blob: 61f54478e2ff98d71491ef40d63793523dd05063 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- PrintOptions.h - AST printing options ------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/STLExtras.h"
#include "swift/AST/AttrKind.h"
#include "swift/AST/Identifier.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeOrExtensionDecl.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <vector>
namespace swift {
class ASTPrinter;
class GenericSignatureImpl;
class CanType;
class Decl;
class Pattern;
class ValueDecl;
class ExtensionDecl;
class NominalTypeDecl;
class TypeBase;
class DeclContext;
class Type;
class ModuleDecl;
enum DeclAttrKind : unsigned;
class SynthesizedExtensionAnalyzer;
struct PrintOptions;
class SILPrintContext;
/// Necessary information for archetype transformation during printing.
struct TypeTransformContext {
TypeBase *BaseType;
TypeOrExtensionDecl Decl;
explicit TypeTransformContext(Type T);
explicit TypeTransformContext(TypeOrExtensionDecl D);
Type getBaseType() const;
TypeOrExtensionDecl getDecl() const;
DeclContext *getDeclContext() const;
bool isPrintingSynthesizedExtension() const;
class BracketOptions {
Decl* Target;
bool OpenExtension;
bool CloseExtension;
bool CloseNominal;
BracketOptions(Decl *Target = nullptr, bool OpenExtension = true,
bool CloseExtension = true, bool CloseNominal = true) :
Target(Target), OpenExtension(OpenExtension),
CloseNominal(CloseNominal) {}
bool shouldOpenExtension(const Decl *D) {
return D != Target || OpenExtension;
bool shouldCloseExtension(const Decl *D) {
return D != Target || CloseExtension;
bool shouldCloseNominal(const Decl *D) {
return D != Target || CloseNominal;
/// A union of DeclAttrKind and TypeAttrKind.
class AnyAttrKind {
unsigned kind : 31;
unsigned isType : 1;
AnyAttrKind(TypeAttrKind K) : kind(static_cast<unsigned>(K)), isType(1) {
static_assert(TAK_Count < UINT_MAX, "TypeAttrKind is > 31 bits");
AnyAttrKind(DeclAttrKind K) : kind(static_cast<unsigned>(K)), isType(0) {
static_assert(DAK_Count < UINT_MAX, "DeclAttrKind is > 31 bits");
AnyAttrKind() : kind(TAK_Count), isType(1) {}
AnyAttrKind(const AnyAttrKind &) = default;
/// Returns the TypeAttrKind, or TAK_Count if this is not a type attribute.
TypeAttrKind type() const {
return isType ? static_cast<TypeAttrKind>(kind) : TAK_Count;
/// Returns the DeclAttrKind, or DAK_Count if this is not a decl attribute.
DeclAttrKind decl() const {
return isType ? DAK_Count : static_cast<DeclAttrKind>(kind);
bool operator==(AnyAttrKind K) const {
return kind == K.kind && isType == K.isType;
bool operator!=(AnyAttrKind K) const { return !(*this == K); }
struct ShouldPrintChecker {
virtual bool shouldPrint(const Decl *D, const PrintOptions &Options);
bool shouldPrint(const Pattern *P, const PrintOptions &Options);
virtual ~ShouldPrintChecker() = default;
/// Options for printing AST nodes.
/// A default-constructed PrintOptions is suitable for printing to users;
/// there are also factory methods for specific use cases.
struct PrintOptions {
/// The indentation width.
unsigned Indent = 2;
/// Whether to print function definitions.
bool FunctionDefinitions = false;
/// Whether to print '{ get set }' on readwrite computed properties.
bool PrintGetSetOnRWProperties = true;
/// Whether to print *any* accessors on properties.
bool PrintPropertyAccessors = true;
/// Whether to print *any* accessors on subscript.
bool PrintSubscriptAccessors = true;
/// Whether to print the accessors of a property abstractly,
/// i.e. always as:
/// ```
/// var x: Int { get set }
/// ```
/// rather than the specific accessors actually used to implement the
/// property.
/// Printing function definitions takes priority over this setting.
bool AbstractAccessors = true;
/// Whether to print a property with only a single getter using the shorthand
/// ```
/// var x: Int { return y }
/// ```
/// vs.
/// ```
/// var x: Int {
/// get { return y }
/// }
/// ```
bool CollapseSingleGetterProperty = true;
/// Whether to print the bodies of accessors in protocol context.
bool PrintAccessorBodiesInProtocols = false;
/// Whether to print type definitions.
bool TypeDefinitions = false;
/// Whether to print variable initializers.
bool VarInitializers = false;
/// Choices for how to print enum raw values.
enum class EnumRawValueMode {
/// Whether to print enum raw value expressions.
EnumRawValueMode EnumRawValues = EnumRawValueMode::Skip;
/// Whether to prefer printing TypeReprs instead of Types,
/// if a TypeRepr is available. This allows us to print the original
/// spelling of the type name.
/// \note This should be \c true when printing AST with the intention show
/// it to the user.
bool PreferTypeRepr = true;
/// Whether to print fully qualified Types.
bool FullyQualifiedTypes = false;
/// Print fully qualified types if our heuristics say that a certain
/// type might be ambiguous.
bool FullyQualifiedTypesIfAmbiguous = false;
/// If true, printed module names will use the "exported" name, which may be
/// different from the regular name.
/// \see FileUnit::getExportedModuleName
bool UseExportedModuleNames = false;
/// Print Swift.Array and Swift.Optional with sugared syntax
/// ([] and ?), even if there are no sugar type nodes.
bool SynthesizeSugarOnTypes = false;
/// If true, null types in the AST will be printed as "<null>". If
/// false, the compiler will trap.
bool AllowNullTypes = true;
/// If true, the printer will explode a pattern like this:
/// \code
/// var (a, b) = f()
/// \endcode
/// into multiple variable declarations.
/// For this option to work correctly, \c VarInitializers should be
/// \c false.
bool ExplodePatternBindingDecls = false;
/// If true, the printer will explode an enum case like this:
/// \code
/// case A, B
/// \endcode
/// into multiple case declarations.
bool ExplodeEnumCaseDecls = false;
/// Whether to print implicit parts of the AST.
bool SkipImplicit = false;
/// Whether to print unavailable parts of the AST.
bool SkipUnavailable = false;
bool SkipSwiftPrivateClangDecls = false;
/// Whether to skip internal stdlib declarations.
bool SkipPrivateStdlibDecls = false;
/// Whether to skip underscored stdlib protocols.
/// Protocols marked with @_show_in_interface are still printed.
bool SkipUnderscoredStdlibProtocols = false;
/// Whether to skip extensions that don't add protocols or no members.
bool SkipEmptyExtensionDecls = true;
/// Whether to print attributes.
bool SkipAttributes = false;
/// Whether to print keywords like 'func'.
bool SkipIntroducerKeywords = false;
/// Whether to print destructors.
bool SkipDeinit = false;
/// Whether to skip printing 'import' declarations.
bool SkipImports = false;
/// Whether to skip printing overrides and witnesses for
/// protocol requirements.
bool SkipOverrides = false;
/// Whether to skip placeholder members.
bool SkipMissingMemberPlaceholders = true;
/// Whether to print a long attribute like '\@available' on a separate line
/// from the declaration or other attributes.
bool PrintLongAttrsOnSeparateLines = false;
bool PrintImplicitAttrs = true;
/// Whether to skip keywords with a prefix of underscore such as __consuming.
bool SkipUnderscoredKeywords = false;
// Print SPI attributes and decls that are visible only as SPI.
bool PrintSPIs = true;
/// Prints type variables and unresolved types in an expanded notation suitable
/// for debugging.
bool PrintTypesForDebugging = false;
/// Whether this print option is for printing .swiftinterface file
bool IsForSwiftInterface = false;
/// Whether to print generic requirements in a where clause.
bool PrintGenericRequirements = true;
/// How to print opaque return types.
enum class OpaqueReturnTypePrintingMode {
/// 'some P1 & P2'.
/// 'P1 & P2'.
/// Stable parsable internal syntax.
/// Description suitable for debugging.
OpaqueReturnTypePrintingMode OpaqueReturnTypePrinting =
/// Whether to print decl attributes that are only used internally,
/// such as _silgen_name, transparent, etc.
bool PrintUserInaccessibleAttrs = true;
/// List of attribute kinds that should not be printed.
std::vector<AnyAttrKind> ExcludeAttrList = {DAK_Transparent, DAK_Effects,
/// List of attribute kinds that should be printed exclusively.
/// Empty means allow all.
std::vector<AnyAttrKind> ExclusiveAttrList;
/// List of decls that should be printed even if they are implicit and \c SkipImplicit is set to true.
std::vector<const Decl*> TreatAsExplicitDeclList;
enum class FunctionRepresentationMode : uint8_t {
/// Print the entire convention, including an arguments.
/// For example, this will print a cType argument label if applicable.
/// Print only the name of the convention, skipping extra argument labels.
/// Skip printing the @convention(..) altogether.
/// Whether to print function @convention attribute on function types.
// [TODO: Clang-type-plumbing] Print the full type in the swiftinterface.
FunctionRepresentationMode PrintFunctionRepresentationAttrs =
/// Whether to print storage representation attributes on types, e.g.
/// '@sil_weak', '@sil_unmanaged'.
bool PrintStorageRepresentationAttrs = false;
/// Whether to print 'static' or 'class' on static decls.
bool PrintStaticKeyword = true;
/// Whether to print 'override' keyword on overridden decls.
bool PrintOverrideKeyword = true;
/// Whether to print access control information on all value decls.
bool PrintAccess = false;
/// If \c PrintAccess is true, this determines whether to print
/// 'internal' keyword.
bool PrintInternalAccessKeyword = true;
/// Print all decls that have at least this level of access.
AccessLevel AccessFilter = AccessLevel::Private;
/// Print IfConfigDecls.
bool PrintIfConfig = true;
/// Whether we are printing for sil.
bool PrintForSIL = false;
/// Whether we are printing part of SIL body.
bool PrintInSILBody = false;
/// Whether to use an empty line to separate two members in a single decl.
bool EmptyLineBetweenMembers = false;
/// Whether to print the extensions from conforming protocols.
bool PrintExtensionFromConformingProtocols = false;
std::shared_ptr<ShouldPrintChecker> CurrentPrintabilityChecker =
enum class ArgAndParamPrintingMode {
/// Whether to print the doc-comment from the conformance if a member decl
/// has no associated doc-comment by itself.
bool CascadeDocComment = false;
static const std::function<bool(const ExtensionDecl *)>
/// Whether to print the content of an extension decl inside the type decl where it
/// extends from.
std::function<bool(const ExtensionDecl *)> printExtensionContentAsMembers =
/// How to print the keyword argument and parameter name in functions.
ArgAndParamPrintingMode ArgAndParamPrinting =
/// Whether to print the default argument value string
/// representation.
bool PrintDefaultArgumentValue = true;
/// Whether to print "_" placeholders for empty arguments.
bool PrintEmptyArgumentNames = true;
/// Whether to print documentation comments attached to declarations.
/// Note that this may print documentation comments from related declarations
/// (e.g. the overridden method in the superclass) if such comment is found.
bool PrintDocumentationComments = false;
/// Whether to print regular comments from clang module headers.
bool PrintRegularClangComments = false;
/// When true, printing interface from a source file will print the original
/// source text for applicable declarations, in order to preserve the
/// formatting.
bool PrintOriginalSourceText = false;
/// When printing a type alias type, whether print the underlying type instead
/// of the alias.
bool PrintTypeAliasUnderlyingType = false;
/// When printing an Optional<T>, rather than printing 'T?', print
/// 'T!'. Used as a modifier only when we know we're printing
/// something that was declared as an implicitly unwrapped optional
/// at the top level. This is stripped out of the printing options
/// for optionals that are nested within other optionals.
bool PrintOptionalAsImplicitlyUnwrapped = false;
/// Replaces the name of private and internal properties of types with '_'.
bool OmitNameOfInaccessibleProperties = false;
/// Use this signature to re-sugar dependent types.
const GenericSignatureImpl *GenericSig = nullptr;
/// Print types with alternative names from their canonical names.
llvm::DenseMap<CanType, Identifier> *AlternativeTypeNames = nullptr;
/// The module in which the printer is used. Determines if the module
/// name should be printed when printing a type.
ModuleDecl *CurrentModule = nullptr;
/// The information for converting archetypes to specialized types.
llvm::Optional<TypeTransformContext> TransformContext;
/// Whether to display (Clang-)imported module names;
bool QualifyImportedTypes = false;
/// Whether cross-import overlay modules are printed with their own name (e.g.
/// _MyFrameworkYourFrameworkAdditions) or that of their underlying module
/// (e.g. MyFramework).
bool MapCrossImportOverlaysToDeclaringModule = false;
bool PrintAsMember = false;
/// Whether to print parameter specifiers as 'let' and 'var'.
bool PrintParameterSpecifiers = false;
/// Whether to print inheritance lists for types.
bool PrintInherited = true;
/// \see ShouldQualifyNestedDeclarations
enum class QualifyNestedDeclarations {
/// Controls when a nested declaration's name should be printed qualified with
/// its enclosing context, if it's being printed on its own (rather than as
/// part of the context).
QualifyNestedDeclarations ShouldQualifyNestedDeclarations =
/// If this is not \c nullptr then function bodies (including accessors
/// and constructors) will be printed by this function.
std::function<void(const ValueDecl *, ASTPrinter &)> FunctionBody;
swift::BracketOptions BracketOptions;
// This is explicit to guarantee that it can be called from LLDB.
PrintOptions() {}
bool excludeAttrKind(AnyAttrKind K) const {
if (std::any_of(ExcludeAttrList.begin(), ExcludeAttrList.end(),
[K](AnyAttrKind other) { return other == K; }))
return true;
if (!ExclusiveAttrList.empty())
return std::none_of(ExclusiveAttrList.begin(), ExclusiveAttrList.end(),
[K](AnyAttrKind other) { return other == K; });
return false;
/// Retrieve the set of options for verbose printing to users.
static PrintOptions printVerbose() {
PrintOptions result;
result.TypeDefinitions = true;
result.VarInitializers = true;
result.PrintDocumentationComments = true;
result.PrintRegularClangComments = true;
result.PrintLongAttrsOnSeparateLines = true;
return result;
/// Retrieve the set of options suitable for diagnostics printing.
static PrintOptions printForDiagnostics(AccessLevel accessFilter) {
PrintOptions result = printVerbose();
result.PrintAccess = true;
result.Indent = 4;
result.FullyQualifiedTypesIfAmbiguous = true;
result.SynthesizeSugarOnTypes = true;
result.PrintUserInaccessibleAttrs = false;
result.PrintImplicitAttrs = false;
result.PrintOverrideKeyword = false;
result.AccessFilter = accessFilter;
result.PrintIfConfig = false;
result.ShouldQualifyNestedDeclarations =
result.PrintDocumentationComments = false;
return result;
/// Retrieve the set of options suitable for interface generation.
static PrintOptions printInterface() {
PrintOptions result = printForDiagnostics(AccessLevel::Public);
result.SkipUnavailable = true;
result.SkipImplicit = true;
result.SkipSwiftPrivateClangDecls = true;
result.SkipPrivateStdlibDecls = true;
result.SkipUnderscoredStdlibProtocols = true;
result.SkipDeinit = true;
result.EmptyLineBetweenMembers = true;
result.CascadeDocComment = true;
result.ShouldQualifyNestedDeclarations =
result.PrintDocumentationComments = true;
result.SkipUnderscoredKeywords = true;
result.EnumRawValues = EnumRawValueMode::PrintObjCOnly;
result.MapCrossImportOverlaysToDeclaringModule = true;
return result;
/// Retrieve the set of options suitable for textual module interfaces.
/// This is a format that will be parsed again later, so the output must be
/// consistent and well-formed.
/// Set \p printSPIs to produce a module interface with the SPI decls and
/// attributes.
/// \see swift::emitSwiftInterface
static PrintOptions printSwiftInterfaceFile(ModuleDecl *ModuleToPrint,
bool preferTypeRepr,
bool printFullConvention,
bool printSPIs);
/// Retrieve the set of options suitable for "Generated Interfaces", which
/// are a prettified representation of the public API of a module, to be
/// displayed to users in an editor.
static PrintOptions printModuleInterface();
static PrintOptions printTypeInterface(Type T);
void setBaseType(Type T);
void initForSynthesizedExtension(TypeOrExtensionDecl D);
void clearSynthesizedExtension();
bool shouldPrint(const Decl* D) const {
return CurrentPrintabilityChecker->shouldPrint(D, *this);
bool shouldPrint(const Pattern* P) const {
return CurrentPrintabilityChecker->shouldPrint(P, *this);
/// Retrieve the print options that are suitable to print the testable interface.
static PrintOptions printTestableInterface() {
PrintOptions result = printInterface();
result.AccessFilter = AccessLevel::Internal;
return result;
/// Retrieve the print options that are suitable to print interface for a
/// swift file.
static PrintOptions printSwiftFileInterface() {
PrintOptions result = printInterface();
result.AccessFilter = AccessLevel::Internal;
result.EmptyLineBetweenMembers = true;
return result;
/// Retrieve the set of options suitable for interface generation for
/// documentation purposes.
static PrintOptions printDocInterface();
/// Retrieve the set of options suitable for printing SIL functions.
static PrintOptions printSIL(const SILPrintContext *silPrintCtx = nullptr);
static PrintOptions printQualifiedSILType() {
PrintOptions result = PrintOptions::printSIL();
result.FullyQualifiedTypesIfAmbiguous = true;
return result;
/// Retrieve the set of options that prints everything.
/// This is only intended for debug output.
static PrintOptions printEverything() {
PrintOptions result = printVerbose();
result.PrintStorageRepresentationAttrs = true;
result.AbstractAccessors = false;
result.PrintAccess = true;
result.SkipEmptyExtensionDecls = false;
result.SkipMissingMemberPlaceholders = false;
return result;
/// Print in the style of quick help declaration.
static PrintOptions printQuickHelpDeclaration() {
PrintOptions PO;
PO.SkipUnderscoredKeywords = true;
PO.EnumRawValues = EnumRawValueMode::Print;
PO.PrintImplicitAttrs = false;
PO.PrintFunctionRepresentationAttrs =
PO.PrintDocumentationComments = false;
PO.SkipPrivateStdlibDecls = true;
PO.ExplodeEnumCaseDecls = true;
PO.ShouldQualifyNestedDeclarations = QualifyNestedDeclarations::TypesOnly;
PO.PrintParameterSpecifiers = true;
PO.SkipImplicit = true;
return PO;