| //===--- DiagnosticsSIL.def - Diagnostics Text ------------------*- C++ -*-===// |
| // |
| // This source file is part of the Swift.org open source project |
| // |
| // Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors |
| // Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception |
| // |
| // See https://swift.org/LICENSE.txt for license information |
| // See https://swift.org/CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of Swift project authors |
| // |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| // |
| // This file defines diagnostics emitted during SIL (dataflow) analysis. |
| // Each diagnostic is described using one of three kinds (error, warning, or |
| // note) along with a unique identifier, category, options, and text, and is |
| // followed by a signature describing the diagnostic argument kinds. |
| // |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| #include "DefineDiagnosticMacros.h" |
| |
| // SILGen issues. |
| ERROR(bridging_module_missing,none, |
| "unable to find module '%0' for implicit conversion function '%0.%1'", |
| (StringRef, StringRef)) |
| ERROR(bridging_function_missing,none, |
| "unable to find implicit conversion function '%0.%1'", |
| (StringRef, StringRef)) |
| ERROR(bridging_function_overloaded,none, |
| "multiple definitions of implicit conversion function '%0.%1'", |
| (StringRef, StringRef)) |
| ERROR(bridging_function_not_function,none, |
| "definition of implicit conversion function '%0.%1' is not a function", |
| (StringRef, StringRef)) |
| ERROR(bridging_function_not_correct_type,none, |
| "definition of implicit conversion function '%0.%1' is not of the correct" |
| " type", |
| (StringRef, StringRef)) |
| ERROR(bridging_objcbridgeable_missing,none, |
| "cannot find definition of '_ObjectiveCBridgeable' protocol", ()) |
| ERROR(bridging_objcbridgeable_broken,none, |
| "broken definition of '_ObjectiveCBridgeable' protocol: missing %0", |
| (DeclName)) |
| |
| ERROR(invalid_sil_builtin,none, |
| "INTERNAL ERROR: invalid use of builtin: %0", |
| (StringRef)) |
| ERROR(could_not_find_bridge_type,none, |
| "could not find Objective-C bridge type for type %0; " |
| "did you forget to import Foundation?", (Type)) |
| ERROR(could_not_find_pointer_pointee_property,none, |
| "could not find 'pointee' property of pointer type %0", (Type)) |
| |
| ERROR(writeback_overlap_property,none, |
| "inout writeback to computed property %0 occurs in multiple arguments to" |
| " call, introducing invalid aliasing", (Identifier)) |
| ERROR(writeback_overlap_subscript,none, |
| "inout writeback through subscript occurs in multiple arguments to call," |
| " introducing invalid aliasing", |
| ()) |
| NOTE(writebackoverlap_note,none, |
| "concurrent writeback occurred here", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(inout_argument_alias,none, |
| "inout arguments are not allowed to alias each other", ()) |
| NOTE(previous_inout_alias,none, |
| "previous aliasing argument", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(unimplemented_generator_witnesses,none, |
| "protocol conformance emission for generator coroutines is unimplemented", |
| ()) |
| |
| ERROR(exclusivity_access_required,none, |
| "overlapping accesses to %0, but " |
| "%select{initialization|read|modification|deinitialization}1 requires " |
| "exclusive access; " |
| "%select{consider copying to a local variable|" |
| "consider calling MutableCollection.swapAt(_:_:)}2", |
| (StringRef, unsigned, bool)) |
| |
| ERROR(exclusivity_access_required_unknown_decl,none, |
| "overlapping accesses, but " |
| "%select{initialization|read|modification|deinitialization}0 requires " |
| "exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable", (unsigned)) |
| |
| NOTE(exclusivity_conflicting_access,none, |
| "conflicting access is here", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(unsupported_c_function_pointer_conversion,none, |
| "C function pointer signature %0 is not compatible with expected type %1", |
| (Type, Type)) |
| |
| ERROR(c_function_pointer_from_function_with_context,none, |
| "a C function pointer cannot be formed from a " |
| "%select{local function|closure}0 that captures " |
| "%select{context|generic parameters|dynamic Self type}1", |
| (bool, unsigned)) |
| |
| ERROR(objc_selector_malformed,none,"the type ObjectiveC.Selector is malformed", |
| ()) |
| |
| // Capture before declaration diagnostics. |
| ERROR(capture_before_declaration,none, |
| "closure captures %0 before it is declared", (Identifier)) |
| ERROR(capture_before_declaration_defer,none, |
| "'defer' block captures %0 before it is declared", (Identifier)) |
| NOTE(captured_value_declared_here,none, |
| "captured value declared here", ()) |
| |
| #define SELECT_ESCAPING_CLOSURE_KIND "escaping %select{local function|closure|autoclosure}0" |
| |
| // Invalid escaping capture diagnostics. |
| ERROR(escaping_inout_capture,none, |
| " captures 'inout' parameter %1", |
| (unsigned, Identifier)) |
| NOTE(inout_param_defined_here,none, |
| "parameter %0 is declared 'inout'", (Identifier)) |
| ERROR(escaping_mutable_self_capture,none, |
| " captures mutating 'self' parameter", (unsigned)) |
| |
| ERROR(escaping_noescape_param_capture,none, |
| " captures non-escaping parameter %1", (unsigned, Identifier)) |
| NOTE(noescape_param_defined_here,none, |
| "parameter %0 is implicitly non-escaping", (Identifier)) |
| |
| ERROR(escaping_noescape_var_capture,none, |
| " captures non-escaping value", (unsigned)) |
| |
| NOTE(value_captured_here,none,"captured here", ()) |
| |
| NOTE(copy_inout_captured_by_autoclosure,none, "pass a copy of %0", (Identifier)) |
| |
| NOTE(copy_self_captured_by_autoclosure,none, "pass a copy of 'self'", ()) |
| |
| |
| NOTE(value_captured_transitively,none, |
| "captured indirectly by this call", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(err_noescape_param_call,none, |
| "passing a %select{|closure which captures a }1non-escaping function " |
| "parameter %0 to a call to a non-escaping function parameter can allow " |
| "re-entrant modification of a variable", |
| (DeclName, unsigned)) |
| |
| // Definite initialization diagnostics. |
| NOTE(variable_defined_here,none, |
| "%select{variable|constant}0 defined here", (bool)) |
| ERROR(variable_used_before_initialized,none, |
| "%select{variable|constant}1 '%0' used before being initialized", |
| (StringRef, bool)) |
| ERROR(variable_inout_before_initialized,none, |
| "%select{variable|constant}1 '%0' passed by reference before being" |
| " initialized", (StringRef, bool)) |
| ERROR(variable_closure_use_uninit,none, |
| "%select{variable|constant}1 '%0' captured by a closure before being" |
| " initialized", (StringRef, bool)) |
| ERROR(variable_defer_use_uninit,none, |
| "%select{variable|constant}1 '%0' used in defer before being" |
| " initialized", (StringRef, bool)) |
| ERROR(self_closure_use_uninit,none, |
| "'self' captured by a closure before all members were initialized", ()) |
| |
| |
| ERROR(variable_addrtaken_before_initialized,none, |
| "address of %select{variable|constant}1 '%0' taken before it is" |
| " initialized", (StringRef, bool)) |
| ERROR(ivar_not_initialized_at_superinit,none, |
| "property '%0' not initialized at super.init call", (StringRef, bool)) |
| ERROR(ivar_not_initialized_at_implicit_superinit,none, |
| "property '%0' not initialized at implicitly generated super.init call", |
| (StringRef, bool)) |
| |
| ERROR(self_use_before_fully_init,none, |
| "'self' used in %select{method call|property access}1 %0 before " |
| "%select{all stored properties are initialized|" |
| "'super.init' call|" |
| "'self.init' call}2", (DeclBaseName, bool, unsigned)) |
| ERROR(use_of_self_before_fully_init,none, |
| "'self' used before all stored properties are initialized", ()) |
| |
| |
| NOTE(stored_property_not_initialized,none, |
| "'%0' not initialized", (StringRef)) |
| |
| ERROR(selfinit_multiple_times,none, |
| "'%select{super|self}0.init' called multiple times in initializer", |
| (unsigned)) |
| ERROR(superselfinit_not_called_before_return,none, |
| "'%select{super|self}0.init' isn't called on all paths before returning " |
| "from initializer", (unsigned)) |
| ERROR(self_before_superinit,none, |
| "'self' used before 'super.init' call", ()) |
| ERROR(self_before_selfinit,none, |
| "'self' used before 'self.init' call", ()) |
| ERROR(self_before_selfinit_value_type,none, |
| "'self' used before 'self.init' call or assignment to 'self'", ()) |
| ERROR(self_inside_catch_superselfinit,none, |
| "'self' used inside 'catch' block reachable from " |
| "%select{super|self}0.init call", |
| (unsigned)) |
| ERROR(return_from_init_without_initing_stored_properties,none, |
| "return from initializer without initializing all" |
| " stored properties", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(variable_function_use_uninit,none, |
| "%select{variable|constant}1 '%0' used by function definition before" |
| " being initialized", |
| (StringRef, bool)) |
| ERROR(struct_not_fully_initialized,none, |
| "struct '%0' must be completely initialized before a member is stored to", |
| (StringRef, bool)) |
| ERROR(immutable_property_already_initialized,none, |
| "immutable value '%0' may only be initialized once", |
| (StringRef)) |
| NOTE(initial_value_provided_in_let_decl,none, |
| "initial value already provided in 'let' declaration", ()) |
| ERROR(mutation_of_property_of_immutable_value,none, |
| "cannot mutate %select{property %0|subscript}1 of immutable value '%2'", |
| (DeclBaseName, bool, StringRef)) |
| ERROR(using_mutating_accessor_on_immutable_value,none, |
| "mutating accessor for %select{property %0|subscript}1 may not" |
| " be used on immutable value '%2'", |
| (DeclBaseName, bool, StringRef)) |
| ERROR(mutating_method_called_on_immutable_value,none, |
| "mutating %select{method|operator}1 %0 may not" |
| " be used on immutable value '%2'", |
| (DeclBaseName, unsigned, StringRef)) |
| ERROR(immutable_value_passed_inout,none, |
| "immutable value '%0' must not be passed inout", |
| (StringRef)) |
| ERROR(assignment_to_immutable_value,none, |
| "immutable value '%0' must not be assigned to", |
| (StringRef)) |
| |
| WARNING(designated_init_in_cross_module_extension,none, |
| "initializer for struct %0 must use \"self.init(...)\" or \"self = ...\"" |
| "%select{| on all paths}1 because " |
| "%select{it is not in module %2|the struct was imported from C}3", |
| (Type, bool, Identifier, bool)) |
| NOTE(designated_init_c_struct_fix,none, |
| "use \"self.init()\" to initialize the struct with zero values", ()) |
| |
| |
| // Control flow diagnostics. |
| ERROR(missing_return,none, |
| "missing return in a %select{function|closure}1 expected to return %0", |
| (Type, unsigned)) |
| ERROR(missing_return_last_expr,none, |
| "missing return in a %select{function|closure}1 expected to return %0; " |
| "did you mean to return the last expression?", |
| (Type, unsigned)) |
| ERROR(missing_never_call,none, |
| "%select{function|closure}1 with uninhabited return type %0 is missing " |
| "call to another never-returning function on all paths", |
| (Type, unsigned)) |
| ERROR(guard_body_must_not_fallthrough,none, |
| "'guard' body must not fall through, consider using a 'return' or 'throw'" |
| " to exit the scope", ()) |
| WARNING(unreachable_code,none, "will never be executed", ()) |
| NOTE(unreachable_code_uninhabited_param_note,none, |
| "'%0' is uninhabited, so this function body can never be executed", (StringRef)) |
| NOTE(unreachable_code_branch,none, |
| "condition always evaluates to %select{false|true}0", (bool)) |
| NOTE(call_to_noreturn_note,none, |
| "a call to a never-returning function", ()) |
| WARNING(unreachable_code_after_stmt,none, |
| "code after '%select{return|break|continue|throw}0' will never " |
| "be executed", (unsigned)) |
| WARNING(unreachable_case,none, |
| "%select{case|default}0 will never be executed", (bool)) |
| WARNING(switch_on_a_constant,none, |
| "switch condition evaluates to a constant", ()) |
| NOTE(unreachable_code_note,none, "will never be executed", ()) |
| WARNING(warn_infinite_recursive_function,none, |
| "all paths through this function will call itself", ()) |
| |
| // 'transparent' diagnostics |
| ERROR(circular_transparent,none, |
| "inlining 'transparent' functions forms circular loop", ()) |
| NOTE(note_while_inlining,none, |
| "while inlining here", ()) |
| |
| // Pre-specializations |
| ERROR(cannot_prespecialize,none, |
| "Cannot pre-specialize %0", (StringRef)) |
| ERROR(missing_prespecialization,none, |
| "Pre-specialized function %0 missing in SwiftOnoneSupport module", |
| (StringRef)) |
| |
| // Arithmetic diagnostics. |
| ERROR(integer_conversion_overflow,none, |
| "integer overflows when converted from %0 to %1", |
| (Type, Type)) |
| ERROR(integer_conversion_overflow_builtin_types,none, |
| "integer overflows when converted from %select{unsigned|signed}0 " |
| "%1 to %select{unsigned|signed}2 %3", |
| (bool, Type, bool, Type)) |
| WARNING(integer_conversion_overflow_warn,none, |
| "integer overflows when converted from %0 to %1", |
| (Type, Type)) |
| ERROR(negative_integer_literal_overflow_unsigned,none, |
| "negative integer '%1' overflows when stored into unsigned type %0", |
| (Type, StringRef)) |
| |
| ERROR(integer_literal_overflow,none, |
| "integer literal '%1' overflows when stored into %0", |
| (Type, StringRef)) |
| ERROR(integer_literal_overflow_builtin_types,none, |
| "integer literal '%2' overflows when stored into " |
| "%select{unsigned|signed}0 %1", (bool, Type, StringRef)) |
| WARNING(integer_literal_overflow_warn,none, |
| "integer literal overflows when stored into %0", |
| (Type)) |
| ERROR(arithmetic_operation_overflow,none, |
| "arithmetic operation '%0 %1 %2' (on type %3) results in an overflow", |
| (StringRef, StringRef, StringRef, Type)) |
| ERROR(arithmetic_operation_overflow_generic_type,none, |
| "arithmetic operation '%0 %1 %2' (on %select{unsigned|signed}3 " |
| "%4-bit integer type) results in an overflow", |
| (StringRef, StringRef, StringRef, bool, unsigned)) |
| ERROR(division_overflow,none, |
| "division '%0 %1 %2' results in an overflow", |
| (StringRef, StringRef, StringRef)) |
| ERROR(division_by_zero,none, "division by zero", ()) |
| ERROR(wrong_non_negative_assumption,none, |
| "assumed non-negative value '%0' is negative", (StringRef)) |
| ERROR(shifting_all_significant_bits,none, |
| "shift amount is greater than or equal to type size in bits", ()) |
| |
| // FIXME: We won't need this as it will be replaced with user-generated strings. |
| // staticReport diagnostics. |
| ERROR(static_report_error, none, |
| "static report error", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(pound_assert_condition_not_constant,none, |
| "#assert condition not constant", ()) |
| ERROR(pound_assert_failure,none, |
| "%0", (StringRef)) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_unknown_reason_default,none, |
| "cannot evaluate expression as constant here", ()) |
| NOTE(constexpr_unevaluable_operation,none, |
| "cannot constant evaluate operation%select{| used by this call}0", (bool)) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_too_many_instructions,none, |
| "exceeded instruction limit: %0 when evaluating the expression " |
| "at compile time", (unsigned)) |
| NOTE(constexpr_limit_exceeding_instruction,none, "limit exceeded " |
| "%select{here|during this call}0", (bool)) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_loop_found_note,none, |
| "control-flow loop found during evaluation ", ()) |
| NOTE(constexpr_loop_instruction,none, "found loop " |
| "%select{here|inside this call}0", (bool)) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_overflow,none, "integer overflow detected", ()) |
| NOTE(constexpr_overflow_operation,none, "operation" |
| "%select{| performed during this call}0 overflows", (bool)) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_trap, none, "%0", (StringRef)) |
| NOTE(constexpr_trap_operation, none, "operation" |
| "%select{| performed during this call}0 traps", (bool)) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_invalid_operand_seen, none, |
| "operation with invalid operands encountered during evaluation",()) |
| NOTE(constexpr_operand_invalid_here, none, |
| "operation with invalid operands encountered " |
| "%select{here|during this call}0", (bool)) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_value_unknown_at_top_level,none, |
| "cannot evaluate top-level value as constant here",()) |
| NOTE(constexpr_multiple_writers_found_at_top_level,none, |
| "top-level value has multiple assignments",()) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_unsupported_instruction_found, none, |
| "encountered operation not supported by the evaluator: %0", (StringRef)) |
| NOTE(constexpr_unsupported_instruction_found_here,none, "operation" |
| "%select{| used by this call is}0 not supported by the evaluator", (bool)) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_found_callee_with_no_body, none, |
| "encountered call to '%0' whose body is not available. " |
| "Imported functions must be marked '@inlinable' to constant evaluate", |
| (StringRef)) |
| NOTE(constexpr_callee_with_no_body, none, |
| "%select{|calls a }0function whose body is not available", (bool)) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_found_call_with_unknown_arg, none, |
| "encountered call to '%0' where the %1 argument is not a constant", |
| (StringRef, StringRef)) |
| NOTE(constexpr_call_with_unknown_arg, none, |
| "%select{|makes a }0function call with non-constant arguments", (bool)) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_untracked_sil_value_use_found, none, |
| "encountered use of a variable not tracked by the evaluator", ()) |
| NOTE(constexpr_untracked_sil_value_used_here, none, |
| "untracked variable used %select{here|by this call}0", (bool)) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_unevaluable_cast_found, none, |
| "encountered an unevaluable cast", ()) |
| NOTE(constexpr_unevaluable_cast_used_here, none, |
| "unevaluable cast encountered %select{here|by this call}0", (bool)) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_unresolvable_witness_call, none, |
| "encountered unresolvable witness method call: '%0'", (StringRef)) |
| NOTE(constexpr_no_witness_table_entry, none, "cannot find witness table entry " |
| "%select{for this call|for a witness-method invoked during this call}0", |
| (bool)) |
| NOTE(constexpr_witness_call_with_no_conformance, none, |
| "cannot find concrete conformance " |
| "%select{for this call|for a witness-method invoked during this call}0", |
| (bool)) |
| |
| NOTE(constexpr_unknown_control_flow_due_to_skip,none, "branch depends on " |
| "non-constant value produced by an unevaluated instructions", ()) |
| NOTE(constexpr_returned_by_unevaluated_instruction,none, |
| "result of an unevaluated instruction is not a constant", ()) |
| NOTE(constexpr_mutated_by_unevaluated_instruction,none, "value mutable by an " |
| "unevaluated instruction is not a constant", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(not_constant_evaluable, none, "not constant evaluable", ()) |
| ERROR(constexpr_imported_func_not_onone, none, "imported constant evaluable " |
| "function '%0' must be annotated '@_optimize(none)'", (StringRef)) |
| |
| // Differentiation transform diagnostics |
| ERROR(autodiff_internal_swift_not_imported,none, |
| "Automatic differentiation internal error: the Swift module is not " |
| "imported", ()) |
| ERROR(autodiff_differentiation_module_not_imported,none, |
| "Automatic differentiation requires the '_Differentiation' module to be " |
| "imported", ()) |
| ERROR(autodiff_conversion_to_linear_function_not_supported,none, |
| "conversion to '@differentiable(linear)' function type is not yet " |
| "supported", ()) |
| ERROR(autodiff_function_not_differentiable_error,none, |
| "function is not differentiable", ()) |
| ERROR(autodiff_expression_not_differentiable_error,none, |
| "expression is not differentiable", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_expression_not_differentiable_note,none, |
| "expression is not differentiable", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_when_differentiating_function_call,none, |
| "when differentiating this function call", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_when_differentiating_function_definition,none, |
| "when differentiating this function definition", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_implicitly_inherited_differentiable_attr_here,none, |
| "differentiability required by the corresponding protocol requirement " |
| "here", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_jvp_control_flow_not_supported,none, |
| "forward-mode differentiation does not yet support control flow", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_control_flow_not_supported,none, |
| "cannot differentiate unsupported control flow", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_missing_return,none, |
| "missing return for differentiation", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_external_nondifferentiable_function,none, |
| "cannot differentiate functions that have not been marked " |
| "'@differentiable' and that are defined in other files", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_opaque_function_not_differentiable,none, |
| "opaque non-'@differentiable' function is not differentiable", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_private_derivative_from_fragile,none, |
| "differentiated functions in " |
| "%select{'@inlinable' functions|default arguments}0 must be marked " |
| "'@differentiable' or have a public '@derivative'" |
| "%select{|; this is not possible with a closure, make a top-level " |
| "function instead}1", (unsigned, bool)) |
| NOTE(autodiff_function_noderivative_parameter_not_differentiable,none, |
| "cannot differentiate with respect to a '@noDerivative' parameter", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_function_assoc_func_unmet_requirements,none, |
| "function call is not differentiable because generic requirements are not " |
| "met: '%0'", (/*requirements*/ StringRef)) |
| NOTE(autodiff_nondifferentiable_argument,none, |
| "cannot differentiate through a non-differentiable argument; do you want " |
| "to use 'withoutDerivative(at:)'?", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_nondifferentiable_result,none, |
| "cannot differentiate through a non-differentiable result; do you want to " |
| "use 'withoutDerivative(at:)'?", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_protocol_member_not_differentiable,none, |
| "member is not differentiable because the corresponding protocol " |
| "requirement is not '@differentiable'", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_class_member_not_differentiable,none, |
| "member is not differentiable because the corresponding class member " |
| "is not '@differentiable'", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_member_subset_indices_not_differentiable,none, |
| "member is differentiable only with respect to a smaller subset of " |
| "arguments", ()) |
| // TODO(TF-642): Remove when `partial_apply` works with `@differentiable` |
| // functions. |
| NOTE(autodiff_cannot_param_subset_thunk_partially_applied_orig_fn,none, |
| "cannot convert a direct method reference to a '@differentiable' " |
| "function; use an explicit closure instead", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_cannot_differentiate_through_multiple_results,none, |
| "cannot differentiate through multiple results", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_cannot_differentiate_through_inout_arguments,none, |
| "cannot differentiate through 'inout' arguments", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_enums_unsupported,none, |
| "differentiating enum values is not yet supported", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_stored_property_parent_not_differentiable,none, |
| "cannot differentiate access to property '%0.%1' because '%0' does not " |
| "conform to 'Differentiable'", (StringRef, StringRef)) |
| NOTE(autodiff_stored_property_not_differentiable,none, |
| "cannot differentiate access to property '%0.%1' because property type %2 " |
| "does not conform to 'Differentiable'", (StringRef, StringRef, Type)) |
| NOTE(autodiff_stored_property_tangent_not_struct,none, |
| "cannot differentiate access to property '%0.%1' because " |
| "'%0.TangentVector' is not a struct", (StringRef, StringRef)) |
| NOTE(autodiff_stored_property_no_corresponding_tangent,none, |
| "cannot differentiate access to property '%0.%1' because " |
| "'%0.TangentVector' does not have a stored property named '%1'", |
| (StringRef, StringRef)) |
| NOTE(autodiff_tangent_property_wrong_type,none, |
| "cannot differentiate access to property '%0.%1' because " |
| "'%0.TangentVector.%1' does not have expected type %2", |
| (StringRef, StringRef, /*originalPropertyTanType*/ Type)) |
| NOTE(autodiff_tangent_property_not_stored,none, |
| "cannot differentiate access to property '%0.%1' because " |
| "'%0.TangentVector.%1' is not a stored property", (StringRef, StringRef)) |
| NOTE(autodiff_coroutines_not_supported,none, |
| "differentiation of coroutine calls is not yet supported", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_cannot_differentiate_writes_to_global_variables,none, |
| "cannot differentiate writes to global variables", ()) |
| NOTE(autodiff_cannot_differentiate_writes_to_mutable_captures,none, |
| "cannot differentiate writes to mutable captures", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(non_physical_addressof,none, |
| "addressof only works with purely physical lvalues; " |
| "use 'withUnsafePointer' or 'withUnsafeBytes' unless you're implementing " |
| "'withUnsafePointer' or 'withUnsafeBytes'", ()) |
| ERROR(non_borrowed_indirect_addressof,none, |
| "addressof only works with borrowable in-memory rvalues; " |
| "use 'withUnsafePointer' or 'withUnsafeBytes' unless you're implementing " |
| "'withUnsafePointer' or 'withUnsafeBytes'", ()) |
| |
| REMARK(opt_remark_passed, none, "%0", (StringRef)) |
| REMARK(opt_remark_missed, none, "%0", (StringRef)) |
| NOTE(opt_remark_note, none, "%0", (StringRef)) |
| |
| // Float-point to integer conversions |
| ERROR(float_to_int_overflow, none, |
| "invalid%select{| implicit}2 conversion: '%0' overflows %1", (StringRef, Type, bool)) |
| |
| ERROR(negative_fp_literal_overflow_unsigned, none, |
| "negative literal '%0' cannot be converted to %select{|unsigned }2%1", |
| (StringRef, Type, bool)) |
| |
| // Overflow and underflow warnings for floating-point truncation |
| WARNING(warning_float_trunc_overflow, none, |
| "'%0' overflows to %select{|-}2inf during conversion to %1", |
| (StringRef, Type, bool)) |
| |
| WARNING(warning_float_trunc_underflow, none, |
| "'%0' underflows and loses precision during conversion to %1", |
| (StringRef, Type, bool)) |
| |
| WARNING(warning_float_trunc_hex_inexact, none, |
| "'%0' loses precision during conversion to %1", |
| (StringRef, Type, bool)) |
| |
| WARNING(warning_float_overflows_maxbuiltin, none, |
| "'%0' overflows to %select{|-}1inf because its magnitude exceeds " |
| "the limits of a float literal", (StringRef, bool)) |
| |
| // Integer to floating-point conversions |
| WARNING(warning_int_to_fp_inexact, none, |
| "'%1' is not exactly representable as %0; it becomes '%2'", |
| (Type, StringRef, StringRef)) |
| |
| |
| // Yield usage errors |
| ERROR(return_before_yield, none, "accessor must yield before returning",()) |
| |
| ERROR(multiple_yields, none, "accessor must not yield more than once", ()) |
| |
| NOTE(previous_yield, none, "previous yield was here", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(possible_return_before_yield, none, |
| "accessor must yield on all paths before returning", ()) |
| |
| NOTE(branch_doesnt_yield, none, |
| "missing yield when the condition is %select{false|true}0", (bool)) |
| |
| NOTE(named_case_doesnt_yield, none, "missing yield in the %0 case", |
| (Identifier)) |
| |
| NOTE(case_doesnt_yield, none, "missing yield in " |
| "%select{this|the nil|the non-nil}0 case", (unsigned)) |
| |
| NOTE(switch_value_case_doesnt_yield, none, "missing yield in the %0 case", |
| (StringRef)) |
| |
| NOTE(try_branch_doesnt_yield, none, "missing yield when error is " |
| "%select{not |}0thrown", (bool)) |
| |
| // OS log optimization diagnostics. |
| |
| ERROR(oslog_constant_eval_trap, none, "%0", (StringRef)) |
| |
| ERROR(oslog_too_many_instructions, none, "interpolated expression and arguments " |
| "are too complex", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(oslog_invalid_log_message, none, "invalid log message; extending " |
| "types defined in the os module is not supported", ()) |
| |
| NOTE(oslog_const_evaluable_fun_error, none, "'%0' failed evaluation", (StringRef)) |
| |
| ERROR(oslog_non_constant_message, none, "'OSLogMessage' instance passed to the " |
| "log call is not a constant", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(oslog_non_constant_interpolation, none, "'OSLogInterpolation' instance " |
| "passed to 'OSLogMessage.init' is not a constant", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(oslog_property_not_constant, none, "'OSLogInterpolation.%0' is not a " |
| "constant", (StringRef)) |
| |
| ERROR(oslog_message_alive_after_opts, none, "string interpolation cannot " |
| "be used in this context; if you are calling an os_log function, " |
| "try a different overload", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(oslog_message_explicitly_created, none, "'OSLogMessage' must be " |
| " created from a string interpolation or string literal", ()) |
| |
| WARNING(oslog_call_in_unreachable_code, none, "os log call will never be " |
| "executed and may have undiagnosed errors", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(global_string_pointer_on_non_constant, none, "globalStringTablePointer " |
| "builtin must be used only on string literals", ()) |
| |
| ERROR(polymorphic_builtin_passed_non_trivial_non_builtin_type, none, "Argument " |
| "of type %0 can not be passed as an argument to a Polymorphic " |
| "builtin. Polymorphic builtins can only be passed arguments that are " |
| "trivial builtin typed", (Type)) |
| |
| ERROR(polymorphic_builtin_passed_type_without_static_overload, none, "Static" |
| " overload %0 does not exist for polymorphic builtin '%1'. Static " |
| "overload implied by passing argument of type %2", |
| (Identifier, StringRef, Type)) |
| |
| ERROR(box_to_stack_cannot_promote_box_to_stack_due_to_escape_alloc, none, |
| "Can not promote value from heap to stack due to value escaping", ()) |
| NOTE(box_to_stack_cannot_promote_box_to_stack_due_to_escape_location, none, |
| "value escapes here", ()) |
| |
| WARNING(semantic_function_improper_nesting, none, "'@_semantics' function calls non-'@_semantics' function with nested '@_semantics' calls", ()) |
| |
| #include "DefineDiagnosticMacros.h" |