| // Copyright (c) 2017 Google Inc. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| // Tests for unique type declaration rules validator. |
| |
| #include <functional> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <string> |
| |
| #include "gmock/gmock.h" |
| #include "source/comp/markv.h" |
| #include "test_fixture.h" |
| #include "tools/comp/markv_model_factory.h" |
| #include "unit_spirv.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| using libspirv::SetContextMessageConsumer; |
| using spvtest::ScopedContext; |
| using spvtools::MarkvModelType; |
| using MarkvTest = ::testing::TestWithParam<MarkvModelType>; |
| |
| void DiagnosticsMessageHandler(spv_message_level_t level, const char*, |
| const spv_position_t& position, |
| const char* message) { |
| switch (level) { |
| case SPV_MSG_FATAL: |
| case SPV_MSG_ERROR: |
| std::cerr << "error: " << position.index << ": " << message << std::endl; |
| break; |
| std::cout << "warning: " << position.index << ": " << message |
| << std::endl; |
| break; |
| case SPV_MSG_INFO: |
| std::cout << "info: " << position.index << ": " << message << std::endl; |
| break; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Compiles |code| to SPIR-V |words|. |
| void Compile(const std::string& code, std::vector<uint32_t>* words, |
| uint32_t options = SPV_TEXT_TO_BINARY_OPTION_NONE, |
| spv_target_env env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_2) { |
| ScopedContext ctx(env); |
| SetContextMessageConsumer(ctx.context, DiagnosticsMessageHandler); |
| |
| spv_binary spirv_binary; |
| spvTextToBinaryWithOptions(ctx.context, code.c_str(), code.size(), |
| options, &spirv_binary, nullptr)); |
| |
| *words = std::vector<uint32_t>(spirv_binary->code, |
| spirv_binary->code + spirv_binary->wordCount); |
| |
| spvBinaryDestroy(spirv_binary); |
| } |
| |
| // Disassembles SPIR-V |words| to |out_text|. |
| void Disassemble(const std::vector<uint32_t>& words, std::string* out_text, |
| spv_target_env env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_2) { |
| ScopedContext ctx(env); |
| SetContextMessageConsumer(ctx.context, DiagnosticsMessageHandler); |
| |
| spv_text text = nullptr; |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, spvBinaryToText(ctx.context, words.data(), |
| words.size(), 0, &text, nullptr)); |
| assert(text); |
| |
| *out_text = std::string(text->str, text->length); |
| spvTextDestroy(text); |
| } |
| |
| // Encodes/decodes |original|, assembles/dissasembles |original|, then compares |
| // the results of the two operations. |
| void TestEncodeDecode(MarkvModelType model_type, |
| const std::string& original_text) { |
| ScopedContext ctx(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_2); |
| std::unique_ptr<spvtools::MarkvModel> model = |
| spvtools::CreateMarkvModel(model_type); |
| spvtools::MarkvCodecOptions options; |
| |
| std::vector<uint32_t> expected_binary; |
| Compile(original_text, &expected_binary); |
| ASSERT_FALSE(expected_binary.empty()); |
| |
| std::string expected_text; |
| Disassemble(expected_binary, &expected_text); |
| ASSERT_FALSE(expected_text.empty()); |
| |
| std::vector<uint32_t> binary_to_encode; |
| Compile(original_text, &binary_to_encode, |
| ASSERT_FALSE(binary_to_encode.empty()); |
| |
| std::stringstream encoder_comments; |
| const auto output_to_string_stream = |
| [&encoder_comments](const std::string& str) { encoder_comments << str; }; |
| |
| std::vector<uint8_t> markv; |
| ASSERT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, spvtools::SpirvToMarkv( |
| ctx.context, binary_to_encode, options, *model, |
| DiagnosticsMessageHandler, output_to_string_stream, |
| spvtools::MarkvDebugConsumer(), &markv)); |
| ASSERT_FALSE(markv.empty()); |
| |
| std::vector<uint32_t> decoded_binary; |
| spvtools::MarkvToSpirv( |
| ctx.context, markv, options, *model, DiagnosticsMessageHandler, |
| spvtools::MarkvLogConsumer(), spvtools::MarkvDebugConsumer(), |
| &decoded_binary)); |
| ASSERT_FALSE(decoded_binary.empty()); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(expected_binary, decoded_binary) << encoder_comments.str(); |
| |
| std::string decoded_text; |
| Disassemble(decoded_binary, &decoded_text); |
| ASSERT_FALSE(decoded_text.empty()); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(expected_text, decoded_text) << encoder_comments.str(); |
| } |
| |
| void TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(MarkvModelType model_type, |
| const std::string& body) { |
| const std::string prefix = |
| R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Int64 |
| OpCapability Float64 |
| %ext_inst = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %func = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %f32 = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %u32 = OpTypeInt 32 0 |
| %s32 = OpTypeInt 32 1 |
| %f64 = OpTypeFloat 64 |
| %u64 = OpTypeInt 64 0 |
| %s64 = OpTypeInt 64 1 |
| %boolvec2 = OpTypeVector %bool 2 |
| %s32vec2 = OpTypeVector %s32 2 |
| %u32vec2 = OpTypeVector %u32 2 |
| %f32vec2 = OpTypeVector %f32 2 |
| %f64vec2 = OpTypeVector %f64 2 |
| %boolvec3 = OpTypeVector %bool 3 |
| %u32vec3 = OpTypeVector %u32 3 |
| %s32vec3 = OpTypeVector %s32 3 |
| %f32vec3 = OpTypeVector %f32 3 |
| %f64vec3 = OpTypeVector %f64 3 |
| %boolvec4 = OpTypeVector %bool 4 |
| %u32vec4 = OpTypeVector %u32 4 |
| %s32vec4 = OpTypeVector %s32 4 |
| %f32vec4 = OpTypeVector %f32 4 |
| %f64vec4 = OpTypeVector %f64 4 |
| |
| %f32_0 = OpConstant %f32 0 |
| %f32_1 = OpConstant %f32 1 |
| %f32_2 = OpConstant %f32 2 |
| %f32_3 = OpConstant %f32 3 |
| %f32_4 = OpConstant %f32 4 |
| %f32_pi = OpConstant %f32 3.14159 |
| |
| %s32_0 = OpConstant %s32 0 |
| %s32_1 = OpConstant %s32 1 |
| %s32_2 = OpConstant %s32 2 |
| %s32_3 = OpConstant %s32 3 |
| %s32_4 = OpConstant %s32 4 |
| %s32_m1 = OpConstant %s32 -1 |
| |
| %u32_0 = OpConstant %u32 0 |
| %u32_1 = OpConstant %u32 1 |
| %u32_2 = OpConstant %u32 2 |
| %u32_3 = OpConstant %u32 3 |
| %u32_4 = OpConstant %u32 4 |
| |
| %u32vec2_01 = OpConstantComposite %u32vec2 %u32_0 %u32_1 |
| %u32vec2_12 = OpConstantComposite %u32vec2 %u32_1 %u32_2 |
| %u32vec3_012 = OpConstantComposite %u32vec3 %u32_0 %u32_1 %u32_2 |
| %u32vec3_123 = OpConstantComposite %u32vec3 %u32_1 %u32_2 %u32_3 |
| %u32vec4_0123 = OpConstantComposite %u32vec4 %u32_0 %u32_1 %u32_2 %u32_3 |
| %u32vec4_1234 = OpConstantComposite %u32vec4 %u32_1 %u32_2 %u32_3 %u32_4 |
| |
| %s32vec2_01 = OpConstantComposite %s32vec2 %s32_0 %s32_1 |
| %s32vec2_12 = OpConstantComposite %s32vec2 %s32_1 %s32_2 |
| %s32vec3_012 = OpConstantComposite %s32vec3 %s32_0 %s32_1 %s32_2 |
| %s32vec3_123 = OpConstantComposite %s32vec3 %s32_1 %s32_2 %s32_3 |
| %s32vec4_0123 = OpConstantComposite %s32vec4 %s32_0 %s32_1 %s32_2 %s32_3 |
| %s32vec4_1234 = OpConstantComposite %s32vec4 %s32_1 %s32_2 %s32_3 %s32_4 |
| |
| %f32vec2_01 = OpConstantComposite %f32vec2 %f32_0 %f32_1 |
| %f32vec2_12 = OpConstantComposite %f32vec2 %f32_1 %f32_2 |
| %f32vec3_012 = OpConstantComposite %f32vec3 %f32_0 %f32_1 %f32_2 |
| %f32vec3_123 = OpConstantComposite %f32vec3 %f32_1 %f32_2 %f32_3 |
| %f32vec4_0123 = OpConstantComposite %f32vec4 %f32_0 %f32_1 %f32_2 %f32_3 |
| %f32vec4_1234 = OpConstantComposite %f32vec4 %f32_1 %f32_2 %f32_3 %f32_4 |
| |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %func |
| %main_entry = OpLabel)"; |
| |
| const std::string suffix = |
| R"( |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd)"; |
| |
| TestEncodeDecode(model_type, prefix + body + suffix); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, U32Literal) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| %u32 = OpTypeInt 32 0 |
| %100 = OpConstant %u32 0 |
| %200 = OpConstant %u32 1 |
| %300 = OpConstant %u32 4294967295 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, S32Literal) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| %s32 = OpTypeInt 32 1 |
| %100 = OpConstant %s32 0 |
| %200 = OpConstant %s32 1 |
| %300 = OpConstant %s32 -1 |
| %400 = OpConstant %s32 2147483647 |
| %500 = OpConstant %s32 -2147483648 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, U64Literal) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpCapability Int64 |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| %u64 = OpTypeInt 64 0 |
| %100 = OpConstant %u64 0 |
| %200 = OpConstant %u64 1 |
| %300 = OpConstant %u64 18446744073709551615 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, S64Literal) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpCapability Int64 |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| %s64 = OpTypeInt 64 1 |
| %100 = OpConstant %s64 0 |
| %200 = OpConstant %s64 1 |
| %300 = OpConstant %s64 -1 |
| %400 = OpConstant %s64 9223372036854775807 |
| %500 = OpConstant %s64 -9223372036854775808 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, U16Literal) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpCapability Int16 |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| %u16 = OpTypeInt 16 0 |
| %100 = OpConstant %u16 0 |
| %200 = OpConstant %u16 1 |
| %300 = OpConstant %u16 65535 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, S16Literal) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpCapability Int16 |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| %s16 = OpTypeInt 16 1 |
| %100 = OpConstant %s16 0 |
| %200 = OpConstant %s16 1 |
| %300 = OpConstant %s16 -1 |
| %400 = OpConstant %s16 32767 |
| %500 = OpConstant %s16 -32768 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, F32Literal) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| %f32 = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %100 = OpConstant %f32 0 |
| %200 = OpConstant %f32 1 |
| %300 = OpConstant %f32 0.1 |
| %400 = OpConstant %f32 -0.1 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, F64Literal) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpCapability Float64 |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| %f64 = OpTypeFloat 64 |
| %100 = OpConstant %f64 0 |
| %200 = OpConstant %f64 1 |
| %300 = OpConstant %f64 0.1 |
| %400 = OpConstant %f64 -0.1 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, F16Literal) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpCapability Float16 |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| %f16 = OpTypeFloat 16 |
| %100 = OpConstant %f16 0 |
| %200 = OpConstant %f16 1 |
| %300 = OpConstant %f16 0.1 |
| %400 = OpConstant %f16 -0.1 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, StringLiteral) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpExtension "SPV_KHR_16bit_storage" |
| OpExtension "xxx" |
| OpExtension "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" |
| OpExtension "" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, WithFunction) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Addresses |
| OpCapability Kernel |
| OpCapability GenericPointer |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpExtension "SPV_KHR_16bit_storage" |
| OpMemoryModel Physical32 OpenCL |
| %f32 = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %u32 = OpTypeInt 32 0 |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %void_func = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %100 = OpConstant %u32 1 |
| %200 = OpConstant %u32 2 |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %void_func |
| %entry_main = OpLabel |
| %300 = OpIAdd %u32 %100 %200 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, WithMultipleFunctions) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Addresses |
| OpCapability Kernel |
| OpCapability GenericPointer |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpMemoryModel Physical32 OpenCL |
| %f32 = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %one = OpConstant %f32 1 |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %void_func = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %f32_func = OpTypeFunction %f32 %f32 |
| %sqr_plus_one = OpFunction %f32 None %f32_func |
| %x = OpFunctionParameter %f32 |
| %100 = OpLabel |
| %x2 = OpFMul %f32 %x %x |
| %x2p1 = OpFunctionCall %f32 %plus_one %x2 |
| OpReturnValue %x2p1 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %plus_one = OpFunction %f32 None %f32_func |
| %y = OpFunctionParameter %f32 |
| %200 = OpLabel |
| %yp1 = OpFAdd %f32 %y %one |
| OpReturnValue %yp1 |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %void_func |
| %entry_main = OpLabel |
| %1p1 = OpFunctionCall %f32 %sqr_plus_one %one |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, ForwardDeclaredId) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Addresses |
| OpCapability Kernel |
| OpCapability GenericPointer |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpMemoryModel Physical32 OpenCL |
| OpEntryPoint Kernel %1 "simple_kernel" |
| %2 = OpTypeInt 32 0 |
| %3 = OpTypeVector %2 2 |
| %4 = OpConstant %2 2 |
| %5 = OpTypeArray %2 %4 |
| %6 = OpTypeVoid |
| %7 = OpTypeFunction %6 |
| %1 = OpFunction %6 None %7 |
| %8 = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, WithSwitch) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Addresses |
| OpCapability Kernel |
| OpCapability GenericPointer |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpCapability Int64 |
| OpMemoryModel Physical32 OpenCL |
| %u64 = OpTypeInt 64 0 |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %void_func = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %val = OpConstant %u64 1 |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %void_func |
| %entry_main = OpLabel |
| OpSwitch %val %default 1 %case1 1000000000000 %case2 |
| %case1 = OpLabel |
| OpNop |
| OpBranch %after_switch |
| %case2 = OpLabel |
| OpNop |
| OpBranch %after_switch |
| %default = OpLabel |
| OpNop |
| OpBranch %after_switch |
| %after_switch = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, WithLoop) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Addresses |
| OpCapability Kernel |
| OpCapability GenericPointer |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpMemoryModel Physical32 OpenCL |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %void_func = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %void_func |
| %entry_main = OpLabel |
| OpLoopMerge %merge %continue DontUnroll|DependencyLength 10 |
| OpBranch %begin_loop |
| %begin_loop = OpLabel |
| OpNop |
| OpBranch %continue |
| %continue = OpLabel |
| OpNop |
| OpBranch %begin_loop |
| %merge = OpLabel |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, WithDecorate) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpDecorate %1 ArrayStride 4 |
| OpDecorate %1 Uniform |
| %2 = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %1 = OpTypeRuntimeArray %2 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, WithExtInst) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Addresses |
| OpCapability Kernel |
| OpCapability GenericPointer |
| OpCapability Linkage |
| %opencl = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std" |
| OpMemoryModel Physical32 OpenCL |
| %f32 = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %void_func = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %100 = OpConstant %f32 1.1 |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %void_func |
| %entry_main = OpLabel |
| %200 = OpExtInst %f32 %opencl cos %100 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, F32Mul) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %val1 = OpFMul %f32 %f32_0 %f32_1 |
| %val2 = OpFMul %f32 %f32_2 %f32_0 |
| %val3 = OpFMul %f32 %f32_pi %f32_2 |
| %val4 = OpFMul %f32 %f32_1 %f32_1 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, U32Mul) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %val1 = OpIMul %u32 %u32_0 %u32_1 |
| %val2 = OpIMul %u32 %u32_2 %u32_0 |
| %val3 = OpIMul %u32 %u32_3 %u32_2 |
| %val4 = OpIMul %u32 %u32_1 %u32_1 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, S32Mul) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %val1 = OpIMul %s32 %s32_0 %s32_1 |
| %val2 = OpIMul %s32 %s32_2 %s32_0 |
| %val3 = OpIMul %s32 %s32_m1 %s32_2 |
| %val4 = OpIMul %s32 %s32_1 %s32_1 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, F32Add) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %val1 = OpFAdd %f32 %f32_0 %f32_1 |
| %val2 = OpFAdd %f32 %f32_2 %f32_0 |
| %val3 = OpFAdd %f32 %f32_pi %f32_2 |
| %val4 = OpFAdd %f32 %f32_1 %f32_1 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, U32Add) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %val1 = OpIAdd %u32 %u32_0 %u32_1 |
| %val2 = OpIAdd %u32 %u32_2 %u32_0 |
| %val3 = OpIAdd %u32 %u32_3 %u32_2 |
| %val4 = OpIAdd %u32 %u32_1 %u32_1 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, S32Add) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %val1 = OpIAdd %s32 %s32_0 %s32_1 |
| %val2 = OpIAdd %s32 %s32_2 %s32_0 |
| %val3 = OpIAdd %s32 %s32_m1 %s32_2 |
| %val4 = OpIAdd %s32 %s32_1 %s32_1 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, F32Dot) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %dot2_1 = OpDot %f32 %f32vec2_01 %f32vec2_12 |
| %dot2_2 = OpDot %f32 %f32vec2_01 %f32vec2_01 |
| %dot2_3 = OpDot %f32 %f32vec2_12 %f32vec2_12 |
| %dot3_1 = OpDot %f32 %f32vec3_012 %f32vec3_123 |
| %dot3_2 = OpDot %f32 %f32vec3_012 %f32vec3_012 |
| %dot3_3 = OpDot %f32 %f32vec3_123 %f32vec3_123 |
| %dot4_1 = OpDot %f32 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_1234 |
| %dot4_2 = OpDot %f32 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_0123 |
| %dot4_3 = OpDot %f32 %f32vec4_1234 %f32vec4_1234 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, F32VectorCompositeConstruct) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %cc1 = OpCompositeConstruct %f32vec4 %f32vec2_01 %f32vec2_12 |
| %cc2 = OpCompositeConstruct %f32vec3 %f32vec2_01 %f32_2 |
| %cc3 = OpCompositeConstruct %f32vec2 %f32_1 %f32_2 |
| %cc4 = OpCompositeConstruct %f32vec4 %f32_1 %f32_2 %cc3 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, U32VectorCompositeConstruct) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %cc1 = OpCompositeConstruct %u32vec4 %u32vec2_01 %u32vec2_12 |
| %cc2 = OpCompositeConstruct %u32vec3 %u32vec2_01 %u32_2 |
| %cc3 = OpCompositeConstruct %u32vec2 %u32_1 %u32_2 |
| %cc4 = OpCompositeConstruct %u32vec4 %u32_1 %u32_2 %cc3 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, S32VectorCompositeConstruct) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %cc1 = OpCompositeConstruct %u32vec4 %u32vec2_01 %u32vec2_12 |
| %cc2 = OpCompositeConstruct %u32vec3 %u32vec2_01 %u32_2 |
| %cc3 = OpCompositeConstruct %u32vec2 %u32_1 %u32_2 |
| %cc4 = OpCompositeConstruct %u32vec4 %u32_1 %u32_2 %cc3 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, F32VectorCompositeExtract) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %f32vec4_3210 = OpCompositeConstruct %f32vec4 %f32_3 %f32_2 %f32_1 %f32_0 |
| %f32vec3_013 = OpCompositeExtract %f32vec3 %f32vec4_0123 0 1 3 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, F32VectorComparison) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %f32vec4_3210 = OpCompositeConstruct %f32vec4 %f32_3 %f32_2 %f32_1 %f32_0 |
| %c1 = OpFOrdEqual %boolvec4 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_3210 |
| %c2 = OpFUnordEqual %boolvec4 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_3210 |
| %c3 = OpFOrdNotEqual %boolvec4 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_3210 |
| %c4 = OpFUnordNotEqual %boolvec4 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_3210 |
| %c5 = OpFOrdLessThan %boolvec4 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_3210 |
| %c6 = OpFUnordLessThan %boolvec4 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_3210 |
| %c7 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %boolvec4 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_3210 |
| %c8 = OpFUnordGreaterThan %boolvec4 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_3210 |
| %c9 = OpFOrdLessThanEqual %boolvec4 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_3210 |
| %c10 = OpFUnordLessThanEqual %boolvec4 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_3210 |
| %c11 = OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual %boolvec4 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_3210 |
| %c12 = OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual %boolvec4 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_3210 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, VectorShuffle) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %f32vec4_3210 = OpCompositeConstruct %f32vec4 %f32_3 %f32_2 %f32_1 %f32_0 |
| %sh1 = OpVectorShuffle %f32vec2 %f32vec4_0123 %f32vec4_3210 3 6 |
| %sh2 = OpVectorShuffle %f32vec3 %f32vec2_01 %f32vec4_3210 0 3 4 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, VectorTimesScalar) { |
| TestEncodeDecodeShaderMainBody(GetParam(), R"( |
| %f32vec4_3210 = OpCompositeConstruct %f32vec4 %f32_3 %f32_2 %f32_1 %f32_0 |
| %res1 = OpVectorTimesScalar %f32vec4 %f32vec4_0123 %f32_2 |
| %res2 = OpVectorTimesScalar %f32vec4 %f32vec4_3210 %f32_2 |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, SpirvSpecSample) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main" %31 %33 %42 %57 |
| OpExecutionMode %4 OriginLowerLeft |
| |
| ; Debug information |
| OpSource GLSL 450 |
| OpName %4 "main" |
| OpName %9 "scale" |
| OpName %17 "S" |
| OpMemberName %17 0 "b" |
| OpMemberName %17 1 "v" |
| OpMemberName %17 2 "i" |
| OpName %18 "blockName" |
| OpMemberName %18 0 "s" |
| OpMemberName %18 1 "cond" |
| OpName %20 "" |
| OpName %31 "color" |
| OpName %33 "color1" |
| OpName %42 "color2" |
| OpName %48 "i" |
| OpName %57 "multiplier" |
| |
| ; Annotations (non-debug) |
| OpDecorate %15 ArrayStride 16 |
| OpMemberDecorate %17 0 Offset 0 |
| OpMemberDecorate %17 1 Offset 16 |
| OpMemberDecorate %17 2 Offset 96 |
| OpMemberDecorate %18 0 Offset 0 |
| OpMemberDecorate %18 1 Offset 112 |
| OpDecorate %18 Block |
| OpDecorate %20 DescriptorSet 0 |
| OpDecorate %42 NoPerspective |
| |
| ; All types, variables, and constants |
| %2 = OpTypeVoid |
| %3 = OpTypeFunction %2 ; void () |
| %6 = OpTypeFloat 32 ; 32-bit float |
| %7 = OpTypeVector %6 4 ; vec4 |
| %8 = OpTypePointer Function %7 ; function-local vec4* |
| %10 = OpConstant %6 1 |
| %11 = OpConstant %6 2 |
| %12 = OpConstantComposite %7 %10 %10 %11 %10 ; vec4(1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0) |
| %13 = OpTypeInt 32 0 ; 32-bit int, sign-less |
| %14 = OpConstant %13 5 |
| %15 = OpTypeArray %7 %14 |
| %16 = OpTypeInt 32 1 |
| %17 = OpTypeStruct %13 %15 %16 |
| %18 = OpTypeStruct %17 %13 |
| %19 = OpTypePointer Uniform %18 |
| %20 = OpVariable %19 Uniform |
| %21 = OpConstant %16 1 |
| %22 = OpTypePointer Uniform %13 |
| %25 = OpTypeBool |
| %26 = OpConstant %13 0 |
| %30 = OpTypePointer Output %7 |
| %31 = OpVariable %30 Output |
| %32 = OpTypePointer Input %7 |
| %33 = OpVariable %32 Input |
| %35 = OpConstant %16 0 |
| %36 = OpConstant %16 2 |
| %37 = OpTypePointer Uniform %7 |
| %42 = OpVariable %32 Input |
| %47 = OpTypePointer Function %16 |
| %55 = OpConstant %16 4 |
| %57 = OpVariable %32 Input |
| |
| ; All functions |
| %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3 ; main() |
| %5 = OpLabel |
| %9 = OpVariable %8 Function |
| %48 = OpVariable %47 Function |
| OpStore %9 %12 |
| %23 = OpAccessChain %22 %20 %21 ; location of cond |
| %24 = OpLoad %13 %23 ; load 32-bit int from cond |
| %27 = OpINotEqual %25 %24 %26 ; convert to bool |
| OpSelectionMerge %29 None ; structured if |
| OpBranchConditional %27 %28 %41 ; if cond |
| %28 = OpLabel ; then |
| %34 = OpLoad %7 %33 |
| %38 = OpAccessChain %37 %20 %35 %21 %36 ; s.v[2] |
| %39 = OpLoad %7 %38 |
| %40 = OpFAdd %7 %34 %39 |
| OpStore %31 %40 |
| OpBranch %29 |
| %41 = OpLabel ; else |
| %43 = OpLoad %7 %42 |
| %44 = OpExtInst %7 %1 Sqrt %43 ; extended instruction sqrt |
| %45 = OpLoad %7 %9 |
| %46 = OpFMul %7 %44 %45 |
| OpStore %31 %46 |
| OpBranch %29 |
| %29 = OpLabel ; endif |
| OpStore %48 %35 |
| OpBranch %49 |
| %49 = OpLabel |
| OpLoopMerge %51 %52 None ; structured loop |
| OpBranch %53 |
| %53 = OpLabel |
| %54 = OpLoad %16 %48 |
| %56 = OpSLessThan %25 %54 %55 ; i < 4 ? |
| OpBranchConditional %56 %50 %51 ; body or break |
| %50 = OpLabel ; body |
| %58 = OpLoad %7 %57 |
| %59 = OpLoad %7 %31 |
| %60 = OpFMul %7 %59 %58 |
| OpStore %31 %60 |
| OpBranch %52 |
| %52 = OpLabel ; continue target |
| %61 = OpLoad %16 %48 |
| %62 = OpIAdd %16 %61 %21 ; ++i |
| OpStore %48 %62 |
| OpBranch %49 ; loop back |
| %51 = OpLabel ; loop merge point |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(MarkvTest, SampleFromDeadBranchEliminationTest) { |
| TestEncodeDecode(GetParam(), R"( |
| OpCapability Shader |
| %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450" |
| OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 |
| OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %gl_FragColor |
| OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft |
| OpSource GLSL 140 |
| OpName %main "main" |
| OpName %gl_FragColor "gl_FragColor" |
| %void = OpTypeVoid |
| %5 = OpTypeFunction %void |
| %bool = OpTypeBool |
| %true = OpConstantTrue %bool |
| %float = OpTypeFloat 32 |
| %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4 |
| %_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float |
| %float_0 = OpConstant %float 0 |
| %12 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0 %float_0 %float_0 %float_0 |
| %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1 |
| %14 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_1 %float_1 %float_1 %float_1 |
| %_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float |
| %gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output |
| %_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float |
| %main = OpFunction %void None %5 |
| %17 = OpLabel |
| OpSelectionMerge %18 None |
| OpBranchConditional %true %19 %20 |
| %19 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %18 |
| %20 = OpLabel |
| OpBranch %18 |
| %18 = OpLabel |
| %21 = OpPhi %v4float %12 %19 %14 %20 |
| OpStore %gl_FragColor %21 |
| OpReturn |
| OpFunctionEnd |
| )"); |
| } |
| |
| INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(AllMarkvModels, MarkvTest, |
| ::testing::ValuesIn(std::vector<MarkvModelType>{ |
| spvtools::kMarkvModelShaderLite, |
| spvtools::kMarkvModelShaderMid, |
| spvtools::kMarkvModelShaderMax, |
| }), ); |
| |
| } // namespace |