Disable lldb swiftpm test

This is not working at all on CI, disabling it until the corresponding
bugs are resolved.
diff --git a/test-lldb-with-c-package/test-xctest-package.txt b/test-lldb-with-c-package/test-xctest-package.txt
index 30c0245..8033abd 100644
--- a/test-lldb-with-c-package/test-xctest-package.txt
+++ b/test-lldb-with-c-package/test-xctest-package.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Check that we can debug a system module package.
-// FIXME Figure out linux.
-// REQUIRES: platform=Darwin
+// Unfortunately this doesn't work yet. See: SR-3280 and SR-3863.
+// REQUIRES: disabled
 // Make a sandbox dir.
 // RUN: rm -rf %t.dir
@@ -37,5 +37,3 @@
 // RUN: %{lldb} %t.dir/Foo/.build/debug/Foo -o "b main.swift:2" -o r -o "po foo()" -b &> %t.lldb
 // RUN: %{FileCheck} --check-prefix CHECK-LLDB-LOG --input-file %t.lldb %s
 // CHECK-LLDB-LOG: (lldb) po foo()
-// Unfortunately this doesn't work yet. See: SR-3280 and SR-3863.
-// CHECK-LLDB-LOG-NEXT: error: in auto-import: