blob: 10c32fe54246f0645653c95ee30c69b3abdab264 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux) || CYGWIN
import Glibc
import CoreFoundation
public struct OperatingSystemVersion {
public var majorVersion: Int
public var minorVersion: Int
public var patchVersion: Int
public init() {
self.init(majorVersion: 0, minorVersion: 0, patchVersion: 0)
public init(majorVersion: Int, minorVersion: Int, patchVersion: Int) {
self.majorVersion = majorVersion
self.minorVersion = minorVersion
self.patchVersion = patchVersion
open class ProcessInfo: NSObject {
public static let processInfo = ProcessInfo()
internal override init() {
internal static var _environment: [String : String] = {
return Dictionary<String, String>._unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(__CFGetEnvironment()._nsObject)
open var environment: [String : String] {
return ProcessInfo._environment
open var arguments: [String] {
return CommandLine.arguments // seems reasonable to flip the script here...
open var hostName: String {
if let name = Host.current().name {
return name
} else {
return "localhost"
open var processName: String = _CFProcessNameString()._swiftObject
open var processIdentifier: Int32 {
return __CFGetPid()
open var globallyUniqueString: String {
let uuid = CFUUIDCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault)
return CFUUIDCreateString(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, uuid)._swiftObject
open var operatingSystemVersionString: String {
return CFCopySystemVersionString()?._swiftObject ?? "Unknown"
open var operatingSystemVersion: OperatingSystemVersion {
// The following fallback values match Darwin Foundation
let fallbackMajor = -1
let fallbackMinor = 0
let fallbackPatch = 0
guard let systemVersionDictionary = _CFCopySystemVersionDictionary() else {
return OperatingSystemVersion(majorVersion: fallbackMajor, minorVersion: fallbackMinor, patchVersion: fallbackPatch)
let productVersionKey = unsafeBitCast(_kCFSystemVersionProductVersionKey, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self)
guard let productVersion = unsafeBitCast(CFDictionaryGetValue(systemVersionDictionary, productVersionKey), to: NSString!.self) else {
return OperatingSystemVersion(majorVersion: fallbackMajor, minorVersion: fallbackMinor, patchVersion: fallbackPatch)
let versionComponents = productVersion._swiftObject.characters.split(separator: ".").map(String.init).flatMap({ Int($0) })
let majorVersion = versionComponents.dropFirst(0).first ?? fallbackMajor
let minorVersion = versionComponents.dropFirst(1).first ?? fallbackMinor
let patchVersion = versionComponents.dropFirst(2).first ?? fallbackPatch
return OperatingSystemVersion(majorVersion: majorVersion, minorVersion: minorVersion, patchVersion: patchVersion)
internal let _processorCount = __CFProcessorCount()
open var processorCount: Int {
return Int(_processorCount)
internal let _activeProcessorCount = __CFActiveProcessorCount()
open var activeProcessorCount: Int {
return Int(_activeProcessorCount)
internal let _physicalMemory = __CFMemorySize()
open var physicalMemory: UInt64 {
return _physicalMemory
open func isOperatingSystemAtLeast(_ version: OperatingSystemVersion) -> Bool {
let ourVersion = operatingSystemVersion
if ourVersion.majorVersion < version.majorVersion {
return false
if ourVersion.majorVersion > version.majorVersion {
return true
if ourVersion.minorVersion < version.minorVersion {
return false
if ourVersion.minorVersion > version.minorVersion {
return true
if ourVersion.patchVersion < version.patchVersion {
return false
if ourVersion.patchVersion > version.patchVersion {
return true
return true
open var systemUptime: TimeInterval {
return CFGetSystemUptime()