blob: 709c1d62b36e87b4bd3f206ae48ac01c1a75a310 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Attr.h - Swift Language Attribute ASTs -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines classes related to declaration attributes.
#ifndef SWIFT_ATTR_H
#define SWIFT_ATTR_H
#include "swift/Basic/Debug.h"
#include "swift/Basic/InlineBitfield.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceLoc.h"
#include "swift/Basic/UUID.h"
#include "swift/Basic/STLExtras.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Range.h"
#include "swift/Basic/OptimizationMode.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Version.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Located.h"
#include "swift/AST/Identifier.h"
#include "swift/AST/AttrKind.h"
#include "swift/AST/AutoDiff.h"
#include "swift/AST/ConcreteDeclRef.h"
#include "swift/AST/DeclNameLoc.h"
#include "swift/AST/KnownProtocols.h"
#include "swift/AST/Ownership.h"
#include "swift/AST/PlatformKind.h"
#include "swift/AST/Requirement.h"
#include "swift/AST/StorageImpl.h"
#include "swift/AST/TrailingCallArguments.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TrailingObjects.h"
#include "llvm/Support/VersionTuple.h"
namespace swift {
class ASTPrinter;
class ASTContext;
struct PrintOptions;
class Decl;
class AbstractFunctionDecl;
class FuncDecl;
class ClassDecl;
class GenericFunctionType;
class LazyConformanceLoader;
class LazyMemberLoader;
class PatternBindingInitializer;
class TrailingWhereClause;
class TypeExpr;
/// TypeAttributes - These are attributes that may be applied to types.
class TypeAttributes {
// Get a SourceLoc for every possible attribute that can be parsed in source.
// the presence of the attribute is indicated by its location being set.
SourceLoc AttrLocs[TAK_Count];
/// AtLoc - This is the location of the first '@' in the attribute specifier.
/// If this is an empty attribute specifier, then this will be an invalid loc.
SourceLoc AtLoc;
struct Convention {
StringRef Name = {};
DeclNameRef WitnessMethodProtocol = {};
Located<StringRef> ClangType = Located<StringRef>(StringRef(), {});
/// Convenience factory function to create a Swift convention.
/// Don't use this function if you are creating a C convention as you
/// probably need a ClangType field as well.
static Convention makeSwiftConvention(StringRef name) {
return {name, DeclNameRef(), Located<StringRef>("", {})};
Optional<Convention> ConventionArguments;
// Indicates whether the type's '@differentiable' attribute has a 'linear'
// argument.
bool linear = false;
// For an opened existential type, the known ID.
Optional<UUID> OpenedID;
// For a reference to an opaque return type, the mangled name and argument
// index into the generic signature.
struct OpaqueReturnTypeRef {
StringRef mangledName;
unsigned index;
Optional<OpaqueReturnTypeRef> OpaqueReturnTypeOf;
TypeAttributes() {}
bool isValid() const { return AtLoc.isValid(); }
bool isLinear() const {
!linear ||
(linear && has(TAK_differentiable)) &&
"Linear shouldn't have been true if there's no `@differentiable`");
return linear;
void clearAttribute(TypeAttrKind A) {
AttrLocs[A] = SourceLoc();
bool has(TypeAttrKind A) const {
return getLoc(A).isValid();
SourceLoc getLoc(TypeAttrKind A) const {
return AttrLocs[A];
void setOpaqueReturnTypeOf(StringRef mangling, unsigned index) {
OpaqueReturnTypeOf = OpaqueReturnTypeRef{mangling, index};
void setAttr(TypeAttrKind A, SourceLoc L) {
assert(!L.isInvalid() && "Cannot clear attribute with this method");
AttrLocs[A] = L;
void getAttrLocs(SmallVectorImpl<SourceLoc> &Locs) const {
for (auto Loc : AttrLocs) {
if (Loc.isValid())
// This attribute list is empty if no attributes are specified. Note that
// the presence of the leading @ is not enough to tell, because we want
// clients to be able to remove attributes they process until they get to
// an empty list.
bool empty() const {
for (SourceLoc elt : AttrLocs)
if (elt.isValid())
return false;
return true;
bool hasConvention() const { return ConventionArguments.hasValue(); }
/// Returns the primary calling convention string.
/// Note: For C conventions, this may not represent the full convention.
StringRef getConventionName() const {
return ConventionArguments.getValue().Name;
/// Show the string enclosed between @convention(..)'s parentheses.
/// For example, @convention(foo, bar) will give the string "foo, bar".
void getConventionArguments(SmallVectorImpl<char> &buffer) const;
bool hasOwnership() const {
return getOwnership() != ReferenceOwnership::Strong;
ReferenceOwnership getOwnership() const {
#define REF_STORAGE(Name, name, ...) \
if (has(TAK_sil_##name)) return ReferenceOwnership::Name;
#include "swift/AST/ReferenceStorage.def"
return ReferenceOwnership::Strong;
void clearOwnership() {
#define REF_STORAGE(Name, name, ...) \
#include "swift/AST/ReferenceStorage.def"
bool hasOpenedID() const { return OpenedID.hasValue(); }
UUID getOpenedID() const { return *OpenedID; }
/// Given a name like "autoclosure", return the type attribute ID that
/// corresponds to it. This returns TAK_Count on failure.
static TypeAttrKind getAttrKindFromString(StringRef Str);
/// Return the name (like "autoclosure") for an attribute ID.
static const char *getAttrName(TypeAttrKind kind);
class alignas(1 << AttrAlignInBits) AttributeBase {
/// The location of the '@'.
const SourceLoc AtLoc;
/// The source range of the attribute.
const SourceRange Range;
/// The location of the attribute.
SourceLoc getLocation() const { return Range.Start; }
/// Return the source range of the attribute.
SourceRange getRange() const { return Range; }
SourceRange getRangeWithAt() const {
if (AtLoc.isValid())
return {AtLoc, Range.End};
return Range;
// Only allow allocation of attributes using the allocator in ASTContext
// or by doing a placement new.
void *operator new(size_t Bytes, ASTContext &C,
unsigned Alignment = alignof(AttributeBase));
void operator delete(void *Data) throw() { }
void *operator new(size_t Bytes, void *Mem) throw() { return Mem; }
// Make vanilla new/delete illegal for attributes.
void *operator new(size_t Bytes) throw() = delete;
AttributeBase(const AttributeBase &) = delete;
AttributeBase(SourceLoc AtLoc, SourceRange Range)
: AtLoc(AtLoc), Range(Range) {}
class DeclAttributes;
enum class DeclKind : uint8_t;
/// Represents one declaration attribute.
class DeclAttribute : public AttributeBase {
friend class DeclAttributes;
union {
uint64_t OpaqueBits;
SWIFT_INLINE_BITFIELD_BASE(DeclAttribute, bitmax(NumDeclAttrKindBits,8)+1+1,
Kind : bitmax(NumDeclAttrKindBits,8),
// Whether this attribute was implicitly added.
Implicit : 1,
Invalid : 1
SWIFT_INLINE_BITFIELD(ObjCAttr, DeclAttribute, 1+1+1,
/// Whether this attribute has location information that trails the main
/// record, which contains the locations of the parentheses and any names.
HasTrailingLocationInfo : 1,
/// Whether the name is implicit, produced as the result of caching.
ImplicitName : 1,
/// Whether the @objc was inferred using Swift 3's deprecated inference
/// rules.
Swift3Inferred : 1
SWIFT_INLINE_BITFIELD(DynamicReplacementAttr, DeclAttribute, 1,
/// Whether this attribute has location information that trails the main
/// record, which contains the locations of the parentheses and any names.
HasTrailingLocationInfo : 1
SWIFT_INLINE_BITFIELD(AbstractAccessControlAttr, DeclAttribute, 3,
AccessLevel : 3
SWIFT_INLINE_BITFIELD_FULL(AlignmentAttr, DeclAttribute, 32,
: NumPadBits,
// The alignment value.
Value : 32
SWIFT_INLINE_BITFIELD(ClangImporterSynthesizedTypeAttr, DeclAttribute, 1,
kind : 1
SWIFT_INLINE_BITFIELD(EffectsAttr, DeclAttribute, NumEffectsKindBits,
kind : NumEffectsKindBits
SWIFT_INLINE_BITFIELD(InlineAttr, DeclAttribute, NumInlineKindBits,
kind : NumInlineKindBits
SWIFT_INLINE_BITFIELD(ActorIndependentAttr, DeclAttribute, NumActorIndependentKindBits,
kind : NumActorIndependentKindBits
SWIFT_INLINE_BITFIELD(OptimizeAttr, DeclAttribute, NumOptimizationModeBits,
mode : NumOptimizationModeBits
SWIFT_INLINE_BITFIELD(ReferenceOwnershipAttr, DeclAttribute,
ownership : NumReferenceOwnershipBits
SWIFT_INLINE_BITFIELD(SpecializeAttr, DeclAttribute, 1+1,
exported : 1,
kind : 1
SWIFT_INLINE_BITFIELD(SynthesizedProtocolAttr, DeclAttribute,
kind : NumKnownProtocolKindBits
} Bits;
DeclAttribute *Next = nullptr;
DeclAttribute(DeclAttrKind DK, SourceLoc AtLoc, SourceRange Range,
bool Implicit) : AttributeBase(AtLoc, Range) {
Bits.OpaqueBits = 0;
Bits.DeclAttribute.Kind = static_cast<unsigned>(DK);
Bits.DeclAttribute.Implicit = Implicit;
Bits.DeclAttribute.Invalid = false;
// NOTE: We cannot use DeclKind due to layering. Even if we could, there is no
// guarantee that the first DeclKind starts at zero. This is only used to
// build "OnXYZ" flags.
enum class DeclKindIndex : unsigned {
#define DECL(Name, _) Name,
#define LAST_DECL(Name) Last_Decl = Name
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
enum DeclAttrOptions : uint64_t {
// There is one entry for each DeclKind, and some higher level buckets
// below. These are used in Attr.def to control which kinds of declarations
// an attribute can be attached to.
#define DECL(Name, _) On##Name = 1ull << unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Name),
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
// Abstract class aggregations for use in Attr.def.
OnValue = 0
#define DECL(Name, _)
#define VALUE_DECL(Name, _) |On##Name
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
OnNominalType = 0
#define DECL(Name, _)
#define NOMINAL_TYPE_DECL(Name, _) |On##Name
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
OnConcreteNominalType = OnNominalType & ~OnProtocol,
OnGenericType = OnNominalType | OnTypeAlias,
OnAbstractFunction = 0
#define DECL(Name, _)
#define ABSTRACT_FUNCTION_DECL(Name, _) |On##Name
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
OnOperator = 0
#define DECL(Name, _)
#define OPERATOR_DECL(Name, _) |On##Name
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
OnAnyDecl = 0
#define DECL(Name, _) |On##Name
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
/// True if multiple instances of this attribute are allowed on a single
/// declaration.
AllowMultipleAttributes = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 1),
/// True if this is a decl modifier - i.e., that it should not be spelled
/// with an @.
DeclModifier = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 2),
/// True if this is a long attribute that should be printed on its own line.
/// Currently has no effect on DeclModifier attributes.
LongAttribute = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 3),
/// True if this shouldn't be serialized.
NotSerialized = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 4),
/// True if this attribute is only valid when parsing a .sil file.
SILOnly = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 5),
/// The attribute should be reported by parser as unknown.
RejectByParser = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 6),
/// Whether client code cannot use the attribute.
UserInaccessible = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 7),
/// Whether adding this attribute can break API
APIBreakingToAdd = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 8),
/// Whether removing this attribute can break API
APIBreakingToRemove = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 9),
/// Whether adding this attribute can break ABI
ABIBreakingToAdd = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 10),
/// Whether removing this attribute can break ABI
ABIBreakingToRemove = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 11),
/// The opposite of APIBreakingToAdd
APIStableToAdd = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 12),
/// The opposite of APIBreakingToRemove
APIStableToRemove = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 13),
/// The opposite of ABIBreakingToAdd
ABIStableToAdd = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 14),
/// The opposite of ABIBreakingToRemove
ABIStableToRemove = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 15),
/// Whether this attribute is only valid when concurrency is enabled.
ConcurrencyOnly = 1ull << (unsigned(DeclKindIndex::Last_Decl) + 16),
static uint64_t getOptions(DeclAttrKind DK);
uint64_t getOptions() const {
return getOptions(getKind());
/// Prints this attribute (if applicable), returning `true` if anything was
/// printed.
bool printImpl(ASTPrinter &Printer, const PrintOptions &Options,
const Decl *D = nullptr) const;
DeclAttrKind getKind() const {
return static_cast<DeclAttrKind>(Bits.DeclAttribute.Kind);
/// Whether this attribute was implicitly added.
bool isImplicit() const { return Bits.DeclAttribute.Implicit; }
/// Set whether this attribute was implicitly added.
void setImplicit(bool Implicit = true) {
Bits.DeclAttribute.Implicit = Implicit;
/// Returns true if this attribute was find to be invalid in some way by
/// semantic analysis. In that case, the attribute should not be considered,
/// the attribute node should be only used to retrieve source information.
bool isInvalid() const { return Bits.DeclAttribute.Invalid; }
void setInvalid() { Bits.DeclAttribute.Invalid = true; }
bool isValid() const { return !isInvalid(); }
/// Returns the address of the next pointer field.
/// Used for object deserialization.
DeclAttribute **getMutableNext() {
return &Next;
/// Print the attribute to the provided ASTPrinter.
void print(ASTPrinter &Printer, const PrintOptions &Options,
const Decl *D = nullptr) const;
/// Print the attribute to the provided stream.
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Decl *D = nullptr) const;
/// Returns true if this attribute can appear on the specified decl. This is
/// controlled by the flags in Attr.def.
bool canAppearOnDecl(const Decl *D) const {
return canAttributeAppearOnDecl(getKind(), D);
static bool canAttributeAppearOnDecl(DeclAttrKind DK, const Decl *D);
/// Returns true if multiple instances of an attribute kind
/// can appear on a declaration.
static bool allowMultipleAttributes(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & AllowMultipleAttributes;
bool isLongAttribute() const {
return isLongAttribute(getKind());
static bool isLongAttribute(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & LongAttribute;
static bool shouldBeRejectedByParser(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & RejectByParser;
static bool isSilOnly(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & SILOnly;
static bool isConcurrencyOnly(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & ConcurrencyOnly;
static bool isUserInaccessible(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & UserInaccessible;
static bool isAddingBreakingABI(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & ABIBreakingToAdd;
#define DECL_ATTR(_, CLASS, OPTIONS, ...) \
static constexpr bool isOptionSetFor##CLASS(DeclAttrOptions Bit) { \
return (OPTIONS) & Bit; \
#include "swift/AST/Attr.def"
static bool isAddingBreakingAPI(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & APIBreakingToAdd;
static bool isRemovingBreakingABI(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & ABIBreakingToRemove;
static bool isRemovingBreakingAPI(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & APIBreakingToRemove;
bool isDeclModifier() const {
return isDeclModifier(getKind());
static bool isDeclModifier(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & DeclModifier;
static bool isOnParam(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & OnParam;
static bool isOnFunc(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & OnFunc;
static bool isOnClass(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & OnClass;
static bool isNotSerialized(DeclAttrKind DK) {
return getOptions(DK) & NotSerialized;
bool isNotSerialized() const {
return isNotSerialized(getKind());
static bool canAttributeAppearOnDeclKind(DeclAttrKind DAK, DeclKind DK);
/// Returns the source name of the attribute, without the @ or any arguments.
StringRef getAttrName() const;
/// Given a name like "inline", return the decl attribute ID that corresponds
/// to it. Note that this is a many-to-one mapping, and that the identifier
/// passed in may only be the first portion of the attribute (e.g. in the case
/// of the 'unowned(unsafe)' attribute, the string passed in is 'unowned'.
/// Also note that this recognizes both attributes like '@inline' (with no @)
/// and decl modifiers like 'final'. This returns DAK_Count on failure.
static DeclAttrKind getAttrKindFromString(StringRef Str);
/// Describes a "simple" declaration attribute that carries no data.
template<DeclAttrKind Kind>
class SimpleDeclAttr : public DeclAttribute {
SimpleDeclAttr(bool IsImplicit)
: DeclAttribute(Kind, SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), IsImplicit) {}
SimpleDeclAttr(SourceLoc AtLoc, SourceLoc NameLoc)
: DeclAttribute(Kind, AtLoc,
SourceRange(AtLoc.isValid() ? AtLoc : NameLoc, NameLoc),
/*Implicit=*/false) { }
SimpleDeclAttr(SourceLoc NameLoc)
: DeclAttribute(Kind, SourceLoc(), SourceRange(NameLoc, NameLoc),
/*Implicit=*/false) { }
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == Kind;
// Declare typedefs for all of the simple declaration attributes.
#define SIMPLE_DECL_ATTR(_, CLASS, ...) \
typedef SimpleDeclAttr<DAK_##CLASS> CLASS##Attr;
#include "swift/AST/Attr.def"
/// Defines the @_silgen_name attribute.
class SILGenNameAttr : public DeclAttribute {
SILGenNameAttr(StringRef Name, SourceLoc AtLoc, SourceRange Range, bool Implicit)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_SILGenName, AtLoc, Range, Implicit),
Name(Name) {}
SILGenNameAttr(StringRef Name, bool Implicit)
: SILGenNameAttr(Name, SourceLoc(), SourceRange(), /*Implicit=*/true) {}
/// The symbol name.
const StringRef Name;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_SILGenName;
/// Defines the @_cdecl attribute.
class CDeclAttr : public DeclAttribute {
CDeclAttr(StringRef Name, SourceLoc AtLoc, SourceRange Range, bool Implicit)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_CDecl, AtLoc, Range, Implicit),
Name(Name) {}
CDeclAttr(StringRef Name, bool Implicit)
: CDeclAttr(Name, SourceLoc(), SourceRange(), /*Implicit=*/true) {}
/// The symbol name.
const StringRef Name;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_CDecl;
/// Defines the @_semantics attribute.
class SemanticsAttr : public DeclAttribute {
SemanticsAttr(StringRef Value, SourceLoc AtLoc, SourceRange Range,
bool Implicit)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_Semantics, AtLoc, Range, Implicit),
Value(Value) {}
SemanticsAttr(StringRef Value, bool Implicit)
: SemanticsAttr(Value, SourceLoc(), SourceRange(), /*Implicit=*/true) {}
/// The semantics tag value.
const StringRef Value;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_Semantics;
/// Defines the @_alignment attribute.
class AlignmentAttr : public DeclAttribute {
AlignmentAttr(unsigned Value, SourceLoc AtLoc, SourceRange Range,
bool Implicit)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_Alignment, AtLoc, Range, Implicit) {
Bits.AlignmentAttr.Value = Value;
unsigned getValue() const { return Bits.AlignmentAttr.Value; }
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_Alignment;
/// Defines the @_swift_native_objc_runtime_base attribute.
/// This attribute indicates a class that should be treated semantically
/// as a native Swift root class, but which inherits a specific Objective-C
/// class at runtime. For most classes this is the runtime's "SwiftObject"
/// root class. The compiler does not need to know about the class; it's the
/// build system's responsibility to link against the ObjC code that implements
/// the root class, and the ObjC implementation's responsibility to ensure
/// instances begin with a Swift-refcounting-compatible object header and
/// override all the necessary NSObject refcounting methods.
class SwiftNativeObjCRuntimeBaseAttr : public DeclAttribute {
SwiftNativeObjCRuntimeBaseAttr(Identifier BaseClassName,
SourceLoc AtLoc, SourceRange Range,
bool Implicit)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_SwiftNativeObjCRuntimeBase, AtLoc, Range, Implicit),
BaseClassName(BaseClassName) {}
// The base class's name.
const Identifier BaseClassName;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_SwiftNativeObjCRuntimeBase;
/// Determine the result of comparing an availability attribute to a specific
/// platform or language version.
enum class AvailableVersionComparison {
/// The entity is guaranteed to be available.
/// The entity is never available.
/// The entity might be unavailable at runtime, because it was introduced
/// after the requested minimum platform version.
/// The entity has been obsoleted.
/// Describes the platform-agnostic availability of a declaration.
enum class PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind {
/// The associated availability attribute is not platform-agnostic.
/// The declaration is deprecated, but can still be used.
/// The declaration is unavailable in Swift, specifically
/// The declaration is available in some but not all versions
/// of Swift, as specified by the VersionTuple members.
/// The declaration is available in some but not all versions
/// of SwiftPM's PackageDescription library, as specified by
/// the VersionTuple members.
/// The declaration is unavailable for other reasons.
/// Defines the @available attribute.
class AvailableAttr : public DeclAttribute {
#define INIT_VER_TUPLE(X)\
X(X.empty() ? Optional<llvm::VersionTuple>() : X)
AvailableAttr(SourceLoc AtLoc, SourceRange Range,
PlatformKind Platform,
StringRef Message, StringRef Rename,
const llvm::VersionTuple &Introduced,
SourceRange IntroducedRange,
const llvm::VersionTuple &Deprecated,
SourceRange DeprecatedRange,
const llvm::VersionTuple &Obsoleted,
SourceRange ObsoletedRange,
PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind PlatformAgnostic,
bool Implicit)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_Available, AtLoc, Range, Implicit),
Message(Message), Rename(Rename),
INIT_VER_TUPLE(Introduced), IntroducedRange(IntroducedRange),
INIT_VER_TUPLE(Deprecated), DeprecatedRange(DeprecatedRange),
INIT_VER_TUPLE(Obsoleted), ObsoletedRange(ObsoletedRange),
/// The optional message.
const StringRef Message;
/// An optional replacement string to emit in a fixit. This allows simple
/// declaration renames to be applied by Xcode.
/// This should take the form of an operator, identifier, or full function
/// name, optionally with a prefixed type, similar to the syntax used for
/// the `NS_SWIFT_NAME` annotation in Objective-C.
const StringRef Rename;
/// Indicates when the symbol was introduced.
const Optional<llvm::VersionTuple> Introduced;
/// Indicates where the Introduced version was specified.
const SourceRange IntroducedRange;
/// Indicates when the symbol was deprecated.
const Optional<llvm::VersionTuple> Deprecated;
/// Indicates where the Deprecated version was specified.
const SourceRange DeprecatedRange;
/// Indicates when the symbol was obsoleted.
const Optional<llvm::VersionTuple> Obsoleted;
/// Indicates where the Obsoleted version was specified.
const SourceRange ObsoletedRange;
/// Indicates if the declaration has platform-agnostic availability.
const PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind PlatformAgnostic;
/// The platform of the availability.
const PlatformKind Platform;
/// Whether this is a language-version-specific entity.
bool isLanguageVersionSpecific() const;
/// Whether this is a PackageDescription version specific entity.
bool isPackageDescriptionVersionSpecific() const;
/// Whether this is an unconditionally unavailable entity.
bool isUnconditionallyUnavailable() const;
/// Whether this is an unconditionally deprecated entity.
bool isUnconditionallyDeprecated() const;
/// Returns the platform-agnostic availability.
PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind getPlatformAgnosticAvailability() const {
return PlatformAgnostic;
/// Determine if a given declaration should be considered unavailable given
/// the current settings.
/// \returns The attribute responsible for making the declaration unavailable.
static const AvailableAttr *isUnavailable(const Decl *D);
/// Returns true if the availability applies to a specific
/// platform.
bool hasPlatform() const {
return Platform != PlatformKind::none;
/// Returns the string for the platform of the attribute.
StringRef platformString() const {
return swift::platformString(Platform);
/// Returns the human-readable string for the platform of the attribute.
StringRef prettyPlatformString() const {
return swift::prettyPlatformString(Platform);
/// Returns true if this attribute is active given the current platform.
bool isActivePlatform(const ASTContext &ctx) const;
/// Returns the active version from the AST context corresponding to
/// the available kind. For example, this will return the effective language
/// version for swift version-specific availability kind, PackageDescription
/// version for PackageDescription version-specific availability.
llvm::VersionTuple getActiveVersion(const ASTContext &ctx) const;
/// Compare this attribute's version information against the platform or
/// language version (assuming the this attribute pertains to the active
/// platform).
AvailableVersionComparison getVersionAvailability(const ASTContext &ctx) const;
/// Create an AvailableAttr that indicates specific availability
/// for all platforms.
static AvailableAttr *
createPlatformAgnostic(ASTContext &C, StringRef Message, StringRef Rename = "",
PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind Reason
= PlatformAgnosticAvailabilityKind::Unavailable,
llvm::VersionTuple Obsoleted
= llvm::VersionTuple());
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_Available;
/// Indicates that the given declaration is visible to Objective-C.
class ObjCAttr final : public DeclAttribute,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<ObjCAttr, SourceLoc> {
friend TrailingObjects;
/// The Objective-C name associated with this entity, stored in its opaque
/// representation so that we can use null as an indicator for "no name".
void *NameData;
/// Create an implicit @objc attribute with the given (optional) name.
explicit ObjCAttr(Optional<ObjCSelector> name, bool implicitName)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_ObjC, SourceLoc(), SourceRange(), /*Implicit=*/true),
Bits.ObjCAttr.HasTrailingLocationInfo = false;
Bits.ObjCAttr.ImplicitName = implicitName;
Bits.ObjCAttr.Swift3Inferred = false;
if (name) {
NameData = name->getOpaqueValue();
/// Create an @objc attribute written in the source.
ObjCAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange baseRange, Optional<ObjCSelector> name,
SourceRange parenRange, ArrayRef<SourceLoc> nameLocs);
/// Determine whether this attribute has trailing location information.
bool hasTrailingLocationInfo() const {
return Bits.ObjCAttr.HasTrailingLocationInfo;
/// Retrieve the trailing location information.
MutableArrayRef<SourceLoc> getTrailingLocations() {
assert(hasTrailingLocationInfo() && "No trailing location information");
unsigned length = 2;
if (auto name = getName())
length += name->getNumSelectorPieces();
return {getTrailingObjects<SourceLoc>(), length};
/// Retrieve the trailing location information.
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> getTrailingLocations() const {
assert(hasTrailingLocationInfo() && "No trailing location information");
unsigned length = 2;
if (auto name = getName())
length += name->getNumSelectorPieces();
return {getTrailingObjects<SourceLoc>(), length};
/// Create implicit ObjC attribute with a given (optional) name.
static ObjCAttr *create(ASTContext &Ctx, Optional<ObjCSelector> name,
bool implicitName);
/// Create an unnamed Objective-C attribute, i.e., @objc.
static ObjCAttr *createUnnamed(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc AtLoc,
SourceLoc ObjCLoc);
static ObjCAttr *createUnnamedImplicit(ASTContext &Ctx);
/// Create a nullary Objective-C attribute, which has a single name
/// with no colon following it.
/// Note that a nullary Objective-C attribute may represent either a
/// selector for a zero-parameter function or some other Objective-C
/// entity, such as a class or protocol.
static ObjCAttr *createNullary(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc AtLoc,
SourceLoc ObjCLoc, SourceLoc LParenLoc,
SourceLoc NameLoc, Identifier Name,
SourceLoc RParenLoc);
/// Create an implicit nullary Objective-C attribute, which has a
/// single name with no colon following it.
/// Note that a nullary Objective-C attribute may represent either a
/// selector for a zero-parameter function or some other Objective-C
/// entity, such as a class or protocol.
static ObjCAttr *createNullary(ASTContext &Ctx, Identifier Name,
bool isNameImplicit);
/// Create a "selector" Objective-C attribute, which has some number
/// of identifiers followed by colons.
static ObjCAttr *createSelector(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc AtLoc,
SourceLoc ObjCLoc, SourceLoc LParenLoc,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> NameLocs,
ArrayRef<Identifier> Names,
SourceLoc RParenLoc);
/// Create an implicit "selector" Objective-C attribute, which has
/// some number of identifiers followed by colons.
static ObjCAttr *createSelector(ASTContext &Ctx, ArrayRef<Identifier> Names,
bool isNameImplicit);
/// Determine whether this attribute has a name associated with it.
bool hasName() const { return NameData != nullptr; }
/// Retrieve the name of this entity, if specified.
Optional<ObjCSelector> getName() const {
if (!hasName())
return None;
return ObjCSelector::getFromOpaqueValue(NameData);
/// Determine whether the name associated with this attribute was
/// implicit.
bool isNameImplicit() const { return Bits.ObjCAttr.ImplicitName; }
/// Set the name of this entity.
void setName(ObjCSelector name, bool implicit) {
// If we already have a name and we have location information, make sure
// drop the location information rather than allowing it to corrupt our
// state
if (hasTrailingLocationInfo() &&
(!hasName() ||
getName()->getNumSelectorPieces() < name.getNumSelectorPieces())) {
Bits.ObjCAttr.HasTrailingLocationInfo = false;
NameData = name.getOpaqueValue();
Bits.ObjCAttr.ImplicitName = implicit;
/// Determine whether this attribute was inferred based on Swift 3's
/// deprecated @objc inference rules.
bool isSwift3Inferred() const {
return Bits.ObjCAttr.Swift3Inferred;
/// Set whether this attribute was inferred based on Swift 3's deprecated
/// @objc inference rules.
void setSwift3Inferred(bool inferred = true) {
Bits.ObjCAttr.Swift3Inferred = inferred;
/// Clear the name of this entity.
void clearName() {
NameData = nullptr;
/// Retrieve the source locations for the names in a non-implicit
/// nullary or selector attribute.
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> getNameLocs() const;
/// Retrieve the location of the opening parentheses, if there is one.
SourceLoc getLParenLoc() const;
/// Retrieve the location of the closing parentheses, if there is one.
SourceLoc getRParenLoc() const;
/// Clone the given attribute, producing an implicit copy of the
/// original without source location information.
ObjCAttr *clone(ASTContext &context) const;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_ObjC;
class PrivateImportAttr final
: public DeclAttribute {
StringRef SourceFile;
PrivateImportAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange baseRange,
StringRef sourceFile, SourceRange parentRange);
static PrivateImportAttr *create(ASTContext &Ctxt, SourceLoc AtLoc,
SourceLoc PrivateLoc, SourceLoc LParenLoc,
StringRef sourceFile, SourceLoc RParenLoc);
StringRef getSourceFile() const {
return SourceFile;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_PrivateImport;
/// The @_dynamicReplacement(for:) attribute.
class DynamicReplacementAttr final
: public DeclAttribute,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<DynamicReplacementAttr, SourceLoc> {
friend TrailingObjects;
friend class DynamicallyReplacedDeclRequest;
DeclNameRef ReplacedFunctionName;
LazyMemberLoader *Resolver = nullptr;
uint64_t ResolverContextData;
/// Create an @_dynamicReplacement(for:) attribute written in the source.
DynamicReplacementAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange baseRange,
DeclNameRef replacedFunctionName,
SourceRange parenRange);
DynamicReplacementAttr(DeclNameRef name, AbstractFunctionDecl *f)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_DynamicReplacement, SourceLoc(), SourceRange(),
Resolver(nullptr), ResolverContextData(0) {
Bits.DynamicReplacementAttr.HasTrailingLocationInfo = false;
DynamicReplacementAttr(DeclNameRef name,
LazyMemberLoader *Resolver = nullptr,
uint64_t Data = 0)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_DynamicReplacement, SourceLoc(), SourceRange(),
Resolver(Resolver), ResolverContextData(Data) {
Bits.DynamicReplacementAttr.HasTrailingLocationInfo = false;
/// Retrieve the trailing location information.
MutableArrayRef<SourceLoc> getTrailingLocations() {
unsigned length = 2;
return {getTrailingObjects<SourceLoc>(), length};
/// Retrieve the trailing location information.
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> getTrailingLocations() const {
unsigned length = 2; // lParens, rParens
return {getTrailingObjects<SourceLoc>(), length};
static DynamicReplacementAttr *
create(ASTContext &Context, SourceLoc AtLoc, SourceLoc DynReplLoc,
SourceLoc LParenLoc, DeclNameRef replacedFunction, SourceLoc RParenLoc);
static DynamicReplacementAttr *create(ASTContext &ctx,
DeclNameRef replacedFunction,
AbstractFunctionDecl *replacedFuncDecl);
static DynamicReplacementAttr *create(ASTContext &ctx,
DeclNameRef replacedFunction,
LazyMemberLoader *Resolver,
uint64_t Data);
DeclNameRef getReplacedFunctionName() const {
return ReplacedFunctionName;
/// Retrieve the location of the opening parentheses, if there is one.
SourceLoc getLParenLoc() const;
/// Retrieve the location of the closing parentheses, if there is one.
SourceLoc getRParenLoc() const;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_DynamicReplacement;
/// The \c @_typeEraser(TypeEraserType) attribute.
class TypeEraserAttr final : public DeclAttribute {
TypeExpr *TypeEraserExpr;
LazyMemberLoader *Resolver;
uint64_t ResolverContextData;
friend class ResolveTypeEraserTypeRequest;
TypeEraserAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range, TypeExpr *typeEraserExpr,
LazyMemberLoader *Resolver, uint64_t Data)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_TypeEraser, atLoc, range, /*Implicit=*/false),
Resolver(Resolver), ResolverContextData(Data) {}
static TypeEraserAttr *create(ASTContext &ctx,
SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range,
TypeExpr *typeEraserRepr);
static TypeEraserAttr *create(ASTContext &ctx,
LazyMemberLoader *Resolver,
uint64_t Data);
/// Retrieve the parsed type repr for this attribute, if it
/// was parsed. Else returns \c nullptr.
TypeRepr *getParsedTypeEraserTypeRepr() const;
/// Retrieve the parsed location for this attribute, if it was parsed.
SourceLoc getLoc() const;
/// Retrieve the resolved type of this attribute if it has been resolved by a
/// successful call to \c getResolvedType(). Otherwise,
/// returns \c Type()
/// This entrypoint is only suitable for syntactic clients like the
/// AST printer. Semantic clients should use \c getResolvedType() instead.
Type getTypeWithoutResolving() const;
/// Returns \c true if the type eraser type has a valid implementation of the
/// erasing initializer for the given protocol.
bool hasViableTypeEraserInit(ProtocolDecl *protocol) const;
/// Resolves the type of this attribute.
/// This entrypoint is suitable for semantic clients like the
/// expression checker. Syntactic clients should use
/// \c getTypeWithoutResolving() instead.
Type getResolvedType(const ProtocolDecl *PD) const;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_TypeEraser;
/// Represents any sort of access control modifier.
class AbstractAccessControlAttr : public DeclAttribute {
AbstractAccessControlAttr(DeclAttrKind DK, SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range,
AccessLevel access, bool implicit)
: DeclAttribute(DK, atLoc, range, implicit) {
Bits.AbstractAccessControlAttr.AccessLevel = static_cast<unsigned>(access);
assert(getAccess() == access && "not enough bits for access control");
AccessLevel getAccess() const {
return static_cast<AccessLevel>(Bits.AbstractAccessControlAttr.AccessLevel);
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_AccessControl ||
DA->getKind() == DAK_SetterAccess;
/// Represents a 'private', 'internal', or 'public' marker on a declaration.
class AccessControlAttr : public AbstractAccessControlAttr {
AccessControlAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range, AccessLevel access,
bool implicit = false)
: AbstractAccessControlAttr(DAK_AccessControl, atLoc, range, access,
implicit) {}
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_AccessControl;
/// Represents a 'private', 'internal', or 'public' marker for a setter on a
/// declaration.
class SetterAccessAttr : public AbstractAccessControlAttr {
SetterAccessAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range,
AccessLevel access, bool implicit = false)
: AbstractAccessControlAttr(DAK_SetterAccess, atLoc, range, access,
implicit) {}
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_SetterAccess;
/// SPI attribute applied to both decls and imports.
class SPIAccessControlAttr final : public DeclAttribute,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<SPIAccessControlAttr, Identifier> {
friend TrailingObjects;
SPIAccessControlAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range,
ArrayRef<Identifier> spiGroups);
// Number of trailing SPI group identifiers.
size_t numSPIGroups;
static SPIAccessControlAttr *create(ASTContext &context, SourceLoc atLoc,
SourceRange range,
ArrayRef<Identifier> spiGroups);
/// Name of SPIs declared by the attribute.
/// Note: A single SPI name per attribute is currently supported but this
/// may change with the syntax change.
ArrayRef<Identifier> getSPIGroups() const {
return { this->template getTrailingObjects<Identifier>(),
numSPIGroups };
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_SPIAccessControl;
/// Represents an inline attribute.
class InlineAttr : public DeclAttribute {
InlineAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range, InlineKind kind)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_Inline, atLoc, range, /*Implicit=*/false) {
Bits.InlineAttr.kind = unsigned(kind);
InlineAttr(InlineKind kind)
: InlineAttr(SourceLoc(), SourceRange(), kind) {}
InlineKind getKind() const { return InlineKind(Bits.InlineAttr.kind); }
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_Inline;
/// Represents the optimize attribute.
class OptimizeAttr : public DeclAttribute {
OptimizeAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range, OptimizationMode mode)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_Optimize, atLoc, range, /*Implicit=*/false) {
Bits.OptimizeAttr.mode = unsigned(mode);
OptimizeAttr(OptimizationMode mode)
: OptimizeAttr(SourceLoc(), SourceRange(), mode) {}
OptimizationMode getMode() const {
return OptimizationMode(Bits.OptimizeAttr.mode);
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_Optimize;
/// Represents the side effects attribute.
class EffectsAttr : public DeclAttribute {
EffectsAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range, EffectsKind kind)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_Effects, atLoc, range, /*Implicit=*/false) {
Bits.EffectsAttr.kind = unsigned(kind);
EffectsAttr(EffectsKind kind)
: EffectsAttr(SourceLoc(), SourceRange(), kind) {}
EffectsKind getKind() const { return EffectsKind(Bits.EffectsAttr.kind); }
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_Effects;
/// Represents weak/unowned/unowned(unsafe) decl modifiers.
class ReferenceOwnershipAttr : public DeclAttribute {
ReferenceOwnershipAttr(SourceRange range, ReferenceOwnership kind)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_ReferenceOwnership, range.Start, range,
/*Implicit=*/false) {
Bits.ReferenceOwnershipAttr.ownership = unsigned(kind);
ReferenceOwnershipAttr(ReferenceOwnership kind)
: ReferenceOwnershipAttr(SourceRange(), kind) {}
ReferenceOwnership get() const {
return ReferenceOwnership(Bits.ReferenceOwnershipAttr.ownership);
/// Returns a copy of this attribute without any source information.
ReferenceOwnershipAttr *clone(ASTContext &context) const {
return new (context) ReferenceOwnershipAttr(get());
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_ReferenceOwnership;
/// Represents an actorIndependent/actorIndependent(unsafe) decl attribute.
class ActorIndependentAttr : public DeclAttribute {
ActorIndependentAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range, ActorIndependentKind kind)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_ActorIndependent, atLoc, range, /*Implicit=*/false) {
Bits.ActorIndependentAttr.kind = unsigned(kind);
ActorIndependentAttr(ActorIndependentKind kind, bool IsImplicit=false)
: ActorIndependentAttr(SourceLoc(), SourceRange(), kind) {
ActorIndependentKind getKind() const { return ActorIndependentKind(Bits.ActorIndependentAttr.kind); }
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_ActorIndependent;
/// Defines the attribute that we use to model documentation comments.
class RawDocCommentAttr : public DeclAttribute {
/// Source range of the attached comment. This comment is located before
/// the declaration.
CharSourceRange CommentRange;
RawDocCommentAttr(CharSourceRange CommentRange)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_RawDocComment, SourceLoc(), SourceRange(),
CommentRange(CommentRange) {}
CharSourceRange getCommentRange() const { return CommentRange; }
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_RawDocComment;
/// An attribute applied to a CoreFoundation class that is toll-free bridged to
/// an Objective-C class.
/// This attribute is introduced by the Clang importer, and is therefore always
/// implicit.
class ObjCBridgedAttr : public DeclAttribute {
ClassDecl *ObjCClass;
ObjCBridgedAttr(ClassDecl *ObjCClass)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_ObjCBridged, SourceLoc(), SourceRange(),
/// Retrieve the Objective-C class to which this foreign class is toll-free
/// bridged.
ClassDecl *getObjCClass() const { return ObjCClass; }
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_ObjCBridged;
/// An attribute that specifies a synthesized conformance of a known
/// protocol for the declaration to which it appertains.
/// There is no spelling for this particular attribute in source code;
/// rather, it is introduced by the Clang importer to indicate
/// synthesized conformances.
class SynthesizedProtocolAttr : public DeclAttribute {
LazyConformanceLoader *Loader;
SynthesizedProtocolAttr(KnownProtocolKind protocolKind,
LazyConformanceLoader *Loader)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_SynthesizedProtocol, SourceLoc(), SourceRange(),
/*Implicit=*/true), Loader(Loader)
Bits.SynthesizedProtocolAttr.kind = unsigned(protocolKind);
/// Retrieve the known protocol kind naming the protocol to be
/// synthesized.
KnownProtocolKind getProtocolKind() const {
return KnownProtocolKind(Bits.SynthesizedProtocolAttr.kind);
/// Retrieve the lazy loader that will be used to populate the
/// synthesized conformance.
LazyConformanceLoader *getLazyLoader() const { return Loader; }
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_SynthesizedProtocol;
/// The @_specialize attribute, which forces specialization on the specified
/// type list.
class SpecializeAttr final
: public DeclAttribute,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<SpecializeAttr, Identifier> {
friend class SpecializeAttrTargetDeclRequest;
friend TrailingObjects;
// NOTE: When adding new kinds, you must update the inline bitfield macro.
enum class SpecializationKind {
TrailingWhereClause *trailingWhereClause;
GenericSignature specializedSignature;
DeclNameRef targetFunctionName;
LazyMemberLoader *resolver = nullptr;
uint64_t resolverContextData;
size_t numSPIGroups;
SpecializeAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange Range,
TrailingWhereClause *clause, bool exported,
SpecializationKind kind, GenericSignature specializedSignature,
DeclNameRef targetFunctionName,
ArrayRef<Identifier> spiGroups);
static SpecializeAttr *create(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc atLoc,
SourceRange Range, TrailingWhereClause *clause,
bool exported, SpecializationKind kind,
DeclNameRef targetFunctionName,
ArrayRef<Identifier> spiGroups,
GenericSignature specializedSignature
= nullptr);
static SpecializeAttr *create(ASTContext &ctx, bool exported,
SpecializationKind kind,
ArrayRef<Identifier> spiGroups,
GenericSignature specializedSignature,
DeclNameRef replacedFunction);
static SpecializeAttr *create(ASTContext &ctx, bool exported,
SpecializationKind kind,
ArrayRef<Identifier> spiGroups,
GenericSignature specializedSignature,
DeclNameRef replacedFunction,
LazyMemberLoader *resolver, uint64_t data);
/// Name of SPIs declared by the attribute.
/// Note: A single SPI name per attribute is currently supported but this
/// may change with the syntax change.
ArrayRef<Identifier> getSPIGroups() const {
return { this->template getTrailingObjects<Identifier>(),
numSPIGroups };
TrailingWhereClause *getTrailingWhereClause() const;
GenericSignature getSpecializedSignature() const {
return specializedSignature;
void setSpecializedSignature(GenericSignature newSig) {
specializedSignature = newSig;
bool isExported() const {
return Bits.SpecializeAttr.exported;
SpecializationKind getSpecializationKind() const {
return SpecializationKind(Bits.SpecializeAttr.kind);
bool isFullSpecialization() const {
return getSpecializationKind() == SpecializationKind::Full;
bool isPartialSpecialization() const {
return getSpecializationKind() == SpecializationKind::Partial;
DeclNameRef getTargetFunctionName() const {
return targetFunctionName;
/// \p forDecl is the value decl that the attribute belongs to.
ValueDecl *getTargetFunctionDecl(const ValueDecl *forDecl) const;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_Specialize;
/// The @_implements attribute, which treats a decl as the implementation for
/// some named protocol requirement (but otherwise not-visible by that name).
class ImplementsAttr : public DeclAttribute {
TypeExpr *ProtocolType;
DeclName MemberName;
DeclNameLoc MemberNameLoc;
ImplementsAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange Range,
TypeExpr *ProtocolType,
DeclName MemberName,
DeclNameLoc MemberNameLoc);
static ImplementsAttr *create(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc atLoc,
SourceRange Range,
TypeExpr *ProtocolType,
DeclName MemberName,
DeclNameLoc MemberNameLoc);
void setProtocolType(Type ty);
Type getProtocolType() const;
TypeRepr *getProtocolTypeRepr() const;
DeclName getMemberName() const { return MemberName; }
DeclNameLoc getMemberNameLoc() const { return MemberNameLoc; }
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_Implements;
/// A limited variant of \c \@objc that's used for classes with generic ancestry.
class ObjCRuntimeNameAttr : public DeclAttribute {
static StringRef getSimpleName(const ObjCAttr &Original) {
return Original.getName()->getSimpleName().str();
ObjCRuntimeNameAttr(StringRef Name, SourceLoc AtLoc, SourceRange Range,
bool Implicit)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_ObjCRuntimeName, AtLoc, Range, Implicit),
Name(Name) {}
explicit ObjCRuntimeNameAttr(const ObjCAttr &Original)
: ObjCRuntimeNameAttr(getSimpleName(Original), Original.AtLoc,
Original.Range, Original.isImplicit()) {}
const StringRef Name;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_ObjCRuntimeName;
/// Attribute that specifies a protocol conformance that has been restated
/// (i.e., is redundant) but should still be emitted in Objective-C metadata.
class RestatedObjCConformanceAttr : public DeclAttribute {
explicit RestatedObjCConformanceAttr(ProtocolDecl *proto)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_RestatedObjCConformance, SourceLoc(), SourceRange(),
Proto(proto) {}
/// The protocol to which this type conforms.
ProtocolDecl * const Proto;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_RestatedObjCConformance;
/// Attached to type declarations synthesized by the Clang importer.
/// Used to control manglings.
class ClangImporterSynthesizedTypeAttr : public DeclAttribute {
// NOTE: When adding new kinds, you must update the inline bitfield macro.
enum class Kind : char {
/// A struct synthesized by the importer to represent an NSError with a
/// particular domain, as specified by an enum with the \c ns_error_domain
/// Clang attribute.
/// This one is for enums with names.
/// A struct synthesized by the importer to represent an NSError with a
/// particular domain, as specified by an enum with the \c ns_error_domain
/// Clang attribute.
/// This one is for anonymous enums that are immediately typedef'd, giving
/// them a unique name for linkage purposes according to the C++ standard.
/// The (Clang) name of the declaration that caused this type declaration to
/// be synthesized.
/// Must be a valid Swift identifier as well, for mangling purposes.
const StringRef originalTypeName;
explicit ClangImporterSynthesizedTypeAttr(StringRef originalTypeName,
Kind kind)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_ClangImporterSynthesizedType, SourceLoc(),
SourceRange(), /*Implicit=*/true),
originalTypeName(originalTypeName) {
Bits.ClangImporterSynthesizedTypeAttr.kind = unsigned(kind);
Kind getKind() const {
return Kind(Bits.ClangImporterSynthesizedTypeAttr.kind);
StringRef getManglingName() const {
return manglingNameForKind(getKind());
static StringRef manglingNameForKind(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::NSErrorWrapper:
return "e";
case Kind::NSErrorWrapperAnon:
return "E";
llvm_unreachable("unhandled kind");
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_ClangImporterSynthesizedType;
/// Defines a custom attribute.
class CustomAttr final : public DeclAttribute,
public TrailingCallArguments<CustomAttr> {
TypeExpr *typeExpr;
Expr *arg;
PatternBindingInitializer *initContext;
Expr *semanticInit = nullptr;
unsigned hasArgLabelLocs : 1;
unsigned numArgLabels : 16;
CustomAttr(SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange range, TypeExpr *type,
PatternBindingInitializer *initContext, Expr *arg,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels, ArrayRef<SourceLoc> argLabelLocs,
bool implicit);
static CustomAttr *create(ASTContext &ctx, SourceLoc atLoc, TypeExpr *type,
bool implicit = false) {
return create(ctx, atLoc, type, false, nullptr, SourceLoc(), { }, { }, { },
SourceLoc(), implicit);
static CustomAttr *create(ASTContext &ctx, SourceLoc atLoc, TypeExpr *type,
bool hasInitializer,
PatternBindingInitializer *initContext,
SourceLoc lParenLoc,
ArrayRef<Expr *> args,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> argLabelLocs,
SourceLoc rParenLoc,
bool implicit = false);
unsigned getNumArguments() const { return numArgLabels; }
bool hasArgumentLabelLocs() const { return hasArgLabelLocs; }
TypeRepr *getTypeRepr() const;
Type getType() const;
Expr *getArg() const { return arg; }
void setArg(Expr *newArg) { arg = newArg; }
Expr *getSemanticInit() const { return semanticInit; }
void setSemanticInit(Expr *expr) { semanticInit = expr; }
PatternBindingInitializer *getInitContext() const { return initContext; }
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_Custom;
friend class CustomAttrNominalRequest;
void resetTypeInformation(TypeExpr *repr);
friend class CustomAttrTypeRequest;
void setType(Type ty);
/// Relates a property to its projection value property, as described by a property wrapper. For
/// example, given
/// \code
/// @A var foo: Int
/// \endcode
/// Where \c A is a property wrapper that has a \c projectedValue property, the compiler
/// synthesizes a declaration $foo an attaches the attribute
/// \c _projectedValuePropertyAttr($foo) to \c foo to record the link.
class ProjectedValuePropertyAttr : public DeclAttribute {
ProjectedValuePropertyAttr(Identifier PropertyName,
SourceLoc AtLoc, SourceRange Range,
bool Implicit)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_ProjectedValueProperty, AtLoc, Range, Implicit),
ProjectionPropertyName(PropertyName) {}
// The projection property name.
const Identifier ProjectionPropertyName;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_ProjectedValueProperty;
/// Describe a symbol was originally defined in another module. For example, given
/// \code
/// @_originallyDefinedIn(module: "Original", OSX 10.15) var foo: Int
/// \endcode
/// Where variable Foo has originally defined in another module called Original prior to OSX 10.15
class OriginallyDefinedInAttr: public DeclAttribute {
OriginallyDefinedInAttr(SourceLoc AtLoc, SourceRange Range,
StringRef OriginalModuleName,
PlatformKind Platform,
const llvm::VersionTuple MovedVersion,
bool Implicit)
: DeclAttribute(DAK_OriginallyDefinedIn, AtLoc, Range, Implicit),
MovedVersion(MovedVersion) {}
// The original module name.
const StringRef OriginalModuleName;
/// The platform of the symbol.
const PlatformKind Platform;
/// Indicates when the symbol was moved here.
const llvm::VersionTuple MovedVersion;
struct ActiveVersion {
StringRef ModuleName;
PlatformKind Platform;
bool IsSimulator;
llvm::VersionTuple Version;
/// Returns non-optional if this attribute is active given the current platform.
/// The value provides more details about the active platform.
Optional<ActiveVersion> isActivePlatform(const ASTContext &ctx) const;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_OriginallyDefinedIn;
/// Attribute that marks a function as differentiable.
/// Examples:
/// @differentiable(where T : FloatingPoint)
/// @differentiable(wrt: (self, x, y))
class DifferentiableAttr final
: public DeclAttribute,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<DifferentiableAttr,
ParsedAutoDiffParameter> {
friend TrailingObjects;
friend class DifferentiableAttributeTypeCheckRequest;
/// The declaration on which the `@differentiable` attribute is declared.
/// May not be a valid declaration for `@differentiable` attributes.
/// Resolved during parsing and deserialization.
Decl *OriginalDeclaration = nullptr;
/// Whether this function is linear (optional).
bool Linear;
/// The number of parsed differentiability parameters specified in 'wrt:'.
unsigned NumParsedParameters = 0;
/// The differentiability parameter indices, resolved by the type checker.
/// The bit stores whether the parameter indices have been computed.
/// Note: it is necessary to use a bit instead of `nullptr` parameter indices
/// to represent "parameter indices not yet type-checked" because invalid
/// attributes have `nullptr` parameter indices but have been type-checked.
llvm::PointerIntPair<IndexSubset *, 1, bool> ParameterIndicesAndBit;
/// The trailing where clause (optional).
TrailingWhereClause *WhereClause = nullptr;
/// The generic signature for autodiff associated functions. Resolved by the
/// type checker based on the original function's generic signature and the
/// attribute's where clause requirements. This is set only if the attribute
/// has a where clause.
GenericSignature DerivativeGenericSignature;
/// The source location of the implicitly inherited protocol requirement
/// `@differentiable` attribute. Used for diagnostics, not serialized.
/// This is set during conformance type-checking, only for implicit
/// `@differentiable` attributes created for non-public protocol witnesses of
/// protocol requirements with `@differentiable` attributes.
SourceLoc ImplicitlyInheritedDifferentiableAttrLocation;
explicit DifferentiableAttr(bool implicit, SourceLoc atLoc,
SourceRange baseRange, bool linear,
ArrayRef<ParsedAutoDiffParameter> parameters,
TrailingWhereClause *clause);
explicit DifferentiableAttr(Decl *original, bool implicit, SourceLoc atLoc,
SourceRange baseRange, bool linear,
IndexSubset *parameterIndices,
GenericSignature derivativeGenericSignature);
static DifferentiableAttr *create(ASTContext &context, bool implicit,
SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange baseRange,
bool linear,
ArrayRef<ParsedAutoDiffParameter> params,
TrailingWhereClause *clause);
static DifferentiableAttr *create(AbstractFunctionDecl *original,
bool implicit, SourceLoc atLoc,
SourceRange baseRange, bool linear,
IndexSubset *parameterIndices,
GenericSignature derivativeGenSig);
Decl *getOriginalDeclaration() const { return OriginalDeclaration; }
/// Sets the original declaration on which this attribute is declared.
/// Should only be used by parsing and deserialization.
void setOriginalDeclaration(Decl *originalDeclaration);
/// Returns true if the given `@differentiable` attribute has been
/// type-checked.
bool hasBeenTypeChecked() const;
IndexSubset *getParameterIndices() const;
void setParameterIndices(IndexSubset *parameterIndices);
/// The parsed differentiability parameters, i.e. the list of parameters
/// specified in 'wrt:'.
ArrayRef<ParsedAutoDiffParameter> getParsedParameters() const {
return {getTrailingObjects<ParsedAutoDiffParameter>(), NumParsedParameters};
MutableArrayRef<ParsedAutoDiffParameter> getParsedParameters() {
return {getTrailingObjects<ParsedAutoDiffParameter>(), NumParsedParameters};
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<ParsedAutoDiffParameter>) const {
return NumParsedParameters;
bool isLinear() const { return Linear; }
TrailingWhereClause *getWhereClause() const { return WhereClause; }
GenericSignature getDerivativeGenericSignature() const {
return DerivativeGenericSignature;
void setDerivativeGenericSignature(GenericSignature derivativeGenSig) {
DerivativeGenericSignature = derivativeGenSig;
SourceLoc getImplicitlyInheritedDifferentiableAttrLocation() const {
return ImplicitlyInheritedDifferentiableAttrLocation;
void getImplicitlyInheritedDifferentiableAttrLocation(SourceLoc loc) {
ImplicitlyInheritedDifferentiableAttrLocation = loc;
/// Get the derivative generic environment for the given `@differentiable`
/// attribute and original function.
GenericEnvironment *
getDerivativeGenericEnvironment(AbstractFunctionDecl *original) const;
// Print the attribute to the given stream.
// If `omitWrtClause` is true, omit printing the `wrt:` clause.
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Decl *D, bool omitWrtClause = false) const;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_Differentiable;
/// A declaration name with location.
struct DeclNameRefWithLoc {
/// The declaration name.
DeclNameRef Name;
/// The declaration name location.
DeclNameLoc Loc;
/// An optional accessor kind.
Optional<AccessorKind> AccessorKind;
void print(ASTPrinter &Printer) const;
/// The `@derivative(of:)` attribute registers a function as a derivative of
/// another function-like declaration: a 'func', 'init', 'subscript', or 'var'
/// computed property declaration.
/// The `@derivative(of:)` attribute also has an optional `wrt:` clause
/// specifying the parameters that are differentiated "with respect to", i.e.
/// the differentiability parameters. The differentiability parameters must
/// conform to the `Differentiable` protocol.
/// If the `wrt:` clause is unspecified, the differentiability parameters are
/// inferred to be all parameters that conform to `Differentiable`.
/// `@derivative(of:)` attribute type-checking verifies that the type of the
/// derivative function declaration is consistent with the type of the
/// referenced original declaration and the differentiability parameters.
/// Examples:
/// @derivative(of: sin(_:))
/// @derivative(of: +, wrt: (lhs, rhs))
class DerivativeAttr final
: public DeclAttribute,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<DerivativeAttr, ParsedAutoDiffParameter> {
friend TrailingObjects;
friend class DerivativeAttrOriginalDeclRequest;
/// The base type for the referenced original declaration. This field is
/// non-null only for parsed attributes that reference a qualified original
/// declaration. This field is not serialized; type-checking uses it to
/// resolve the original declaration, which is serialized.
TypeRepr *BaseTypeRepr;
/// The original function name.
DeclNameRefWithLoc OriginalFunctionName;
/// The original function.
/// The states are:
/// - nullptr:
/// The original function is unknown. The typechecker is responsible for
/// eventually resolving it.
/// - AbstractFunctionDecl:
/// The original function is known to be this `AbstractFunctionDecl`.
/// - LazyMemberLoader:
/// This `LazyMemberLoader` knows how to resolve the original function.
/// `ResolverContextData` is an additional piece of data that the
/// `LazyMemberLoader` needs.
// TODO(TF-1235): Making `DerivativeAttr` immutable will simplify this by
// removing the `AbstractFunctionDecl` state.
llvm::PointerUnion<AbstractFunctionDecl *, LazyMemberLoader *> OriginalFunction;
/// Data representing the original function declaration. See doc comment for
/// `OriginalFunction`.
uint64_t ResolverContextData = 0;
/// The number of parsed differentiability parameters specified in 'wrt:'.
unsigned NumParsedParameters = 0;
/// The differentiability parameter indices, resolved by the type checker.
IndexSubset *ParameterIndices = nullptr;
/// The derivative function kind (JVP or VJP), resolved by the type checker.
Optional<AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind> Kind = None;
explicit DerivativeAttr(bool implicit, SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange baseRange,
TypeRepr *baseTypeRepr, DeclNameRefWithLoc original,
ArrayRef<ParsedAutoDiffParameter> params);
explicit DerivativeAttr(bool implicit, SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange baseRange,
TypeRepr *baseTypeRepr, DeclNameRefWithLoc original,
IndexSubset *parameterIndices);
static DerivativeAttr *create(ASTContext &context, bool implicit,
SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange baseRange,
TypeRepr *baseTypeRepr,
DeclNameRefWithLoc original,
ArrayRef<ParsedAutoDiffParameter> params);
static DerivativeAttr *create(ASTContext &context, bool implicit,
SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange baseRange,
TypeRepr *baseTypeRepr,
DeclNameRefWithLoc original,
IndexSubset *parameterIndices);
TypeRepr *getBaseTypeRepr() const { return BaseTypeRepr; }
DeclNameRefWithLoc getOriginalFunctionName() const {
return OriginalFunctionName;
AbstractFunctionDecl *getOriginalFunction(ASTContext &context) const;
void setOriginalFunction(AbstractFunctionDecl *decl);
void setOriginalFunctionResolver(LazyMemberLoader *resolver,
uint64_t resolverContextData);
AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind getDerivativeKind() const {
assert(Kind && "Derivative function kind has not yet been resolved");
return *Kind;
void setDerivativeKind(AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind kind) { Kind = kind; }
/// The parsed differentiability parameters, i.e. the list of parameters
/// specified in 'wrt:'.
ArrayRef<ParsedAutoDiffParameter> getParsedParameters() const {
return {getTrailingObjects<ParsedAutoDiffParameter>(), NumParsedParameters};
MutableArrayRef<ParsedAutoDiffParameter> getParsedParameters() {
return {getTrailingObjects<ParsedAutoDiffParameter>(), NumParsedParameters};
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<ParsedAutoDiffParameter>) const {
return NumParsedParameters;
IndexSubset *getParameterIndices() const {
return ParameterIndices;
void setParameterIndices(IndexSubset *parameterIndices) {
ParameterIndices = parameterIndices;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_Derivative;
/// The `@transpose(of:)` attribute registers a function as a transpose of
/// another function-like declaration: a 'func', 'init', 'subscript', or 'var'
/// computed property declaration.
/// The `@transpose(of:)` attribute also has a `wrt:` clause specifying the
/// parameters that are transposed "with respect to", i.e. the linearity
/// parameters.
/// Examples:
/// @transpose(of: foo)
/// @transpose(of: +, wrt: (0, 1))
class TransposeAttr final
: public DeclAttribute,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<TransposeAttr, ParsedAutoDiffParameter> {
friend TrailingObjects;
/// The base type for the referenced original declaration. This field is
/// non-null only for parsed attributes that reference a qualified original
/// declaration. This field is not serialized; type-checking uses it to
/// resolve the original declaration, which is serialized.
TypeRepr *BaseTypeRepr;
/// The original function name.
DeclNameRefWithLoc OriginalFunctionName;
/// The original function declaration, resolved by the type checker.
AbstractFunctionDecl *OriginalFunction = nullptr;
/// The number of parsed linearity parameters specified in 'wrt:'.
unsigned NumParsedParameters = 0;
/// The linearity parameter indices, resolved by the type checker.
IndexSubset *ParameterIndices = nullptr;
explicit TransposeAttr(bool implicit, SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange baseRange,
TypeRepr *baseType, DeclNameRefWithLoc original,
ArrayRef<ParsedAutoDiffParameter> params);
explicit TransposeAttr(bool implicit, SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange baseRange,
TypeRepr *baseType, DeclNameRefWithLoc original,
IndexSubset *parameterIndices);
static TransposeAttr *create(ASTContext &context, bool implicit,
SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange baseRange,
TypeRepr *baseType, DeclNameRefWithLoc original,
ArrayRef<ParsedAutoDiffParameter> params);
static TransposeAttr *create(ASTContext &context, bool implicit,
SourceLoc atLoc, SourceRange baseRange,
TypeRepr *baseType, DeclNameRefWithLoc original,
IndexSubset *parameterIndices);
TypeRepr *getBaseTypeRepr() const { return BaseTypeRepr; }
DeclNameRefWithLoc getOriginalFunctionName() const {
return OriginalFunctionName;
AbstractFunctionDecl *getOriginalFunction() const {
return OriginalFunction;
void setOriginalFunction(AbstractFunctionDecl *decl) {
OriginalFunction = decl;
/// The parsed linearity parameters, i.e. the list of parameters specified in
/// 'wrt:'.
ArrayRef<ParsedAutoDiffParameter> getParsedParameters() const {
return {getTrailingObjects<ParsedAutoDiffParameter>(), NumParsedParameters};
MutableArrayRef<ParsedAutoDiffParameter> getParsedParameters() {
return {getTrailingObjects<ParsedAutoDiffParameter>(), NumParsedParameters};
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<ParsedAutoDiffParameter>) const {
return NumParsedParameters;
IndexSubset *getParameterIndices() const {
return ParameterIndices;
void setParameterIndices(IndexSubset *parameterIndices) {
ParameterIndices = parameterIndices;
static bool classof(const DeclAttribute *DA) {
return DA->getKind() == DAK_Transpose;
/// Attributes that may be applied to declarations.
class DeclAttributes {
/// Linked list of declaration attributes.
DeclAttribute *DeclAttrs;
DeclAttributes() : DeclAttrs(nullptr) {}
bool isEmpty() const {
return DeclAttrs == nullptr;
void getAttrRanges(SmallVectorImpl<SourceRange> &Ranges) const {
for (auto Attr : *this) {
auto R = Attr->getRangeWithAt();
if (R.isValid())
/// If this attribute set has a prefix/postfix attribute on it, return this.
UnaryOperatorKind getUnaryOperatorKind() const {
if (hasAttribute<PrefixAttr>())
return UnaryOperatorKind::Prefix;
if (hasAttribute<PostfixAttr>())
return UnaryOperatorKind::Postfix;
return UnaryOperatorKind::None;
bool isUnavailable(const ASTContext &ctx) const {
return getUnavailable(ctx) != nullptr;
/// Determine whether there is a swiftVersionSpecific attribute that's
/// unavailable relative to the provided language version.
isUnavailableInSwiftVersion(const version::Version &effectiveVersion) const;
/// Finds the most-specific platform-specific attribute that is
/// active for the current platform.
const AvailableAttr *
findMostSpecificActivePlatform(const ASTContext &ctx) const;
/// Returns the first @available attribute that indicates
/// a declaration is unavailable, or the first one that indicates it's
/// potentially unavailable, or null otherwise.
const AvailableAttr *getPotentiallyUnavailable(const ASTContext &ctx) const;
/// Returns the first @available attribute that indicates
/// a declaration is unavailable, or null otherwise.
const AvailableAttr *getUnavailable(const ASTContext &ctx) const;
/// Returns the first @available attribute that indicates
/// a declaration is deprecated on all deployment targets, or null otherwise.
const AvailableAttr *getDeprecated(const ASTContext &ctx) const;
SWIFT_DEBUG_DUMPER(dump(const Decl *D = nullptr));
void print(ASTPrinter &Printer, const PrintOptions &Options,
const Decl *D = nullptr) const;
static void print(ASTPrinter &Printer, const PrintOptions &Options,
ArrayRef<const DeclAttribute *> FlattenedAttrs,
const Decl *D = nullptr);
template <typename T, typename DERIVED>
class iterator_base : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, T *> {
T *Impl;
explicit iterator_base(T *Impl) : Impl(Impl) {}
DERIVED &operator++() { Impl = Impl->Next; return (DERIVED&)*this; }
bool operator==(const iterator_base &X) const { return X.Impl == Impl; }
bool operator!=(const iterator_base &X) const { return X.Impl != Impl; }
T *operator*() const { return Impl; }
T &operator->() const { return *Impl; }
/// Add a constructed DeclAttribute to this list.
void add(DeclAttribute *Attr) {
Attr->Next = DeclAttrs;
DeclAttrs = Attr;
// Iterator interface over DeclAttribute objects.
class iterator : public iterator_base<DeclAttribute, iterator> {
explicit iterator(DeclAttribute *Impl) : iterator_base(Impl) {}
class const_iterator : public iterator_base<const DeclAttribute,
const_iterator> {
explicit const_iterator(const DeclAttribute *Impl)
: iterator_base(Impl) {}
iterator begin() { return iterator(DeclAttrs); }
iterator end() { return iterator(nullptr); }
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(DeclAttrs); }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(nullptr); }
/// Retrieve the first attribute of the given attribute class.
template <typename ATTR>
const ATTR *getAttribute(bool AllowInvalid = false) const {
return const_cast<DeclAttributes *>(this)->getAttribute<ATTR>(AllowInvalid);
template <typename ATTR>
ATTR *getAttribute(bool AllowInvalid = false) {
for (auto Attr : *this)
if (auto *SpecificAttr = dyn_cast<ATTR>(Attr))
if (SpecificAttr->isValid() || AllowInvalid)
return SpecificAttr;
return nullptr;
/// Determine whether there is an attribute with the given attribute class.
template <typename ATTR>
bool hasAttribute(bool AllowInvalid = false) const {
return getAttribute<ATTR>(AllowInvalid) != nullptr;
/// Retrieve the first attribute with the given kind.
const DeclAttribute *getAttribute(DeclAttrKind DK,
bool AllowInvalid = false) const {
for (auto Attr : *this)
if (Attr->getKind() == DK && (Attr->isValid() || AllowInvalid))
return Attr;
return nullptr;
/// Retrieve the first attribute with the given kind.
DeclAttribute *getAttribute(DeclAttrKind DK,
bool AllowInvalid = false) {
for (auto Attr : *this)
if (Attr->getKind() == DK && (Attr->isValid() || AllowInvalid))
return Attr;
return nullptr;
/// Predicate used to filter MatchingAttributeRange.
template <typename ATTR, bool AllowInvalid> struct ToAttributeKind {
ToAttributeKind() {}
Optional<const ATTR *>
operator()(const DeclAttribute *Attr) const {
if (isa<ATTR>(Attr) && (Attr->isValid() || AllowInvalid))
return cast<ATTR>(Attr);
return None;
template <typename ATTR, bool AllowInvalid>
using AttributeKindRange =
ToAttributeKind<ATTR, AllowInvalid>,
/// Return a range with all attributes in DeclAttributes with AttrKind
/// ATTR.
template <typename ATTR, bool AllowInvalid = false>
AttributeKindRange<ATTR, AllowInvalid> getAttributes() const {
return AttributeKindRange<ATTR, AllowInvalid>(
make_range(begin(), end()), ToAttributeKind<ATTR, AllowInvalid>());
/// Return the range of semantics attributes attached to this attribute set.
auto getSemanticsAttrs() const
-> decltype(getAttributes<SemanticsAttr>()) {
return getAttributes<SemanticsAttr>();
/// Return whether this attribute set includes the given semantics attribute.
bool hasSemanticsAttr(StringRef attrValue) const {
return llvm::any_of(getSemanticsAttrs(), [&](const SemanticsAttr *attr) {
return attrValue.equals(attr->Value);
// Remove the given attribute from the list of attributes. Used when
// the attribute was semantically invalid.
void removeAttribute(const DeclAttribute *attr) {
// If it's the first attribute, remove it.
if (DeclAttrs == attr) {
DeclAttrs = attr->Next;
// Otherwise, find it in the list. This is inefficient, but rare.
for (auto **prev = &DeclAttrs; *prev; prev = &(*prev)->Next) {
if ((*prev)->Next == attr) {
(*prev)->Next = attr->Next;
llvm_unreachable("Attribute not found for removal");
/// Set the raw chain of attributes. Used for deserialization.
void setRawAttributeChain(DeclAttribute *Chain) {
DeclAttrs = Chain;
SourceLoc getStartLoc(bool forModifiers = false) const;
void simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out, const DeclAttribute *attr);
inline SourceLoc extractNearestSourceLoc(const DeclAttribute *attr) {
return attr->getLocation();
} // end namespace swift