blob: a5f13d915883b694476b807b84ee7b61dd7506d1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Platform.h - Helpers related to target platforms -------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Config.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "clang/Driver/DarwinSDKInfo.h"
namespace llvm {
class Triple;
class VersionTuple;
namespace swift {
enum class DarwinPlatformKind : unsigned {
/// Returns true if the given triple represents iOS running in a simulator.
bool tripleIsiOSSimulator(const llvm::Triple &triple);
/// Returns true if the given triple represents AppleTV running in a simulator.
bool tripleIsAppleTVSimulator(const llvm::Triple &triple);
/// Returns true if the given triple represents watchOS running in a simulator.
bool tripleIsWatchSimulator(const llvm::Triple &triple);
/// Returns true if the given triple represents a macCatalyst environment.
bool tripleIsMacCatalystEnvironment(const llvm::Triple &triple);
/// Determine whether the triple infers the "simulator" environment.
bool tripleInfersSimulatorEnvironment(const llvm::Triple &triple);
/// Returns true if the given -target triple and -target-variant triple
/// can be zippered.
bool triplesAreValidForZippering(const llvm::Triple &target,
const llvm::Triple &targetVariant);
/// Returns true if the given triple represents an OS that ships with
/// ABI-stable swift libraries (eg. in /usr/lib/swift).
bool tripleRequiresRPathForSwiftInOS(const llvm::Triple &triple);
/// Returns the platform name for a given target triple.
/// For example, the iOS simulator has the name "iphonesimulator", while real
/// iOS uses "iphoneos". OS X is "macosx". (These names are intended to be
/// compatible with Xcode's SDKs.)
/// If the triple does not correspond to a known platform, the empty string is
/// returned.
StringRef getPlatformNameForTriple(const llvm::Triple &triple);
/// Returns the platform Kind for Darwin triples.
DarwinPlatformKind getDarwinPlatformKind(const llvm::Triple &triple);
/// Returns the architecture component of the path for a given target triple.
/// Typically this is used for mapping the architecture component of the
/// path.
/// For example, on Linux "armv6l" and "armv7l" are mapped to "armv6" and
/// "armv7", respectively, within LLVM. Therefore the component path for the
/// architecture specific objects will be found in their "mapped" paths.
/// This is a stop-gap until full Triple support (ala Clang) exists within swiftc.
StringRef getMajorArchitectureName(const llvm::Triple &triple);
/// Computes the normalized target triple used as the most preferred name for
/// module loading.
/// For platforms with fat binaries, this canonicalizes architecture,
/// vendor, and OS names, strips OS versions, and makes inferred environments
/// explicit. For other platforms, it returns the unmodified triple.
/// The input triple should already be "normalized" in the sense that
/// llvm::Triple::normalize() would not affect it.
llvm::Triple getTargetSpecificModuleTriple(const llvm::Triple &triple);
/// Computes the target triple without version information.
llvm::Triple getUnversionedTriple(const llvm::Triple &triple);
/// Get the Swift runtime version to deploy back to, given a deployment target expressed as an
/// LLVM target triple.
getSwiftRuntimeCompatibilityVersionForTarget(const llvm::Triple &Triple);
/// Retrieve the target SDK version for the given SDKInfo and target triple.
llvm::VersionTuple getTargetSDKVersion(clang::driver::DarwinSDKInfo &SDKInfo,
const llvm::Triple &triple);
/// Get SDK build version.
std::string getSDKBuildVersion(StringRef SDKPath);
std::string getSDKBuildVersionFromPlist(StringRef Path);
/// Get SDK name.
std::string getSDKName(StringRef SDKPath);
} // end namespace swift