blob: eef73ef63133fbbeab0543decbea6eff33503551 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <spec_fixture.h>
#include <spec_utils.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace {
class MesaFixture : public SpecFixture {
MesaFixture() : SpecFixture("177.mesa") {}
class GzipFixture : public SpecFixture {
GzipFixture() : SpecFixture("164.gzip"){};
class ArtFixture : public SpecFixture {
ArtFixture() : SpecFixture(""){};
class EquakeFixture : public SpecFixture {
EquakeFixture() : SpecFixture("183.equake"){};
class McfFixture : public SpecFixture {
McfFixture() : SpecFixture("181.mcf"){};
class VortexFixture : public SpecFixture {
VortexFixture() : SpecFixture("255.vortex"){};
class Bzip2Fixture : public SpecFixture {
Bzip2Fixture() : SpecFixture("256.bzip2"){};
class TwolfFixture : public SpecFixture {
TwolfFixture() : SpecFixture("300.twolf"){};
class AmmpFixture : public SpecFixture {
AmmpFixture() : SpecFixture("188.ammp"){};
class GccFixture : public SpecFixture {
GccFixture() : SpecFixture("176.gcc"){};
class EonFixture : public SpecFixture {
EonFixture() : SpecFixture("252.eon"){};
class VprFixture : public SpecFixture {
VprFixture() : SpecFixture("175.vpr"){};
} // namespace
std::string executableDir;
// Where we will run benchmarks
std::string tmpDir;
BENCHMARK_F(MesaFixture, 177_Mesa)(benchmark::State& st) {
while (st.KeepRunning()) {
if (RunSpec(NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) {
(std::string("Error while running benchmark: ") + strerror(errno))
BENCHMARK_F(GzipFixture, 164_Gzip)(benchmark::State& st) {
while (st.KeepRunning()) {
std::vector<std::string> inputs = {"input.source", "input.log",
"input.graphic", "input.random",
for (auto& it : inputs) {
const char* args[] = {it.c_str(), "60"};
if (RunSpec(args, 2, NULL) != 0) {
(std::string("Error while running benchmark: ") + strerror(errno))
BENCHMARK_F(ArtFixture, 179_Art)(benchmark::State& st) {
while (st.KeepRunning()) {
const char* args1[] = {
"-scanfile", "", "-trainfile1", "a10.img", "-trainfile2",
"hc.img", "-stride", "2", "-startx", "110",
"-starty", "200", "-endx", "160", "-endy",
"240", "-objects", "10"};
const char* args2[] = {
"-scanfile", "", "-trainfile1", "a10.img", "-trainfile2",
"hc.img", "-stride", "2", "-startx", "470",
"-starty", "140", "-endx", "520", "-endy",
"180", "-objects", "10"};
if (RunSpec(args1, 18, NULL) != 0 || RunSpec(args2, 18, NULL) != 0) {
(std::string("Error while running benchmark: ") + strerror(errno))
BENCHMARK_F(EquakeFixture, 183_equake)(benchmark::State& st) {
while (st.KeepRunning()) {
if ((RunSpec(NULL, 0, "")) != 0) {
(std::string("Error while running benchmark: ") + strerror(errno))
BENCHMARK_F(McfFixture, 181_Mcf)(benchmark::State& st) {
while (st.KeepRunning()) {
const char* args[] = {""};
if (RunSpec(args, 1, NULL) != 0) {
(std::string("Error while running benchmark: ") + strerror(errno))
BENCHMARK_F(VortexFixture, 255_Votex)(benchmark::State& st) {
while (st.KeepRunning()) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
std::string arg = "lendian" + std::to_string(i) + ".raw";
const char* args[] = {arg.c_str()};
if ((RunSpec(args, 1, NULL)) != 0) {
(std::string("Error while running benchmark: ") + strerror(errno))
BENCHMARK_F(Bzip2Fixture, 256_Bzip2)(benchmark::State& st) {
while (st.KeepRunning()) {
const char* inputs[] = {"input.source", "input.program", "input.graphic"};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
const char* args[] = {inputs[i], "58"};
if ((RunSpec(args, 2, NULL)) != 0) {
(std::string("Error while running benchmark: ") + strerror(errno))
BENCHMARK_F(TwolfFixture, 300_Twolf)(benchmark::State& st) {
while (st.KeepRunning()) {
const char* args[] = {"ref"};
if ((RunSpec(args, 1, NULL)) != 0) {
(std::string("Error while running benchmark: ") + strerror(errno))
BENCHMARK_F(AmmpFixture, 188_Ammp)(benchmark::State& st) {
while (st.KeepRunning()) {
if ((RunSpec(NULL, 0, "")) != 0) {
(std::string("Error while running benchmark: ") + strerror(errno))
// TODO(anmittal): Currently it doesn't work with fuchsia as getrlimit is not
// implemented. Re-enable this once that is implemented
#ifndef __Fuchsia__
BENCHMARK_F(GccFixture, 176_gcc)(benchmark::State& st) {
const char* file_prefixes[] = {"166", "200", "expr", "integrate", "scilab"};
while (st.KeepRunning()) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
const char* args[] = {(std::string(file_prefixes[i]) + ".i").c_str(),
(std::string(file_prefixes[i]) + ".s").c_str()};
if ((RunSpec(args, 3, NULL)) != 0) {
(std::string("Error while running benchmark: ") + strerror(errno))
// TODO(anmittal): Re-enable this when musl implements times function
#ifndef __Fuchsia__
BENCHMARK_F(EonFixture, 252_Eon)(benchmark::State& st) {
while (st.KeepRunning()) {
const char* args1[] = {
"chair.control.kajiya", "", "chair.surfaces",
"chair.kajiya.ppm", "ppm", "pixels_out.kajiya"};
const char* args2[] = {
"chair.control.cook", "", "chair.surfaces",
"chair.cook.ppm", "ppm", "pixels_out.cook"};
const char* args3[] = {
"chair.control.rushmeier", "", "chair.surfaces",
"chair.rushmeier.ppm", "ppm", "pixels_out.rushmeier"};
if ((RunSpec(args1, 6, NULL)) != 0 || (RunSpec(args2, 6, NULL)) != 0 ||
(RunSpec(args3, 6, NULL)) != 0) {
(std::string("Error while running benchmark: ") + strerror(errno))
BENCHMARK_F(VprFixture, 175_Vpr)(benchmark::State& st) {
const char* args1[] = {
"", "", "place.out", "dum.out", "-nodisp",
"-place_only", "-init_t", "5", "-exit_t", "0.005",
"-alpha_t", "0.9412", "-inner_num", "2"};
// clang-format off
const char* args2[] = {
"", "", "", "route.out", "-nodisp", "-route_only",
"-route_chan_width", "15", "-pres_fac_mult", "2", "-acc_fac", "1",
"-first_iter_pres_fac", "4", "-initial_pres_fac", "8"};
// clang-format on
while (st.KeepRunning()) {
if ((RunSpec(args1, 14, NULL)) != 0 || (RunSpec(args2, 16, NULL)) != 0) {
(std::string("Error while running benchmark: ") + strerror(errno))
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
::benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv);
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
char* cwd;
CHECK_NOTNULL((cwd = get_current_dir_name()));
executableDir = std::string(cwd) + "/" + dirname(argv[0]);
char* c = tempnam(NULL, "speccpu2000");
tmpDir = c;
CHECK_EQ(mkdir(tmpDir.c_str(), 0700), 0)
<< "Error while creating tmp dir: " << tmpDir.c_str()
<< ", error:" << strerror(errno);
// try deleting temp directory
CHECK_EQ(DeleteDir(tmpDir), 0) << "Error while deleting tmp dir: " << tmpDir
<< ", error:" << strerror(errno);
return 0;