blob: 2f78ad4123d7633b7a67468705174ef4c2ce4d4b [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- PropertyWrappers.h - Property Wrapper ASTs -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines helper types for property wrappers.
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
namespace swift {
class ConstructorDecl;
class CustomAttr;
class Expr;
class VarDecl;
class OpaqueValueExpr;
/// Describes a property wrapper type.
struct PropertyWrapperTypeInfo {
/// The property through which access that uses this wrapper type is
/// directed.
VarDecl *valueVar = nullptr;
/// Whether there is an init(wrappedValue:) that will be called when the
/// initializing the property wrapper type from a value of the property type.
enum {
NoWrappedValueInit = 0,
} wrappedValueInit = NoWrappedValueInit;
/// The initializer that will be called to default-initialize a
/// value with an attached property wrapper.
enum {
NoDefaultValueInit = 0,
} defaultInit = NoDefaultValueInit;
/// The property through which the projection value ($foo) will be accessed.
/// This property is optional. If present, a computed property for `$foo`
/// will be created that redirects to this property.
VarDecl *projectedValueVar = nullptr;
/// The static subscript through which the access of instance properties
/// of classes can be directed (instead of wrappedValue), providing the
/// ability to reason about the enclosing "self".
SubscriptDecl *enclosingInstanceWrappedSubscript = nullptr;
/// The static subscript through which the access of instance properties
/// of classes can be directed (instead of projectedValue), providing the
/// ability to reason about the enclosing "self".
SubscriptDecl *enclosingInstanceProjectedSubscript = nullptr;
/// Whether this is a valid property wrapper.
bool isValid() const {
return valueVar != nullptr;
explicit operator bool() const { return isValid(); }
friend bool operator==(const PropertyWrapperTypeInfo &lhs,
const PropertyWrapperTypeInfo &rhs) {
return lhs.valueVar == rhs.valueVar &&
lhs.wrappedValueInit == rhs.wrappedValueInit;
/// Describes the mutability of the operations on a property wrapper or composition.
struct PropertyWrapperMutability {
enum Value: uint8_t {
Nonmutating = 0,
Mutating = 1,
DoesntExist = 2,
Value Getter, Setter;
/// Get the mutability of a composed access chained after accessing a wrapper with `this`
/// getter and setter mutability.
Value composeWith(Value x) {
switch (x) {
case DoesntExist:
return DoesntExist;
// If an operation is nonmutating, then its input relies only on the
// mutating-ness of the outer wrapper's get operation.
case Nonmutating:
return Getter;
// If it's mutating, then it relies
// on a) the outer wrapper having a setter to exist at all, and b) the
// mutating-ness of either the getter or setter, since we need both to
// perform a writeback cycle.
case Mutating:
if (Setter == DoesntExist) {
return DoesntExist;
return std::max(Getter, Setter);
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled Value in switch");
bool operator==(PropertyWrapperMutability other) const {
return Getter == other.Getter && Setter == other.Setter;
void simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &os, PropertyWrapperMutability m);
/// Describes whether the reference to a property wrapper instance used for
/// accessing a wrapped property should be an l-value or not.
struct PropertyWrapperLValueness {
llvm::SmallVector<bool, 4> isLValueForGetAccess;
llvm::SmallVector<bool, 4> isLValueForSetAccess;
PropertyWrapperLValueness(unsigned numWrappers)
: isLValueForGetAccess(numWrappers), isLValueForSetAccess(numWrappers) {}
bool operator==(PropertyWrapperLValueness other) const {
return (isLValueForGetAccess == other.isLValueForGetAccess &&
isLValueForSetAccess == other.isLValueForSetAccess);
void simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &os, PropertyWrapperLValueness l);
/// Describes the backing property of a property that has an attached wrapper.
struct PropertyWrapperBackingPropertyInfo {
/// The backing property.
VarDecl *backingVar = nullptr;
/// The synthesized projection property, if any. When present, this takes the name
/// of the original wrapped property prefixed with \c $
VarDecl *projectionVar = nullptr;
/// An expression that initializes the backing property from a value of
/// the original property's type (e.g., via `init(wrappedValue:)`), or
/// \c NULL if the backing property can only be initialized directly.
Expr *initializeFromOriginal = nullptr;
/// When \c initializeFromOriginal is non-NULL, the opaque value that
/// is used as a stand-in for a value of the original property's type.
PropertyWrapperValuePlaceholderExpr *wrappedValuePlaceholder = nullptr;
PropertyWrapperBackingPropertyInfo() { }
PropertyWrapperBackingPropertyInfo(VarDecl *backingVar,
VarDecl *projectionVar,
Expr *initializeFromOriginal,
PropertyWrapperValuePlaceholderExpr *placeholder)
: backingVar(backingVar), projectionVar(projectionVar),
wrappedValuePlaceholder(placeholder) { }
/// Whether this is a valid property wrapper.
bool isValid() const {
return backingVar != nullptr;
explicit operator bool() const { return isValid(); }
friend bool operator==(const PropertyWrapperBackingPropertyInfo &lhs,
const PropertyWrapperBackingPropertyInfo &rhs) {
// FIXME: Can't currently compare expressions.
return lhs.backingVar == rhs.backingVar;
void simple_display(
llvm::raw_ostream &out,
const PropertyWrapperTypeInfo &propertyWrapper);
void simple_display(
llvm::raw_ostream &out,
const PropertyWrapperBackingPropertyInfo &backingInfo);
/// Given the initializer for a property with an attached property wrapper,
/// dig out the wrapped value placeholder for the original initialization
/// expression.
/// \note The wrapped value placeholder is injected for properties that can
/// be initialized out-of-line using an expression of the wrapped property type.
PropertyWrapperValuePlaceholderExpr *findWrappedValuePlaceholder(Expr *init);
} // end namespace swift