blob: 992df4e4a37641058114c055e52fa66bb706115c [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ModuleDependencies.h - Module Dependencies -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines data structures for capturing all of the source files
// and modules on which a given module depends, forming a graph of all of the
// modules that need to be present for a given module to be built.
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/AST/Import.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace swift {
class ClangModuleDependenciesCacheImpl;
class SourceFile;
class ASTContext;
class Identifier;
/// Which kind of module dependencies we are looking for.
enum class ModuleDependenciesKind : int8_t {
// Placeholder dependencies are a kind of dependencies used only by the
// dependency scanner. They are swift modules that the scanner will not be
// able to locate in its search paths and which are the responsibility of the
// scanner's client to ensure are provided.
// Placeholder dependencies will be specified in the scanner's output
// dependency graph where it is the responsibility of the scanner's client to
// ensure required post-processing takes place to "resolve" them. In order to
// do so, the client (swift driver, or any other client build system) is
// expected to have access to a full dependency graph of all placeholder
// dependencies and be able to replace placeholder nodes in the dependency
// graph with their full dependency trees, `uniquing` common dependency module
// nodes in the process.
// One example where placeholder dependencies are employed is when using
// SwiftPM in Explicit Module Build mode. SwiftPM constructs a build plan for
// all targets ahead-of-time. When planning a build for a target that depends
// on other targets, the dependency scanning action is not able to locate
// dependency target modules, because they have not yet been built. Instead,
// the build system treats them as placeholder dependencies and resolves them
// with `actual` dependencies in a post-processing step once dependency graphs
// of all targets, individually, have been computed.
/// Base class for the variant storage of ModuleDependencies.
/// This class is mostly an implementation detail for \c ModuleDependencies.
class ModuleDependenciesStorageBase {
const ModuleDependenciesKind dependencyKind;
ModuleDependenciesStorageBase(ModuleDependenciesKind dependencyKind)
: dependencyKind(dependencyKind) { }
virtual ModuleDependenciesStorageBase *clone() const = 0;
virtual ~ModuleDependenciesStorageBase();
/// The set of modules on which this module depends.
std::vector<std::string> moduleDependencies;
/// Describes the dependencies of a Swift module.
/// This class is mostly an implementation detail for \c ModuleDependencies.
class SwiftTextualModuleDependenciesStorage :
public ModuleDependenciesStorageBase {
/// The Swift interface file, if it can be used to generate the module file.
const Optional<std::string> swiftInterfaceFile;
/// Potentially ready-to-use compiled modules for the interface file.
const std::vector<std::string> compiledModuleCandidates;
/// The Swift frontend invocation arguments to build the Swift module from the
/// interface.
const std::vector<std::string> buildCommandLine;
/// To build a PCM to be used by this Swift module, we need to append these
/// arguments to the generic PCM build arguments reported from the dependency
/// graph.
const std::vector<std::string> extraPCMArgs;
/// The hash value that will be used for the generated module
const std::string contextHash;
/// A flag that indicates this dependency is a framework
const bool isFramework;
/// Bridging header file, if there is one.
Optional<std::string> bridgingHeaderFile;
/// Swift source files that are part of the Swift module, when known.
std::vector<std::string> sourceFiles;
/// Source files on which the bridging header depends.
std::vector<std::string> bridgingSourceFiles;
/// (Clang) modules on which the bridging header depends.
std::vector<std::string> bridgingModuleDependencies;
const Optional<std::string> &swiftInterfaceFile,
ArrayRef<std::string> compiledModuleCandidates,
ArrayRef<StringRef> buildCommandLine,
ArrayRef<StringRef> extraPCMArgs,
StringRef contextHash,
bool isFramework
) : ModuleDependenciesStorageBase(ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftTextual),
buildCommandLine(buildCommandLine.begin(), buildCommandLine.end()),
extraPCMArgs(extraPCMArgs.begin(), extraPCMArgs.end()),
contextHash(contextHash), isFramework(isFramework) { }
ModuleDependenciesStorageBase *clone() const override {
return new SwiftTextualModuleDependenciesStorage(*this);
static bool classof(const ModuleDependenciesStorageBase *base) {
return base->dependencyKind == ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftTextual;
/// Describes the dependencies of a pre-built Swift module (with no .swiftinterface).
/// This class is mostly an implementation detail for \c ModuleDependencies.
class SwiftBinaryModuleDependencyStorage : public ModuleDependenciesStorageBase {
SwiftBinaryModuleDependencyStorage(const std::string &compiledModulePath,
const std::string &moduleDocPath,
const std::string &sourceInfoPath,
const bool isFramework)
: ModuleDependenciesStorageBase(ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftBinary),
isFramework(isFramework) {}
ModuleDependenciesStorageBase *clone() const override {
return new SwiftBinaryModuleDependencyStorage(*this);
/// The path to the .swiftmodule file.
const std::string compiledModulePath;
/// The path to the .swiftModuleDoc file.
const std::string moduleDocPath;
/// The path to the .swiftSourceInfo file.
const std::string sourceInfoPath;
/// A flag that indicates this dependency is a framework
const bool isFramework;
static bool classof(const ModuleDependenciesStorageBase *base) {
return base->dependencyKind == ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftBinary;
/// Describes the dependencies of a Clang module.
/// This class is mostly an implementation detail for \c ModuleDependencies.
class ClangModuleDependenciesStorage : public ModuleDependenciesStorageBase {
/// The module map file used to generate the Clang module.
const std::string moduleMapFile;
/// The context hash describing the configuration options for this module.
const std::string contextHash;
/// Partial (Clang) command line that can be used to build this module.
const std::vector<std::string> nonPathCommandLine;
/// The file dependencies
const std::vector<std::string> fileDependencies;
const std::string &moduleMapFile,
const std::string &contextHash,
const std::vector<std::string> &nonPathCommandLine,
const std::vector<std::string> &fileDependencies
) : ModuleDependenciesStorageBase(ModuleDependenciesKind::Clang),
fileDependencies(fileDependencies) { }
ModuleDependenciesStorageBase *clone() const override {
return new ClangModuleDependenciesStorage(*this);
static bool classof(const ModuleDependenciesStorageBase *base) {
return base->dependencyKind == ModuleDependenciesKind::Clang;
/// Describes an placeholder Swift module dependency module stub.
/// This class is mostly an implementation detail for \c ModuleDependencies.
class SwiftPlaceholderModuleDependencyStorage : public ModuleDependenciesStorageBase {
SwiftPlaceholderModuleDependencyStorage(const std::string &compiledModulePath,
const std::string &moduleDocPath,
const std::string &sourceInfoPath)
: ModuleDependenciesStorageBase(ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftPlaceholder),
sourceInfoPath(sourceInfoPath) {}
ModuleDependenciesStorageBase *clone() const override {
return new SwiftPlaceholderModuleDependencyStorage(*this);
/// The path to the .swiftmodule file.
const std::string compiledModulePath;
/// The path to the .swiftModuleDoc file.
const std::string moduleDocPath;
/// The path to the .swiftSourceInfo file.
const std::string sourceInfoPath;
static bool classof(const ModuleDependenciesStorageBase *base) {
return base->dependencyKind == ModuleDependenciesKind::SwiftPlaceholder;
/// Describes the dependencies of a given module.
/// The dependencies of a module include all of the source files that go
/// into that module, as well as any modules that are directly imported
/// into the module.
class ModuleDependencies {
std::unique_ptr<ModuleDependenciesStorageBase> storage;
ModuleDependencies(std::unique_ptr<ModuleDependenciesStorageBase> &&storage)
: storage(std::move(storage)) { }
ModuleDependencies(const ModuleDependencies &other)
: storage(>clone()) { }
ModuleDependencies(ModuleDependencies &&other) = default;
ModuleDependencies &operator=(const ModuleDependencies &other) {
return *this;
ModuleDependencies &operator=(ModuleDependencies &&other) = default;
/// Describe the module dependencies for a Swift module that can be
/// built from a Swift interface file (\c .swiftinterface).
static ModuleDependencies forSwiftInterface(
const std::string &swiftInterfaceFile,
ArrayRef<std::string> compiledCandidates,
ArrayRef<StringRef> buildCommands,
ArrayRef<StringRef> extraPCMArgs,
StringRef contextHash,
bool isFramework) {
return ModuleDependencies(
swiftInterfaceFile, compiledCandidates, buildCommands,
extraPCMArgs, contextHash, isFramework));
/// Describe the module dependencies for a serialized or parsed Swift module.
static ModuleDependencies forSwiftBinaryModule(
const std::string &compiledModulePath,
const std::string &moduleDocPath,
const std::string &sourceInfoPath,
bool isFramework) {
return ModuleDependencies(
compiledModulePath, moduleDocPath, sourceInfoPath, isFramework));
/// Describe the main Swift module.
static ModuleDependencies forMainSwiftModule(ArrayRef<StringRef> extraPCMArgs) {
return ModuleDependencies(
None, ArrayRef<std::string>(), ArrayRef<StringRef>(),
extraPCMArgs, StringRef(), false));
/// Describe the module dependencies for a Clang module that can be
/// built from a module map and headers.
static ModuleDependencies forClangModule(
const std::string &moduleMapFile,
const std::string &contextHash,
const std::vector<std::string> &nonPathCommandLine,
const std::vector<std::string> &fileDependencies) {
return ModuleDependencies(
moduleMapFile, contextHash, nonPathCommandLine, fileDependencies));
/// Describe a placeholder dependency swift module.
static ModuleDependencies forPlaceholderSwiftModuleStub(
const std::string &compiledModulePath,
const std::string &moduleDocPath,
const std::string &sourceInfoPath) {
return ModuleDependencies(
compiledModulePath, moduleDocPath, sourceInfoPath));
/// Retrieve the module-level dependencies.
ArrayRef<std::string> getModuleDependencies() const {
return storage->moduleDependencies;
/// Whether the dependencies are for a Swift module: either Textual, Binary, or Placeholder.
bool isSwiftModule() const;
/// Whether the dependencies are for a textual Swift module.
bool isSwiftTextualModule() const;
/// Whether the dependencies are for a binary Swift module.
bool isSwiftBinaryModule() const;
/// Whether this represents a placeholder module stub
bool isSwiftPlaceholderModule() const;
/// Whether the dependencies are for a Clang module.
bool isClangModule() const;
ModuleDependenciesKind getKind() const {
return storage->dependencyKind;
/// Retrieve the dependencies for a Swift module.
const SwiftTextualModuleDependenciesStorage *getAsSwiftTextualModule() const;
/// Retrieve the dependencies for a binary Swift module.
const SwiftBinaryModuleDependencyStorage *getAsSwiftBinaryModule() const;
/// Retrieve the dependencies for a Clang module.
const ClangModuleDependenciesStorage *getAsClangModule() const;
/// Retrieve the dependencies for a placeholder dependency module stub.
const SwiftPlaceholderModuleDependencyStorage *
getAsPlaceholderDependencyModule() const;
/// Add a dependency on the given module, if it was not already in the set.
void addModuleDependency(StringRef module,
llvm::StringSet<> *alreadyAddedModules = nullptr);
/// Add a dependency on the given module, if it was not already in the set.
void addModuleDependency(ImportPath::Module module,
llvm::StringSet<> *alreadyAddedModules = nullptr) {
addModuleDependency(module.front().Item.str(), alreadyAddedModules);
/// Add all of the module dependencies for the imports in the given source
/// file to the set of module dependencies.
void addModuleDependencies(const SourceFile &sf,
llvm::StringSet<> &alreadyAddedModules);
/// Get the bridging header.
Optional<std::string> getBridgingHeader() const;
/// Add a bridging header to a Swift module's dependencies.
void addBridgingHeader(StringRef bridgingHeader);
/// Add source files that the bridging header depends on.
void addBridgingSourceFile(StringRef bridgingSourceFile);
/// Add (Clang) module on which the bridging header depends.
void addBridgingModuleDependency(StringRef module,
llvm::StringSet<> &alreadyAddedModules);
/// Collect a map from a secondary module name to a list of cross-import
/// overlays, when this current module serves as the primary module.
llvm::StringMap<llvm::SmallSetVector<Identifier, 4>>
collectCrossImportOverlayNames(ASTContext &ctx, StringRef moduleName);
using ModuleDependencyID = std::pair<std::string, ModuleDependenciesKind>;
/// A cache describing the set of module dependencies that has been queried
/// thus far.
class ModuleDependenciesCache {
/// All cached module dependencies, in the order in which they were
/// encountered.
std::vector<ModuleDependencyID> AllModules;
/// Dependencies for Textual Swift modules that have already been computed.
llvm::StringMap<ModuleDependencies> SwiftTextualModuleDependencies;
/// Dependencies for Binary Swift modules that have already been computed.
llvm::StringMap<ModuleDependencies> SwiftBinaryModuleDependencies;
/// Dependencies for Swift placeholder dependency modules that have already been computed.
llvm::StringMap<ModuleDependencies> SwiftPlaceholderModuleDependencies;
/// Dependencies for Clang modules that have already been computed.
llvm::StringMap<ModuleDependencies> ClangModuleDependencies;
/// Additional information needed for Clang dependency scanning.
ClangModuleDependenciesCacheImpl *clangImpl = nullptr;
/// Function that will delete \c clangImpl properly.
void (*clangImplDeleter)(ClangModuleDependenciesCacheImpl *) = nullptr;
/// Free up the storage associated with the Clang implementation.
void destroyClangImpl() {
if (this->clangImplDeleter)
/// Retrieve the dependencies map that corresponds to the given dependency
/// kind.
llvm::StringMap<ModuleDependencies> &getDependenciesMap(
ModuleDependenciesKind kind);
const llvm::StringMap<ModuleDependencies> &getDependenciesMap(
ModuleDependenciesKind kind) const;
ModuleDependenciesCache() { }
ModuleDependenciesCache(const ModuleDependenciesCache &) = delete;
ModuleDependenciesCache &operator=(const ModuleDependenciesCache &) = delete;
~ModuleDependenciesCache() {
/// Set the Clang-specific implementation data.
void setClangImpl(
ClangModuleDependenciesCacheImpl *clangImpl,
void (*clangImplDeleter)(ClangModuleDependenciesCacheImpl *)) {
this->clangImpl = clangImpl;
this->clangImplDeleter = clangImplDeleter;
/// Retrieve the Clang-specific implementation data;
ClangModuleDependenciesCacheImpl *getClangImpl() const {
return clangImpl;
/// Whether we have cached dependency information for the given module.
bool hasDependencies(StringRef moduleName,
Optional<ModuleDependenciesKind> kind) const;
/// Look for module dependencies for a module with the given name.
/// \returns the cached result, or \c None if there is no cached entry.
Optional<ModuleDependencies> findDependencies(
StringRef moduleName,
Optional<ModuleDependenciesKind> kind) const;
/// Record dependencies for the given module.
void recordDependencies(StringRef moduleName,
ModuleDependencies dependencies);
/// Update stored dependencies for the given module.
void updateDependencies(ModuleDependencyID moduleID,
ModuleDependencies dependencies);
/// Reference the list of all module dependencies.
const std::vector<ModuleDependencyID> &getAllModules() const {
return AllModules;