blob: 5e5174bd06e4be538c3ba8fbb246eb88ace8bec6 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -emit-llvm -O1 -o - -triple=i686-apple-darwin9 -std=c++11 | FileCheck %s
// CHECK-DAG: @PR22043 = global i32 0, align 4
typedef _Atomic(int) AtomicInt;
AtomicInt PR22043 = AtomicInt();
// CHECK-DAG: @_ZN7PR180978constant1aE = global { i16, i8 } { i16 1, i8 6 }, align 4
// CHECK-DAG: @_ZN7PR180978constant1bE = global { i16, i8 } { i16 2, i8 6 }, align 4
// CHECK-DAG: @_ZN7PR180978constant1cE = global { i16, i8 } { i16 3, i8 6 }, align 4
// CHECK-DAG: @_ZN7PR180978constant1yE = global { { i16, i8 }, i32 } { { i16, i8 } { i16 4, i8 6 }, i32 5 }, align 4
struct A {
_Atomic(int) i;
A(int j);
void v(int j);
// Storing to atomic values should be atomic
// CHECK: store atomic i32
void A::v(int j) { i = j; }
// Initialising atomic values should not be atomic
// CHECK-NOT: store atomic
A::A(int j) : i(j) {}
struct B {
int i;
B(int x) : i(x) {}
_Atomic(B) b;
// CHECK-LABEL: define void @_Z11atomic_initR1Ai
void atomic_init(A& a, int i) {
// CHECK-NOT: atomic
// CHECK: tail call void @_ZN1BC1Ei
__c11_atomic_init(&b, B(i));
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
// CHECK-LABEL: define void @_Z16atomic_init_boolPU7_Atomicbb
void atomic_init_bool(_Atomic(bool) *ab, bool b) {
// CHECK-NOT: atomic
// CHECK: {{zext i1.*to i8}}
// CHECK-NEXT: store i8
__c11_atomic_init(ab, b);
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
struct AtomicBoolMember {
_Atomic(bool) ab;
AtomicBoolMember(bool b);
// CHECK-LABEL: define void @_ZN16AtomicBoolMemberC2Eb
// CHECK: {{zext i1.*to i8}}
// CHECK-NEXT: store i8
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
AtomicBoolMember::AtomicBoolMember(bool b) : ab(b) { }
namespace PR18097 {
namespace dynamic {
struct X {
short n;
char c;
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @__cxx_global_var_init
// CHECK: call void @_ZN7PR180977dynamic1XC1Ei({{.*}}* nonnull @_ZN7PR180977dynamic1aE, i32 1)
_Atomic(X) a = X(1);
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @__cxx_global_var_init
// CHECK: call void @_ZN7PR180977dynamic1XC1Ei({{.*}}* nonnull @_ZN7PR180977dynamic1bE, i32 2)
_Atomic(X) b(X(2));
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @__cxx_global_var_init
// CHECK: call void @_ZN7PR180977dynamic1XC1Ei({{.*}}* nonnull @_ZN7PR180977dynamic1cE, i32 3)
_Atomic(X) c{X(3)};
struct Y {
_Atomic(X) a;
_Atomic(int) b;
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}} @__cxx_global_var_init
// CHECK: call void @_ZN7PR180977dynamic1XC1Ei({{.*}}* getelementptr inbounds ({{.*}}, {{.*}}* @_ZN7PR180977dynamic1yE, i32 0, i32 0), i32 4)
// CHECK: store i32 5, i32* getelementptr inbounds ({{.*}}, {{.*}}* @_ZN7PR180977dynamic1yE, i32 0, i32 1)
Y y = { X(4), 5 };
// CHECKs at top of file.
namespace constant {
struct X {
constexpr X(int n) : n(n) {}
short n;
char c = 6;
_Atomic(X) a = X(1);
_Atomic(X) b(X(2));
_Atomic(X) c{X(3)};
struct Y {
_Atomic(X) a;
_Atomic(int) b;
Y y = { X(4), 5 };