blob: 98e4208098ce2a94b71b53b62e529a68813642c7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ExtInfo.h - Extended information for function types ----*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Defines the ASTExtInfo and SILExtInfo classes, which are used to store
// the calling convention and related information for function types in the AST
// and SIL respectively. These types are lightweight and immutable; they are
// constructed using builder-pattern style APIs to enforce invariants.
#include "swift/AST/AutoDiff.h"
#include "swift/AST/ClangModuleLoader.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <utility>
namespace clang {
class Type;
class ASTContext;
} // namespace clang
namespace swift {
class AnyFunctionType;
class ASTExtInfo;
class ASTExtInfoBuilder;
class FunctionType;
class SILExtInfo;
class SILExtInfoBuilder;
class SILFunctionType;
enum class SILFunctionTypeRepresentation : uint8_t;
} // namespace swift
namespace swift {
// MARK: - ClangTypeInfo
/// Wrapper class for storing a clang::Type in an (AST|SIL)ExtInfo.
class ClangTypeInfo {
friend AnyFunctionType;
friend FunctionType;
friend SILFunctionType;
friend ASTExtInfoBuilder;
friend SILExtInfoBuilder;
// [NOTE: ClangTypeInfo-contents]
// We preserve a full clang::Type *, not a clang::FunctionType * as:
// 1. We need to keep sugar in case we need to present an error to the user
// (for AnyFunctionType).
// 2. The actual type being stored is [ignoring sugar] either a
// clang::PointerType, a clang::BlockPointerType, or a
// clang::ReferenceType which points to a clang::FunctionType.
// When used as a part of SILFunctionType, the type is canonical.
const clang::Type *type;
constexpr ClangTypeInfo() : type(nullptr) {}
constexpr ClangTypeInfo(const clang::Type *type) : type(type) {}
friend bool operator==(ClangTypeInfo lhs, ClangTypeInfo rhs);
friend bool operator!=(ClangTypeInfo lhs, ClangTypeInfo rhs);
ClangTypeInfo getCanonical() const;
constexpr const clang::Type *getType() const { return type; }
constexpr bool empty() const { return !type; }
/// Use the ClangModuleLoader to print the Clang type as a string.
void printType(ClangModuleLoader *cml, llvm::raw_ostream &os) const;
void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &os, const clang::ASTContext &ctx) const;
// MARK: - UnexpectedClangTypeError
/// Potential errors when trying to store a Clang type in an ExtInfo.
struct UnexpectedClangTypeError {
enum class Kind {
const Kind errorKind;
const clang::Type *type;
static Optional<UnexpectedClangTypeError> checkClangType(
SILFunctionTypeRepresentation fnRep, const clang::Type *type,
bool expectNonnullForCOrBlock, bool expectCanonical);
void dump();
// MARK: - FunctionTypeRepresentation
/// The representation form of a function.
enum class FunctionTypeRepresentation : uint8_t {
/// A "thick" function that carries a context pointer to reference captured
/// state. The default native function representation.
Swift = 0,
/// A thick function that is represented as an Objective-C block.
/// A "thin" function that needs no context.
/// A C function pointer (or reference), which is thin and also uses the C
/// calling convention.
/// The value of the greatest AST function representation.
Last = CFunctionPointer,
// MARK: - SILFunctionTypeRepresentation
/// The representation form of a SIL function.
/// This is a superset of FunctionTypeRepresentation. The common representations
/// must share an enum value.
/// TODO: The overlap of SILFunctionTypeRepresentation and
/// FunctionTypeRepresentation is a total hack necessitated by the way SIL
/// TypeLowering is currently written. We ought to refactor TypeLowering so that
/// it is not necessary to distinguish these cases.
enum class SILFunctionTypeRepresentation : uint8_t {
/// A freestanding thick function.
Thick = uint8_t(FunctionTypeRepresentation::Swift),
/// A thick function that is represented as an Objective-C block.
Block = uint8_t(FunctionTypeRepresentation::Block),
/// A freestanding thin function that needs no context.
Thin = uint8_t(FunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin),
/// A C function pointer, which is thin and also uses the C calling
/// convention.
CFunctionPointer = uint8_t(FunctionTypeRepresentation::CFunctionPointer),
/// The value of the greatest AST function representation.
LastAST = CFunctionPointer,
/// The value of the least SIL-only function representation.
FirstSIL = 8,
/// A Swift instance method.
Method = FirstSIL,
/// An Objective-C method.
/// A Swift protocol witness.
/// A closure invocation function that has not been bound to a context.
constexpr SILFunctionTypeRepresentation
convertRepresentation(FunctionTypeRepresentation rep) {
switch (rep) {
case FunctionTypeRepresentation::Swift:
return SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick;
case FunctionTypeRepresentation::Block:
return SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Block;
case FunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin:
return SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin;
case FunctionTypeRepresentation::CFunctionPointer:
return SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::CFunctionPointer;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled FunctionTypeRepresentation!");
inline Optional<FunctionTypeRepresentation>
convertRepresentation(SILFunctionTypeRepresentation rep) {
switch (rep) {
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick:
return {FunctionTypeRepresentation::Swift};
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Block:
return {FunctionTypeRepresentation::Block};
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin:
return {FunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin};
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::CFunctionPointer:
return {FunctionTypeRepresentation::CFunctionPointer};
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Method:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::ObjCMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::WitnessMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Closure:
return None;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled SILFunctionTypeRepresentation!");
/// Can this calling convention result in a function being called indirectly
/// through the runtime.
constexpr bool canBeCalledIndirectly(SILFunctionTypeRepresentation rep) {
switch (rep) {
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::CFunctionPointer:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Block:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Closure:
return false;
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::ObjCMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Method:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::WitnessMethod:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled SILFunctionTypeRepresentation in switch.");
template <typename Repr> constexpr bool shouldStoreClangType(Repr repr) {
static_assert(std::is_same<Repr, FunctionTypeRepresentation>::value ||
std::is_same<Repr, SILFunctionTypeRepresentation>::value,
"Expected a Representation type as the argument type.");
switch (static_cast<SILFunctionTypeRepresentation>(repr)) {
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::CFunctionPointer:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Block:
return true;
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::ObjCMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Method:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::WitnessMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Closure:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled SILFunctionTypeRepresentation.");
// MARK: - ASTExtInfoBuilder
/// A builder type for creating an \c ASTExtInfo.
/// The main API public includes the \c withXYZ and \p build() methods.
class ASTExtInfoBuilder {
friend AnyFunctionType;
friend ASTExtInfo;
// If bits are added or removed, then TypeBase::AnyFunctionTypeBits
// and NumMaskBits must be updated, and they must match.
// |representation|noEscape|async|throws|differentiability|
// | 0 .. 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 .. 8 |
enum : unsigned {
RepresentationMask = 0xF << 0,
NoEscapeMask = 1 << 4,
AsyncMask = 1 << 5,
ThrowsMask = 1 << 6,
DifferentiabilityMaskOffset = 7,
DifferentiabilityMask = 0x3 << DifferentiabilityMaskOffset,
NumMaskBits = 9
unsigned bits; // Naturally sized for speed.
ClangTypeInfo clangTypeInfo;
using Representation = FunctionTypeRepresentation;
ASTExtInfoBuilder(unsigned bits, ClangTypeInfo clangTypeInfo)
: bits(bits), clangTypeInfo(clangTypeInfo) {}
/// An ExtInfoBuilder for a typical Swift function: @convention(swift),
/// @escaping, non-throwing, non-differentiable.
: ASTExtInfoBuilder(Representation::Swift, false, false,
DifferentiabilityKind::NonDifferentiable, nullptr) {}
// Constructor for polymorphic type.
ASTExtInfoBuilder(Representation rep, bool throws)
: ASTExtInfoBuilder(rep, false, throws,
DifferentiabilityKind::NonDifferentiable, nullptr) {}
// Constructor with no defaults.
ASTExtInfoBuilder(Representation rep, bool isNoEscape, bool throws,
DifferentiabilityKind diffKind, const clang::Type *type)
: ASTExtInfoBuilder(
((unsigned)rep) | (isNoEscape ? NoEscapeMask : 0) |
(throws ? ThrowsMask : 0) |
(((unsigned)diffKind << DifferentiabilityMaskOffset) &
ClangTypeInfo(type)) {}
void checkInvariants() const;
/// Check if \c this is well-formed and create an ExtInfo.
ASTExtInfo build() const;
constexpr Representation getRepresentation() const {
unsigned rawRep = bits & RepresentationMask;
assert(rawRep <= unsigned(Representation::Last) &&
"unexpected SIL representation");
return Representation(rawRep);
constexpr bool isNoEscape() const { return bits & NoEscapeMask; }
constexpr bool isAsync() const { return bits & AsyncMask; }
constexpr bool isThrowing() const { return bits & ThrowsMask; }
constexpr DifferentiabilityKind getDifferentiabilityKind() const {
return DifferentiabilityKind((bits & DifferentiabilityMask) >>
constexpr bool isDifferentiable() const {
return getDifferentiabilityKind() >
ClangTypeInfo getClangTypeInfo() const { return clangTypeInfo; }
constexpr SILFunctionTypeRepresentation getSILRepresentation() const {
unsigned rawRep = bits & RepresentationMask;
return SILFunctionTypeRepresentation(rawRep);
constexpr bool hasSelfParam() const {
switch (getSILRepresentation()) {
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Block:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::CFunctionPointer:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Closure:
return false;
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::ObjCMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Method:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::WitnessMethod:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled SILFunctionTypeRepresentation in switch.");
/// True if the function representation carries context.
constexpr bool hasContext() const {
switch (getSILRepresentation()) {
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Block:
return true;
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Method:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::ObjCMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::WitnessMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::CFunctionPointer:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Closure:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled SILFunctionTypeRepresentation in switch.");
// Note that we don't have setters. That is by design, use
// the following with methods instead of mutating these objects.
ASTExtInfoBuilder withRepresentation(Representation rep) const {
return ASTExtInfoBuilder((bits & ~RepresentationMask) | (unsigned)rep,
shouldStoreClangType(rep) ? clangTypeInfo
: ClangTypeInfo());
ASTExtInfoBuilder withNoEscape(bool noEscape = true) const {
return ASTExtInfoBuilder(noEscape ? (bits | NoEscapeMask)
: (bits & ~NoEscapeMask),
ASTExtInfoBuilder withAsync(bool async = true) const {
return ASTExtInfoBuilder(async ? (bits | AsyncMask)
: (bits & ~AsyncMask),
ASTExtInfoBuilder withThrows(bool throws = true) const {
return ASTExtInfoBuilder(
throws ? (bits | ThrowsMask) : (bits & ~ThrowsMask), clangTypeInfo);
withDifferentiabilityKind(DifferentiabilityKind differentiability) const {
return ASTExtInfoBuilder(
(bits & ~DifferentiabilityMask) |
((unsigned)differentiability << DifferentiabilityMaskOffset),
ASTExtInfoBuilder withClangFunctionType(const clang::Type *type) const {
return ASTExtInfoBuilder(bits, ClangTypeInfo(type));
/// Put a SIL representation in the ExtInfo.
/// SIL type lowering transiently generates AST function types with SIL
/// representations. However, they shouldn't persist in the AST, and
/// don't need to be parsed, printed, or serialized.
withSILRepresentation(SILFunctionTypeRepresentation rep) const {
return ASTExtInfoBuilder((bits & ~RepresentationMask) | (unsigned)rep,
shouldStoreClangType(rep) ? clangTypeInfo
: ClangTypeInfo());
bool isEqualTo(ASTExtInfoBuilder other, bool useClangTypes) const {
return bits == other.bits &&
(useClangTypes ? (clangTypeInfo == other.clangTypeInfo) : true);
constexpr std::pair<unsigned, const void *> getFuncAttrKey() const {
return std::make_pair(bits, clangTypeInfo.getType());
}; // end ASTExtInfoBuilder
// MARK: - ASTExtInfo
/// Calling convention and related information for AnyFunctionType + subclasses.
/// New instances can be made from existing instances via \c ASTExtInfoBuilder,
/// typically using a code pattern like:
/// \code
/// extInfo.intoBuilder().withX(x).withY(y).build()
/// \endcode
class ASTExtInfo {
friend ASTExtInfoBuilder;
friend AnyFunctionType;
ASTExtInfoBuilder builder;
// Only for use by ASTExtInfoBuilder::build. Don't use it elsewhere!
ASTExtInfo(ASTExtInfoBuilder builder) : builder(builder) {}
ASTExtInfo(unsigned bits, ClangTypeInfo clangTypeInfo)
: builder(bits, clangTypeInfo) {
/// An ExtInfo for a typical Swift function: @convention(swift), @escaping,
/// non-throwing, non-differentiable.
ASTExtInfo() : builder() { builder.checkInvariants(); };
/// Create a builder with the same state as \c this.
ASTExtInfoBuilder intoBuilder() const { return builder; }
constexpr unsigned getBits() const { return builder.bits; }
constexpr FunctionTypeRepresentation getRepresentation() const {
return builder.getRepresentation();
constexpr SILFunctionTypeRepresentation getSILRepresentation() const {
return builder.getSILRepresentation();
constexpr bool isNoEscape() const { return builder.isNoEscape(); }
constexpr bool isAsync() const { return builder.isAsync(); }
constexpr bool isThrowing() const { return builder.isThrowing(); }
constexpr DifferentiabilityKind getDifferentiabilityKind() const {
return builder.getDifferentiabilityKind();
constexpr bool isDifferentiable() const { return builder.isDifferentiable(); }
ClangTypeInfo getClangTypeInfo() const { return builder.getClangTypeInfo(); }
constexpr bool hasSelfParam() const { return builder.hasSelfParam(); }
constexpr bool hasContext() const { return builder.hasContext(); }
/// Helper method for changing the representation.
/// Prefer using \c ASTExtInfoBuilder::withRepresentation for chaining.
ASTExtInfo withRepresentation(ASTExtInfoBuilder::Representation rep) const {
return builder.withRepresentation(rep).build();
/// Helper method for changing only the noEscape field.
/// Prefer using \c ASTExtInfoBuilder::withNoEscape for chaining.
ASTExtInfo withNoEscape(bool noEscape = true) const {
return builder.withNoEscape(noEscape).build();
/// Helper method for changing only the throws field.
/// Prefer using \c ASTExtInfoBuilder::withThrows for chaining.
ASTExtInfo withThrows(bool throws = true) const {
return builder.withThrows(throws).build();
/// Helper method for changing only the async field.
/// Prefer using \c ASTExtInfoBuilder::withAsync for chaining.
ASTExtInfo withAsync(bool async = true) const {
return builder.withAsync(async).build();
bool isEqualTo(ASTExtInfo other, bool useClangTypes) const {
return builder.isEqualTo(other.builder, useClangTypes);
constexpr std::pair<unsigned, const void *> getFuncAttrKey() const {
return builder.getFuncAttrKey();
}; // end ASTExtInfo
// MARK: - SILFunctionLanguage
/// A language-level calling convention.
enum class SILFunctionLanguage : uint8_t {
/// A variation of the Swift calling convention.
Swift = 0,
/// A variation of the C calling convention.
/// Map a SIL function representation to the base language calling convention
/// it uses.
SILFunctionLanguage getSILFunctionLanguage(SILFunctionTypeRepresentation rep) {
switch (rep) {
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::ObjCMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::CFunctionPointer:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Block:
return SILFunctionLanguage::C;
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thin:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Method:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::WitnessMethod:
case SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Closure:
return SILFunctionLanguage::Swift;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled SILFunctionTypeRepresentation in switch.");
// MARK: - SILExtInfoBuilder
/// A builder type for creating an \c SILExtInfo.
/// The main API public includes the \c withXYZ and \p build() methods.
class SILExtInfoBuilder {
friend SILExtInfo;
friend SILFunctionType;
// If bits are added or removed, then TypeBase::SILFunctionTypeBits
// and NumMaskBits must be updated, and they must match.
// |representation|pseudogeneric| noescape | async | differentiability|
// | 0 .. 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 .. 8 |
enum : unsigned {
RepresentationMask = 0xF << 0,
PseudogenericMask = 1 << 4,
NoEscapeMask = 1 << 5,
AsyncMask = 1 << 6,
DifferentiabilityMaskOffset = 7,
DifferentiabilityMask = 0x3 << DifferentiabilityMaskOffset,
NumMaskBits = 9
unsigned bits; // Naturally sized for speed.
ClangTypeInfo clangTypeInfo;
using Language = SILFunctionLanguage;
using Representation = SILFunctionTypeRepresentation;
SILExtInfoBuilder(unsigned bits, ClangTypeInfo clangTypeInfo)
: bits(bits), clangTypeInfo(clangTypeInfo.getCanonical()) {}
static constexpr unsigned makeBits(Representation rep, bool isPseudogeneric,
bool isNoEscape, bool isAsync,
DifferentiabilityKind diffKind) {
return ((unsigned)rep) | (isPseudogeneric ? PseudogenericMask : 0) |
(isNoEscape ? NoEscapeMask : 0) | (isAsync ? AsyncMask : 0) |
(((unsigned)diffKind << DifferentiabilityMaskOffset) &
/// An ExtInfoBuilder for a typical Swift function: thick, @escaping,
/// non-pseudogeneric, non-differentiable.
: SILExtInfoBuilder(makeBits(SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick, false,
false, false,
ClangTypeInfo(nullptr)) {}
SILExtInfoBuilder(Representation rep, bool isPseudogeneric, bool isNoEscape,
bool isAsync, DifferentiabilityKind diffKind,
const clang::Type *type)
: SILExtInfoBuilder(makeBits(rep, isPseudogeneric, isNoEscape, isAsync,
ClangTypeInfo(type)) {}
// Constructor for polymorphic type.
SILExtInfoBuilder(ASTExtInfoBuilder info, bool isPseudogeneric)
: SILExtInfoBuilder(makeBits(info.getSILRepresentation(), isPseudogeneric,
info.isNoEscape(), info.isAsync(),
info.getClangTypeInfo()) {}
void checkInvariants() const;
/// Check if \c this is well-formed and create an ExtInfo.
SILExtInfo build() const;
/// What is the abstract representation of this function value?
constexpr Representation getRepresentation() const {
return Representation(bits & RepresentationMask);
constexpr Language getLanguage() const {
return getSILFunctionLanguage(getRepresentation());
/// Is this function pseudo-generic? A pseudo-generic function
/// is not permitted to dynamically depend on its type arguments.
constexpr bool isPseudogeneric() const { return bits & PseudogenericMask; }
// Is this function guaranteed to be no-escape by the type system?
constexpr bool isNoEscape() const { return bits & NoEscapeMask; }
constexpr bool isAsync() const { return bits & AsyncMask; }
constexpr DifferentiabilityKind getDifferentiabilityKind() const {
return DifferentiabilityKind((bits & DifferentiabilityMask) >>
constexpr bool isDifferentiable() const {
return getDifferentiabilityKind() !=
/// Get the underlying ClangTypeInfo value.
ClangTypeInfo getClangTypeInfo() const { return clangTypeInfo; }
constexpr bool hasSelfParam() const {
switch (getRepresentation()) {
case Representation::Thick:
case Representation::Block:
case Representation::Thin:
case Representation::CFunctionPointer:
case Representation::Closure:
return false;
case Representation::ObjCMethod:
case Representation::Method:
case Representation::WitnessMethod:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled Representation in switch.");
/// True if the function representation carries context.
constexpr bool hasContext() const {
switch (getRepresentation()) {
case Representation::Thick:
case Representation::Block:
return true;
case Representation::Thin:
case Representation::CFunctionPointer:
case Representation::ObjCMethod:
case Representation::Method:
case Representation::WitnessMethod:
case Representation::Closure:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled Representation in switch.");
// Note that we don't have setters. That is by design, use
// the following with methods instead of mutating these objects.
SILExtInfoBuilder withRepresentation(Representation rep) const {
return SILExtInfoBuilder((bits & ~RepresentationMask) | (unsigned)rep,
shouldStoreClangType(rep) ? clangTypeInfo
: ClangTypeInfo());
SILExtInfoBuilder withIsPseudogeneric(bool isPseudogeneric = true) const {
return SILExtInfoBuilder(isPseudogeneric ? (bits | PseudogenericMask)
: (bits & ~PseudogenericMask),
SILExtInfoBuilder withNoEscape(bool noEscape = true) const {
return SILExtInfoBuilder(noEscape ? (bits | NoEscapeMask)
: (bits & ~NoEscapeMask),
SILExtInfoBuilder withAsync(bool isAsync = true) const {
return SILExtInfoBuilder(isAsync ? (bits | AsyncMask) : (bits & ~AsyncMask),
withDifferentiabilityKind(DifferentiabilityKind differentiability) const {
return SILExtInfoBuilder(
(bits & ~DifferentiabilityMask) |
((unsigned)differentiability << DifferentiabilityMaskOffset),
SILExtInfoBuilder withClangFunctionType(const clang::Type *type) const {
return SILExtInfoBuilder(bits, ClangTypeInfo(type).getCanonical());
bool isEqualTo(SILExtInfoBuilder other, bool useClangTypes) const {
return bits == other.bits &&
(useClangTypes ? (clangTypeInfo == other.clangTypeInfo) : true);
constexpr std::pair<unsigned, const void *> getFuncAttrKey() const {
return std::make_pair(bits, clangTypeInfo.getType());
}; // end SILExtInfoBuilder
// MARK: - SILExtInfo
/// Calling convention information for SILFunctionType.
/// New instances can be made from existing instances via \c SILExtInfoBuilder,
/// typically using a code pattern like:
/// \code
/// extInfo.intoBuilder().withX(x).withY(y).build()
/// \endcode
class SILExtInfo {
friend SILExtInfoBuilder;
friend SILFunctionType;
SILExtInfoBuilder builder;
// Only for use by SILExtInfoBuilder::build. Don't use it elsewhere!
SILExtInfo(SILExtInfoBuilder builder) : builder(builder) {}
SILExtInfo(unsigned bits, ClangTypeInfo clangTypeInfo)
: builder(bits, clangTypeInfo) {
/// An ExtInfo for a typical Swift function: thick, @escaping,
/// non-pseudogeneric, non-differentiable.
SILExtInfo() : builder() { builder.checkInvariants(); };
SILExtInfo(ASTExtInfo info, bool isPseudogeneric)
: builder(info.intoBuilder(), isPseudogeneric) {
/// A default ExtInfo but with a Thin convention.
static SILExtInfo getThin() {
return SILExtInfoBuilder(SILExtInfoBuilder::Representation::Thin, false,
false, false,
DifferentiabilityKind::NonDifferentiable, nullptr)
/// Create a builder with the same state as \c this.
SILExtInfoBuilder intoBuilder() const { return builder; }
constexpr unsigned getBits() const { return builder.bits; }
constexpr SILFunctionTypeRepresentation getRepresentation() const {
return builder.getRepresentation();
constexpr SILFunctionLanguage getLanguage() const {
return builder.getLanguage();
constexpr bool isPseudogeneric() const { return builder.isPseudogeneric(); }
constexpr bool isNoEscape() const { return builder.isNoEscape(); }
constexpr bool isAsync() const { return builder.isAsync(); }
constexpr DifferentiabilityKind getDifferentiabilityKind() const {
return builder.getDifferentiabilityKind();
constexpr bool isDifferentiable() const { return builder.isDifferentiable(); }
ClangTypeInfo getClangTypeInfo() const { return builder.getClangTypeInfo(); }
constexpr bool hasSelfParam() const { return builder.hasSelfParam(); }
constexpr bool hasContext() const { return builder.hasContext(); }
/// Helper method for changing the Representation.
/// Prefer using \c SILExtInfoBuilder::withRepresentation for chaining.
SILExtInfo withRepresentation(SILExtInfoBuilder::Representation rep) const {
return builder.withRepresentation(rep).build();
/// Helper method for changing only the NoEscape field.
/// Prefer using \c SILExtInfoBuilder::withNoEscape for chaining.
SILExtInfo withNoEscape(bool noEscape = true) const {
return builder.withNoEscape(noEscape).build();
SILExtInfo withAsync(bool isAsync = true) const {
return builder.withAsync(isAsync).build();
bool isEqualTo(SILExtInfo other, bool useClangTypes) const {
return builder.isEqualTo(other.builder, useClangTypes);
constexpr std::pair<unsigned, const void *> getFuncAttrKey() const {
return builder.getFuncAttrKey();
Optional<UnexpectedClangTypeError> checkClangType() const;
/// Helper function to obtain the useClangTypes parameter for checking equality
/// of ExtInfos.
/// Typically, the argument will be a function type which was used to obtain one
/// of the ExtInfos.
template <typename HasContext> bool useClangTypes(HasContext hasContext) {
return hasContext->getASTContext().LangOpts.UseClangFunctionTypes;
} // end namespace swift