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//===--- Witness.h - AST Witness Representation -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the \c Witness data structure, used as part of protocol
// conformances.
#include "swift/AST/ConcreteDeclRef.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
namespace swift {
class GenericEnvironment;
class GenericSignature;
class ValueDecl;
/// Describes a specific witness to a (non-type) requirement.
/// A witness to a requirement is a specific definition that is used to satisfy
/// that requirement within a particular protocol conformance. For example:
/// \code
/// protocol P {
/// func f()
/// }
/// struct X : P {
/// func f() { }
/// }
/// \endcode
/// Here, the function `X.f()` is the witness for the requirement `P.f()`.
/// The relationship between a requirement and its witness is more detailed
/// than the declaration of the witness, particularly when the requirement
/// is itself generic. Consider this more-involved example:
/// \code
/// protocol P {
/// associatedtype A
/// }
/// protocol Q : P { }
/// protocol R {
/// associatedtype B
/// func foo<T : Q>(x: T) where T.A == B
/// }
/// struct X<U, V> : R {
/// typealias B = U
/// func foo<W: P>(x: W) where W.A == U { }
/// }
/// \endcode
/// The witness for \c is \c X<U, V>.foo(x:), but the generic
/// functions that describe the generic requirement in \c R and the generic
/// method in \c X have very different signatures. To handle this case, the
/// \c Witness class produces a "synthetic" environment that pulls together
/// all of the information needed to map from the requirement to the witness.
/// It is a generic environment that combines the constraints of the
/// requirement with the constraints from the context of the protocol
/// conformance itself, which is the environment needed to build the witness
/// "thunk" in SILGen. Specifically, the outer generic parameters of the
/// environment are those of the context of the protocol conformance (\c U
/// and \c V, in the example above) and the innermost generic parameters are
/// those of the generic requirement (\c T, in the example above). The
/// \c Witness class contains this synthetic environment (both its generic
/// signature and a generic environment providing archetypes), a substitution
/// map that allows one to map the interface types of the requirement into
/// the interface types of the synthetic domain, and the set of substitutions
/// required to use the witness from the synthetic domain (e.g., how one would
/// call the witness from the witness thunk).
class Witness {
struct StoredWitness {
/// The witness declaration, along with the substitutions needed to use
/// the witness declaration from the synthetic environment.
ConcreteDeclRef declRef;
GenericEnvironment *syntheticEnvironment;
SubstitutionMap reqToSyntheticEnvSubs;
llvm::PointerUnion<ValueDecl *, StoredWitness *> storage;
/// Create an empty witness, which describes missing witnesses.
Witness() : storage(static_cast<ValueDecl*>(nullptr)) { }
/// Create a witness that requires no substitutions.
/// A witness requires no substitutions when the requirement is
/// not generic (excepting \c Self) and the conforming type is non-generic.
Witness(ValueDecl *witness) : storage(witness) { assert(witness != nullptr); }
/// Create an opaque witness for the given requirement.
/// This indicates that a witness exists, but is not visible to the current
/// module.
static Witness forOpaque(ValueDecl *requirement) {
// TODO: It's probably a good idea to have a separate 'opaque' bit.
// Making req == witness is kind of a hack.
return Witness(requirement);
/// Create a witness for the given requirement.
/// Deserialized witnesses do not have a synthetic environment.
static Witness forDeserialized(ValueDecl *decl,
SubstitutionMap substitutions) {
// TODO: It's probably a good idea to have a separate 'deserialized' bit.
return Witness(decl, substitutions, nullptr, SubstitutionMap());
/// Create a witness that requires substitutions.
/// \param decl The declaration for the witness.
/// \param substitutions The substitutions required to use the witness from
/// the synthetic environment.
/// \param syntheticEnv The synthetic environment.
/// \param reqToSyntheticEnvSubs The mapping from the interface types of the
/// requirement into the interface types of the synthetic environment.
Witness(ValueDecl *decl,
SubstitutionMap substitutions,
GenericEnvironment *syntheticEnv,
SubstitutionMap reqToSyntheticEnvSubs);
/// Retrieve the witness declaration reference, which includes the
/// substitutions needed to use the witness from the synthetic environment
/// (if any).
ConcreteDeclRef getDeclRef() const {
if (auto stored = storage.dyn_cast<StoredWitness *>())
return stored->declRef;
return storage.dyn_cast<ValueDecl *>();
/// Retrieve the witness declaration.
ValueDecl *getDecl() const { return getDeclRef().getDecl(); }
/// Determines whether there is a witness at all.
explicit operator bool() const { return !storage.isNull(); }
/// Retrieve the substitutions required to use this witness from the
/// synthetic environment.
/// The substitutions are substitutions for the witness, providing interface
/// types from the synthetic environment.
SubstitutionMap getSubstitutions() const {
return getDeclRef().getSubstitutions();
/// Retrieve the synthetic generic environment.
GenericEnvironment *getSyntheticEnvironment() const {
if (auto *storedWitness = storage.dyn_cast<StoredWitness *>())
return storedWitness->syntheticEnvironment;
return nullptr;
/// Retrieve the substitution map that maps the interface types of the
/// requirement to the interface types of the synthetic environment.
SubstitutionMap getRequirementToSyntheticSubs() const {
if (auto *storedWitness = storage.dyn_cast<StoredWitness *>())
return storedWitness->reqToSyntheticEnvSubs;
return {};
void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &out) const;
struct TypeWitnessAndDecl {
Type witnessType;
TypeDecl *witnessDecl = nullptr;
TypeWitnessAndDecl() = default;
TypeWitnessAndDecl(Type ty, TypeDecl *decl)
: witnessType(ty), witnessDecl(decl) {}
Type getWitnessType() const {
return witnessType;
TypeDecl *getWitnessDecl() const {
return witnessDecl;
friend llvm::hash_code hash_value(const TypeWitnessAndDecl &owner) {
return llvm::hash_combine(owner.witnessType.getPointer(),
friend bool operator==(const TypeWitnessAndDecl &lhs,
const TypeWitnessAndDecl &rhs) {
return lhs.witnessType.getPointer() == rhs.witnessType.getPointer() &&
lhs.witnessDecl == rhs.witnessDecl;
friend bool operator!=(const TypeWitnessAndDecl &lhs,
const TypeWitnessAndDecl &rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
} // end namespace swift