blob: e21cf400afafd0dbdb49813e04c16dbcfba1c926 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// XCTestMain.swift
// This is the main file for the framework. It provides the entry point function
// for running tests and some infrastructure for running them.
// Note that we are re-exporting Foundation so tests importing XCTest don't need
// to import it themselves. This is consistent with the behavior of Apple XCTest
#if os(macOS)
@_exported import SwiftFoundation
@_exported import Foundation
#if os(macOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux) || os(FreeBSD)
import Glibc
/// Starts a test run for the specified test cases.
/// This function will not return. If the test cases pass, then it will call `exit(0)`. If there is a failure, then it will call `exit(1)`.
/// Example usage:
/// class TestFoo: XCTestCase {
/// static var allTests = {
/// return [
/// ("test_foo", test_foo),
/// ("test_bar", test_bar),
/// ]
/// }()
/// func test_foo() {
/// // Test things...
/// }
/// // etc...
/// }
/// XCTMain([ testCase(TestFoo.allTests) ])
/// Command line arguments can be used to select a particular test case or class to execute. For example:
/// ./FooTests FooTestCase/testFoo # Run a single test case
/// ./FooTests FooTestCase # Run all the tests in FooTestCase
/// - Parameter testCases: An array of test cases run, each produced by a call to the `testCase` function
/// - seealso: `testCase`
public func XCTMain(_ testCases: [XCTestCaseEntry]) -> Never {
let testBundle = Bundle.main
let executionMode = ArgumentParser().executionMode
// Apple XCTest behaves differently if tests have been filtered:
// - The root `XCTestSuite` is named "Selected tests" instead of
// "All tests".
// - An `XCTestSuite` representing the .xctest test bundle is not included.
let rootTestSuite: XCTestSuite
let currentTestSuite: XCTestSuite
if executionMode.selectedTestName == nil {
rootTestSuite = XCTestSuite(name: "All tests")
currentTestSuite = XCTestSuite(name: "\(testBundle.bundleURL.lastPathComponent).xctest")
} else {
rootTestSuite = XCTestSuite(name: "Selected tests")
currentTestSuite = rootTestSuite
let filter = TestFiltering(selectedTestName: executionMode.selectedTestName)
TestFiltering.filterTests(testCases, filter: filter.selectedTestFilter)
switch executionMode {
case .list(type: .humanReadable):
TestListing(testSuite: rootTestSuite).printTestList()
case .list(type: .json):
TestListing(testSuite: rootTestSuite).printTestJSON()
case .run(selectedTestName: _):
// Add a test observer that prints test progress to stdout.
let observationCenter = XCTestObservationCenter.shared
exit(rootTestSuite.testRun!.totalFailureCount == 0 ? 0 : 1)