blob: 9b79375872d653ae547f975c290748d6a6fc90de [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ASTMangler.h - Swift AST symbol mangling ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/Mangler.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
namespace clang {
class NamedDecl;
namespace swift {
class AbstractClosureExpr;
class ConformanceAccessPath;
class RootProtocolConformance;
namespace Mangle {
/// The mangler for AST declarations.
class ASTMangler : public Mangler {
CanGenericSignature CurGenericSignature;
ModuleDecl *Mod = nullptr;
/// Optimize out protocol names if a type only conforms to one protocol.
bool OptimizeProtocolNames = true;
/// If enabled, use Objective-C runtime names when mangling @objc Swift
/// protocols and classes.
bool UseObjCRuntimeNames = false;
/// If enabled, non-canonical types are allowed and type alias types get a
/// special mangling.
bool DWARFMangling;
/// If enabled, entities that ought to have names but don't get a placeholder.
/// If disabled, it is an error to try to mangle such an entity.
bool AllowNamelessEntities = false;
/// If enabled, some entities will be emitted as symbolic reference
/// placeholders. The offsets of these references will be stored in the
/// `SymbolicReferences` vector, and it is up to the consumer of the mangling
/// to fill these in.
bool AllowSymbolicReferences = false;
using SymbolicReferent = llvm::PointerUnion<const NominalTypeDecl *,
const OpaqueTypeDecl *>;
/// If set, the mangler calls this function to determine whether to symbolic
/// reference a given entity. If null, the mangler acts as if it's set to
/// always return true.
std::function<bool (SymbolicReferent)> CanSymbolicReference;
bool canSymbolicReference(SymbolicReferent referent) {
return AllowSymbolicReferences
&& (!CanSymbolicReference || CanSymbolicReference(referent));
std::vector<std::pair<SymbolicReferent, unsigned>> SymbolicReferences;
enum class SymbolKind {
ASTMangler(bool DWARFMangling = false)
: DWARFMangling(DWARFMangling) {}
void addTypeSubstitution(Type type) {
type = dropProtocolsFromAssociatedTypes(type);
bool tryMangleTypeSubstitution(Type type) {
type = dropProtocolsFromAssociatedTypes(type);
return tryMangleSubstitution(type.getPointer());
std::string mangleClosureEntity(const AbstractClosureExpr *closure,
SymbolKind SKind);
std::string mangleEntity(const ValueDecl *decl,
SymbolKind SKind = SymbolKind::Default);
std::string mangleDestructorEntity(const DestructorDecl *decl,
bool isDeallocating,
SymbolKind SKind = SymbolKind::Default);
std::string mangleConstructorEntity(const ConstructorDecl *ctor,
bool isAllocating,
SymbolKind SKind = SymbolKind::Default);
std::string mangleIVarInitDestroyEntity(const ClassDecl *decl,
bool isDestroyer, SymbolKind SKind);
std::string mangleAccessorEntity(AccessorKind kind,
const AbstractStorageDecl *decl,
bool isStatic,
SymbolKind SKind);
std::string mangleGlobalGetterEntity(const ValueDecl *decl,
SymbolKind SKind = SymbolKind::Default);
std::string mangleDefaultArgumentEntity(const DeclContext *func,
unsigned index,
SymbolKind SKind = SymbolKind::Default);
std::string mangleInitializerEntity(const VarDecl *var, SymbolKind SKind);
std::string mangleBackingInitializerEntity(const VarDecl *var,
SymbolKind SKind = SymbolKind::Default);
std::string mangleNominalType(const NominalTypeDecl *decl);
std::string mangleVTableThunk(const FuncDecl *Base,
const FuncDecl *Derived);
std::string mangleConstructorVTableThunk(const ConstructorDecl *Base,
const ConstructorDecl *Derived,
bool isAllocating);
std::string mangleWitnessTable(const RootProtocolConformance *C);
std::string mangleWitnessThunk(const ProtocolConformance *Conformance,
const ValueDecl *Requirement);
std::string mangleClosureWitnessThunk(const ProtocolConformance *Conformance,
const AbstractClosureExpr *Closure);
std::string mangleGlobalVariableFull(const VarDecl *decl);
std::string mangleGlobalInit(const PatternBindingDecl *decl,
unsigned entry,
bool isInitFunc);
std::string mangleReabstractionThunkHelper(CanSILFunctionType ThunkType,
Type FromType, Type ToType,
Type SelfType,
ModuleDecl *Module);
/// Mangle a completion handler block implementation function, used for importing ObjC
/// APIs as async.
/// - If `predefined` is true, this mangles the symbol name of the completion handler
/// predefined in the Swift runtime for the given type signature.
std::string mangleObjCAsyncCompletionHandlerImpl(CanSILFunctionType BlockType,
CanType ResultType,
bool predefined);
/// Mangle the derivative function (JVP/VJP) for the given:
/// - Mangled original function name.
/// - Derivative function kind.
/// - Derivative function configuration: parameter/result indices and
/// derivative generic signature.
mangleAutoDiffDerivativeFunctionHelper(StringRef name,
AutoDiffDerivativeFunctionKind kind,
AutoDiffConfig config);
/// Mangle the linear map (differential/pullback) for the given:
/// - Mangled original function name.
/// - Linear map kind.
/// - Derivative function configuration: parameter/result indices and
/// derivative generic signature.
std::string mangleAutoDiffLinearMapHelper(StringRef name,
AutoDiffLinearMapKind kind,
AutoDiffConfig config);
/// Mangle the AutoDiff generated declaration for the given:
/// - Generated declaration kind: linear map struct or branching trace enum.
/// - Mangled original function name.
/// - Basic block number.
/// - Linear map kind: differential or pullback.
/// - Derivative function configuration: parameter/result indices and
/// derivative generic signature.
mangleAutoDiffGeneratedDeclaration(AutoDiffGeneratedDeclarationKind declKind,
StringRef origFnName, unsigned bbId,
AutoDiffLinearMapKind linearMapKind,
AutoDiffConfig config);
/// Mangle a SIL differentiability witness key:
/// - Mangled original function name.
/// - Parameter indices.
/// - Result indices.
/// - Derivative generic signature (optional).
mangleSILDifferentiabilityWitnessKey(SILDifferentiabilityWitnessKey key);
std::string mangleKeyPathGetterThunkHelper(const AbstractStorageDecl *property,
GenericSignature signature,
CanType baseType,
SubstitutionMap subs,
ResilienceExpansion expansion);
std::string mangleKeyPathSetterThunkHelper(const AbstractStorageDecl *property,
GenericSignature signature,
CanType baseType,
SubstitutionMap subs,
ResilienceExpansion expansion);
std::string mangleKeyPathEqualsHelper(ArrayRef<CanType> indices,
GenericSignature signature,
ResilienceExpansion expansion);
std::string mangleKeyPathHashHelper(ArrayRef<CanType> indices,
GenericSignature signature,
ResilienceExpansion expansion);
std::string mangleTypeForDebugger(Type decl, const DeclContext *DC);
/// Create a mangled name to be used for _typeName constant propagation.
std::string mangleTypeForTypeName(Type type);
std::string mangleOpaqueTypeDescriptor(const OpaqueTypeDecl *decl);
std::string mangleDeclType(const ValueDecl *decl);
std::string mangleObjCRuntimeName(const NominalTypeDecl *Nominal);
std::string mangleTypeWithoutPrefix(Type type) {
return finalize();
std::string mangleTypeAsUSR(Type decl);
std::string mangleTypeAsContextUSR(const NominalTypeDecl *type);
std::string mangleDeclAsUSR(const ValueDecl *Decl, StringRef USRPrefix);
std::string mangleAccessorEntityAsUSR(AccessorKind kind,
const AbstractStorageDecl *decl,
StringRef USRPrefix,
bool IsStatic);
std::string mangleLocalTypeDecl(const TypeDecl *type);
std::string mangleOpaqueTypeDecl(const OpaqueTypeDecl *decl);
std::string mangleOpaqueTypeDecl(const ValueDecl *decl);
enum SpecialContext {
static Optional<SpecialContext>
getSpecialManglingContext(const ValueDecl *decl, bool useObjCProtocolNames);
static const clang::NamedDecl *
getClangDeclForMangling(const ValueDecl *decl);
void appendSymbolKind(SymbolKind SKind);
void appendType(Type type, const ValueDecl *forDecl = nullptr);
void appendDeclName(const ValueDecl *decl);
GenericTypeParamType *appendAssocType(DependentMemberType *DepTy,
bool &isAssocTypeAtDepth);
void appendOpWithGenericParamIndex(StringRef,
const GenericTypeParamType *paramTy);
void bindGenericParameters(const DeclContext *DC);
void bindGenericParameters(CanGenericSignature sig);
/// Mangles a sugared type iff we are mangling for the debugger.
template <class T> void appendSugaredType(Type type,
const ValueDecl *forDecl) {
assert(DWARFMangling &&
"sugared types are only legal when mangling for the debugger");
auto *BlandTy = cast<T>(type.getPointer())->getSinglyDesugaredType();
appendType(BlandTy, forDecl);
void appendBoundGenericArgs(Type type, bool &isFirstArgList);
/// Append the bound generics arguments for the given declaration context
/// based on a complete substitution map.
/// \returns the number of generic parameters that were emitted
/// thus far.
unsigned appendBoundGenericArgs(DeclContext *dc,
SubstitutionMap subs,
bool &isFirstArgList);
/// Append the bound generic arguments as a flat list, disregarding depth.
void appendFlatGenericArgs(SubstitutionMap subs);
/// Append any retroactive conformances.
void appendRetroactiveConformances(Type type);
void appendRetroactiveConformances(SubstitutionMap subMap,
ModuleDecl *fromModule);
void appendImplFunctionType(SILFunctionType *fn);
void appendContextOf(const ValueDecl *decl);
void appendContext(const DeclContext *ctx, StringRef useModuleName);
void appendModule(const ModuleDecl *module, StringRef useModuleName);
void appendProtocolName(const ProtocolDecl *protocol,
bool allowStandardSubstitution = true);
void appendAnyGenericType(const GenericTypeDecl *decl);
enum FunctionManglingKind {
void appendFunction(AnyFunctionType *fn,
FunctionManglingKind functionMangling = NoFunctionMangling,
const ValueDecl *forDecl = nullptr);
void appendFunctionType(AnyFunctionType *fn, bool isAutoClosure = false,
const ValueDecl *forDecl = nullptr);
void appendClangType(AnyFunctionType *fn);
template <typename FnType>
void appendClangType(FnType *fn, llvm::raw_svector_ostream &os);
void appendFunctionSignature(AnyFunctionType *fn,
const ValueDecl *forDecl,
FunctionManglingKind functionMangling);
void appendFunctionInputType(ArrayRef<AnyFunctionType::Param> params,
const ValueDecl *forDecl = nullptr);
void appendFunctionResultType(Type resultType,
const ValueDecl *forDecl = nullptr);
void appendTypeList(Type listTy, const ValueDecl *forDecl = nullptr);
void appendTypeListElement(Identifier name, Type elementType,
ParameterTypeFlags flags,
const ValueDecl *forDecl = nullptr);
/// Append a generic signature to the mangling.
/// \param sig The generic signature.
/// \param contextSig The signature of the known context. This function
/// will only mangle the difference between \c sig and \c contextSig.
/// \returns \c true if a generic signature was appended, \c false
/// if it was empty.
bool appendGenericSignature(GenericSignature sig,
GenericSignature contextSig = nullptr);
void appendRequirement(const Requirement &reqt);
void appendGenericSignatureParts(TypeArrayView<GenericTypeParamType> params,
unsigned initialParamDepth,
ArrayRef<Requirement> requirements);
DependentMemberType *dropProtocolFromAssociatedType(DependentMemberType *dmt);
Type dropProtocolsFromAssociatedTypes(Type type);
void appendAssociatedTypeName(DependentMemberType *dmt);
void appendClosureEntity(const SerializedAbstractClosureExpr *closure);
void appendClosureEntity(const AbstractClosureExpr *closure);
void appendClosureComponents(Type Ty, unsigned discriminator, bool isImplicit,
const DeclContext *parentContext);
void appendDefaultArgumentEntity(const DeclContext *ctx, unsigned index);
void appendInitializerEntity(const VarDecl *var);
void appendBackingInitializerEntity(const VarDecl *var);
CanType getDeclTypeForMangling(const ValueDecl *decl,
GenericSignature &genericSig,
GenericSignature &parentGenericSig);
void appendDeclType(const ValueDecl *decl,
FunctionManglingKind functionMangling = NoFunctionMangling);
bool tryAppendStandardSubstitution(const GenericTypeDecl *type);
void appendConstructorEntity(const ConstructorDecl *ctor, bool isAllocating);
void appendDestructorEntity(const DestructorDecl *decl, bool isDeallocating);
/// \param accessorKindCode The code to describe the accessor and addressor
/// kind. Usually retrieved using getCodeForAccessorKind.
/// \param decl The storage decl for which to mangle the accessor
/// \param isStatic Whether or not the accessor is static
void appendAccessorEntity(StringRef accessorKindCode,
const AbstractStorageDecl *decl, bool isStatic);
void appendEntity(const ValueDecl *decl, StringRef EntityOp, bool isStatic);
void appendEntity(const ValueDecl *decl, bool isAsyncHandlerBody = false);
void appendProtocolConformance(const ProtocolConformance *conformance);
void appendProtocolConformanceRef(const RootProtocolConformance *conformance);
void appendAnyProtocolConformance(CanGenericSignature genericSig,
CanType conformingType,
ProtocolConformanceRef conformance);
void appendConcreteProtocolConformance(
const ProtocolConformance *conformance);
void appendDependentProtocolConformance(const ConformanceAccessPath &path);
void appendOpParamForLayoutConstraint(LayoutConstraint Layout);
void appendSymbolicReference(SymbolicReferent referent);
void appendOpaqueDeclName(const OpaqueTypeDecl *opaqueDecl);
} // end namespace Mangle
} // end namespace swift