blob: 5c5431ab9a8e0a946fce62473700f47611bcb708 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* IMPORTANT: This header file describes INTERNAL interfaces to libdispatch
* which are subject to change in future releases of Mac OS X. Any applications
* relying on these interfaces WILL break.
#error "Please #include <dispatch/dispatch.h> instead of this file directly."
#include <dispatch/base.h> // for HeaderDoc
* @discussion The destructor for dispatch data objects that require no buffer
* memory management. This can be used to allow a data object to efficiently
* encapsulate buffers that should not be copied or freed by the system.
#define DISPATCH_DATA_DESTRUCTOR_NONE (_dispatch_data_destructor_none)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0))
* @discussion The destructor for dispatch data objects that have been created
* from buffers that require deallocation using vm_deallocate.
* @function dispatch_data_create_f
* Creates a dispatch data object from the given contiguous buffer of memory. If
* a non-default destructor is provided, ownership of the buffer remains with
* the caller (i.e. the bytes will not be copied). The last release of the data
* object will result in the invocation of the specified destructor function on
* specified queue to free the buffer (passed as the context parameter).
* If the DISPATCH_DATA_DESTRUCTOR_FREE destructor is provided the buffer will
* be freed via free(3) and the queue argument ignored.
* If the DISPATCH_DATA_DESTRUCTOR_DEFAULT destructor is provided, data object
* creation will copy the buffer into internal memory managed by the system.
* @param buffer A contiguous buffer of data.
* @param size The size of the contiguous buffer of data.
* @param queue The queue to which the destructor should be submitted.
* @param destructor The destructor function responsible for freeing the
* data buffer when it is no longer needed.
* @result A newly created dispatch data object.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0))
dispatch_data_create_f(const void *buffer,
size_t size,
dispatch_queue_t _Nullable queue,
dispatch_function_t _Nullable destructor);
* @function dispatch_data_create_alloc
* Creates a dispatch data object representing a newly allocated memory region
* of the given size. If a non-NULL reference to a pointer is provided, it is
* filled with the location of the memory region.
* It is the responsibility of the application to ensure that the data object
* becomes immutable (i.e. the returned memory region is not further modified)
* once the dispatch data object is passed to other API.
* @param size The size of the required allocation.
* @param buffer_ptr A pointer to a pointer variable to be filled with the
* location of the newly allocated memory region, or NULL.
* @result A newly created dispatch data object.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(6.0))
dispatch_data_create_alloc(size_t size, void *_Nullable *_Nullable buffer_ptr);
* @typedef dispatch_data_applier_function_t
* A function to be invoked for every contiguous memory region in a data object.
* @param context Application-defined context parameter.
* @param region A data object representing the current region.
* @param offset The logical offset of the current region to the start
* of the data object.
* @param buffer The location of the memory for the current region.
* @param size The size of the memory for the current region.
* @result A Boolean indicating whether traversal should continue.
typedef bool (*dispatch_data_applier_function_t)(void *_Nullable context,
dispatch_data_t region, size_t offset, const void *buffer, size_t size);
* @function dispatch_data_apply_f
* Traverse the memory regions represented by the specified dispatch data object
* in logical order and invoke the specified function once for every contiguous
* memory region encountered.
* Each invocation of the function is passed a data object representing the
* current region and its logical offset, along with the memory location and
* extent of the region. These allow direct read access to the memory region,
* but are only valid until the passed-in region object is released. Note that
* the region object is released by the system when the function returns, it is
* the responsibility of the application to retain it if the region object or
* the associated memory location are needed after the function returns.
* @param data The data object to traverse.
* @param context The application-defined context to pass to the function.
* @param applier The function to be invoked for every contiguous memory
* region in the data object.
* @result A Boolean indicating whether traversal completed
* successfully.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(6.0))
dispatch_data_apply_f(dispatch_data_t data, void *_Nullable context,
dispatch_data_applier_function_t applier);
* @function dispatch_data_make_memory_entry
* Return a mach memory entry for the memory regions represented by the
* specified dispatch data object.
* For data objects created with the DISPATCH_DATA_DESTRUCTOR_VM_DEALLOCATE
* destructor, directly makes a memory entry from the represented region;
* otherwise, makes a memory entry from newly allocated pages containing a copy
* of the represented memory regions.
* @param data The data object to make a memory entry for.
* @result A mach port for the newly made memory entry, or
* MACH_PORT_NULL if an error occurred.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(6.0))
dispatch_data_make_memory_entry(dispatch_data_t data);
* @functiongroup Dispatch data transform SPI
* @typedef dispatch_data_format_type_t
* @abstract
* Data formats are used to specify the input and output types of data supplied
* to dispatch_data_create_transform.
typedef const struct dispatch_data_format_type_s *dispatch_data_format_type_t;
DISPATCH_EXPORT const struct dispatch_data_format_type_s \
* @discussion A data format denoting that the given input or output format is,
* or should be, comprised of raw data bytes with no given encoding.
#define DISPATCH_DATA_FORMAT_TYPE_NONE (&_dispatch_data_format_type_none)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0))
* @discussion A data format denoting that the given input or output format is,
* or should be, encoded in Base32 (RFC 4648) format. On input, this format will
* skip whitespace characters. Cannot be used in conjunction with UTF format
* types.
#define DISPATCH_DATA_FORMAT_TYPE_BASE32 (&_dispatch_data_format_type_base32)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0))
* @discussion A data format denoting that the given input or output format is,
* or should be, encoded in Base32Hex (RFC 4648) format. On input, this format
* will skip whitespace characters. Cannot be used in conjunction with UTF
* format types.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.9), ios(7.0))
* @discussion A data format denoting that the given input or output format is,
* or should be, encoded in Base64 (RFC 4648) format. On input, this format will
* skip whitespace characters. Cannot be used in conjunction with UTF format
* types.
#define DISPATCH_DATA_FORMAT_TYPE_BASE64 (&_dispatch_data_format_type_base64)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0))
* @discussion A data format denoting that the given input or output format is,
* or should be, encoded in UTF-8 format. Is only valid when used in conjunction
* with other UTF format types.
#define DISPATCH_DATA_FORMAT_TYPE_UTF8 (&_dispatch_data_format_type_utf8)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0))
* @discussion A data format denoting that the given input or output format is,
* or should be, encoded in UTF-16LE format. Is only valid when used in
* conjunction with other UTF format types.
#define DISPATCH_DATA_FORMAT_TYPE_UTF16LE (&_dispatch_data_format_type_utf16le)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0))
* @discussion A data format denoting that the given input or output format is,
* or should be, encoded in UTF-16BE format. Is only valid when used in
* conjunction with other UTF format types.
#define DISPATCH_DATA_FORMAT_TYPE_UTF16BE (&_dispatch_data_format_type_utf16be)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0))
* @discussion A data format denoting that dispatch_data_create_transform should
* attempt to automatically detect the input type based on the presence of a
* byte order mark character at the beginning of the data. In the absence of a
* BOM, the data will be assumed to be in UTF-8 format. Only valid as an input
* format.
#define DISPATCH_DATA_FORMAT_TYPE_UTF_ANY (&_dispatch_data_format_type_utf_any)
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0))
* @function dispatch_data_create_transform
* Returns a new dispatch data object after transforming the given data object
* from the supplied format, into the given output format.
* @param data
* The data object representing the region(s) of memory to transform.
* @param input_type
* Flags specifying the input format of the source dispatch_data_t
* @param output_type
* Flags specifying the expected output format of the resulting transformation.
* @result
* A newly created dispatch data object, dispatch_data_empty if no has been
* produced, or NULL if an error occurred.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0))
dispatch_data_create_with_transform(dispatch_data_t data,
dispatch_data_format_type_t input_type,
dispatch_data_format_type_t output_type);
* @function dispatch_data_get_flattened_bytes_4libxpc
* Similar to dispatch_data_create_map() but attaches it to the passed in
* dispatch data.
* The returned mapping, if not NULL, has the size returned by
* dispatch_data_get_size() for the specified object, and its lifetime is tied
* to the one of the dispatch data itself.
* @discussion
* This interface is reserved for XPC usage and is not considered stable ABI.
* @result
* A newly created linear mapping for this data object, may return NULL if
* making the dispatch data contiguous failed to allocate memory.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), tvos(12.0), watchos(5.0), bridgeos(4.0))
const void *_Nullable
dispatch_data_get_flattened_bytes_4libxpc(dispatch_data_t data);