blob: 2d3209220e68f5d2f15a0f51deb47b7664a48b40 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// TestListing.swift
// Implementation of the mode for printing the list of tests.
internal struct TestListing {
private let testSuite: XCTestSuite
init(testSuite: XCTestSuite) {
self.testSuite = testSuite
/// Prints a flat list of the tests in the suite, in the format used to
/// specify a test by name when running tests.
func printTestList() {
let list = testSuite.list()
let tests = list.count == 1 ? "test" : "tests"
let bundleName = testSuite.findBundleTestSuite()?.name ?? "<<unknown bundle>>"
print("Listing \(list.count) \(tests) in \(bundleName):\n")
for entry in testSuite.list() {
/// Prints a JSON representation of the tests in the suite, mirring the internal
/// tree representation of test suites and test cases. This output is intended
/// to be consumed by other tools.
func printTestJSON() {
let json = try! testSuite.dictionaryRepresentation())
print(String(data: json, encoding: .utf8)!)
protocol Listable {
func list() -> [String]
func dictionaryRepresentation() -> NSDictionary
private func moduleName(value: Any) -> String {
let moduleAndType = String(reflecting: type(of: value))
return String(moduleAndType.split(separator: ".").first!)
extension XCTestSuite: Listable {
private var listables: [Listable] {
return tests
.flatMap({ ($0 as? Listable) })
private var listingName: String {
if let childTestCase = tests.first as? XCTestCase, name == String(describing: type(of: childTestCase)) {
return "\(moduleName(value: childTestCase)).\(name)"
} else {
return name
func list() -> [String] {
return listables.flatMap({ $0.list() })
func dictionaryRepresentation() -> NSDictionary {
let listedTests = NSArray(array: tests.flatMap({ ($0 as? Listable)?.dictionaryRepresentation() }))
return NSDictionary(objects: [NSString(string: listingName),
forKeys: [NSString(string: "name"),
NSString(string: "tests")])
func findBundleTestSuite() -> XCTestSuite? {
if name.hasSuffix(".xctest") {
return self
} else {
return tests.flatMap({ ($0 as? XCTestSuite)?.findBundleTestSuite() }).first
extension XCTestCase: Listable {
func list() -> [String] {
let adjustedName = name.split(separator: ".")
.joined(separator: "/")
return ["\(moduleName(value: self)).\(adjustedName)"]
func dictionaryRepresentation() -> NSDictionary {
let methodName = String(name.split(separator: ".").last!)
return NSDictionary(object: NSString(string: methodName), forKey: NSString(string: "name"))