blob: f9c843521f32daf479310608f119b4c2c659b2fa [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2017 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "source/binary.h"
#include "source/diagnostic.h"
#include "source/opcode.h"
#include "source/spirv_constant.h"
#include "source/spirv_target_env.h"
#include "source/spirv_validator_options.h"
#include "source/util/string_utils.h"
#include "source/val/validate_scopes.h"
#include "source/val/validation_state.h"
namespace spvtools {
namespace val {
namespace {
// Distinguish between row and column major matrix layouts.
enum MatrixLayout { kRowMajor, kColumnMajor };
// A functor for hashing a pair of integers.
struct PairHash {
std::size_t operator()(const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> pair) const {
const uint32_t a = pair.first;
const uint32_t b = pair.second;
const uint32_t rotated_b = (b >> 2) | ((b & 3) << 30);
return a ^ rotated_b;
// A functor for hashing decoration types.
struct SpvDecorationHash {
std::size_t operator()(spv::Decoration dec) const {
return static_cast<std::size_t>(dec);
// Struct member layout attributes that are inherited through arrays.
struct LayoutConstraints {
explicit LayoutConstraints(
MatrixLayout the_majorness = MatrixLayout::kColumnMajor,
uint32_t stride = 0)
: majorness(the_majorness), matrix_stride(stride) {}
MatrixLayout majorness;
uint32_t matrix_stride;
// A type for mapping (struct id, member id) to layout constraints.
using MemberConstraints = std::unordered_map<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>,
LayoutConstraints, PairHash>;
// Returns the array stride of the given array type.
uint32_t GetArrayStride(uint32_t array_id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {
for (auto& decoration : vstate.id_decorations(array_id)) {
if (spv::Decoration::ArrayStride == decoration.dec_type()) {
return decoration.params()[0];
return 0;
// Returns true if the given variable has a BuiltIn decoration.
bool isBuiltInVar(uint32_t var_id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {
const auto& decorations = vstate.id_decorations(var_id);
return std::any_of(decorations.begin(), decorations.end(),
[](const Decoration& d) {
return spv::Decoration::BuiltIn == d.dec_type();
// Returns true if the given structure type has any members with BuiltIn
// decoration.
bool isBuiltInStruct(uint32_t struct_id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {
const auto& decorations = vstate.id_decorations(struct_id);
return std::any_of(
decorations.begin(), decorations.end(), [](const Decoration& d) {
return spv::Decoration::BuiltIn == d.dec_type() &&
Decoration::kInvalidMember != d.struct_member_index();
// Returns true if the given structure type has a Block decoration.
bool isBlock(uint32_t struct_id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {
const auto& decorations = vstate.id_decorations(struct_id);
return std::any_of(decorations.begin(), decorations.end(),
[](const Decoration& d) {
return spv::Decoration::Block == d.dec_type();
// Returns true if the given ID has the Import LinkageAttributes decoration.
bool hasImportLinkageAttribute(uint32_t id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {
const auto& decorations = vstate.id_decorations(id);
return std::any_of(
decorations.begin(), decorations.end(), [](const Decoration& d) {
return spv::Decoration::LinkageAttributes == d.dec_type() &&
d.params().size() >= 2u &&
spv::LinkageType(d.params().back()) == spv::LinkageType::Import;
// Returns a vector of all members of a structure.
std::vector<uint32_t> getStructMembers(uint32_t struct_id,
ValidationState_t& vstate) {
const auto inst = vstate.FindDef(struct_id);
return std::vector<uint32_t>(inst->words().begin() + 2, inst->words().end());
// Returns a vector of all members of a structure that have specific type.
std::vector<uint32_t> getStructMembers(uint32_t struct_id, spv::Op type,
ValidationState_t& vstate) {
std::vector<uint32_t> members;
for (auto id : getStructMembers(struct_id, vstate)) {
if (type == vstate.FindDef(id)->opcode()) {
return members;
// Returns whether the given structure is missing Offset decoration for any
// member. Handles also nested structures.
bool isMissingOffsetInStruct(uint32_t struct_id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {
const auto* inst = vstate.FindDef(struct_id);
std::vector<bool> hasOffset;
std::vector<uint32_t> struct_members;
if (inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpTypeStruct) {
// Check offsets of member decorations.
struct_members = getStructMembers(struct_id, vstate);
hasOffset.resize(struct_members.size(), false);
for (auto& decoration : vstate.id_decorations(struct_id)) {
if (spv::Decoration::Offset == decoration.dec_type() &&
Decoration::kInvalidMember != decoration.struct_member_index()) {
// Offset 0xffffffff is not valid so ignore it for simplicity's sake.
if (decoration.params()[0] == 0xffffffff) return true;
hasOffset[decoration.struct_member_index()] = true;
} else if (inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpTypeArray ||
inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpTypeRuntimeArray) {
hasOffset.resize(1, true);
// Look through nested structs (which may be in an array).
bool nestedStructsMissingOffset = false;
for (auto id : struct_members) {
if (isMissingOffsetInStruct(id, vstate)) {
nestedStructsMissingOffset = true;
return nestedStructsMissingOffset ||
!std::all_of(hasOffset.begin(), hasOffset.end(),
[](const bool b) { return b; });
// Rounds x up to the next alignment. Assumes alignment is a power of two.
uint32_t align(uint32_t x, uint32_t alignment) {
return (x + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1);
// Returns base alignment of struct member. If |roundUp| is true, also
// ensure that structs, arrays, and matrices are aligned at least to a
// multiple of 16 bytes. (That is, when roundUp is true, this function
// returns the *extended* alignment as it's called by the Vulkan spec.)
uint32_t getBaseAlignment(uint32_t member_id, bool roundUp,
const LayoutConstraints& inherited,
MemberConstraints& constraints,
ValidationState_t& vstate) {
const auto inst = vstate.FindDef(member_id);
const auto& words = inst->words();
// Minimal alignment is byte-aligned.
uint32_t baseAlignment = 1;
switch (inst->opcode()) {
case spv::Op::OpTypeSampledImage:
case spv::Op::OpTypeSampler:
case spv::Op::OpTypeImage:
if (vstate.HasCapability(spv::Capability::BindlessTextureNV))
return baseAlignment = vstate.samplerimage_variable_address_mode() / 8;
return 0;
case spv::Op::OpTypeInt:
case spv::Op::OpTypeFloat:
baseAlignment = words[2] / 8;
case spv::Op::OpTypeVector: {
const auto componentId = words[2];
const auto numComponents = words[3];
const auto componentAlignment = getBaseAlignment(
componentId, roundUp, inherited, constraints, vstate);
baseAlignment =
componentAlignment * (numComponents == 3 ? 4 : numComponents);
case spv::Op::OpTypeMatrix: {
const auto column_type = words[2];
if (inherited.majorness == kColumnMajor) {
baseAlignment = getBaseAlignment(column_type, roundUp, inherited,
constraints, vstate);
} else {
// A row-major matrix of C columns has a base alignment equal to the
// base alignment of a vector of C matrix components.
const auto num_columns = words[3];
const auto component_inst = vstate.FindDef(column_type);
const auto component_id = component_inst->words()[2];
const auto componentAlignment = getBaseAlignment(
component_id, roundUp, inherited, constraints, vstate);
baseAlignment =
componentAlignment * (num_columns == 3 ? 4 : num_columns);
if (roundUp) baseAlignment = align(baseAlignment, 16u);
} break;
case spv::Op::OpTypeArray:
case spv::Op::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
baseAlignment =
getBaseAlignment(words[2], roundUp, inherited, constraints, vstate);
if (roundUp) baseAlignment = align(baseAlignment, 16u);
case spv::Op::OpTypeStruct: {
const auto members = getStructMembers(member_id, vstate);
for (uint32_t memberIdx = 0, numMembers = uint32_t(members.size());
memberIdx < numMembers; ++memberIdx) {
const auto id = members[memberIdx];
const auto& constraint =
constraints[std::make_pair(member_id, memberIdx)];
baseAlignment = std::max(
getBaseAlignment(id, roundUp, constraint, constraints, vstate));
if (roundUp) baseAlignment = align(baseAlignment, 16u);
case spv::Op::OpTypePointer:
baseAlignment = vstate.pointer_size_and_alignment();
return baseAlignment;
// Returns scalar alignment of a type.
uint32_t getScalarAlignment(uint32_t type_id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {
const auto inst = vstate.FindDef(type_id);
const auto& words = inst->words();
switch (inst->opcode()) {
case spv::Op::OpTypeSampledImage:
case spv::Op::OpTypeSampler:
case spv::Op::OpTypeImage:
if (vstate.HasCapability(spv::Capability::BindlessTextureNV))
return vstate.samplerimage_variable_address_mode() / 8;
return 0;
case spv::Op::OpTypeInt:
case spv::Op::OpTypeFloat:
return words[2] / 8;
case spv::Op::OpTypeVector:
case spv::Op::OpTypeMatrix:
case spv::Op::OpTypeArray:
case spv::Op::OpTypeRuntimeArray: {
const auto compositeMemberTypeId = words[2];
return getScalarAlignment(compositeMemberTypeId, vstate);
case spv::Op::OpTypeStruct: {
const auto members = getStructMembers(type_id, vstate);
uint32_t max_member_alignment = 1;
for (uint32_t memberIdx = 0, numMembers = uint32_t(members.size());
memberIdx < numMembers; ++memberIdx) {
const auto id = members[memberIdx];
uint32_t member_alignment = getScalarAlignment(id, vstate);
if (member_alignment > max_member_alignment) {
max_member_alignment = member_alignment;
return max_member_alignment;
} break;
case spv::Op::OpTypePointer:
return vstate.pointer_size_and_alignment();
return 1;
// Returns size of a struct member. Doesn't include padding at the end of struct
// or array. Assumes that in the struct case, all members have offsets.
uint32_t getSize(uint32_t member_id, const LayoutConstraints& inherited,
MemberConstraints& constraints, ValidationState_t& vstate) {
const auto inst = vstate.FindDef(member_id);
const auto& words = inst->words();
switch (inst->opcode()) {
case spv::Op::OpTypeSampledImage:
case spv::Op::OpTypeSampler:
case spv::Op::OpTypeImage:
if (vstate.HasCapability(spv::Capability::BindlessTextureNV))
return vstate.samplerimage_variable_address_mode() / 8;
return 0;
case spv::Op::OpTypeInt:
case spv::Op::OpTypeFloat:
return words[2] / 8;
case spv::Op::OpTypeVector: {
const auto componentId = words[2];
const auto numComponents = words[3];
const auto componentSize =
getSize(componentId, inherited, constraints, vstate);
const auto size = componentSize * numComponents;
return size;
case spv::Op::OpTypeArray: {
const auto sizeInst = vstate.FindDef(words[3]);
if (spvOpcodeIsSpecConstant(sizeInst->opcode())) return 0;
assert(spv::Op::OpConstant == sizeInst->opcode());
const uint32_t num_elem = sizeInst->words()[3];
const uint32_t elem_type = words[2];
const uint32_t elem_size =
getSize(elem_type, inherited, constraints, vstate);
// Account for gaps due to alignments in the first N-1 elements,
// then add the size of the last element.
const auto size =
(num_elem - 1) * GetArrayStride(member_id, vstate) + elem_size;
return size;
case spv::Op::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
return 0;
case spv::Op::OpTypeMatrix: {
const auto num_columns = words[3];
if (inherited.majorness == kColumnMajor) {
return num_columns * inherited.matrix_stride;
} else {
// Row major case.
const auto column_type = words[2];
const auto component_inst = vstate.FindDef(column_type);
const auto num_rows = component_inst->words()[3];
const auto scalar_elem_type = component_inst->words()[2];
const uint32_t scalar_elem_size =
getSize(scalar_elem_type, inherited, constraints, vstate);
return (num_rows - 1) * inherited.matrix_stride +
num_columns * scalar_elem_size;
case spv::Op::OpTypeStruct: {
const auto& members = getStructMembers(member_id, vstate);
if (members.empty()) return 0;
const auto lastIdx = uint32_t(members.size() - 1);
const auto& lastMember = members.back();
uint32_t offset = 0xffffffff;
// Find the offset of the last element and add the size.
auto member_decorations =
vstate.id_member_decorations(member_id, lastIdx);
for (auto decoration = member_decorations.begin;
decoration != member_decorations.end; ++decoration) {
assert(decoration->struct_member_index() == (int)lastIdx);
if (spv::Decoration::Offset == decoration->dec_type()) {
offset = decoration->params()[0];
// This check depends on the fact that all members have offsets. This
// has been checked earlier in the flow.
assert(offset != 0xffffffff);
const auto& constraint = constraints[std::make_pair(lastMember, lastIdx)];
return offset + getSize(lastMember, constraint, constraints, vstate);
case spv::Op::OpTypePointer:
return vstate.pointer_size_and_alignment();
return 0;
// A member is defined to improperly straddle if either of the following are
// true:
// - It is a vector with total size less than or equal to 16 bytes, and has
// Offset decorations placing its first byte at F and its last byte at L, where
// floor(F / 16) != floor(L / 16).
// - It is a vector with total size greater than 16 bytes and has its Offset
// decorations placing its first byte at a non-integer multiple of 16.
bool hasImproperStraddle(uint32_t id, uint32_t offset,
const LayoutConstraints& inherited,
MemberConstraints& constraints,
ValidationState_t& vstate) {
const auto size = getSize(id, inherited, constraints, vstate);
const auto F = offset;
const auto L = offset + size - 1;
if (size <= 16) {
if ((F >> 4) != (L >> 4)) return true;
} else {
if (F % 16 != 0) return true;
return false;
// Returns true if |offset| satsifies an alignment to |alignment|. In the case
// of |alignment| of zero, the |offset| must also be zero.
bool IsAlignedTo(uint32_t offset, uint32_t alignment) {
if (alignment == 0) return offset == 0;
return 0 == (offset % alignment);
// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if the given struct satisfies standard layout rules for
// Block or BufferBlocks in Vulkan. Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns
// something other than SPV_SUCCESS. Matrices inherit the specified column
// or row major-ness.
spv_result_t checkLayout(uint32_t struct_id, const char* storage_class_str,
const char* decoration_str, bool blockRules,
bool scalar_block_layout,
uint32_t incoming_offset,
MemberConstraints& constraints,
ValidationState_t& vstate) {
if (vstate.options()->skip_block_layout) return SPV_SUCCESS;
// blockRules are the same as bufferBlock rules if the uniform buffer
// standard layout extension is being used.
if (vstate.options()->uniform_buffer_standard_layout) blockRules = false;
// Relaxed layout and scalar layout can both be in effect at the same time.
// For example, relaxed layout is implied by Vulkan 1.1. But scalar layout
// is more permissive than relaxed layout.
const bool relaxed_block_layout = vstate.IsRelaxedBlockLayout();
auto fail = [&vstate, struct_id, storage_class_str, decoration_str,
blockRules, relaxed_block_layout,
scalar_block_layout](uint32_t member_idx) -> DiagnosticStream {
DiagnosticStream ds =
std::move(vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(struct_id))
<< "Structure id " << struct_id << " decorated as "
<< decoration_str << " for variable in " << storage_class_str
<< " storage class must follow "
<< (scalar_block_layout
? "scalar "
: (relaxed_block_layout ? "relaxed " : "standard "))
<< (blockRules ? "uniform buffer" : "storage buffer")
<< " layout rules: member " << member_idx << " ");
return ds;
const auto& members = getStructMembers(struct_id, vstate);
// To check for member overlaps, we want to traverse the members in
// offset order.
struct MemberOffsetPair {
uint32_t member;
uint32_t offset;
std::vector<MemberOffsetPair> member_offsets;
for (uint32_t memberIdx = 0, numMembers = uint32_t(members.size());
memberIdx < numMembers; memberIdx++) {
uint32_t offset = 0xffffffff;
auto member_decorations =
vstate.id_member_decorations(struct_id, memberIdx);
for (auto decoration = member_decorations.begin;
decoration != member_decorations.end; ++decoration) {
assert(decoration->struct_member_index() == (int)memberIdx);
switch (decoration->dec_type()) {
case spv::Decoration::Offset:
offset = decoration->params()[0];
MemberOffsetPair{memberIdx, incoming_offset + offset});
member_offsets.begin(), member_offsets.end(),
[](const MemberOffsetPair& lhs, const MemberOffsetPair& rhs) {
return lhs.offset < rhs.offset;
// Now scan from lowest offset to highest offset.
uint32_t nextValidOffset = 0;
for (size_t ordered_member_idx = 0;
ordered_member_idx < member_offsets.size(); ordered_member_idx++) {
const auto& member_offset = member_offsets[ordered_member_idx];
const auto memberIdx = member_offset.member;
const auto offset = member_offset.offset;
auto id = members[member_offset.member];
const LayoutConstraints& constraint =
constraints[std::make_pair(struct_id, uint32_t(memberIdx))];
// Scalar layout takes precedence because it's more permissive, and implying
// an alignment that divides evenly into the alignment that would otherwise
// be used.
const auto alignment =
? getScalarAlignment(id, vstate)
: getBaseAlignment(id, blockRules, constraint, constraints, vstate);
const auto inst = vstate.FindDef(id);
const auto opcode = inst->opcode();
const auto size = getSize(id, constraint, constraints, vstate);
// Check offset.
if (offset == 0xffffffff)
return fail(memberIdx) << "is missing an Offset decoration";
if (!scalar_block_layout && relaxed_block_layout &&
opcode == spv::Op::OpTypeVector) {
// In relaxed block layout, the vector offset must be aligned to the
// vector's scalar element type.
const auto componentId = inst->words()[2];
const auto scalar_alignment = getScalarAlignment(componentId, vstate);
if (!IsAlignedTo(offset, scalar_alignment)) {
return fail(memberIdx)
<< "at offset " << offset
<< " is not aligned to scalar element size " << scalar_alignment;
} else {
// Without relaxed block layout, the offset must be divisible by the
// alignment requirement.
if (!IsAlignedTo(offset, alignment)) {
return fail(memberIdx)
<< "at offset " << offset << " is not aligned to " << alignment;
if (offset < nextValidOffset)
return fail(memberIdx) << "at offset " << offset
<< " overlaps previous member ending at offset "
<< nextValidOffset - 1;
if (!scalar_block_layout && relaxed_block_layout) {
// Check improper straddle of vectors.
if (spv::Op::OpTypeVector == opcode &&
hasImproperStraddle(id, offset, constraint, constraints, vstate))
return fail(memberIdx)
<< "is an improperly straddling vector at offset " << offset;
// Check struct members recursively.
spv_result_t recursive_status = SPV_SUCCESS;
if (spv::Op::OpTypeStruct == opcode &&
SPV_SUCCESS != (recursive_status = checkLayout(
id, storage_class_str, decoration_str, blockRules,
scalar_block_layout, offset, constraints, vstate)))
return recursive_status;
// Check matrix stride.
if (spv::Op::OpTypeMatrix == opcode) {
const auto stride = constraint.matrix_stride;
if (!IsAlignedTo(stride, alignment)) {
return fail(memberIdx) << "is a matrix with stride " << stride
<< " not satisfying alignment to " << alignment;
// Check arrays and runtime arrays recursively.
auto array_inst = inst;
auto array_alignment = alignment;
while (array_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpTypeArray ||
array_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpTypeRuntimeArray) {
const auto typeId = array_inst->word(2);
const auto element_inst = vstate.FindDef(typeId);
// Check array stride.
uint32_t array_stride = 0;
for (auto& decoration : vstate.id_decorations(array_inst->id())) {
if (spv::Decoration::ArrayStride == decoration.dec_type()) {
array_stride = decoration.params()[0];
if (array_stride == 0) {
return fail(memberIdx) << "contains an array with stride 0";
if (!IsAlignedTo(array_stride, array_alignment))
return fail(memberIdx)
<< "contains an array with stride " << decoration.params()[0]
<< " not satisfying alignment to " << alignment;
bool is_int32 = false;
bool is_const = false;
uint32_t num_elements = 0;
if (array_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpTypeArray) {
std::tie(is_int32, is_const, num_elements) =
num_elements = std::max(1u, num_elements);
// Check each element recursively if it is a struct. There is a
// limitation to this check if the array size is a spec constant or is a
// runtime array then we will only check a single element. This means
// some improper straddles might be missed.
if (spv::Op::OpTypeStruct == element_inst->opcode()) {
std::vector<bool> seen(16, false);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i) {
uint32_t next_offset = i * array_stride + offset;
// Stop checking if offsets repeat in terms of 16-byte multiples.
if (seen[next_offset % 16]) {
(recursive_status = checkLayout(
typeId, storage_class_str, decoration_str, blockRules,
scalar_block_layout, next_offset, constraints, vstate)))
return recursive_status;
seen[next_offset % 16] = true;
// Proceed to the element in case it is an array.
array_inst = element_inst;
array_alignment = scalar_block_layout
? getScalarAlignment(array_inst->id(), vstate)
: getBaseAlignment(array_inst->id(), blockRules,
constraint, constraints, vstate);
const auto element_size =
getSize(element_inst->id(), constraint, constraints, vstate);
if (element_size > array_stride) {
return fail(memberIdx)
<< "contains an array with stride " << array_stride
<< ", but with an element size of " << element_size;
nextValidOffset = offset + size;
if (!scalar_block_layout &&
(spv::Op::OpTypeArray == opcode || spv::Op::OpTypeStruct == opcode)) {
// Non-scalar block layout rules don't permit anything in the padding of
// a struct or array.
nextValidOffset = align(nextValidOffset, alignment);
// Returns true if variable or structure id has given decoration. Handles also
// nested structures.
bool hasDecoration(uint32_t id, spv::Decoration decoration,
ValidationState_t& vstate) {
for (auto& dec : vstate.id_decorations(id)) {
if (decoration == dec.dec_type()) return true;
if (spv::Op::OpTypeStruct != vstate.FindDef(id)->opcode()) {
return false;
for (auto member_id : getStructMembers(id, spv::Op::OpTypeStruct, vstate)) {
if (hasDecoration(member_id, decoration, vstate)) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if all ids of given type have a specified decoration.
bool checkForRequiredDecoration(uint32_t struct_id,
std::function<bool(spv::Decoration)> checker,
spv::Op type, ValidationState_t& vstate) {
const auto& members = getStructMembers(struct_id, vstate);
for (size_t memberIdx = 0; memberIdx < members.size(); memberIdx++) {
const auto id = members[memberIdx];
if (type != vstate.FindDef(id)->opcode()) continue;
bool found = false;
for (auto& dec : vstate.id_decorations(id)) {
if (checker(dec.dec_type())) found = true;
for (auto& dec : vstate.id_decorations(struct_id)) {
if (checker(dec.dec_type()) &&
(int)memberIdx == dec.struct_member_index()) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
return false;
for (auto id : getStructMembers(struct_id, spv::Op::OpTypeStruct, vstate)) {
if (!checkForRequiredDecoration(id, checker, type, vstate)) {
return false;
return true;
spv_result_t CheckLinkageAttrOfFunctions(ValidationState_t& vstate) {
for (const auto& function : vstate.functions()) {
if (function.block_count() == 0u) {
// A function declaration (an OpFunction with no basic blocks), must have
// a Linkage Attributes Decoration with the Import Linkage Type.
if (!hasImportLinkageAttribute(, vstate)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_BINARY,
<< "Function declaration (id " <<
<< ") must have a LinkageAttributes decoration with the Import "
"Linkage type.";
} else {
if (hasImportLinkageAttribute(, vstate)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_BINARY,
<< "Function definition (id " <<
<< ") may not be decorated with Import Linkage type.";
// Checks whether an imported variable is initialized by this module.
spv_result_t CheckImportedVariableInitialization(ValidationState_t& vstate) {
// According the SPIR-V Spec 2.16.1, it is illegal to initialize an imported
// variable. This means that a module-scope OpVariable with initialization
// value cannot be marked with the Import Linkage Type (import type id = 1).
for (auto global_var_id : vstate.global_vars()) {
// Initializer <id> is an optional argument for OpVariable. If initializer
// <id> is present, the instruction will have 5 words.
auto variable_instr = vstate.FindDef(global_var_id);
if (variable_instr->words().size() == 5u &&
hasImportLinkageAttribute(global_var_id, vstate)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, variable_instr)
<< "A module-scope OpVariable with initialization value "
"cannot be marked with the Import Linkage Type.";
// Checks whether a builtin variable is valid.
spv_result_t CheckBuiltInVariable(uint32_t var_id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {
const auto& decorations = vstate.id_decorations(var_id);
for (const auto& d : decorations) {
if (spvIsVulkanEnv(vstate.context()->target_env)) {
if (d.dec_type() == spv::Decoration::Location ||
d.dec_type() == spv::Decoration::Component) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(var_id))
<< vstate.VkErrorID(4915) << "A BuiltIn variable (id " << var_id
<< ") cannot have any Location or Component decorations";
// Checks whether proper decorations have been applied to the entry points.
spv_result_t CheckDecorationsOfEntryPoints(ValidationState_t& vstate) {
for (uint32_t entry_point : vstate.entry_points()) {
const auto& descs = vstate.entry_point_descriptions(entry_point);
int num_builtin_block_inputs = 0;
int num_builtin_block_outputs = 0;
int num_workgroup_variables = 0;
int num_workgroup_variables_with_block = 0;
int num_workgroup_variables_with_aliased = 0;
for (const auto& desc : descs) {
std::unordered_set<Instruction*> seen_vars;
for (auto interface : desc.interfaces) {
Instruction* var_instr = vstate.FindDef(interface);
if (!var_instr || spv::Op::OpVariable != var_instr->opcode()) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, var_instr)
<< "Interfaces passed to OpEntryPoint must be of type "
"OpTypeVariable. Found Op"
<< spvOpcodeString(var_instr->opcode()) << ".";
const spv::StorageClass storage_class =
if (vstate.version() >= SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_WORD(1, 4)) {
// Starting in 1.4, OpEntryPoint must list all global variables
// it statically uses and those interfaces must be unique.
if (storage_class == spv::StorageClass::Function) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, var_instr)
<< "OpEntryPoint interfaces should only list global "
if (!seen_vars.insert(var_instr).second) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, var_instr)
<< "Non-unique OpEntryPoint interface "
<< vstate.getIdName(interface) << " is disallowed";
} else {
if (storage_class != spv::StorageClass::Input &&
storage_class != spv::StorageClass::Output) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, var_instr)
<< "OpEntryPoint interfaces must be OpVariables with "
"Storage Class of Input(1) or Output(3). Found Storage "
"Class "
<< uint32_t(storage_class) << " for Entry Point id "
<< entry_point << ".";
const uint32_t ptr_id = var_instr->word(1);
Instruction* ptr_instr = vstate.FindDef(ptr_id);
// It is guaranteed (by validator ID checks) that ptr_instr is
// OpTypePointer. Word 3 of this instruction is the type being pointed
// to.
const uint32_t type_id = ptr_instr->word(3);
Instruction* type_instr = vstate.FindDef(type_id);
if (type_instr && spv::Op::OpTypeStruct == type_instr->opcode() &&
isBuiltInStruct(type_id, vstate)) {
if (!isBlock(type_id, vstate)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, vstate.FindDef(type_id))
<< vstate.VkErrorID(4919)
<< "Interface struct has no Block decoration but has "
"BuiltIn members. "
"Location decorations must be used on each member of "
"OpVariable with a structure type that is a block not "
"decorated with Location.";
if (storage_class == spv::StorageClass::Input)
if (storage_class == spv::StorageClass::Output)
if (num_builtin_block_inputs > 1 || num_builtin_block_outputs > 1)
if (auto error = CheckBuiltInVariable(interface, vstate))
return error;
} else if (isBuiltInVar(interface, vstate)) {
if (auto error = CheckBuiltInVariable(interface, vstate))
return error;
if (storage_class == spv::StorageClass::Workgroup) {
if (type_instr && spv::Op::OpTypeStruct == type_instr->opcode()) {
if (hasDecoration(type_id, spv::Decoration::Block, vstate))
if (hasDecoration(var_instr->id(), spv::Decoration::Aliased,
if (spvIsVulkanEnv(vstate.context()->target_env)) {
const auto* models = vstate.GetExecutionModels(entry_point);
const bool has_frag =
models->find(spv::ExecutionModel::Fragment) != models->end();
const bool has_vert =
models->find(spv::ExecutionModel::Vertex) != models->end();
for (const auto& decoration :
vstate.id_decorations(var_instr->id())) {
if (decoration == spv::Decoration::Flat ||
decoration == spv::Decoration::NoPerspective ||
decoration == spv::Decoration::Sample ||
decoration == spv::Decoration::Centroid) {
// VUID 04670 already validates these decorations are input/output
if (storage_class == spv::StorageClass::Input &&
(models->size() > 1 || has_vert)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, var_instr)
<< vstate.VkErrorID(6202)
<< vstate.SpvDecorationString(decoration.dec_type())
<< " decorated variable must not be used in vertex "
"execution model as an Input storage class for Entry "
"Point id "
<< entry_point << ".";
} else if (storage_class == spv::StorageClass::Output &&
(models->size() > 1 || has_frag)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, var_instr)
<< vstate.VkErrorID(6201)
<< vstate.SpvDecorationString(decoration.dec_type())
<< " decorated variable must not be used in fragment "
"execution model as an Output storage class for "
"Entry Point id "
<< entry_point << ".";
const bool has_flat =
hasDecoration(var_instr->id(), spv::Decoration::Flat, vstate);
if (has_frag && storage_class == spv::StorageClass::Input &&
!has_flat &&
((vstate.IsFloatScalarType(type_id) &&
vstate.GetBitWidth(type_id) == 64) ||
vstate.IsIntScalarOrVectorType(type_id))) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, var_instr)
<< vstate.VkErrorID(4744)
<< "Fragment OpEntryPoint operand "
<< interface << " with Input interfaces with integer or "
"float type must have a Flat decoration "
"for Entry Point id "
<< entry_point << ".";
if (num_builtin_block_inputs > 1 || num_builtin_block_outputs > 1) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_BINARY,
<< "There must be at most one object per Storage Class that can "
"contain a structure type containing members decorated with "
"BuiltIn, consumed per entry-point. Entry Point id "
<< entry_point << " does not meet this requirement.";
// The LinkageAttributes Decoration cannot be applied to functions
// targeted by an OpEntryPoint instruction
for (auto& decoration : vstate.id_decorations(entry_point)) {
if (spv::Decoration::LinkageAttributes == decoration.dec_type()) {
const std::string linkage_name =
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_BINARY,
<< "The LinkageAttributes Decoration (Linkage name: "
<< linkage_name << ") cannot be applied to function id "
<< entry_point
<< " because it is targeted by an OpEntryPoint instruction.";
if (vstate.HasCapability(
spv::Capability::WorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutKHR) &&
num_workgroup_variables > 0 &&
num_workgroup_variables_with_block > 0) {
if (num_workgroup_variables != num_workgroup_variables_with_block) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_BINARY, vstate.FindDef(entry_point))
<< "When declaring WorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutKHR, "
"either all or none of the Workgroup Storage Class variables "
"in the entry point interface must point to struct types "
"decorated with Block. Entry point id "
<< entry_point << " does not meet this requirement.";
if (num_workgroup_variables_with_block > 1 &&
num_workgroup_variables_with_block !=
num_workgroup_variables_with_aliased) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_BINARY, vstate.FindDef(entry_point))
<< "When declaring WorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutKHR, "
"if more than one Workgroup Storage Class variable in "
"the entry point interface point to a type decorated "
"with Block, all of them must be decorated with Aliased. "
"Entry point id "
<< entry_point << " does not meet this requirement.";
// Load |constraints| with all the member constraints for structs contained
// within the given array type.
void ComputeMemberConstraintsForArray(MemberConstraints* constraints,
uint32_t array_id,
const LayoutConstraints& inherited,
ValidationState_t& vstate);
// Load |constraints| with all the member constraints for the given struct,
// and all its contained structs.
void ComputeMemberConstraintsForStruct(MemberConstraints* constraints,
uint32_t struct_id,
const LayoutConstraints& inherited,
ValidationState_t& vstate) {
const auto& members = getStructMembers(struct_id, vstate);
for (uint32_t memberIdx = 0, numMembers = uint32_t(members.size());
memberIdx < numMembers; memberIdx++) {
LayoutConstraints& constraint =
(*constraints)[std::make_pair(struct_id, memberIdx)];
constraint = inherited;
auto member_decorations =
vstate.id_member_decorations(struct_id, memberIdx);
for (auto decoration = member_decorations.begin;
decoration != member_decorations.end; ++decoration) {
assert(decoration->struct_member_index() == (int)memberIdx);
switch (decoration->dec_type()) {
case spv::Decoration::RowMajor:
constraint.majorness = kRowMajor;
case spv::Decoration::ColMajor:
constraint.majorness = kColumnMajor;
case spv::Decoration::MatrixStride:
constraint.matrix_stride = decoration->params()[0];
// Now recurse
auto member_type_id = members[memberIdx];
const auto member_type_inst = vstate.FindDef(member_type_id);
const auto opcode = member_type_inst->opcode();
switch (opcode) {
case spv::Op::OpTypeArray:
case spv::Op::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
ComputeMemberConstraintsForArray(constraints, member_type_id, inherited,
case spv::Op::OpTypeStruct:
ComputeMemberConstraintsForStruct(constraints, member_type_id,
inherited, vstate);
void ComputeMemberConstraintsForArray(MemberConstraints* constraints,
uint32_t array_id,
const LayoutConstraints& inherited,
ValidationState_t& vstate) {
auto elem_type_id = vstate.FindDef(array_id)->words()[2];
const auto elem_type_inst = vstate.FindDef(elem_type_id);
const auto opcode = elem_type_inst->opcode();
switch (opcode) {
case spv::Op::OpTypeArray:
case spv::Op::OpTypeRuntimeArray:
ComputeMemberConstraintsForArray(constraints, elem_type_id, inherited,
case spv::Op::OpTypeStruct:
ComputeMemberConstraintsForStruct(constraints, elem_type_id, inherited,
spv_result_t CheckDecorationsOfBuffers(ValidationState_t& vstate) {
// Set of entry points that are known to use a push constant.
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> uses_push_constant;
for (const auto& inst : vstate.ordered_instructions()) {
const auto& words = inst.words();
if (spv::Op::OpVariable == inst.opcode()) {
const auto var_id =;
// For storage class / decoration combinations, see Vulkan 14.5.4 "Offset
// and Stride Assignment".
const auto storageClass = inst.GetOperandAs<spv::StorageClass>(2);
const bool uniform = storageClass == spv::StorageClass::Uniform;
const bool uniform_constant =
storageClass == spv::StorageClass::UniformConstant;
const bool push_constant =
storageClass == spv::StorageClass::PushConstant;
const bool storage_buffer =
storageClass == spv::StorageClass::StorageBuffer;
if (spvIsVulkanEnv(vstate.context()->target_env)) {
// Vulkan: There must be no more than one PushConstant block per entry
// point.
if (push_constant) {
auto entry_points = vstate.EntryPointReferences(var_id);
for (auto ep_id : entry_points) {
const bool already_used = !uses_push_constant.insert(ep_id).second;
if (already_used) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(var_id))
<< vstate.VkErrorID(6674) << "Entry point id '" << ep_id
<< "' uses more than one PushConstant interface.\n"
<< "From Vulkan spec:\n"
<< "There must be no more than one push constant block "
<< "statically used per shader entry point.";
// Vulkan: Check DescriptorSet and Binding decoration for
// UniformConstant which cannot be a struct.
if (uniform_constant) {
auto entry_points = vstate.EntryPointReferences(var_id);
if (!entry_points.empty() &&
!hasDecoration(var_id, spv::Decoration::DescriptorSet, vstate)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(var_id))
<< vstate.VkErrorID(6677) << "UniformConstant id '" << var_id
<< "' is missing DescriptorSet decoration.\n"
<< "From Vulkan spec:\n"
<< "These variables must have DescriptorSet and Binding "
"decorations specified";
if (!entry_points.empty() &&
!hasDecoration(var_id, spv::Decoration::Binding, vstate)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(var_id))
<< vstate.VkErrorID(6677) << "UniformConstant id '" << var_id
<< "' is missing Binding decoration.\n"
<< "From Vulkan spec:\n"
<< "These variables must have DescriptorSet and Binding "
"decorations specified";
if (spvIsOpenGLEnv(vstate.context()->target_env)) {
bool has_block = hasDecoration(var_id, spv::Decoration::Block, vstate);
bool has_buffer_block =
hasDecoration(var_id, spv::Decoration::BufferBlock, vstate);
if ((uniform && (has_block || has_buffer_block)) ||
(storage_buffer && has_block)) {
auto entry_points = vstate.EntryPointReferences(var_id);
if (!entry_points.empty() &&
!hasDecoration(var_id, spv::Decoration::Binding, vstate)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(var_id))
<< (uniform ? "Uniform" : "Storage Buffer") << " id '"
<< var_id << "' is missing Binding decoration.\n"
<< "From ARB_gl_spirv extension:\n"
<< "Uniform and shader storage block variables must "
<< "also be decorated with a *Binding*.";
const bool phys_storage_buffer =
storageClass == spv::StorageClass::PhysicalStorageBuffer;
const bool workgroup =
storageClass == spv::StorageClass::Workgroup &&
if (uniform || push_constant || storage_buffer || phys_storage_buffer ||
workgroup) {
const auto ptrInst = vstate.FindDef(words[1]);
assert(spv::Op::OpTypePointer == ptrInst->opcode());
auto id = ptrInst->words()[3];
auto id_inst = vstate.FindDef(id);
// Jump through one level of arraying.
if (!workgroup && (id_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpTypeArray ||
id_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpTypeRuntimeArray)) {
id = id_inst->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(1u);
id_inst = vstate.FindDef(id);
// Struct requirement is checked on variables so just move on here.
if (spv::Op::OpTypeStruct != id_inst->opcode()) continue;
MemberConstraints constraints;
ComputeMemberConstraintsForStruct(&constraints, id, LayoutConstraints(),
// Prepare for messages
const char* sc_str =
uniform ? "Uniform"
: (push_constant ? "PushConstant"
: (workgroup ? "Workgroup"
: "StorageBuffer"));
if (spvIsVulkanEnv(vstate.context()->target_env)) {
const bool block = hasDecoration(id, spv::Decoration::Block, vstate);
const bool buffer_block =
hasDecoration(id, spv::Decoration::BufferBlock, vstate);
if (storage_buffer && buffer_block) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(var_id))
<< vstate.VkErrorID(6675) << "Storage buffer id '" << var_id
<< " In Vulkan, BufferBlock is disallowed on variables in "
"the StorageBuffer storage class";
// Vulkan: Check Block decoration for PushConstant, Uniform
// and StorageBuffer variables. Uniform can also use BufferBlock.
if (push_constant && !block) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(id))
<< vstate.VkErrorID(6675) << "PushConstant id '" << id
<< "' is missing Block decoration.\n"
<< "From Vulkan spec:\n"
<< "Such variables must be identified with a Block "
if (storage_buffer && !block) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(id))
<< vstate.VkErrorID(6675) << "StorageBuffer id '" << id
<< "' is missing Block decoration.\n"
<< "From Vulkan spec:\n"
<< "Such variables must be identified with a Block "
if (uniform && !block && !buffer_block) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(id))
<< vstate.VkErrorID(6676) << "Uniform id '" << id
<< "' is missing Block or BufferBlock decoration.\n"
<< "From Vulkan spec:\n"
<< "Such variables must be identified with a Block or "
"BufferBlock decoration";
// Vulkan: Check DescriptorSet and Binding decoration for
// Uniform and StorageBuffer variables.
if (uniform || storage_buffer) {
auto entry_points = vstate.EntryPointReferences(var_id);
if (!entry_points.empty() &&
!hasDecoration(var_id, spv::Decoration::DescriptorSet,
vstate)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(var_id))
<< vstate.VkErrorID(6677) << sc_str << " id '" << var_id
<< "' is missing DescriptorSet decoration.\n"
<< "From Vulkan spec:\n"
<< "These variables must have DescriptorSet and Binding "
"decorations specified";
if (!entry_points.empty() &&
!hasDecoration(var_id, spv::Decoration::Binding, vstate)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(var_id))
<< vstate.VkErrorID(6677) << sc_str << " id '" << var_id
<< "' is missing Binding decoration.\n"
<< "From Vulkan spec:\n"
<< "These variables must have DescriptorSet and Binding "
"decorations specified";
for (const auto& dec : vstate.id_decorations(id)) {
const bool blockDeco = spv::Decoration::Block == dec.dec_type();
const bool bufferDeco =
spv::Decoration::BufferBlock == dec.dec_type();
const bool blockRules = uniform && blockDeco;
const bool bufferRules =
(uniform && bufferDeco) ||
((push_constant || storage_buffer ||
phys_storage_buffer || workgroup) && blockDeco);
if (uniform && blockDeco) {
if ((uniform && bufferDeco) ||
((storage_buffer || phys_storage_buffer) && blockDeco)) {
if (blockRules || bufferRules) {
const char* deco_str = blockDeco ? "Block" : "BufferBlock";
spv_result_t recursive_status = SPV_SUCCESS;
const bool scalar_block_layout = workgroup ?
vstate.options()->workgroup_scalar_block_layout :
if (isMissingOffsetInStruct(id, vstate)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(id))
<< "Structure id " << id << " decorated as " << deco_str
<< " must be explicitly laid out with Offset "
if (!checkForRequiredDecoration(
[](spv::Decoration d) {
return d == spv::Decoration::ArrayStride;
spv::Op::OpTypeArray, vstate)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(id))
<< "Structure id " << id << " decorated as " << deco_str
<< " must be explicitly laid out with ArrayStride "
if (!checkForRequiredDecoration(
[](spv::Decoration d) {
return d == spv::Decoration::MatrixStride;
spv::Op::OpTypeMatrix, vstate)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(id))
<< "Structure id " << id << " decorated as " << deco_str
<< " must be explicitly laid out with MatrixStride "
if (!checkForRequiredDecoration(
[](spv::Decoration d) {
return d == spv::Decoration::RowMajor ||
d == spv::Decoration::ColMajor;
spv::Op::OpTypeMatrix, vstate)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(id))
<< "Structure id " << id << " decorated as " << deco_str
<< " must be explicitly laid out with RowMajor or "
"ColMajor decorations.";
if (spvIsVulkanEnv(vstate.context()->target_env)) {
if (blockRules && (SPV_SUCCESS != (recursive_status = checkLayout(
id, sc_str, deco_str, true,
scalar_block_layout, 0,
constraints, vstate)))) {
return recursive_status;
} else if (bufferRules &&
(recursive_status = checkLayout(
id, sc_str, deco_str, false, scalar_block_layout,
0, constraints, vstate)))) {
return recursive_status;
// Returns true if |decoration| cannot be applied to the same id more than once.
bool AtMostOncePerId(spv::Decoration decoration) {
return decoration == spv::Decoration::ArrayStride;
// Returns true if |decoration| cannot be applied to the same member more than
// once.
bool AtMostOncePerMember(spv::Decoration decoration) {
switch (decoration) {
case spv::Decoration::Offset:
case spv::Decoration::MatrixStride:
case spv::Decoration::RowMajor:
case spv::Decoration::ColMajor:
return true;
return false;
spv_result_t CheckDecorationsCompatibility(ValidationState_t& vstate) {
using PerIDKey = std::tuple<spv::Decoration, uint32_t>;
using PerMemberKey = std::tuple<spv::Decoration, uint32_t, uint32_t>;
// An Array of pairs where the decorations in the pair cannot both be applied
// to the same id.
static const spv::Decoration mutually_exclusive_per_id[][2] = {
{spv::Decoration::Block, spv::Decoration::BufferBlock},
{spv::Decoration::Restrict, spv::Decoration::Aliased}};
static const auto num_mutually_exclusive_per_id_pairs =
sizeof(mutually_exclusive_per_id) / (2 * sizeof(spv::Decoration));
// An Array of pairs where the decorations in the pair cannot both be applied
// to the same member.
static const spv::Decoration mutually_exclusive_per_member[][2] = {
{spv::Decoration::RowMajor, spv::Decoration::ColMajor}};
static const auto num_mutually_exclusive_per_mem_pairs =
sizeof(mutually_exclusive_per_member) / (2 * sizeof(spv::Decoration));
std::set<PerIDKey> seen_per_id;
std::set<PerMemberKey> seen_per_member;
for (const auto& inst : vstate.ordered_instructions()) {
const auto& words = inst.words();
if (spv::Op::OpDecorate == inst.opcode()) {
const auto id = words[1];
const auto dec_type = static_cast<spv::Decoration>(words[2]);
const auto k = PerIDKey(dec_type, id);
const auto already_used = !seen_per_id.insert(k).second;
if (already_used && AtMostOncePerId(dec_type)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(id))
<< "ID '" << id << "' decorated with "
<< vstate.SpvDecorationString(dec_type)
<< " multiple times is not allowed.";
// Verify certain mutually exclusive decorations are not both applied on
// an ID.
for (uint32_t pair_idx = 0;
pair_idx < num_mutually_exclusive_per_id_pairs; ++pair_idx) {
spv::Decoration excl_dec_type = spv::Decoration::Max;
if (mutually_exclusive_per_id[pair_idx][0] == dec_type) {
excl_dec_type = mutually_exclusive_per_id[pair_idx][1];
} else if (mutually_exclusive_per_id[pair_idx][1] == dec_type) {
excl_dec_type = mutually_exclusive_per_id[pair_idx][0];
} else {
const auto excl_k = PerIDKey(excl_dec_type, id);
if (seen_per_id.find(excl_k) != seen_per_id.end()) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(id))
<< "ID '" << id << "' decorated with both "
<< vstate.SpvDecorationString(dec_type) << " and "
<< vstate.SpvDecorationString(excl_dec_type)
<< " is not allowed.";
} else if (spv::Op::OpMemberDecorate == inst.opcode()) {
const auto id = words[1];
const auto member_id = words[2];
const auto dec_type = static_cast<spv::Decoration>(words[3]);
const auto k = PerMemberKey(dec_type, id, member_id);
const auto already_used = !seen_per_member.insert(k).second;
if (already_used && AtMostOncePerMember(dec_type)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(id))
<< "ID '" << id << "', member '" << member_id
<< "' decorated with " << vstate.SpvDecorationString(dec_type)
<< " multiple times is not allowed.";
// Verify certain mutually exclusive decorations are not both applied on
// a (ID, member) tuple.
for (uint32_t pair_idx = 0;
pair_idx < num_mutually_exclusive_per_mem_pairs; ++pair_idx) {
spv::Decoration excl_dec_type = spv::Decoration::Max;
if (mutually_exclusive_per_member[pair_idx][0] == dec_type) {
excl_dec_type = mutually_exclusive_per_member[pair_idx][1];
} else if (mutually_exclusive_per_member[pair_idx][1] == dec_type) {
excl_dec_type = mutually_exclusive_per_member[pair_idx][0];
} else {
const auto excl_k = PerMemberKey(excl_dec_type, id, member_id);
if (seen_per_member.find(excl_k) != seen_per_member.end()) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, vstate.FindDef(id))
<< "ID '" << id << "', member '" << member_id
<< "' decorated with both "
<< vstate.SpvDecorationString(dec_type) << " and "
<< vstate.SpvDecorationString(excl_dec_type)
<< " is not allowed.";
spv_result_t CheckVulkanMemoryModelDeprecatedDecorations(
ValidationState_t& vstate) {
if (vstate.memory_model() != spv::MemoryModel::VulkanKHR) return SPV_SUCCESS;
std::string msg;
std::ostringstream str(msg);
for (const auto& def : vstate.all_definitions()) {
const auto inst = def.second;
const auto id = inst->id();
for (const auto& dec : vstate.id_decorations(id)) {
const auto member = dec.struct_member_index();
if (dec.dec_type() == spv::Decoration::Coherent ||
dec.dec_type() == spv::Decoration::Volatile) {
str << (dec.dec_type() == spv::Decoration::Coherent ? "Coherent"
: "Volatile");
str << " decoration targeting " << vstate.getIdName(id);
if (member != Decoration::kInvalidMember) {
str << " (member index " << member << ")";
str << " is banned when using the Vulkan memory model.";
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, inst) << str.str();
// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if validation rules are satisfied for FPRoundingMode
// decorations. Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns something other than
spv_result_t CheckFPRoundingModeForShaders(ValidationState_t& vstate,
const Instruction& inst,
const Decoration& decoration) {
// Validates width-only conversion instruction for floating-point object
// i.e., OpFConvert
if (inst.opcode() != spv::Op::OpFConvert) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< "FPRoundingMode decoration can be applied only to a "
"width-only conversion instruction for floating-point "
if (spvIsVulkanEnv(vstate.context()->target_env)) {
const auto mode = spv::FPRoundingMode(decoration.params()[0]);
if ((mode != spv::FPRoundingMode::RTE) &&
(mode != spv::FPRoundingMode::RTZ)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< vstate.VkErrorID(4675)
<< "In Vulkan, the FPRoundingMode mode must only by RTE or RTZ.";
// Validates Object operand of an OpStore
for (const auto& use : inst.uses()) {
const auto store = use.first;
if (store->opcode() == spv::Op::OpFConvert) continue;
if (spvOpcodeIsDebug(store->opcode())) continue;
if (store->IsNonSemantic()) continue;
if (spvOpcodeIsDecoration(store->opcode())) continue;
if (store->opcode() != spv::Op::OpStore) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< "FPRoundingMode decoration can be applied only to the "
"Object operand of an OpStore.";
if (use.second != 2) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< "FPRoundingMode decoration can be applied only to the "
"Object operand of an OpStore.";
const auto ptr_inst = vstate.FindDef(store->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(0));
const auto ptr_type = vstate.FindDef(ptr_inst->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(0));
const auto half_float_id = ptr_type->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(2);
if (!vstate.IsFloatScalarOrVectorType(half_float_id) ||
vstate.GetBitWidth(half_float_id) != 16) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< "FPRoundingMode decoration can be applied only to the "
"Object operand of an OpStore storing through a pointer "
"to "
"a 16-bit floating-point scalar or vector object.";
// Validates storage class of the pointer to the OpStore
const auto storage = ptr_type->GetOperandAs<spv::StorageClass>(1);
if (storage != spv::StorageClass::StorageBuffer &&
storage != spv::StorageClass::Uniform &&
storage != spv::StorageClass::PushConstant &&
storage != spv::StorageClass::Input &&
storage != spv::StorageClass::Output &&
storage != spv::StorageClass::PhysicalStorageBuffer) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< "FPRoundingMode decoration can be applied only to the "
"Object operand of an OpStore in the StorageBuffer, "
"PhysicalStorageBuffer, Uniform, PushConstant, Input, or "
"Output Storage Classes.";
// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if validation rules are satisfied for the NonWritable
// decoration. Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns something other than
// SPV_SUCCESS. The |inst| parameter is the object being decorated. This must
// be called after TypePass and AnnotateCheckDecorationsOfBuffers are called.
spv_result_t CheckNonWritableDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
const Instruction& inst,
const Decoration& decoration) {
assert( && "Parser ensures the target of the decoration has an ID");
if (decoration.struct_member_index() == Decoration::kInvalidMember) {
// The target must be a memory object declaration.
// First, it must be a variable or function parameter.
const auto opcode = inst.opcode();
const auto type_id = inst.type_id();
if (opcode != spv::Op::OpVariable &&
opcode != spv::Op::OpFunctionParameter) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< "Target of NonWritable decoration must be a memory object "
"declaration (a variable or a function parameter)";
const auto var_storage_class = opcode == spv::Op::OpVariable
? inst.GetOperandAs<spv::StorageClass>(2)
: spv::StorageClass::Max;
if ((var_storage_class == spv::StorageClass::Function ||
var_storage_class == spv::StorageClass::Private) &&
vstate.features().nonwritable_var_in_function_or_private) {
// New permitted feature in SPIR-V 1.4.
} else if (
// It may point to a UBO, SSBO, or storage image.
vstate.IsPointerToUniformBlock(type_id) ||
vstate.IsPointerToStorageBuffer(type_id) ||
vstate.IsPointerToStorageImage(type_id)) {
} else {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< "Target of NonWritable decoration is invalid: must point to a "
"storage image, uniform block, "
<< (vstate.features().nonwritable_var_in_function_or_private
? "storage buffer, or variable in Private or Function "
"storage class"
: "or storage buffer");
// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if validation rules are satisfied for Uniform or
// UniformId decorations. Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns something
// other than SPV_SUCCESS. Assumes each decoration on a group has been
// propagated down to the group members. The |inst| parameter is the object
// being decorated.
spv_result_t CheckUniformDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
const Instruction& inst,
const Decoration& decoration) {
const char* const dec_name = decoration.dec_type() == spv::Decoration::Uniform
? "Uniform"
: "UniformId";
// Uniform or UniformId must decorate an "object"
// - has a result ID
// - is an instantiation of a non-void type. So it has a type ID, and that
// type is not void.
// We already know the result ID is non-zero.
if (inst.type_id() == 0) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< dec_name << " decoration applied to a non-object";
if (Instruction* type_inst = vstate.FindDef(inst.type_id())) {
if (type_inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpTypeVoid) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< dec_name << " decoration applied to a value with void type";
} else {
// We might never get here because this would have been rejected earlier in
// the flow.
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< dec_name << " decoration applied to an object with invalid type";
// Use of Uniform with OpDecorate is checked elsewhere.
// Use of UniformId with OpDecorateId is checked elsewhere.
if (decoration.dec_type() == spv::Decoration::UniformId) {
assert(decoration.params().size() == 1 &&
"Grammar ensures UniformId has one parameter");
// The scope id is an execution scope.
if (auto error =
ValidateExecutionScope(vstate, &inst, decoration.params()[0]))
return error;
// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if validation rules are satisfied for NoSignedWrap or
// NoUnsignedWrap decorations. Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns
// something other than SPV_SUCCESS. Assumes each decoration on a group has been
// propagated down to the group members.
spv_result_t CheckIntegerWrapDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
const Instruction& inst,
const Decoration& decoration) {
switch (inst.opcode()) {
case spv::Op::OpIAdd:
case spv::Op::OpISub:
case spv::Op::OpIMul:
case spv::Op::OpShiftLeftLogical:
case spv::Op::OpSNegate:
case spv::Op::OpExtInst:
// TODO(dneto): Only certain extended instructions allow these
// decorations. For now allow anything.
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< (decoration.dec_type() == spv::Decoration::NoSignedWrap
? "NoSignedWrap"
: "NoUnsignedWrap")
<< " decoration may not be applied to "
<< spvOpcodeString(inst.opcode());
// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if validation rules are satisfied for the Component
// decoration. Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns something other than
spv_result_t CheckComponentDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
const Instruction& inst,
const Decoration& decoration) {
assert( && "Parser ensures the target of the decoration has an ID");
assert(decoration.params().size() == 1 &&
"Grammar ensures Component has one parameter");
uint32_t type_id;
if (decoration.struct_member_index() == Decoration::kInvalidMember) {
// The target must be a memory object declaration.
const auto opcode = inst.opcode();
if (opcode != spv::Op::OpVariable &&
opcode != spv::Op::OpFunctionParameter) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< "Target of Component decoration must be a memory object "
"declaration (a variable or a function parameter)";
// Only valid for the Input and Output Storage Classes.
const auto storage_class = opcode == spv::Op::OpVariable
? inst.GetOperandAs<spv::StorageClass>(2)
: spv::StorageClass::Max;
if (storage_class != spv::StorageClass::Input &&
storage_class != spv::StorageClass::Output &&
storage_class != spv::StorageClass::Max) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< "Target of Component decoration is invalid: must point to a "
"Storage Class of Input(1) or Output(3). Found Storage "
"Class "
<< uint32_t(storage_class);
type_id = inst.type_id();
if (vstate.IsPointerType(type_id)) {
const auto pointer = vstate.FindDef(type_id);
type_id = pointer->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(2);
} else {
if (inst.opcode() != spv::Op::OpTypeStruct) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, &inst)
<< "Attempted to get underlying data type via member index for "
"non-struct type.";
type_id = inst.word(decoration.struct_member_index() + 2);
if (spvIsVulkanEnv(vstate.context()->target_env)) {
// Strip the array, if present.
if (vstate.GetIdOpcode(type_id) == spv::Op::OpTypeArray) {
type_id = vstate.FindDef(type_id)->word(2u);
if (!vstate.IsIntScalarOrVectorType(type_id) &&
!vstate.IsFloatScalarOrVectorType(type_id)) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< vstate.VkErrorID(4924)
<< "Component decoration specified for type "
<< vstate.getIdName(type_id) << " that is not a scalar or vector";
const auto component = decoration.params()[0];
if (component > 3) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< vstate.VkErrorID(4920)
<< "Component decoration value must not be greater than 3";
const auto dimension = vstate.GetDimension(type_id);
const auto bit_width = vstate.GetBitWidth(type_id);
if (bit_width == 16 || bit_width == 32) {
const auto sum_component = component + dimension;
if (sum_component > 4) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< vstate.VkErrorID(4921)
<< "Sequence of components starting with " << component
<< " and ending with " << (sum_component - 1)
<< " gets larger than 3";
} else if (bit_width == 64) {
if (dimension > 2) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< vstate.VkErrorID(7703)
<< "Component decoration only allowed on 64-bit scalar and "
"2-component vector";
if (component == 1 || component == 3) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< vstate.VkErrorID(4923)
<< "Component decoration value must not be 1 or 3 for 64-bit "
"data types";
// 64-bit is double per component dimension
const auto sum_component = component + (2 * dimension);
if (sum_component > 4) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< vstate.VkErrorID(4922)
<< "Sequence of components starting with " << component
<< " and ending with " << (sum_component - 1)
<< " gets larger than 3";
// Returns SPV_SUCCESS if validation rules are satisfied for the Block
// decoration. Otherwise emits a diagnostic and returns something other than
spv_result_t CheckBlockDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
const Instruction& inst,
const Decoration& decoration) {
assert( && "Parser ensures the target of the decoration has an ID");
if (inst.opcode() != spv::Op::OpTypeStruct) {
const char* const dec_name = decoration.dec_type() == spv::Decoration::Block
? "Block"
: "BufferBlock";
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< dec_name << " decoration on a non-struct type.";
spv_result_t CheckLocationDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
const Instruction& inst,
const Decoration& decoration) {
if (inst.opcode() == spv::Op::OpVariable) return SPV_SUCCESS;
if (decoration.struct_member_index() != Decoration::kInvalidMember &&
inst.opcode() == spv::Op::OpTypeStruct) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< "Location decoration can only be applied to a variable or member "
"of a structure type";
spv_result_t CheckRelaxPrecisionDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate,
const Instruction& inst,
const Decoration& decoration) {
// This is not the most precise check, but the rules for RelaxPrecision are
// very general, and it will be difficult to implement precisely. For now,
// I will only check for the cases that cause problems for the optimizer.
if (!spvOpcodeGeneratesType(inst.opcode())) {
if (decoration.struct_member_index() != Decoration::kInvalidMember &&
inst.opcode() == spv::Op::OpTypeStruct) {
return vstate.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, &inst)
<< "RelaxPrecision decoration cannot be applied to a type";
{ \
spv_result_t e##LINE = (X); \
if (e##LINE != SPV_SUCCESS) return e##LINE; \
} static_assert(true, "require extra semicolon")
// Check rules for decorations where we start from the decoration rather
// than the decorated object. Assumes each decoration on a group have been
// propagated down to the group members.
spv_result_t CheckDecorationsFromDecoration(ValidationState_t& vstate) {
// Some rules are only checked for shaders.
const bool is_shader = vstate.HasCapability(spv::Capability::Shader);
for (const auto& kv : vstate.id_decorations()) {
const uint32_t id = kv.first;
const auto& decorations = kv.second;
if (decorations.empty()) continue;
const Instruction* inst = vstate.FindDef(id);
// We assume the decorations applied to a decoration group have already
// been propagated down to the group members.
if (inst->opcode() == spv::Op::OpDecorationGroup) continue;
for (const auto& decoration : decorations) {
switch (decoration.dec_type()) {
case spv::Decoration::Component:
PASS_OR_BAIL(CheckComponentDecoration(vstate, *inst, decoration));
case spv::Decoration::FPRoundingMode:
if (is_shader)
CheckFPRoundingModeForShaders(vstate, *inst, decoration));
case spv::Decoration::NonWritable:
PASS_OR_BAIL(CheckNonWritableDecoration(vstate, *inst, decoration));
case spv::Decoration::Uniform:
case spv::Decoration::UniformId:
PASS_OR_BAIL(CheckUniformDecoration(vstate, *inst, decoration));
case spv::Decoration::NoSignedWrap:
case spv::Decoration::NoUnsignedWrap:
PASS_OR_BAIL(CheckIntegerWrapDecoration(vstate, *inst, decoration));
case spv::Decoration::Block:
case spv::Decoration::BufferBlock:
PASS_OR_BAIL(CheckBlockDecoration(vstate, *inst, decoration));
case spv::Decoration::Location:
PASS_OR_BAIL(CheckLocationDecoration(vstate, *inst, decoration));
case spv::Decoration::RelaxedPrecision:
CheckRelaxPrecisionDecoration(vstate, *inst, decoration));
} // namespace
spv_result_t ValidateDecorations(ValidationState_t& vstate) {
if (auto error = CheckImportedVariableInitialization(vstate)) return error;
if (auto error = CheckDecorationsOfEntryPoints(vstate)) return error;
if (auto error = CheckDecorationsOfBuffers(vstate)) return error;
if (auto error = CheckDecorationsCompatibility(vstate)) return error;
if (auto error = CheckLinkageAttrOfFunctions(vstate)) return error;
if (auto error = CheckVulkanMemoryModelDeprecatedDecorations(vstate))
return error;
if (auto error = CheckDecorationsFromDecoration(vstate)) return error;
} // namespace val
} // namespace spvtools