blob: 6095e67a0b020bf78d8e9e4944bfb0795b8137cc [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- IndexingAction.h - Frontend index action -------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace clang {
class ASTContext;
class ASTReader;
class ASTUnit;
class CompilerInstance;
class Decl;
class FrontendAction;
class FrontendOptions;
class Module;
namespace serialization {
class ModuleFile;
namespace index {
class IndexDataConsumer;
class IndexUnitWriter;
struct IndexingOptions {
enum class SystemSymbolFilterKind {
SystemSymbolFilterKind SystemSymbolFilter
= SystemSymbolFilterKind::DeclarationsOnly;
bool IndexFunctionLocals = false;
struct RecordingOptions {
enum class IncludesRecordingKind {
UserOnly, // only record includes inside non-system files.
std::string DataDirPath;
bool RecordSymbolCodeGenName = false;
bool RecordSystemDependencies = true;
IncludesRecordingKind RecordIncludes = IncludesRecordingKind::UserOnly;
/// \param WrappedAction another frontend action to wrap over or null.
createIndexingAction(std::shared_ptr<IndexDataConsumer> DataConsumer,
IndexingOptions Opts,
std::unique_ptr<FrontendAction> WrappedAction);
void indexASTUnit(ASTUnit &Unit,
std::shared_ptr<IndexDataConsumer> DataConsumer,
IndexingOptions Opts);
void indexTopLevelDecls(ASTContext &Ctx, ArrayRef<const Decl *> Decls,
std::shared_ptr<IndexDataConsumer> DataConsumer,
IndexingOptions Opts);
void indexModuleFile(serialization::ModuleFile &Mod, ASTReader &Reader,
std::shared_ptr<IndexDataConsumer> DataConsumer,
IndexingOptions Opts);
/// \param WrappedAction another frontend action to wrap over or null.
createIndexDataRecordingAction(const FrontendOptions &FEOpts,
std::unique_ptr<FrontendAction> WrappedAction);
/// Checks if the unit file exists for the module file, if it doesn't it
/// generates index data for it.
/// \returns true if the index data were generated, false otherwise.
bool emitIndexDataForModuleFile(const Module *Mod, const CompilerInstance &CI,
IndexUnitWriter &ParentUnitWriter);
} // namespace index
} // namespace clang