blob: 99f899842fd820de96068d18150e5fd50126339d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- NameLookup.h - Swift Name Lookup Routines --------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines interfaces for performing name lookup.
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTVisitor.h"
#include "swift/AST/Identifier.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Compiler.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Debug.h"
#include "swift/Basic/NullablePtr.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceLoc.h"
namespace swift {
class ASTContext;
class DeclName;
class GenericSignatureBuilder;
class Type;
class TypeDecl;
class ValueDecl;
struct SelfBounds;
class NominalTypeDecl;
namespace ast_scope {
class ASTSourceFileScope;
class ASTScopeImpl;
} // namespace ast_scope
/// LookupResultEntry - One result of unqualified lookup.
struct LookupResultEntry {
/// The declaration context through which we found \c Value. For instance,
/// \code
/// class BaseClass {
/// func foo() {}
/// }
/// class DerivedClass : BaseClass {
/// func bar() {}
/// }
/// \endcode
/// When finding \c foo() from the body of \c DerivedClass, \c BaseDC is \c
/// DerivedClass.
/// Another example:
/// \code
/// class BaseClass {
/// func bar() {}
/// func foo() {}
/// }
/// \endcode
/// When finding \c bar() from the function body of \c foo(), \c BaseDC is
/// the method \c foo().
/// \c BaseDC will be the type if \c self is not needed for the lookup. If
/// \c self is needed, \c baseDC will be either the method or a closure
/// which explicitly captured \c self.
/// In other words: If \c baseDC is a method or a closure, it means you
/// found an instance member and you should add an implicit 'self.' (Each
/// method has its own implicit self decl.) There's one other kind of
/// non-method, non-closure context that has a 'self.' -- a lazy property
/// initializer, which unlike a non-lazy property can reference \c self.
/// \code
/// class Outer {
///   static func s()
///   func i()
/// class Inner {
///   static func ss()
///   func ii() {
///   func F() {
///   ii() // OK! implicitly self.ii; BaseDC is the method
///   s()  // OK! s() is defined in an outer type; BaseDC is the type
///   ss() // error: must write / here since its static
///   i() // error: there's no outer 'self.'
///   }
///   }
/// \endcode
/// To sum up: The distinction is whether you need to know the run-time
/// value of \c self. It might be clearer if \code baseDC was always a type,
/// and there was an additional \c ParamDecl field in \c LookupResult which
/// would store the implicit self, if any. \c BaseDC is always one of your
/// outer DCs. if you're inside a type it should never be an extension of
/// that type. And if you're inside an extension it will always be an
/// extension (if it found something at that level).
DeclContext *BaseDC;
/// The declaration corresponds to the given name; i.e. the decl we are
/// looking up.
ValueDecl *Value;
LookupResultEntry(ValueDecl *value) : BaseDC(nullptr), Value(value) {}
LookupResultEntry(DeclContext *baseDC, ValueDecl *value)
: BaseDC(baseDC), Value(value) {}
ValueDecl *getValueDecl() const { return Value; }
DeclContext *getDeclContext() const { return BaseDC; }
ValueDecl *getBaseDecl() const;
friend bool operator ==(const LookupResultEntry &lhs,
const LookupResultEntry &rhs) {
return lhs.BaseDC == rhs.BaseDC && lhs.Value == rhs.Value;
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &) const;
/// The result of name lookup.
class LookupResult {
/// The set of results found.
SmallVector<LookupResultEntry, 4> Results;
size_t IndexOfFirstOuterResult = 0;
LookupResult() {}
explicit LookupResult(const SmallVectorImpl<LookupResultEntry> &Results,
size_t indexOfFirstOuterResult)
: Results(Results.begin(), Results.end()),
IndexOfFirstOuterResult(indexOfFirstOuterResult) {}
using iterator = SmallVectorImpl<LookupResultEntry>::iterator;
iterator begin() { return Results.begin(); }
iterator end() {
return Results.begin() + IndexOfFirstOuterResult;
unsigned size() const { return innerResults().size(); }
bool empty() const { return innerResults().empty(); }
ArrayRef<LookupResultEntry> innerResults() const {
return llvm::makeArrayRef(Results).take_front(IndexOfFirstOuterResult);
ArrayRef<LookupResultEntry> outerResults() const {
return llvm::makeArrayRef(Results).drop_front(IndexOfFirstOuterResult);
/// \returns An array of both the inner and outer results.
ArrayRef<LookupResultEntry> allResults() const {
return llvm::makeArrayRef(Results);
const LookupResultEntry& operator[](unsigned index) const {
return Results[index];
LookupResultEntry front() const { return innerResults().front(); }
LookupResultEntry back() const { return innerResults().back(); }
/// \returns The index of the first outer result within \c allResults().
size_t getIndexOfFirstOuterResult() const { return IndexOfFirstOuterResult; }
/// Add a result to the set of results.
void add(LookupResultEntry result, bool isOuter) {
if (!isOuter) {
assert(IndexOfFirstOuterResult == Results.size() &&
"found an outer result before an inner one");
} else {
assert(IndexOfFirstOuterResult > 0 &&
"found outer results without an inner one");
void clear() { Results.clear(); }
/// Determine whether the result set is nonempty.
explicit operator bool() const {
return !empty();
TypeDecl *getSingleTypeResult() const {
if (size() != 1)
return nullptr;
return dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(front().getValueDecl());
friend bool operator ==(const LookupResult &lhs, const LookupResult &rhs) {
return lhs.Results == rhs.Results &&
lhs.IndexOfFirstOuterResult == rhs.IndexOfFirstOuterResult;
/// Filter out any results that aren't accepted by the given predicate.
filter(llvm::function_ref<bool(LookupResultEntry, /*isOuter*/ bool)> pred);
/// Shift down results by dropping inner results while keeping outer
/// results (if any), the innermost of which are recogized as inner
/// results afterwards.
void shiftDownResults();
enum class UnqualifiedLookupFlags {
/// This lookup should only return types.
TypeLookup = 1 << 0,
/// This lookup should consider declarations within protocols to which the
/// context type conforms.
AllowProtocolMembers = 1 << 2,
/// Don't check access when doing lookup into a type.
IgnoreAccessControl = 1 << 3,
/// This lookup should include results from outside the innermost scope with
/// results.
IncludeOuterResults = 1 << 4,
// This lookup should include results that are @inlinable or
// @usableFromInline.
IncludeUsableFromInline = 1 << 5,
using UnqualifiedLookupOptions = OptionSet<UnqualifiedLookupFlags>;
void simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out, UnqualifiedLookupOptions options);
inline UnqualifiedLookupOptions operator|(UnqualifiedLookupFlags flag1,
UnqualifiedLookupFlags flag2) {
return UnqualifiedLookupOptions(flag1) | flag2;
/// Describes the reason why a certain declaration is visible.
enum class DeclVisibilityKind {
/// Declaration is a local variable or type.
/// Declaration is a function parameter.
/// Declaration is a generic parameter.
/// Declaration is a member of the immediately enclosing nominal decl.
/// For example, 'Foo' is visible at (1) because of this.
/// \code
/// struct A {
/// typealias Foo = Int
/// func f() {
/// // (1)
/// }
/// }
/// \endcode
/// Declaration is a requirement – in case the nominal decl does not supply
/// a corresponding witness – or an extension member of a protocol
/// conformed to by the immediately enclosing nominal decl.
/// For example, 'foo' is visible at (1) because of this.
/// \code
/// protocol P {
/// func foo()
/// }
/// struct A : P {
/// func bar() {
/// // (1)
/// }
/// }
/// \endcode
/// Declaration is a derived requirement of a protocol conformed to by the
/// immediately enclosing nominal decl (a witness for a synthesized
/// conformance).
/// Declaration is a member of the superclass of the immediately enclosing
/// nominal decl.
/// Declaration is a member of the non-immediately enclosing nominal decl.
/// For example, 'Foo' is visible at (1) because of this.
/// \code
/// struct A {
/// typealias Foo = Int
/// struct B {
/// func foo() {
/// // (1)
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// \endcode
/// Declaration is visible at the top level because it is declared in this
/// module or in an imported module.
/// Declaration was found via \c AnyObject or \c AnyObject.Type.
/// For Decls found with DeclVisibilityKind::DynamicLookup, contains details of
/// how they were looked up. For example, the SubscriptDecl used to find a
/// KeyPath dynamic member.
class DynamicLookupInfo {
enum Kind {
struct KeyPathDynamicMemberInfo {
/// The subscript(dynamicMember:) by which we found the declaration.
SubscriptDecl *subscript = nullptr;
/// The type context of `subscript`, which may be different than the
/// original base type of the lookup if this declaration was found by nested
/// dynamic lookups.
Type baseType = Type();
/// Visibility of the declaration itself without dynamic lookup.
/// For example, dynamic lookup for KeyPath<Derived, U>, might find
/// Base::foo with originalVisibility == MemberOfSuper.
DeclVisibilityKind originalVisibility = DeclVisibilityKind::DynamicLookup;
Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
const KeyPathDynamicMemberInfo &getKeyPathDynamicMember() const;
DynamicLookupInfo() : kind(None) {}
DynamicLookupInfo(Kind kind) : kind(kind) {
assert(kind != KeyPathDynamicMember && "use KeyPathDynamicMemberInfo ctor");
/// Construct for a KeyPath dynamic member lookup.
DynamicLookupInfo(SubscriptDecl *subscript, Type baseType,
DeclVisibilityKind originalVisibility);
Kind kind;
KeyPathDynamicMemberInfo keypath = {};
/// An abstract base class for a visitor that consumes declarations found within
/// a given context.
class VisibleDeclConsumer {
virtual void anchor();
virtual ~VisibleDeclConsumer() = default;
/// This method is called by findVisibleDecls() every time it finds a decl.
virtual void foundDecl(ValueDecl *VD, DeclVisibilityKind Reason,
DynamicLookupInfo dynamicLookupInfo = {}) = 0;
/// An implementation of VisibleDeclConsumer that's built from a lambda.
template <class Fn>
class LambdaDeclConsumer : public VisibleDeclConsumer {
Fn Callback;
LambdaDeclConsumer(Fn &&callback) : Callback(std::move(callback)) {}
void foundDecl(ValueDecl *VD, DeclVisibilityKind reason, DynamicLookupInfo) override {
Callback(VD, reason);
template <class Fn>
LambdaDeclConsumer<Fn> makeDeclConsumer(Fn &&callback) {
return LambdaDeclConsumer<Fn>(std::move(callback));
/// A consumer that inserts found decls into an externally-owned SmallVector.
class VectorDeclConsumer : public VisibleDeclConsumer {
virtual void anchor() override;
SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl *> &results;
explicit VectorDeclConsumer(SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl *> &decls)
: results(decls) {}
virtual void foundDecl(ValueDecl *VD, DeclVisibilityKind Reason,
DynamicLookupInfo) override {
/// A consumer that filters out decls that are not accessible from a given
/// DeclContext.
class AccessFilteringDeclConsumer final : public VisibleDeclConsumer {
const DeclContext *DC;
VisibleDeclConsumer &ChainedConsumer;
AccessFilteringDeclConsumer(const DeclContext *DC,
VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer)
: DC(DC), ChainedConsumer(consumer) {}
void foundDecl(ValueDecl *D, DeclVisibilityKind reason,
DynamicLookupInfo dynamicLookupInfo = {}) override;
/// Filters out decls that are not usable based on their source location, eg.
/// a decl inside its own initializer or a non-type decl before its definition.
class UsableFilteringDeclConsumer final : public VisibleDeclConsumer {
const SourceManager &SM;
const DeclContext *DC;
SourceLoc Loc;
VisibleDeclConsumer &ChainedConsumer;
UsableFilteringDeclConsumer(const SourceManager &SM, const DeclContext *DC,
SourceLoc loc, VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer)
: SM(SM), DC(DC), Loc(loc), ChainedConsumer(consumer) {}
void foundDecl(ValueDecl *D, DeclVisibilityKind reason,
DynamicLookupInfo dynamicLookupInfo) override;
/// Remove any declarations in the given set that were overridden by
/// other declarations in that set.
/// \returns true if any declarations were removed, false otherwise.
bool removeOverriddenDecls(SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl*> &decls);
/// Remove any declarations in the given set that are shadowed by
/// other declarations in that set.
/// \param decls The set of declarations being considered.
/// \param dc The DeclContext from which the lookup was performed.
/// \returns true if any shadowed declarations were removed.
bool removeShadowedDecls(SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl*> &decls,
const DeclContext *dc);
/// Remove any operators in the given set that are shadowed by
/// other operators in that set.
/// \param decls The set of operators being considered.
/// \param dc The DeclContext from which the lookup was performed.
/// \returns true if any shadowed declarations were removed.
bool removeShadowedDecls(TinyPtrVector<OperatorDecl *> &decls,
const DeclContext *dc);
/// Remove any precedence groups in the given set that are shadowed by
/// other precedence groups in that set.
/// \param decls The set of precedence groups being considered.
/// \param dc The DeclContext from which the lookup was performed.
/// \returns true if any shadowed declarations were removed.
bool removeShadowedDecls(TinyPtrVector<PrecedenceGroupDecl *> &decls,
const DeclContext *dc);
/// Finds decls visible in the given context and feeds them to the given
/// VisibleDeclConsumer. If the current DeclContext is nested in a function,
/// the SourceLoc is used to determine which declarations in that function
/// are visible.
void lookupVisibleDecls(VisibleDeclConsumer &Consumer,
const DeclContext *DC,
bool IncludeTopLevel,
SourceLoc Loc = SourceLoc());
/// Finds decls visible as members of the given type and feeds them to the given
/// VisibleDeclConsumer.
/// \param CurrDC the DeclContext from which the lookup is done.
void lookupVisibleMemberDecls(VisibleDeclConsumer &Consumer,
Type BaseTy,
const DeclContext *CurrDC,
bool includeInstanceMembers,
bool includeDerivedRequirements,
bool includeProtocolExtensionMembers,
GenericSignatureBuilder *GSB = nullptr);
namespace namelookup {
/// Once name lookup has gathered a set of results, perform any necessary
/// steps to prune the result set before returning it to the caller.
void pruneLookupResultSet(const DeclContext *dc, NLOptions options,
SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl *> &decls);
/// Do nothing if debugClient is null.
template <typename Result>
void filterForDiscriminator(SmallVectorImpl<Result> &results,
DebuggerClient *debugClient);
} // end namespace namelookup
/// Retrieve the set of nominal type declarations that are directly
/// "inherited" by the given declaration at a particular position in the
/// list of "inherited" types.
/// Add anything we find to the \c result vector. If we come across the
/// AnyObject type, set \c anyObject true.
void getDirectlyInheritedNominalTypeDecls(
llvm::PointerUnion<const TypeDecl *, const ExtensionDecl *> decl,
unsigned i, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Located<NominalTypeDecl *>> &result,
bool &anyObject);
/// Retrieve the set of nominal type declarations that are directly
/// "inherited" by the given declaration, looking through typealiases
/// and splitting out the components of compositions.
/// If we come across the AnyObject type, set \c anyObject true.
SmallVector<Located<NominalTypeDecl *>, 4> getDirectlyInheritedNominalTypeDecls(
llvm::PointerUnion<const TypeDecl *, const ExtensionDecl *> decl,
bool &anyObject);
/// Retrieve the set of nominal type declarations that appear as the
/// constraint type of any "Self" constraints in the where clause of the
/// given protocol or protocol extension.
SelfBounds getSelfBoundsFromWhereClause(
llvm::PointerUnion<const TypeDecl *, const ExtensionDecl *> decl);
/// Retrieve the TypeLoc at the given \c index from among the set of
/// type declarations that are directly "inherited" by the given declaration.
inline const TypeLoc &getInheritedTypeLocAtIndex(
llvm::PointerUnion<const TypeDecl *, const ExtensionDecl *> decl,
unsigned index) {
if (auto typeDecl = decl.dyn_cast<const TypeDecl *>())
return typeDecl->getInherited()[index];
return decl.get<const ExtensionDecl *>()->getInherited()[index];
namespace namelookup {
/// Searches through statements and patterns for local variable declarations.
class FindLocalVal : public StmtVisitor<FindLocalVal> {
friend class ASTVisitor<FindLocalVal>;
const SourceManager &SM;
SourceLoc Loc;
VisibleDeclConsumer &Consumer;
FindLocalVal(const SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc,
VisibleDeclConsumer &Consumer)
: SM(SM), Loc(Loc), Consumer(Consumer) {}
void checkValueDecl(ValueDecl *D, DeclVisibilityKind Reason) {
Consumer.foundDecl(D, Reason);
void checkPattern(const Pattern *Pat, DeclVisibilityKind Reason);
void checkParameterList(const ParameterList *params);
void checkGenericParams(GenericParamList *Params);
void checkSourceFile(const SourceFile &SF);
bool isReferencePointInRange(SourceRange R) {
return SM.rangeContainsTokenLoc(R, Loc);
void visitBreakStmt(BreakStmt *) {}
void visitContinueStmt(ContinueStmt *) {}
void visitFallthroughStmt(FallthroughStmt *) {}
void visitFailStmt(FailStmt *) {}
void visitReturnStmt(ReturnStmt *) {}
void visitYieldStmt(YieldStmt *) {}
void visitThrowStmt(ThrowStmt *) {}
void visitPoundAssertStmt(PoundAssertStmt *) {}
void visitDeferStmt(DeferStmt *DS) {
// Nothing in the defer is visible.
void checkStmtCondition(const StmtCondition &Cond);
void visitIfStmt(IfStmt *S);
void visitGuardStmt(GuardStmt *S);
void visitWhileStmt(WhileStmt *S);
void visitRepeatWhileStmt(RepeatWhileStmt *S);
void visitDoStmt(DoStmt *S);
void visitForEachStmt(ForEachStmt *S);
void visitBraceStmt(BraceStmt *S, bool isTopLevelCode = false);
void visitSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt *S);
void visitCaseStmt(CaseStmt *S);
void visitDoCatchStmt(DoCatchStmt *S);
/// The bridge between the legacy UnqualifedLookupFactory and the new ASTScope
/// lookup system
class AbstractASTScopeDeclConsumer {
AbstractASTScopeDeclConsumer() {}
virtual ~AbstractASTScopeDeclConsumer() = default;
/// Called for every ValueDecl visible from the lookup.
/// Takes an array in order to batch the consumption before setting
/// IndexOfFirstOuterResult when necessary.
/// \param baseDC either a type context or the local context of a
/// `self` parameter declaration. See LookupResult for a discussion
/// of type -vs- instance lookup results.
/// \return true if the lookup should be stopped at this point.
virtual bool consume(ArrayRef<ValueDecl *> values,
NullablePtr<DeclContext> baseDC = nullptr) = 0;
/// Look for members of a nominal type or extension scope.
/// \return true if the lookup should be stopped at this point.
virtual bool
lookInMembers(DeclContext *const scopeDC,
NominalTypeDecl *const nominal) = 0;
/// Called for local VarDecls that might not yet be in scope.
/// Note that the set of VarDecls visited here are going to be a
/// superset of those visited in consume().
virtual bool consumePossiblyNotInScope(ArrayRef<VarDecl *> values) {
return false;
/// Called right before looking at the parent scope of a BraceStmt.
/// \return true if the lookup should be stopped at this point.
virtual bool
finishLookupInBraceStmt(BraceStmt *stmt) {
return false;
#ifndef NDEBUG
virtual void startingNextLookupStep() = 0;
virtual void finishingLookup(std::string) const = 0;
virtual bool isTargetLookup() const = 0;
/// Just used to print
/// Used to gather lookup results
class ASTScopeDeclGatherer : public AbstractASTScopeDeclConsumer {
SmallVector<ValueDecl *, 32> values;
virtual ~ASTScopeDeclGatherer() = default;
bool consume(ArrayRef<ValueDecl *> values,
NullablePtr<DeclContext> baseDC = nullptr) override;
/// Eventually this functionality should move into ASTScopeLookup
bool lookInMembers(DeclContext *const,
NominalTypeDecl *const) override {
return false;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void startingNextLookupStep() override {}
void finishingLookup(std::string) const override {}
bool isTargetLookup() const override { return false; }
ArrayRef<ValueDecl *> getDecls() { return values; }
} // end namespace namelookup
/// The interface into the ASTScope subsystem
class ASTScope {
friend class ast_scope::ASTScopeImpl;
ast_scope::ASTSourceFileScope *const impl;
ASTScope(SourceFile *);
static void expandFunctionBody(AbstractFunctionDecl *);
/// Flesh out the tree for dumping
void buildFullyExpandedTree();
static void unqualifiedLookup(SourceFile *, SourceLoc,
namelookup::AbstractASTScopeDeclConsumer &);
/// Lookup that only finds local declarations and does not trigger
/// interface type computation.
/// \param stopAfterInnermostBraceStmt If lookup should consider
/// local declarations inside the innermost syntactic scope only.
static void lookupLocalDecls(SourceFile *, DeclName, SourceLoc,
bool stopAfterInnermostBraceStmt,
SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl *> &);
/// Returns the result if there is exactly one, nullptr otherwise.
static ValueDecl *lookupSingleLocalDecl(SourceFile *, DeclName, SourceLoc);
/// Entry point to record the visible statement labels from the given
/// point.
/// This lookup only considers labels that are visible within the current
/// function, so it will not return any labels from lexical scopes that
/// are not reachable via labeled control flow.
/// \returns the set of labeled statements visible from the given source
/// location, with the innermost labeled statement first and proceeding
/// to the outermost labeled statement.
static llvm::SmallVector<LabeledStmt *, 4>
lookupLabeledStmts(SourceFile *sourceFile, SourceLoc loc);
/// Look for the directly enclosing case statement and the next case
/// statement, which together act as the source and destination for a
/// 'fallthrough' statement within a switch case.
/// \returns a pair (fallthrough source, fallthrough dest). If the location
/// is not within the body of a case statement at all, the fallthrough
/// source will be \c nullptr. If there is a fallthrough source that case is
/// the last one, the fallthrough destination will be \c nullptr. A
/// well-formed 'fallthrough' statement has both a source and destination.
static std::pair<CaseStmt *, CaseStmt *>
lookupFallthroughSourceAndDest(SourceFile *sourceFile, SourceLoc loc);
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &) const;
void dumpOneScopeMapLocation(std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>);
// Make vanilla new illegal for ASTScopes.
void *operator new(size_t bytes) = delete;
// Need this because have virtual destructors
void operator delete(void *data) {}
// Only allow allocation of scopes using the allocator of a particular source
// file.
void *operator new(size_t bytes, const ASTContext &ctx,
unsigned alignment = alignof(ASTScope));
void *operator new(size_t Bytes, void *Mem) {
return Mem;
static ast_scope::ASTSourceFileScope *createScopeTree(SourceFile *);
void expandFunctionBodyImpl(AbstractFunctionDecl *);
} // end namespace swift