| # Linux Build Configuration for Travis |
| |
| language: cpp |
| |
| os: |
| - linux |
| - osx |
| |
| # Use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty) as the Linux testing environment. |
| dist: trusty |
| sudo: false |
| |
| env: |
| global: |
| - secure: 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 |
| matrix: |
| # Each line is a set of environment variables set before a build. |
| # Thus each line represents a different build configuration. |
| - BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo |
| - BUILD_TYPE=Debug |
| |
| compiler: |
| - clang |
| - gcc |
| |
| matrix: |
| fast_finish: true |
| include: |
| # Additional build using Android NDK with android-cmake |
| # Additional build using Android NDK with Android.mk |
| # Additional check over format |
| - env: CHECK_FORMAT=ON |
| exclude: |
| # Skip GCC builds on macOS. |
| - os: osx |
| compiler: gcc |
| |
| cache: |
| apt: true |
| |
| git: |
| depth: 1 |
| |
| branches: |
| only: |
| - master |
| |
| before_install: |
| - if [[ "$BUILD_ANDROID_CMAKE" == "ON" ]] || [[ "$BUILD_ANDROID_MK" == "ON" ]]; then |
| git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/urho3d/android-ndk.git $HOME/android-ndk; |
| export ANDROID_NDK=$HOME/android-ndk; |
| git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/taka-no-me/android-cmake.git $HOME/android-cmake; |
| export TOOLCHAIN_PATH=$HOME/android-cmake/android.toolchain.cmake; |
| fi |
| - if [[ "$CHECK_FORMAT" == "ON" ]]; then |
| curl -L http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/tools/clang-format/clang-format-diff.py -o utils/clang-format-diff.py; |
| fi |
| |
| before_script: |
| - git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Headers external/spirv-headers |
| - git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/google/googletest external/googletest |
| - git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/google/effcee external/effcee |
| - git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/google/re2 external/re2 |
| |
| script: |
| # Due to the limitation of Travis platform, we cannot start too many concurrent jobs. |
| # Otherwise GCC will panic with internal error, possibility because of memory issues. |
| # ctest with the current tests doesn't profit from using more than 4 threads. |
| - export NPROC=4 |
| - mkdir build && cd build |
| - if [[ "$BUILD_ANDROID_MK" == "ON" ]]; then |
| export BUILD_DIR=$(pwd); |
| mkdir ${BUILD_DIR}/libs; |
| mkdir ${BUILD_DIR}/app; |
| $ANDROID_NDK/ndk-build -C ../android_test NDK_PROJECT_PATH=. |
| NDK_APP_OUT=${BUILD_DIR}/app -j${NPROC}; |
| elif [[ "$BUILD_ANDROID_CMAKE" == "ON" ]]; then |
| -DANDROID_ABI="armeabi-v7a with NEON" |
| make -j${NPROC}; |
| elif [[ "$CHECK_FORMAT" == "ON" ]]; then |
| cd ..; |
| ./utils/check_code_format.sh; |
| else |
| make -j${NPROC} install; |
| ctest -j${NPROC} --output-on-failure --timeout 300; |
| fi |
| |
| after_success: |
| # Create tarball for deployment |
| - if [[ "${CC}" == "clang" && "${BUILD_ANDROID_MK}" != "ON" && "${BUILD_ANDROID_CMAKE}" != "ON" && "${CHECK_FORMAT}" != "ON" ]]; then |
| cd install; |
| export TARBALL=SPIRV-Tools-master-${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}-${BUILD_TYPE}.zip; |
| find . -print | zip -@ ${TARBALL}; |
| fi |
| |
| before_deploy: |
| # Tag the current master top of the tree as "master-tot". |
| # Travis CI relies on the tag name to push to the correct release. |
| - git config --global user.name "Travis CI" |
| - git config --global user.email "builds@travis-ci.org" |
| - git tag -f master-tot |
| - git push -q -f https://${spirvtoken}@github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools --tags |
| |
| deploy: |
| provider: releases |
| api_key: ${spirvtoken} |
| on: |
| branch: master |
| condition: ${CC} == clang && ${BUILD_ANDROID_MK} != ON && ${BUILD_ANDROID_CMAKE} != ON && ${CHECK_FORMAT} != ON |
| file: ${TARBALL} |
| skip_cleanup: true |
| overwrite: true |