blob: 90fe7e5c69e3328627cd58353455d63f0c3dad30 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
extension NSCoder {
/// Describes the action an `NSCoder` should take when it encounters decode
/// failures (e.g. corrupt data) for non-TopLevel decodes. Darwin platfrom
/// supports exceptions here, and there may be other approaches supported
/// in the future, so its included for completeness.
public enum DecodingFailurePolicy : Int {
case setErrorAndReturn
/// The `NSCoding` protocol declares the two methods that a class must implement
/// so that instances of that class can be encoded and decoded. This capability
/// provides the basis for archiving (where objects and other structures are
/// stored on disk) and distribution (where objects are copied to different
/// address spaces).
/// In keeping with object-oriented design principles, an object being encoded
/// or decoded is responsible for encoding and decoding its instance variables.
/// A coder instructs the object to do so by invoking `encode(with:)` or
/// `init(coder:)`. `encode(with:)` instructs the object to encode its instance
/// variables to the coder provided; this method can be invoked any number of
/// times. `init(coder:)` instructs the object to initialize itself from data
/// in the coder provided.
/// Any object class that should be codable must adopt the NSCoding protocol and
/// implement its methods.
public protocol NSCoding {
/// Encodes an instance of a conforming class using a given archiver.
/// - Parameter aCoder: An archiver object.
func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder)
/// Initializes an object from data in a given unarchiver.
/// - Parameter aDecoder: An unarchiver object.
init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
/// Conforming to the `NSSecureCoding` protocol indicates that an object handles
/// encoding and decoding instances of itself in a manner that is robust against
/// object substitution attacks.
/// Historically, many classes decoded instances of themselves like this:
/// ```swift
/// if let object = decoder.decodeObject(forKey: "myKey") as? MyClass {
/// ...succeeds...
/// } else {
/// }
/// ```
/// This technique is potentially unsafe because by the time you can verify
/// the class type, the object has already been constructed, and if this is part
/// of a collection class, potentially inserted into an object graph.
/// In order to conform to `NSSecureCoding`:
/// - An object that does not override `init(coder:)` can conform to
/// `NSSecureCoding` without any changes (assuming that it is a subclass
/// of another class that conforms).
/// - An object that does override `init(coder:)` must decode any enclosed
/// objects using the `decodeObject(of:forKey:)` method. For example:
/// ```swift
/// let obj = decoder.decodeObject(of: MyClass.self, forKey: "myKey")
/// ```
/// In addition, the class must override its `NSSecureCoding` method to return
/// `true`.
public protocol NSSecureCoding : NSCoding {
static var supportsSecureCoding: Bool { get }
/// The `NSCoder` abstract class declares the interface used by concrete
/// subclasses to transfer objects and other values between memory and some
/// other format. This capability provides the basis for archiving (where
/// objects and data items are stored on disk) and distribution (where objects
/// and data items are copied between different processes or threads). The
/// concrete subclasses provided by Foundation for these purposes are
/// `NSKeyedArchiver` and `NSKeyedUnarchiver`. Concrete subclasses of `NSCoder`
/// are referred to in general as coder classes, and instances of these classes
/// as coder objects (or simply coders). A coder object that can only encode
/// values is referred to as an encoder object, and one that can only decode
/// values as a decoder object.
/// `NSCoder` operates on objects, scalars, C arrays, structures, and strings,
/// and on pointers to these types. It does not handle types whose
/// implementation varies across platforms, such as `UnsafeRawPointer`,
/// closures, and long chains of pointers. A coder object stores object type
/// information along with the data, so an object decoded from a stream of bytes
/// is normally of the same class as the object that was originally encoded into
/// the stream. An object can change its class when encoded, however; this is
/// described in Archives and Serializations Programming Guide.
open class NSCoder : NSObject {
internal var _pendingBuffers = Array<(UnsafeMutableRawPointer, Int)>()
deinit {
for buffer in _pendingBuffers {
// Cannot deinitialize a pointer to unknown type.
buffer.0.deallocate(bytes: buffer.1, alignedTo: MemoryLayout<Int>.alignment)
/// Must be overridden by subclasses to encode a single value residing at
/// `addr`, whose Objective-C type is given by `type`.
/// `type` must contain exactly one type code.
/// This method must be matched by a subsequent
/// `decodeValue(ofObjCType:at:)` call.
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: A type code.
/// - addr: The address of the object to endcode.
open func encodeValue(ofObjCType type: UnsafePointer<Int8>, at addr: UnsafeRawPointer) {
/// Encodes a given `Data` object.
/// Subclasses must override this method.
/// This method must be matched by a subsequent `decodeData()` call.
/// - Parameter data: The data to encode.
open func encode(_ data: Data) {
/// Decodes a single value, whose Objective-C type is given by `type`.
/// `type` must contain exactly one type code, and the buffer specified by
/// `data` must be large enough to hold the value corresponding to that type
/// code.
/// Subclasses must override this method and provide an implementation to
/// decode the value. In your overriding implementation, decode the value
/// into the buffer beginning at `data`.
/// This method matches an `encodeValue(ofObjCType:at:)` call used during
/// encoding.
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: A type code.
/// - data: The buffer to put the decoded value into.
open func decodeValue(ofObjCType type: UnsafePointer<Int8>, at data: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
/// Decodes and returns a `Data` object that was previously encoded with
/// `encode(_:)`. Subclasses must override this method.
/// The implementation of your overriding method must match the
/// implementation of your `encode(_:)` method. For example, a typical
/// `encode(_:)` method encodes the number of bytes of data followed by
/// the bytes themselves. Your override of this method must read the number
/// of bytes, create a `Data` object of the appropriate size, and decode the
/// bytes into the new `Data` object.
/// - Returns: The decoded data.
open func decodeData() -> Data? {
/// This method is present for historical reasons and is not used with
/// keyed archivers.
/// The version number does apply not to
/// `NSKeyedArchiver`/`NSKeyedUnarchiver`. A keyed archiver does not encode
/// class version numbers.
/// - Parameter className: The class name.
/// - Returns: The version in effect for the class named `className` or
/// `NSNotFound` if no class named `className` exists.
open func version(forClassName className: String) -> Int {
open func decodeObject<DecodedObjectType: NSCoding>(of cls: DecodedObjectType.Type, forKey key: String) -> DecodedObjectType? where DecodedObjectType: NSObject {
/// Decodes an object for the key, restricted to the specified `classes`.
/// This function signature differs from Darwin Foundation in that `classes`
/// is an array of classes, not a set. This is because `AnyClass` cannot
/// be casted to `NSObject`, nor is it `Hashable`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - classes: An array of the expected classes.
/// - key: The code key.
/// - Returns: The decoded object.
open func decodeObject(of classes: [AnyClass]?, forKey key: String) -> Any? {
open func decodeTopLevelObject() throws -> Any? {
open func decodeTopLevelObject(forKey key: String) throws -> Any? {
open func decodeTopLevelObject<DecodedObjectType: NSCoding>(of cls: DecodedObjectType.Type, forKey key: String) throws -> DecodedObjectType? where DecodedObjectType: NSObject {
/// Decodes an top-level object for the key, restricted to the specified
/// `classes`.
/// This function signature differs from Darwin Foundation in that `classes`
/// is an array of classes, not a set. This is because `AnyClass` cannot
/// be casted to `NSObject`, nor is it `Hashable`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - classes: An array of the expected classes.
/// - key: The code key.
/// - Returns: The decoded object.
open func decodeTopLevelObject(of classes: [AnyClass], forKey key: String) throws -> Any? {
/// Encodes `object`.
/// `NSCoder`’s implementation simply invokes `encodeValue(ofObjCType:at:)`
/// to encode object. Subclasses can override this method to encode
/// a reference to object instead of object itself.
/// This method must be matched by a subsequent `decodeObject()` call.
/// - Parameter object: The object to encode.
open func encode(_ object: Any?) {
var object = object
withUnsafePointer(to: &object) { (ptr: UnsafePointer<Any?>) -> Void in
encodeValue(ofObjCType: "@", at: UnsafeRawPointer(ptr))
/// Can be overridden by subclasses to encode an interconnected group of
/// Objective-C objects, starting with `rootObject`.
/// `NSCoder`’s implementation simply invokes `encode(_:)`.
/// This method must be matched by a subsequent `decodeObject()` call.
/// - Parameter rootObject: The root object of the group to encode.
open func encodeRootObject(_ rootObject: Any) {
/// Can be overridden by subclasses to encode `anObject` so that a copy,
/// rather than a proxy, is created upon decoding.
/// `NSCoder`’s implementation simply invokes `encode(_:)`.
/// This method must be matched by a corresponding `decodeObject()` call.
/// - Parameter anObject: The object to encode.
open func encodeBycopyObject(_ anObject: Any?) {
/// Can be overridden by subclasses to encode `anObject` so that a proxy,
/// rather than a copy, is created upon decoding.
/// `NSCoder`’s implementation simply invokes `encode(_:)`.
/// This method must be matched by a corresponding `decodeObject()` call.
/// - Parameter anObject: The object to encode.
open func encodeByrefObject(_ anObject: Any?) {
/// Can be overridden by subclasses to conditionally encode `object`,
/// preserving common references to that object.
/// In the overriding method, `object` should be encoded only if it’s
/// unconditionally encoded elsewhere (with any other `encode...Object`
/// method).
/// This method must be matched by a subsequent `decodeObject()` call. Upon
/// decoding, if `object` was never encoded unconditionally,
/// `decodeObject()` returns `nil` in place of `object`. However, if
/// `object` was encoded unconditionally, all references to `object` must be
/// resolved.
/// `NSCoder’s` implementation simply invokes `encode(_:)`.
/// - Parameter object: The object to conditionally encode.
open func encodeConditionalObject(_ object: Any?) {
/// Encodes an array of `count` items, whose Objective-C type is given by
/// `type`.
/// The values are encoded from the buffer beginning at `array`. `type` must
/// contain exactly one type code. `NSCoder`’s implementation invokes
/// `encodeValue(ofObjCType:at:)` to encode the entire array of items.
/// Subclasses that implement the `encodeValue(ofObjCType:at:)` method do
/// not need to override this method.
/// This method must be matched by a subsequent
/// `decodeArray(ofObjCType:count:at:)` call.
/// - note: You should not use this method to encode C arrays of Objective-C
/// objects. See `decodeArray(ofObjCType:count:at:)` for more
/// details.
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: A type code.
/// - count: The number of items in `array`.
/// - array: The buffer of items.
open func encodeArray(ofObjCType type: UnsafePointer<Int8>, count: Int, at array: UnsafeRawPointer) {
encodeValue(ofObjCType: "[\(count)\(String(cString: type))]", at: array)
/// Encodes a buffer of data whose types are unspecified.
/// The buffer to be encoded begins at `byteaddr`, and its length in bytes
/// is given by `length`.
/// This method must be matched by a corresponding
/// `decodeBytes(withReturnedLength:)` call.
/// - Parameters:
/// - byteaddr: The address of the buffer to encode.
/// - length: The length of the buffer.
open func encodeBytes(_ byteaddr: UnsafeRawPointer?, length: Int) {
var newLength = UInt32(length)
withUnsafePointer(to: &newLength) { (ptr: UnsafePointer<UInt32>) -> Void in
encodeValue(ofObjCType: "I", at: ptr)
var empty: [Int8] = []
withUnsafePointer(to: &empty) {
encodeArray(ofObjCType: "c", count: length, at: byteaddr ?? UnsafeRawPointer($0))
/// Decodes an Objective-C object that was previously encoded with any of
/// the `encode...Object` methods.
/// `NSCoder`’s implementation invokes `decodeValue(ofObjCType:at:)` to
/// decode the object data.
/// Subclasses may need to override this method if they override any of the
/// corresponding `encode...Object` methods. For example, if an object was
/// encoded conditionally using the `encodeConditionalObject(_:)` method,
/// this method needs to check whether the object had actually been encoded.
/// - Returns: The decoded object.
open func decodeObject() -> Any? {
if self.error != nil {
return nil
var obj: Any? = nil
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &obj) { (ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Any?>) -> Void in
decodeValue(ofObjCType: "@", at: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(ptr))
return obj
open func decodeArray(ofObjCType itemType: UnsafePointer<Int8>, count: Int, at array: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
decodeValue(ofObjCType: "[\(count)\(String(cString: itemType))]", at: array)
// TODO: This is disabled, as functions which return unsafe interior pointers are inherently unsafe when we have no autorelease pool.
open func decodeBytes(withReturnedLength lengthp: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer? {
var length: UInt32 = 0
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &length) { (ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt32>) -> Void in
decodeValue(ofObjCType: "I", at: unsafeBitCast(ptr, to: UnsafeMutableRawPointer.self))
// we cannot autorelease here so instead the pending buffers will manage the lifespan of the returned data... this is wasteful but good enough...
let result = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(bytes: Int(length), alignedTo: MemoryLayout<Int>.alignment)
decodeValue(ofObjCType: "c", at: result)
lengthp.pointee = Int(length)
_pendingBuffers.append((result, Int(length)))
return result
/// Encodes the property list `aPropertyList`.
/// `NSCoder`’s implementation invokes `encodeValue(ofObjCType:at:)`
/// to encode `aPropertyList`.
/// This method must be matched by a subsequent `decodePropertyList()` call.
/// - Parameter aPropertyList: The property list to encode.
open func encodePropertyList(_ aPropertyList: Any) {
/// Decodes a property list that was previously encoded with
/// `encodePropertyList(_:)`.
/// - Returns: The decoded property list.
open func decodePropertyList() -> Any? {
/// The system version in effect for the archive.
/// During encoding, the current version. During decoding, the version that
/// was in effect when the data was encoded.
/// Subclasses that implement decoding must override this property to return
/// the system version of the data being decoded.
open var systemVersion: UInt32 {
return 1000
/// A Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver supports keyed
/// coding of objects.
/// `false` by default. Concrete subclasses that support keyed coding,
/// such as `NSKeyedArchiver`, need to override this property to return
/// `true`.
open var allowsKeyedCoding: Bool {
return false
/// Encodes the object `objv` and associates it with the string `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method to identify multiple encodings
/// of `objv` and encode a reference to `objv` instead. For example,
/// `NSKeyedArchiver` detects duplicate objects and encodes a reference to
/// the original object rather than encode the same object twice.
/// - Parameters:
/// - objv: The object to encode.
/// - key: The key to associate the object with.
open func encode(_ objv: Any?, forKey key: String) {
/// Conditionally encodes a reference to `objv` and associates it with
/// the string `key` only if `objv` has been unconditionally encoded with
/// `encode(_:forKey:)`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they support keyed coding.
/// The encoded object is decoded with the `decodeObject(forKey:)` method.
/// If `objv` was never encoded unconditionally, `decodeObject(forKey:)`
/// returns `nil` in place of `objv`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - objv: The object to conditionally encode.
/// - key: The key to associate the object with.
open func encodeConditionalObject(_ objv: Any?, forKey key: String) {
/// Encodes `boolv` and associates it with the string `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameters:
/// - boolv: The value to encode.
/// - key: The key to associate the value with.
open func encode(_ boolv: Bool, forKey key: String) {
/// Encodes the 32-bit integer `intv` and associates it with the string
/// `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameters:
/// - intv: The value to encode.
/// - key: The key to associate the value with.
open func encode(_ intv: Int32, forKey key: String) {
/// Encodes the 64-bit integer `intv` and associates it with the string
/// `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameters:
/// - intv: The value to encode.
/// - key: The key to associate the value with.
open func encode(_ intv: Int64, forKey key: String) {
/// Encodes `realv` and associates it with the string
/// `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameters:
/// - intv: The value to encode.
/// - key: The key to associate the value with.
open func encode(_ realv: Float, forKey key: String) {
/// Encodes `realv` and associates it with the string
/// `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameters:
/// - intv: The value to encode.
/// - key: The key to associate the value with.
open func encode(_ realv: Double, forKey key: String) {
/// Encodes a buffer of data, `bytesp`, whose length is specified by `lenv`,
/// and associates it with the string `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameters:
/// - bytesp: The buffer of data to encode.
/// - lenv: The length of the buffer.
/// - key: The key to associate the data with.
open func encodeBytes(_ bytesp: UnsafePointer<UInt8>?, length lenv: Int, forKey key: String) {
/// Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether an encoded value is
/// available for a string.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// The string is passed as `key`.
/// - Parameter key: The key to test.
/// - Returns: `true` if an encoded value is available for provided
/// `key`, otherwise `false`.
open func containsValue(forKey key: String) -> Bool {
/// Decodes and returns an Objective-C object that was previously encoded
/// with `encode(_:forKey:)` or `encodeConditionalObject(_:forKey:)` and
/// associated with the string `key`.
/// - Parameter key: The key the object to be decoded is associated with.
/// - Returns: The decoded object.
open func decodeObject(forKey key: String) -> Any? {
/// Decodes and returns a Boolean value that was previously encoded with
/// `encode(_:forKey:)` and associated with the string `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameter key: The key the value to be decoded is associated with.
/// - Returns: The decoded value.
open func decodeBool(forKey key: String) -> Bool {
// NOTE: this equivalent to the decodeIntForKey: in Objective-C implementation
/// Decodes and returns an int value that was previously encoded with
/// `encodeCInt(_:forKey:)` or `encode(_:forKey:)` and associated with
/// the string `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameter key: The key the value to be decoded is associated with.
/// - Returns: The decoded value.
open func decodeCInt(forKey key: String) -> Int32 {
/// Decodes and returns a 32-bit integer value that was previously encoded
/// with `encodeCInt(_:forKey:)` or `encode(_:forKey:)` and associated with
/// the string `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameter key: The key the value to be decoded is associated with.
/// - Returns: The decoded value.
open func decodeInt32(forKey key: String) -> Int32 {
/// Decodes and returns a 64-bit integer value that was previously encoded
/// with `encodeCInt(_:forKey:)` or `encode(_:forKey:)` and associated with
/// the string `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameter key: The key the value to be decoded is associated with.
/// - Returns: The decoded value.
open func decodeInt64(forKey key: String) -> Int64 {
/// Decodes and returns a float value that was previously encoded
/// with `encodeCInt(_:forKey:)` or `encode(_:forKey:)` and associated with
/// the string `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameter key: The key the value to be decoded is associated with.
/// - Returns: The decoded value.
open func decodeFloat(forKey key: String) -> Float {
/// Decodes and returns a double value that was previously encoded
/// with `encodeCInt(_:forKey:)` or `encode(_:forKey:)` and associated with
/// the string `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameter key: The key the value to be decoded is associated with.
/// - Returns: The decoded value.
open func decodeDouble(forKey key: String) -> Double {
// TODO: This is disabled, as functions which return unsafe interior pointers are inherently unsafe when we have no autorelease pool.
open func decodeBytes(forKey key: String, returnedLength lengthp: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?) -> UnsafePointer<UInt8>? { // returned bytes immutable!
/// - Experiment: This method does not exist in the Darwin Foundation.
open func withDecodedUnsafeBufferPointer<ResultType>(forKey key: String, body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>?) throws -> ResultType) rethrows -> ResultType {
/// Encodes a given integer number and associates it with a given key.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameters:
/// - intv: The value to encode.
/// - key: The key to associate the value with.
open func encode(_ intv: Int, forKey key: String) {
/// Decodes and returns an integer value that was previously encoded
/// with `encodeCInt(_:forKey:)` or `encode(_:forKey:)` and associated with
/// the string `key`.
/// Subclasses must override this method if they perform keyed coding.
/// - Parameter key: The key the value to be decoded is associated with.
/// - Returns: The decoded value.
open func decodeInteger(forKey key: String) -> Int {
/// Boolean value that indicates whether the coder requires secure coding.
/// `true` if this coder requires secure coding; `false` otherwise.
/// Secure coders check a set of allowed classes before decoding objects,
/// and all objects must implement the `NSSecureCoding` protocol.
open var requiresSecureCoding: Bool {
return false
/// Returns a decoded property list for the specified key.
/// - Parameter key: The coder key.
/// - Returns: A decoded object containing a property list.
open func decodePropertyList(forKey key: String) -> Any? {
/// The array of coded classes allowed for secure coding.
/// This property type differs from Darwin Foundation in that `classes` is
/// an array of classes, not a set. This is because `AnyClass` is not
/// `Hashable`.
/// - Experiment: This is a draft API currently under consideration for
/// official import into Foundation.
open var allowedClasses: [AnyClass]? {
open func failWithError(_ error: Error) {
// NOTE: disabled for now due to bridging uncertainty
// if let debugDescription = error.userInfo["NSDebugDescription"] {
// NSLog("*** NSKeyedUnarchiver.init: \(debugDescription)")
// } else {
// NSLog("*** NSKeyedUnarchiver.init: decoding error")
// }
open var decodingFailurePolicy: NSCoder.DecodingFailurePolicy {
return .setErrorAndReturn
open var error: Error? {
internal func _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey(_ key: String) -> [Any] {
internal func _decodePropertyListForKey(_ key: String) -> Any? {