blob: 79f34ccc21898466d41136d6660cf50b4051c55c [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Types.h - API Notes Data Types --------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines data types used in the representation of API notes data.
#include "clang/Basic/Specifiers.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
namespace clang {
namespace api_notes {
/// The file extension used for the source representation of API notes.
static const char SOURCE_APINOTES_EXTENSION[] = "apinotes";
/// The file extension used for the binary representation of API notes.
static const char BINARY_APINOTES_EXTENSION[] = "apinotesc";
using llvm::ArrayRef;
using llvm::StringRef;
using llvm::Optional;
using llvm::None;
/// Describes whether to classify a factory method as an initializer.
enum class FactoryAsInitKind {
/// Infer based on name and type (the default).
/// Treat as a class method.
/// Treat as an initializer.
/// Opaque context ID used to refer to an Objective-C class or protocol.
class ContextID {
unsigned Value;
explicit ContextID(unsigned value) : Value(value) { }
/// Describes API notes data for any entity.
/// This is used as the base of all API notes.
class CommonEntityInfo {
/// Message to use when this entity is unavailable.
std::string UnavailableMsg;
/// Whether this entity is marked unavailable.
unsigned Unavailable : 1;
/// Whether this entity is marked unavailable in Swift.
unsigned UnavailableInSwift : 1;
/// Swift name of this entity.
std::string SwiftName;
CommonEntityInfo() : Unavailable(0), UnavailableInSwift(0) { }
friend bool operator==(const CommonEntityInfo &lhs,
const CommonEntityInfo &rhs) {
return lhs.UnavailableMsg == rhs.UnavailableMsg &&
lhs.Unavailable == rhs.Unavailable &&
lhs.UnavailableInSwift == rhs.UnavailableInSwift &&
lhs.SwiftName == rhs.SwiftName;
friend bool operator!=(const CommonEntityInfo &lhs,
const CommonEntityInfo &rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
friend CommonEntityInfo &operator|=(CommonEntityInfo &lhs,
const CommonEntityInfo &rhs) {
// Merge unavailability.
if (rhs.Unavailable) {
lhs.Unavailable = true;
if (rhs.UnavailableMsg.length() != 0 &&
lhs.UnavailableMsg.length() == 0) {
lhs.UnavailableMsg = rhs.UnavailableMsg;
if (rhs.UnavailableInSwift) {
lhs.UnavailableInSwift = true;
if (rhs.UnavailableMsg.length() != 0 &&
lhs.UnavailableMsg.length() == 0) {
lhs.UnavailableMsg = rhs.UnavailableMsg;
if (rhs.SwiftName.length() != 0 &&
lhs.SwiftName.length() == 0)
lhs.SwiftName = rhs.SwiftName;
return lhs;
/// Describes API notes data for an Objective-C class or protocol.
class ObjCContextInfo : public CommonEntityInfo {
/// Whether this class has a default nullability.
unsigned HasDefaultNullability : 1;
/// The default nullability.
unsigned DefaultNullability : 2;
/// Whether this class has designated initializers recorded.
unsigned HasDesignatedInits : 1;
: CommonEntityInfo(),
{ }
/// Determine the default nullability for properties and methods of this
/// class.
/// \returns the default nullability, if implied, or None if there is no
Optional<NullabilityKind> getDefaultNullability() const {
if (HasDefaultNullability)
return static_cast<NullabilityKind>(DefaultNullability);
return None;
/// Set the default nullability for properties and methods of this class.
void setDefaultNullability(NullabilityKind kind) {
HasDefaultNullability = true;
DefaultNullability = static_cast<unsigned>(kind);
bool hasDesignatedInits() const { return HasDesignatedInits; }
void setHasDesignatedInits(bool value) { HasDesignatedInits = value; }
/// Strip off any information within the class information structure that is
/// module-local, such as 'audited' flags.
void stripModuleLocalInfo() {
HasDefaultNullability = false;
DefaultNullability = 0;
friend bool operator==(const ObjCContextInfo &lhs, const ObjCContextInfo &rhs) {
return static_cast<const CommonEntityInfo &>(lhs) == rhs &&
lhs.HasDefaultNullability == rhs.HasDefaultNullability &&
lhs.DefaultNullability == rhs.DefaultNullability &&
lhs.HasDesignatedInits == rhs.HasDesignatedInits;
friend bool operator!=(const ObjCContextInfo &lhs, const ObjCContextInfo &rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
friend ObjCContextInfo &operator|=(ObjCContextInfo &lhs,
const ObjCContextInfo &rhs) {
// Merge inherited info.
static_cast<CommonEntityInfo &>(lhs) |= rhs;
// Merge nullability.
if (!lhs.getDefaultNullability()) {
if (auto nullable = rhs.getDefaultNullability()) {
lhs.HasDesignatedInits |= rhs.HasDesignatedInits;
return lhs;
void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &os);
/// API notes for a variable/property.
class VariableInfo : public CommonEntityInfo {
/// Whether this property has been audited for nullability.
unsigned NullabilityAudited : 1;
/// The kind of nullability for this property. Only valid if the nullability
/// has been audited.
unsigned Nullable : 2;
: CommonEntityInfo(),
Nullable(0) { }
Optional<NullabilityKind> getNullability() const {
if (NullabilityAudited)
return static_cast<NullabilityKind>(Nullable);
return None;
void setNullabilityAudited(NullabilityKind kind) {
NullabilityAudited = true;
Nullable = static_cast<unsigned>(kind);
friend bool operator==(const VariableInfo &lhs, const VariableInfo &rhs) {
return static_cast<const CommonEntityInfo &>(lhs) == rhs &&
lhs.NullabilityAudited == rhs.NullabilityAudited &&
lhs.Nullable == rhs.Nullable;
friend bool operator!=(const VariableInfo &lhs, const VariableInfo &rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// Describes API notes data for an Objective-C property.
class ObjCPropertyInfo : public VariableInfo {
ObjCPropertyInfo() : VariableInfo() { }
/// Merge class-wide information into the given property.
friend ObjCPropertyInfo &operator|=(ObjCPropertyInfo &lhs,
const ObjCContextInfo &rhs) {
// Merge nullability.
if (!lhs.getNullability()) {
if (auto nullable = rhs.getDefaultNullability()) {
return lhs;
/// A temporary reference to an Objective-C selector, suitable for
/// referencing selector data on the stack.
/// Instances of this struct do not store references to any of the
/// data they contain; it is up to the user to ensure that the data
/// referenced by the identifier list persists.
struct ObjCSelectorRef {
unsigned NumPieces;
ArrayRef<StringRef> Identifiers;
/// API notes for a function or method.
class FunctionInfo : public CommonEntityInfo {
static unsigned const NullabilityKindMask = 0x3;
static unsigned const NullabilityKindSize = 2;
/// Whether the signature has been audited with respect to nullability.
/// If yes, we consider all types to be non-nullable unless otherwise noted.
/// If this flag is not set, the pointer types are considered to have
/// unknown nullability.
unsigned NullabilityAudited : 1;
/// Number of types whose nullability is encoded with the NullabilityPayload.
unsigned NumAdjustedNullable : 8;
/// Stores the nullability of the return type and the parameters.
// NullabilityKindSize bits are used to encode the nullability. The info
// about the return type is stored at position 0, followed by the nullability
// of the parameters.
uint64_t NullabilityPayload = 0;
: CommonEntityInfo(),
NumAdjustedNullable(0) { }
static unsigned getMaxNullabilityIndex() {
return ((sizeof(NullabilityPayload) * CHAR_BIT)/NullabilityKindSize);
void addTypeInfo(unsigned index, NullabilityKind kind) {
assert(index <= getMaxNullabilityIndex());
assert(static_cast<unsigned>(kind) < NullabilityKindMask);
NullabilityAudited = true;
if (NumAdjustedNullable < index + 1)
NumAdjustedNullable = index + 1;
// Mask the bits.
NullabilityPayload &= ~(NullabilityKindMask << (index * NullabilityKindSize));
// Set the value.
unsigned kindValue =
(static_cast<unsigned>(kind)) << (index * NullabilityKindSize);
NullabilityPayload |= kindValue;
/// Adds the return type info.
void addReturnTypeInfo(NullabilityKind kind) {
addTypeInfo(0, kind);
/// Adds the parameter type info.
void addParamTypeInfo(unsigned index, NullabilityKind kind) {
addTypeInfo(index + 1, kind);
NullabilityKind getTypeInfo(unsigned index) const {
assert(NullabilityAudited &&
"Checking the type adjustment on non-audited method.");
// If we don't have info about this parameter, return the default.
if (index > NumAdjustedNullable)
return NullabilityKind::NonNull;
return static_cast<NullabilityKind>(( NullabilityPayload
>> (index * NullabilityKindSize) )
& NullabilityKindMask);
NullabilityKind getParamTypeInfo(unsigned index) const {
return getTypeInfo(index + 1);
NullabilityKind getReturnTypeInfo() const {
return getTypeInfo(0);
friend bool operator==(const FunctionInfo &lhs, const FunctionInfo &rhs) {
return static_cast<const CommonEntityInfo &>(lhs) == rhs &&
lhs.NullabilityAudited == rhs.NullabilityAudited &&
lhs.NumAdjustedNullable == rhs.NumAdjustedNullable &&
lhs.NullabilityPayload == rhs.NullabilityPayload;
friend bool operator!=(const FunctionInfo &lhs, const FunctionInfo &rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// Describes API notes data for an Objective-C method.
class ObjCMethodInfo : public FunctionInfo {
/// Whether this is a designated initializer of its class.
unsigned DesignatedInit : 1;
/// Whether to treat this method as a factory or initializer.
unsigned FactoryAsInit : 2;
/// Whether this is a required initializer.
unsigned Required : 1;
: FunctionInfo(),
Required(false) { }
FactoryAsInitKind getFactoryAsInitKind() const {
return static_cast<FactoryAsInitKind>(FactoryAsInit);
void setFactoryAsInitKind(FactoryAsInitKind kind) {
FactoryAsInit = static_cast<unsigned>(kind);
friend bool operator==(const ObjCMethodInfo &lhs, const ObjCMethodInfo &rhs) {
return static_cast<const FunctionInfo &>(lhs) == rhs &&
lhs.DesignatedInit == rhs.DesignatedInit &&
lhs.FactoryAsInit == rhs.FactoryAsInit &&
lhs.Required == rhs.Required;
friend bool operator!=(const ObjCMethodInfo &lhs, const ObjCMethodInfo &rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
void mergePropInfoIntoSetter(const ObjCPropertyInfo &pInfo);
void mergePropInfoIntoGetter(const ObjCPropertyInfo &pInfo);
/// Merge class-wide information into the given method.
friend ObjCMethodInfo &operator|=(ObjCMethodInfo &lhs,
const ObjCContextInfo &rhs) {
// Merge nullability.
if (!lhs.NullabilityAudited) {
if (auto nullable = rhs.getDefaultNullability()) {
lhs.NullabilityAudited = true;
lhs.addTypeInfo(0, *nullable);
return lhs;
void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &os);
/// Describes API notes data for a global variable.
class GlobalVariableInfo : public VariableInfo {
GlobalVariableInfo() : VariableInfo() { }
/// Describes API notes data for a global function.
class GlobalFunctionInfo : public FunctionInfo {
GlobalFunctionInfo() : FunctionInfo() { }
} // end namespace api_notes
} // end namespace clang