blob: 48df4f3826f7af281744db200d17f68ffa3a78a5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DiagnosticsRefactoring.def - Diagnostics Text ----------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines diagnostics emitted during refactoring.
// Each diagnostic is described using one of three kinds (error, warning, or
// note) along with a unique identifier, category, options, and text, and is
// followed by a signature describing the diagnostic argument kinds.
#include "DefineDiagnosticMacros.h"
// Refactoring diagnostics
ERROR(invalid_name, none, "'%0' is not a valid name", (StringRef))
ERROR(invalid_location, none, "given location is not valid", ())
ERROR(arity_mismatch, none, "the given new name '%0' does not match the arity of the old name '%1'", (StringRef, StringRef))
ERROR(name_not_functionlike, none, "the 'call' name usage cannot be used with a non-function-like name '%0'", (StringRef))
ERROR(unresolved_location, none, "cannot resolve location as name", ())
ERROR(location_module_mismatch, none, "given location does not belong to module '%0'", (StringRef))
ERROR(value_decl_no_loc, none, "value decl '%0' has no declaration location", (DeclName))
ERROR(value_decl_referenced_out_of_range, none, "value decl '%0' is referenced out of range", (DeclName))
ERROR(multi_entry_range, none, "selected range has more than one entry point", ())
ERROR(orphan_loop_keyword, none, "selected range contains %0 but not its target loop", (StringRef))
ERROR(invalid_default_location, none, "given location is not on a default statement", ())
ERROR(no_parent_switch, none, "cannot find enclosing switch statement", ())
ERROR(no_remaining_cases, none, "no remaining cases to expand", ())
WARNING(mismatched_rename, none, "the name at the given location cannot be renamed to '%0'", (StringRef))
ERROR(no_insert_position, none, "cannot find inserting position", ())
#include "DefineDiagnosticMacros.h"