| // Copyright (c) 2017 Google Inc. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| // Tests for unique type declaration rules validator. |
| |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "gmock/gmock.h" |
| #include "unit_spirv.h" |
| #include "val_fixtures.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| using ::testing::HasSubstr; |
| using ::testing::Not; |
| |
| using ValidateBitwise = spvtest::ValidateBase<bool>; |
| |
| std::string GenerateShaderCode( |
| const std::string& body, |
| const std::string& capabilities_and_extensions = "") { |
| const std::string capabilities = |
| R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Int64 |
| OpCapability Float64)"; |
| |
| const std::string after_extension_before_body = |
| R"( |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %func = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %f32 = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %u32 = OpTypeInt 32 0 |
| %s32 = OpTypeInt 32 1 |
| %f64 = OpTypeFloat 64 |
| %u64 = OpTypeInt 64 0 |
| %s64 = OpTypeInt 64 1 |
| %boolvec2 = OpTypeVector %bool 2 |
| %s32vec2 = OpTypeVector %s32 2 |
| %u32vec2 = OpTypeVector %u32 2 |
| %u64vec2 = OpTypeVector %u64 2 |
| %f32vec2 = OpTypeVector %f32 2 |
| %f64vec2 = OpTypeVector %f64 2 |
| %boolvec3 = OpTypeVector %bool 3 |
| %u32vec3 = OpTypeVector %u32 3 |
| %u64vec3 = OpTypeVector %u64 3 |
| %s32vec3 = OpTypeVector %s32 3 |
| %f32vec3 = OpTypeVector %f32 3 |
| %f64vec3 = OpTypeVector %f64 3 |
| %boolvec4 = OpTypeVector %bool 4 |
| %u32vec4 = OpTypeVector %u32 4 |
| %u64vec4 = OpTypeVector %u64 4 |
| %s32vec4 = OpTypeVector %s32 4 |
| %f32vec4 = OpTypeVector %f32 4 |
| %f64vec4 = OpTypeVector %f64 4 |
| |
| %f32_0 = OpConstant %f32 0 |
| %f32_1 = OpConstant %f32 1 |
| %f32_2 = OpConstant %f32 2 |
| %f32_3 = OpConstant %f32 3 |
| %f32_4 = OpConstant %f32 4 |
| |
| %s32_0 = OpConstant %s32 0 |
| %s32_1 = OpConstant %s32 1 |
| %s32_2 = OpConstant %s32 2 |
| %s32_3 = OpConstant %s32 3 |
| %s32_4 = OpConstant %s32 4 |
| %s32_m1 = OpConstant %s32 -1 |
| |
| %u32_0 = OpConstant %u32 0 |
| %u32_1 = OpConstant %u32 1 |
| %u32_2 = OpConstant %u32 2 |
| %u32_3 = OpConstant %u32 3 |
| %u32_4 = OpConstant %u32 4 |
| |
| %f64_0 = OpConstant %f64 0 |
| %f64_1 = OpConstant %f64 1 |
| %f64_2 = OpConstant %f64 2 |
| %f64_3 = OpConstant %f64 3 |
| %f64_4 = OpConstant %f64 4 |
| |
| %s64_0 = OpConstant %s64 0 |
| %s64_1 = OpConstant %s64 1 |
| %s64_2 = OpConstant %s64 2 |
| %s64_3 = OpConstant %s64 3 |
| %s64_4 = OpConstant %s64 4 |
| %s64_m1 = OpConstant %s64 -1 |
| |
| %u64_0 = OpConstant %u64 0 |
| %u64_1 = OpConstant %u64 1 |
| %u64_2 = OpConstant %u64 2 |
| %u64_3 = OpConstant %u64 3 |
| %u64_4 = OpConstant %u64 4 |
| |
| %u32vec2_01 = OpConstantComposite %u32vec2 %u32_0 %u32_1 |
| %u32vec2_12 = OpConstantComposite %u32vec2 %u32_1 %u32_2 |
| %u32vec3_012 = OpConstantComposite %u32vec3 %u32_0 %u32_1 %u32_2 |
| %u32vec3_123 = OpConstantComposite %u32vec3 %u32_1 %u32_2 %u32_3 |
| %u32vec4_0123 = OpConstantComposite %u32vec4 %u32_0 %u32_1 %u32_2 %u32_3 |
| %u32vec4_1234 = OpConstantComposite %u32vec4 %u32_1 %u32_2 %u32_3 %u32_4 |
| |
| %s32vec2_01 = OpConstantComposite %s32vec2 %s32_0 %s32_1 |
| %s32vec2_12 = OpConstantComposite %s32vec2 %s32_1 %s32_2 |
| %s32vec3_012 = OpConstantComposite %s32vec3 %s32_0 %s32_1 %s32_2 |
| %s32vec3_123 = OpConstantComposite %s32vec3 %s32_1 %s32_2 %s32_3 |
| %s32vec4_0123 = OpConstantComposite %s32vec4 %s32_0 %s32_1 %s32_2 %s32_3 |
| %s32vec4_1234 = OpConstantComposite %s32vec4 %s32_1 %s32_2 %s32_3 %s32_4 |
| |
| %f32vec2_01 = OpConstantComposite %f32vec2 %f32_0 %f32_1 |
| %f32vec2_12 = OpConstantComposite %f32vec2 %f32_1 %f32_2 |
| %f32vec3_012 = OpConstantComposite %f32vec3 %f32_0 %f32_1 %f32_2 |
| %f32vec3_123 = OpConstantComposite %f32vec3 %f32_1 %f32_2 %f32_3 |
| %f32vec4_0123 = OpConstantComposite %f32vec4 %f32_0 %f32_1 %f32_2 %f32_3 |
| %f32vec4_1234 = OpConstantComposite %f32vec4 %f32_1 %f32_2 %f32_3 %f32_4 |
| |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %func |
| %main_entry = OpLabel)"; |
| |
| const std::string after_body = |
| R"( |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd)"; |
| |
| return capabilities + capabilities_and_extensions + |
| after_extension_before_body + body + after_body; |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, ShiftAllSuccess) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpShiftRightLogical %u64 %u64_1 %s32_2 |
| %val2 = OpShiftRightArithmetic %s32vec2 %s32vec2_12 %s32vec2_12 |
| %val3 = OpShiftLeftLogical %u32vec2 %s32vec2_12 %u32vec2_12 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpShiftRightLogicalWrongResultType) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpShiftRightLogical %bool %u64_1 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected int scalar or vector type as Result Type: " |
| "ShiftRightLogical")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpShiftRightLogicalBaseNotInt) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpShiftRightLogical %u32 %f32_1 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected Base to be int scalar or vector: ShiftRightLogical")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpShiftRightLogicalBaseWrongDimension) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpShiftRightLogical %u32 %u32vec2_12 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected Base to have the same dimension as Result Type: " |
| "ShiftRightLogical")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpShiftRightLogicalBaseWrongBitWidth) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpShiftRightLogical %u64 %u32_1 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected Base to have the same bit width as Result Type: " |
| "ShiftRightLogical")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpShiftRightLogicalShiftNotInt) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpShiftRightLogical %u32 %u32_1 %f32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr( |
| "Expected Shift to be int scalar or vector: ShiftRightLogical")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpShiftRightLogicalShiftWrongDimension) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpShiftRightLogical %u32 %u32_1 %s32vec2_12 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected Shift to have the same dimension as Result Type: " |
| "ShiftRightLogical")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, LogicAllSuccess) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitwiseOr %u64 %u64_1 %s64_0 |
| %val2 = OpBitwiseAnd %s64 %s64_1 %u64_0 |
| %val3 = OpBitwiseXor %s32vec2 %s32vec2_12 %u32vec2_01 |
| %val4 = OpNot %s32vec2 %u32vec2_01 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitwiseAndWrongResultType) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitwiseAnd %bool %u64_1 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr( |
| "Expected int scalar or vector type as Result Type: BitwiseAnd")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitwiseAndLeftNotInt) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitwiseAnd %u32 %f32_1 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected int scalar or vector as operand: BitwiseAnd " |
| "operand index 2")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitwiseAndRightNotInt) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitwiseAnd %u32 %u32_1 %f32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected int scalar or vector as operand: BitwiseAnd " |
| "operand index 3")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitwiseAndLeftWrongDimension) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitwiseAnd %u32 %u32vec2_12 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected operands to have the same dimension as Result Type: " |
| "BitwiseAnd operand index 2")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitwiseAndRightWrongDimension) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitwiseAnd %u32 %s32_2 %u32vec2_12 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected operands to have the same dimension as Result Type: " |
| "BitwiseAnd operand index 3")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitwiseAndLeftWrongBitWidth) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitwiseAnd %u64 %u32_1 %s64_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected operands to have the same bit width as Result Type: " |
| "BitwiseAnd operand index 2")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitwiseAndRightWrongBitWidth) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitwiseAnd %u64 %u64_1 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected operands to have the same bit width as Result Type: " |
| "BitwiseAnd operand index 3")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitFieldInsertSuccess) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitFieldInsert %u64 %u64_1 %u64_2 %s32_1 %s32_2 |
| %val2 = OpBitFieldInsert %s32vec2 %s32vec2_12 %s32vec2_12 %s32_1 %u32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitFieldInsertWrongResultType) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitFieldInsert %bool %u64_1 %u64_2 %s32_1 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr( |
| "Expected int scalar or vector type as Result Type: BitFieldInsert")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitFieldInsertWrongBaseType) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitFieldInsert %u64 %s64_1 %u64_2 %s32_1 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr( |
| "Expected Base Type to be equal to Result Type: BitFieldInsert")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitFieldInsertWrongInsertType) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitFieldInsert %u64 %u64_1 %s64_2 %s32_1 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr( |
| "Expected Insert Type to be equal to Result Type: BitFieldInsert")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitFieldInsertOffsetNotInt) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitFieldInsert %u64 %u64_1 %u64_2 %f32_1 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected Offset Type to be int scalar: BitFieldInsert")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitFieldInsertCountNotInt) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitFieldInsert %u64 %u64_1 %u64_2 %u32_1 %f32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected Count Type to be int scalar: BitFieldInsert")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitFieldSExtractSuccess) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitFieldSExtract %u64 %u64_1 %s32_1 %s32_2 |
| %val2 = OpBitFieldSExtract %s32vec2 %s32vec2_12 %s32_1 %u32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitFieldSExtractWrongResultType) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitFieldSExtract %bool %u64_1 %s32_1 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected int scalar or vector type as Result Type: " |
| "BitFieldSExtract")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitFieldSExtractWrongBaseType) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitFieldSExtract %u64 %s64_1 %s32_1 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr( |
| "Expected Base Type to be equal to Result Type: BitFieldSExtract")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitFieldSExtractOffsetNotInt) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitFieldSExtract %u64 %u64_1 %f32_1 %s32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected Offset Type to be int scalar: BitFieldSExtract")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitFieldSExtractCountNotInt) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitFieldSExtract %u64 %u64_1 %u32_1 %f32_2 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected Count Type to be int scalar: BitFieldSExtract")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitReverseSuccess) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitReverse %u64 %u64_1 |
| %val2 = OpBitReverse %s32vec2 %s32vec2_12 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitReverseWrongResultType) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitReverse %bool %u64_1 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr( |
| "Expected int scalar or vector type as Result Type: BitReverse")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitReverseWrongBaseType) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitReverse %u64 %s64_1 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected Base Type to be equal to Result Type: BitReverse")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitCountSuccess) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitCount %s32 %u64_1 |
| %val2 = OpBitCount %u32vec2 %s32vec2_12 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitCountWrongResultType) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitCount %bool %u64_1 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected int scalar or vector type as Result Type: BitCount")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitCountBaseNotInt) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitCount %u32 %f64_1 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected Base Type to be int scalar or vector: BitCount")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(ValidateBitwise, OpBitCountBaseWrongDimension) { |
| const std::string body = R"( |
| %val1 = OpBitCount %u32 %u32vec2_12 |
| )"; |
| |
| CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body).c_str()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions()); |
| getDiagnosticString(), |
| HasSubstr("Expected Base dimension to be equal to Result Type dimension: " |
| "BitCount")); |
| } |
| |
| } // anonymous namespace |