercase.
/// \param scratch Scratch buffer used to form the resulting string.
/// \returns the string with the first word lowercased. When the
/// first word is an acronym, the string will be returned
/// unchanged.
StringRef toLowercaseWord(StringRef string, StringScratchSpace &scratch);
/// Lowercase the first word within the given camelCase string.
/// \param string The string to lowercase.
/// \param scratch Scratch buffer used to form the resulting string.
/// \returns the string with the first word lowercased, including
/// initialisms.
StringRef toLowercaseInitialisms(StringRef string,
StringScratchSpace &scratch);
/// Lowercase the first word within the given camelCase string.
/// \param string The string to lowercase.
/// \param scratch Scratch buffer used to form the resulting string.
/// \returns the string with the first word lowercased, including
/// initialisms.
StringRef toLowercaseInitialisms(StringRef string,
SmallVectorImpl<char> &scratch);
/// Sentence-case the given camelCase string by turning the first
/// letter into an uppercase letter.
/// \param string The string to sentence-case.
/// \param scratch Scratch buffer used to form the resulting string.
/// \returns the string in sentence case.
StringRef toSentencecase(StringRef string, SmallVectorImpl<char> &scratch);
/// Drop the class prefix (i..e, a 2-3 character acronym) from the front
/// of the given string.
/// \param string The string whose prefix will be dropped.
/// \returns the result of dropping the prefix from \p string, or the
/// whole string if it has no prefix.
StringRef dropPrefix(StringRef string);
/// Append the given string to the given buffer, sentence-casing the string
/// so that the result reads as separate camelCase words.
/// \param buffer The buffer to append to.
/// \param string The new string to append, which will be sentence-cased.
/// \returns the contents of the buffer after appending.
StringRef appendSentenceCase(SmallVectorImpl<char> &buffer,
StringRef string);
/// Search the given camelCase string for the first occurrence of
/// the second string as a complete word.
/// \param string The string to search.
/// \param word The string to search for; must be a single Title word
/// \returns the index of the start of the match, or String::npos if
/// it was not found
size_t findWord(StringRef string, StringRef word);
} // end namespace camel_case
/// Flags used by \c OmissionTypeName to describe the input type.
enum class OmissionTypeFlags {
/// Whether the parameter with this type has a default argument.
DefaultArgument = 0x01,
/// Whether this parameter is of some Boolean type.
Boolean = 0x02,
/// Whether this parameter is of some function/block type.
Function = 0x04,
/// Options that described omitted types.
using OmissionTypeOptions = OptionSet<OmissionTypeFlags>;
/// Describes the name of a type as is used for omitting needless
/// words.
struct OmissionTypeName {
/// The name of the type.
StringRef Name;
/// For a collection type, the name of the element type.
StringRef CollectionElement;
/// Options that describe this type.
OmissionTypeOptions Options;
/// Construct a type name.
OmissionTypeName(StringRef name = StringRef(),
OmissionTypeOptions options = None,
StringRef collectionElement = StringRef())
: Name(name), CollectionElement(collectionElement),
Options(options) { }
/// Construct a type name.
OmissionTypeName(const char * name, OmissionTypeOptions options = None,
StringRef collectionElement = StringRef())
: Name(name), CollectionElement(collectionElement),
Options(options) { }
/// Produce a new type name for omission with a default argument.
OmissionTypeName withDefaultArgument(bool defaultArgument = true) {
OmissionTypeName result(*this);
if (defaultArgument)
result.Options |= OmissionTypeFlags::DefaultArgument;
result.Options -= OmissionTypeFlags::DefaultArgument;
return result;
/// Determine whether the parameter corresponding to this type has a default
/// argument.
bool hasDefaultArgument() const {
return Options.contains(OmissionTypeFlags::DefaultArgument);
/// Whether this type is a Boolean type.
bool isBoolean() const {
return Options.contains(OmissionTypeFlags::Boolean);
/// Whether this type is a function/block type.
bool isFunction() const {
return Options.contains(OmissionTypeFlags::Function);
/// Determine whether the type name is empty.
bool empty() const { return Name.empty(); }
friend bool operator==(const OmissionTypeName &lhs,
const OmissionTypeName &rhs) {
return lhs.Name == rhs.Name &&
(lhs.CollectionElement.empty() ||
rhs.CollectionElement.empty() ||
lhs.CollectionElement == rhs.CollectionElement);
friend bool operator!=(const OmissionTypeName &lhs,
const OmissionTypeName &rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// Match the given type name at the beginning of the given name,
/// returning the remainder of the name.
/// For example, matching "stringByAppendingString" to the type "NSString"
/// would produce "ByAppendingString".
StringRef matchLeadingTypeName(StringRef name, OmissionTypeName typeName);
/// Describes a set of names with an inheritance relationship.
class InheritedNameSet {
const InheritedNameSet *Parent;
llvm::StringSet<llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &> Names;
/// Construct a new inherited name set with the given parent.
InheritedNameSet(const InheritedNameSet *parent,
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &allocator)
: Parent(parent), Names(allocator) { }
// Add a new name to the set.
void add(StringRef name);
/// Determine whether this set includes the given name.
bool contains(StringRef name) const;
/// Omit needless words for a declaration.
/// \param baseName The base name of the declaration. This value may be
/// changed if any words are removed.
/// \param argNames The names of the arguments to the function, or empty if
/// the declaration is not a function. The values in this array may be changed if any words are removed.
/// \param firstParamName The name of the first parameter.
/// \param resultType The name of the result type.
/// \param contextType The name of the type of the enclosing context,
/// e.g., the class name.
/// \param paramTypes The names of the parameter types for the
/// function, or empty if the declaration is not a function.
/// \param returnsSelf Whether the result of the declaration is 'Self'
/// (in Swift) or 'instancetype' (in Objective-C).
/// \param isProperty Whether this is the name of a property.
/// \param allPropertyNames The set of property names in the enclosing context.
/// \param completionHandlerIndex For an 'async' function, the index of the
/// completion handler in argNames.
/// \param scratch Scratch space that will be used for modifications beyond
/// just chopping names.
/// \returns true if any words were omitted, false otherwise.
bool omitNeedlessWords(StringRef &baseName,
MutableArrayRef<StringRef> argNames,
StringRef firstParamName,
OmissionTypeName resultType,
OmissionTypeName contextType,
ArrayRef<OmissionTypeName> paramTypes,
bool returnsSelf,
bool isProperty,
const InheritedNameSet *allPropertyNames,
Optional<unsigned> completionHandlerIndex,
Optional<StringRef> completionHandlerName,
StringScratchSpace &scratch);
/// If the name has a completion-handler suffix, strip off that suffix.
Optional<StringRef> stripWithCompletionHandlerSuffix(StringRef name);
} // end namespace swift