blob: 8b2aa321bd7514e3b518e842e52ab3d51b46bcb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %{swiftc} %s -o %T/ListTests
// RUN: %T/ListTests --list-tests > %t_list || true
// RUN: %{xctest_checker} %t_list %s
// RUN: %T/ListTests --dump-tests-json > %t_json || true
// RUN: %T/ListTests --verify %t_json > %t_verify
// RUN: %{xctest_checker} %t_verify verify_json.expected
#if os(macOS)
import SwiftXCTest
import XCTest
// The JSON output isn't a stable enough format to use FileCheck-style line
// verification directly. Instead, verify the output by deserializing the output
// a stable representation of the test tree for checking.
if CommandLine.arguments.contains("--verify") {
func dump(_ value: Any, prefix: String = "") {
guard let object = value as? [String: Any] else { return print("<<wrong type>>") }
guard let name = object["name"] as? String else { return print("<<missing name>>") }
print(prefix + name)
guard let children = object["tests"] as? [Any] else { return }
children.forEach {
dump($0, prefix: prefix + " ")
let deserialized = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: CommandLine.arguments[2])))
// CHECK: Listing 4 tests in .*\.xctest:
// CHECK: ^$
class FirstTestCase: XCTestCase {
static var allTests = {
return [
("test_foo", test_foo),
("test_bar", test_bar),
// CHECK: ListTests.FirstTestCase/test_foo
func test_foo() {}
// CHECK: ListTests.FirstTestCase/test_bar
func test_bar() {}
class SecondTestCase: XCTestCase {
static var allTests = {
return [
("test_someMore", test_someMore),
("test_allTheThings", test_allTheThings),
// CHECK: ListTests.SecondTestCase/test_someMore
func test_someMore() {}
// CHECK: ListTests.SecondTestCase/test_allTheThings
func test_allTheThings() {}