[BuildSystem] Resolve executable paths, if necessary.
2 files changed
tree: efb1fb6142606b0055a57cd10d8349824492cbf6
  1. bindings/
  2. cmake/
  3. docs/
  4. examples/
  5. include/
  6. lib/
  7. llbuild.xcodeproj/
  8. llbuild.xcworkspace/
  9. perftests/
  10. products/
  11. tests/
  12. unittests/
  13. utils/
  14. .dir-locals.el
  15. .gitignore
  16. CMakeLists.txt
  18. LICENSE.txt
  19. README.md


A low-level build system.

llbuild is a set of libraries for building build systems. Unlike most build system projects which focus on the syntax for describing the build, llbuild is designed around the goal of constructing a reusable, flexible, and scalable general purpose build engine capable of solving many “build system”-like problems. The project also includes additional libraries on top of that engine which provide support for constructing bespoke build systems (like swift build) or for building from Ninja manifests.

llbuild currently includes:

  • [x] A flexible core engine capable of discovering new work on the fly.

  • [x] Scalability for dependency graphs reaching millions of nodes.

  • [x] Support for building Ninja manifests (e.g., for building LLVM, Clang, and Swift).

  • [x] An llbuild-native build description format designed for extensibility.

  • [x] Library-based design intended to support embedding and reuse.


The design of llbuild is a continuation of the LLVM philosophy of applying library-based design to traditional developers tools. Clang has followed this approach to deliver a high performance compiler and assembler while also enabling new tools like clang-format or the libclang interfaces for code completion and indexing. However, the rigid command line interface between traditional build systems and the compiler still limits the optimizations and features which can be implemented in Clang.

llbuild is designed to allow construction of more feature rich build environments which can integrate external tools like the compiler using an API/library-based approach, instead of a purely command line interace. We believe that by allowing the build system and the tools it invokes to directly communicate and to be co-designed we can unlock additional optimization opportunities and build more robust, easy-to-use build systems.


In the abstract, build systems are used to perform a task while also being:

  • Incremental: Outputs should be efficiently rebuilt given a small change to the inputs, by leveraging the ability to save partial outputs from a prior build.

  • Consistent: Equivalent inputs should always produce the same result as building from clean.

  • Persistent: Results should be stored so that builds can be interrupted and resumed after failure without needing to redo the full computation.

  • Parallel & Efficient: It must be possible to perform independent elements of the computation in parallel, in order to compute the result as efficiently as possible.

When viewed in this light, it is clear that the core technology of a build system is applicable to any complex, long-running computation in which it is common for the user to only modify a small portion of the input before wanting the recompute the result. For example, a movie editor application will commonly need to rerender small portions of the overall movie in response to interactive edits in order to support preview of the final result. However, such applications frequently do not take full advantage of the ability to store and partially recompute the results because of the complexity of correctly managing the dependencies between parts of the computation.

Part of the goal in designing llbuild around a general purpose build engine is to allow its use in contexts which are not traditionally thought of as requiring a “build system”.

Open Projects

llbuild is a work in progress. Some of the more significant open projects which we hope to tackle are:

  • [ ] Support for using file signatures instead of timestamps for change detection.

  • [ ] Suppport richer data types for communication between tasks.

    Tasks currently only compute a single scalar blob of data as their result. We would like to support richer data types for tasks results, for example tasks should be able to compute sets of results, and have the engine automatically communicate the addition or removal of individual items in the set to downstream consumers.

  • [ ] Support a more sophisticated database implementation.

    The current implementation uses a SQLite3 database for storing build results. This was a pragmatic choice for bringup, but it can be a performance bottleneck for some applications, and we do not need the flexibility of a full SQL database. We would like to evaluate the tradeoffs of designing a custom solution for llbuild.

  • [ ] Support transparent distributed builds.

    We would like llbuild to have facilities for transparently distributing a build across an array of worker machines.

  • [ ] Support automatic auditing of build consistency.

    One of the most frequent problems with build systems is when an undeclared input or misbehaving tool causes the build results to be inconsistent or vary from build to build. We would like llbuild to include tools for automatically diagnosing such situations, for example by periodically or speculatively rebuilding items which are not expected to have changed and comparing the results.

  • [ ] Performance tuning of core engine queues.

    The core build engine does its work using a number of queues of work items, and locking for the subset which support concurrent manipulation. We would like to investigate moving the shared queues to using a lock-free data structure and to micro-optimize the queues in general, in order to support very fine-grained task subdivisions without negatively impacting performance.


Q. Why does llbuild include some parts of LLVM?

A. As a low-level, embeddedable component, we want llbuild itself to have a simple build process without any significant build time dependencies. However, we also wanted to take advantage of some of the data structures and support facilities that have been developed for LLVM. For now, our solution is to incorporate some parts of LLVM's Support libraries into the repository, with the hope that over time LLVM will either factor out those libraries in a way that makes it easier to reuse them, or that we will develop our own exclusive set of support data structures and utilities and drop use of the LLVM ones.

Q. Why does llbuild include Ninja support?

A. llbuild includes a Ninja compatibility layer which allows building projects which use Ninja manifests using the llbuild core engine. We developed this support as a proof of concept for the core engine, and as a way to bootstrap ourselves (we develop llbuild using the CMake Ninja generator and llbuild to build itself). This support is also valuable for allowing direct benchmarking comparisons of llbuild.

Our implementation of Ninja support also includes a separate library for programmatically loading Ninja manifests, which may prove useful to other projects wishing to use or manipulate Ninja files.

We intend to continue to maintain the Ninja support to keep compatibility with the main project.


llbuild is heavily influenced by modern build systems like Shake, Buck, and Ninja. We would particularly like to thank Neil Mitchell for his work describing the Shake algorithm which provided the inspiration for the mechanism llbuild uses to allow additional work to be discovered on the fly.