blob: d59c61618079e3f6b7fe66b4b50cf60773b71c32 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SimpleRequest.h - Simple Request Instances -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the SimpleRequest class template, which makes it easier
// to define new request kinds.
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticEngine.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsCommon.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SimpleDisplay.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Statistic.h"
#include "swift/Basic/TypeID.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
namespace swift {
class Evaluator;
/// Describes how the result for a particular request will be cached.
enum class RequestFlags {
/// The result for a particular request should never be cached.
Uncached = 1 << 0,
/// The result for a particular request should be cached within the
/// evaluator itself.
Cached = 1 << 1,
/// The result of a particular request will be cached via some separate
/// mechanism, such as a mutable data structure.
SeparatelyCached = 1 << 2,
/// This request introduces the source component of a source-sink
/// incremental dependency pair and defines a new dependency scope.
/// This bit is optional. High-level requests
/// (e.g. \c TypeCheckSourceFileRequest) will require it.
/// For further discussion on incremental dependencies
/// see
DependencySource = 1 << 3,
/// This request introduces the sink component of a source-sink
/// incremental dependency pair and is a consumer of the current
/// dependency scope.
/// This bit is optional. Name lookup requests
/// (e.g. \c DirectLookupRequest) will require it.
/// For further discussion on incremental dependencies
/// see
DependencySink = 1 << 4,
static constexpr inline RequestFlags operator|(RequestFlags lhs, RequestFlags rhs) {
return RequestFlags(static_cast<std::underlying_type<RequestFlags>::type>(lhs) |
/// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Extracting the source location "nearest" a request.
/// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace detail {
/// Dummy extract function used to detect when we can call
/// extractNearestSourceLoc() safely.
inline void extractNearestSourceLoc(...) { }
/// Metaprogram to determine whether any input is true.
constexpr bool anyTrue() { return false; }
template<typename ...Rest>
constexpr bool anyTrue(bool current, Rest... rest) {
return current || anyTrue(rest...);
/// Determine whether we can extract a nearest source location from a value of
/// the given type.
template<typename T>
constexpr bool canExtractNearestSourceLoc() {
using detail::extractNearestSourceLoc;
return !std::is_void<decltype(extractNearestSourceLoc(*(T*)nullptr))>::value;
/// Extract source locations when possible, or return an invalid source
/// location if not possible.
template<typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
SourceLoc maybeExtractNearestSourceLoc(const T& value) {
return extractNearestSourceLoc(value);
template<typename T,
typename = void,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
SourceLoc maybeExtractNearestSourceLoc(const T& value) {
return SourceLoc();
/// Extract the nearest source location from a pointer union.
template<typename T, typename U,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
canExtractNearestSourceLoc<T>() &&
SourceLoc extractNearestSourceLoc(const llvm::PointerUnion<T, U> &value) {
if (auto first = value.template dyn_cast<T>()) {
return extractNearestSourceLoc(first);
if (auto second = value.template dyn_cast<U>()) {
return extractNearestSourceLoc(second);
return SourceLoc();
namespace detail {
/// Basis case for extracting the nearest source location from a tuple.
template<unsigned Index, typename ...Types,
typename = void,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
(Index >= sizeof...(Types))>::type>
SourceLoc extractNearestSourceLocTuple(const std::tuple<Types...> &) {
return SourceLoc();
/// Extract the first, nearest source location from a tuple.
template<unsigned Index, typename ...Types,
typename = typename std::enable_if<(Index < sizeof...(Types))>::type>
SourceLoc extractNearestSourceLocTuple(const std::tuple<Types...> &value) {
SourceLoc loc = maybeExtractNearestSourceLoc(std::get<Index>(value));
if (loc.isValid())
return loc;
return extractNearestSourceLocTuple<Index + 1>(value);
namespace detail {
constexpr bool cacheContains(RequestFlags kind, RequestFlags needle) {
using cache_t = std::underlying_type<RequestFlags>::type;
return (static_cast<cache_t>(kind) & static_cast<cache_t>(needle))
== static_cast<cache_t>(needle);
constexpr bool isEverCached(RequestFlags kind) {
return !cacheContains(kind, RequestFlags::Uncached);
constexpr bool hasExternalCache(RequestFlags kind) {
return cacheContains(kind, RequestFlags::SeparatelyCached);
constexpr bool isDependencySource(RequestFlags kind) {
return cacheContains(kind, RequestFlags::DependencySource);
constexpr bool isDependencySink(RequestFlags kind) {
return cacheContains(kind, RequestFlags::DependencySink);
} // end namespace detail
/// Extract the first, nearest source location from a tuple.
template<typename First, typename ...Rest,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
SourceLoc extractNearestSourceLoc(const std::tuple<First, Rest...> &value) {
return detail::extractNearestSourceLocTuple<0>(value);
/// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Simple Requests
/// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// CRTP base class that describes a request operation that takes values
/// with the given input types (\c Inputs...) and produces an output of
/// the given type.
/// \tparam Derived The final, derived class type for the request.
/// \tparam Signature The signature of the request, described as a
/// function type whose inputs (\c Inputs) are the parameter types and
/// whose output (\c Output) is the result of evaluating this request.
/// \tparam Caching Describes how the output value is cached, if at all.
/// The \c Derived class needs to implement several operations. The most
/// important one takes an evaluator and the input values, then computes the
/// final result:
/// \code
/// Output evaluate(Evaluator &evaluator, Inputs...) const;
/// \endcode
/// Cycle diagnostics can be handled in one of two ways. Either the \c Derived
/// class can implement the two cycle-diagnosing operations directly:
/// \code
/// void diagnoseCycle(DiagnosticEngine &diags) const;
/// void noteCycleStep(DiagnosticEngine &diags) const;
/// \endcode
/// Or the implementation will use the default "circular reference" diagnostics
/// based on the "nearest" source location, which can be provided explicitly by
/// implementing the following in the subclass:
/// \code
/// SourceLoc getNearestLoc() const;
/// \endcode
/// If not provided, a default implementation for \c getNearestLoc() will pick
/// the source location from the first input that provides one.
/// Value caching is determined by the \c Caching parameter. When
/// \c Caching == RequestFlags::SeparatelyCached, the \c Derived class is
/// responsible for implementing the two operations responsible to managing
/// the cache:
/// \code
/// Optional<Output> getCachedResult() const;
/// void cacheResult(Output value) const;
/// \endcode
/// Incremental dependency tracking occurs automatically during
/// request evaluation. To support that system, high-level requests that define
/// dependency sources should override \c readDependencySource()
/// and specify \c RequestFlags::DependencySource in addition to one of
/// the 3 caching kinds defined above.
/// \code
/// evaluator::DependencySource
/// readDependencySource(const evaluator::DependencyRecorder &) const;
/// \endcode
/// Requests that define dependency sinks should instead override
/// \c writeDependencySink() and use the given evaluator and request
/// result to write an edge into the dependency tracker. In addition,
/// \c RequestFlags::DependencySource should be specified along with
/// one of the 3 caching kinds defined above.
/// \code
/// void writeDependencySink(evaluator::DependencyCollector &, Output) const;
/// \endcode
template<typename Derived, typename Signature, RequestFlags Caching>
class SimpleRequest;
template<typename Derived, RequestFlags Caching, typename Output,
typename ...Inputs>
class SimpleRequest<Derived, Output(Inputs...), Caching> {
std::tuple<Inputs...> storage;
Derived &asDerived() {
return *static_cast<Derived *>(this);
const Derived &asDerived() const {
return *static_cast<const Derived *>(this);
template<size_t ...Indices>
callDerived(Evaluator &evaluator, std::index_sequence<Indices...>) const {
static_assert(sizeof...(Indices) > 0, "Subclass must define evaluate()");
return asDerived().evaluate(evaluator, std::get<Indices>(storage)...);
/// Retrieve the storage value directly.
const std::tuple<Inputs...> &getStorage() const { return storage; }
constexpr static bool isEverCached = detail::isEverCached(Caching);
constexpr static bool hasExternalCache = detail::hasExternalCache(Caching);
constexpr static bool isDependencySource = detail::isDependencySource(Caching);
constexpr static bool isDependencySink = detail::isDependencySink(Caching);
using OutputType = Output;
explicit SimpleRequest(const Inputs& ...inputs)
: storage(inputs...) { }
/// Request evaluation function that will be registered with the evaluator.
static OutputType
evaluateRequest(const Derived &request, Evaluator &evaluator) {
return request.callDerived(evaluator,
/// Retrieve the nearest source location to which this request applies.
SourceLoc getNearestLoc() const {
return extractNearestSourceLoc(storage);
void diagnoseCycle(DiagnosticEngine &diags) const {
diags.diagnose(asDerived().getNearestLoc(), diag::circular_reference);
void noteCycleStep(DiagnosticEngine &diags) const {
friend bool operator==(const SimpleRequest &lhs, const SimpleRequest &rhs) {
return ==;
friend bool operator!=(const SimpleRequest &lhs, const SimpleRequest &rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
friend llvm::hash_code hash_value(const SimpleRequest &request) {
using llvm::hash_combine;
return hash_combine(TypeID<Derived>::value,;
friend void simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
const Derived &request) {
out << TypeID<Derived>::getName();
friend FrontendStatsTracer
make_tracer(UnifiedStatsReporter *Reporter, const Derived &request) {
return make_tracer(Reporter, TypeID<Derived>::getName(),;
namespace llvm {
template <typename T, unsigned N>
llvm::hash_code hash_value(const SmallVector<T, N> &vec) {
return hash_combine_range(vec.begin(), vec.end());