blob: 8f89294b1ab38884fbaa8b72b1c78f32ba0866b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* $Id: cimcft.h,v 1.6 2008/09/09 15:13:09 smswehla Exp $
* © Copyright IBM Corp. 2007
* You can obtain a current copy of the Eclipse Public License from
* Author: Adrian Schuur <>
* Description:
* CMCI function tables.
#ifndef _CIMCFT_H_
#define _CIMCFT_H_
#include "cimcdt.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct _CIMCObject {
void *hdl;
void *ft;
int refCount;
} CIMCObject;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** This structure is a table of pointers providing access to Class
* support sevices.
typedef struct _CIMCClassFT {
int version;
CIMCStatus(*release) (CIMCClass * cc);
CIMCClass *(*clone) (CIMCClass * cc, CIMCStatus * rc);
CIMCString *(*getClassName)(CIMCClass* cc, CIMCStatus * rc);
CIMCData (*getProperty) (CIMCClass * cc, const char *prop, CIMCStatus * rc);
CIMCData (*getPropertyAt) (CIMCClass * cc, CIMCCount i,
CIMCString ** name, CIMCStatus * rc);
CIMCCount (*getPropertyCount) (CIMCClass * cc, CIMCStatus * rc);
CIMCData (*getQualifier) (CIMCClass * cc, const char *qual, CIMCStatus * rc);
CIMCData (*getQualifierAt) (CIMCClass * cc, CIMCCount i,
CIMCString ** name, CIMCStatus * rc);
CIMCCount (*getQualifierCount) (CIMCClass * cc, CIMCStatus * rc);
CIMCData (*getPropQualifier) (CIMCClass * cc, const char *prop,
const char *qual, CIMCStatus * rc);
CIMCData (*getPropQualifierAt) (CIMCClass * cc, const char *prop,
CIMCCount i, CIMCString ** name,
CIMCStatus * rc);
CIMCCount (*getPropQualifierCount) (CIMCClass * cc, const char * prop, CIMCStatus * rc);
CIMCString *(*getSuperClassName) (CIMCClass * cc, CIMCStatus * rc);
CIMCArray *(*getKeyList) (CIMCClass * cc);
char *(*toString) (CIMCClass * cc);
void (*relocate) (CIMCClass * cc);
const char *(*getCharClassName) (CIMCClass * br);
const char *(*getCharSuperClassName) (CIMCClass * br);
CIMCBoolean(*isAssociation) (CIMCClass * cc);
CIMCBoolean(*isAbstract) (CIMCClass * cc);
CIMCBoolean(*isIndication) (CIMCClass * cc);
CIMCData(*getPropQualAt) (CIMCClass * cc, CIMCCount p, CIMCCount i, CIMCString ** name,
CIMCStatus * rc);
} CIMCClassFT;
struct _CIMCClass {
void *hdl;
CIMCClassFT *ft;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** This structure represents the Encapsulated Instance object.
struct _CIMCInstance {
/** Opaque pointer to MB specific implementation data.
void *hdl;
/** Pointer to the Instance Function Table.
CIMCInstanceFT* ft;
/** This structure is a table of pointers providing access to Instance
support sevices.
struct _CIMCInstanceFT {
/** Function table version
int ftVersion;
/** The Instance object will not be used any further and may be freed by
CIMC run time system.
@param inst Instance this pointer.
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*release)
(CIMCInstance* inst);
/** Create an independent copy of this Instance object. The resulting
object must be released explicitly.
@param inst Instance this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Pointer to copied Instance object.
CIMCInstance* (*clone)
(CIMCInstance* inst, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Gets a named property value.
@param inst Instance this pointer.
@param name Property name.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Property value.
CIMCData (*getProperty)
(CIMCInstance* inst, const char *name, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Gets a Property value defined by its index.
@param inst Instance this pointer.
@param index Position in the internal Data array.
@param name Output: Returned property name (suppressed when NULL).
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Property value.
CIMCData (*getPropertyAt)
(CIMCInstance* inst, unsigned int index, CIMCString** name,
CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Gets the number of properties contained in this Instance.
@param inst Instance this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Number of properties.
unsigned int (*getPropertyCount)
(CIMCInstance* inst, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Adds/replaces a named Property.
@param inst Instance this pointer.
@param name Entry name.
@param value Address of value structure.
@param type Value type.
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*setProperty)
(CIMCInstance* inst, const char *name,
CIMCValue* value, CIMCType type);
/** Generates an ObjectPath out of the nameSpace, classname and
key propeties of this Instance.
@param inst Instance this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return the generated ObjectPath.
CIMCObjectPath* (*getObjectPath)
(CIMCInstance* inst, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Directs CIMC to ignore any setProperty operations for this
instance for any properties not in this list.
@param inst Instance this pointer.
@param propertyList If not NULL, the members of the array define one
or more Property names to be accepted by setProperty operations.
@param keys Array of key property names of this instance. This array
must be specified.
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*setPropertyFilter)
(CIMCInstance* inst, char **propertyList, char **keys);
CIMCData (*getQualifier)
(CIMCInstance* inst, const char *name, CIMCStatus* rc);
CIMCData (*getQualifierAt)
(CIMCInstance* inst, unsigned int index, CIMCString** name,
CIMCStatus* rc);
unsigned int (*getQualifierCount)
(CIMCInstance* inst, CIMCStatus* rc);
CIMCData (*getPropertyQualifier)
(CIMCInstance* inst, const char *pname, const char *qname, CIMCStatus* rc);
CIMCData (*getPropertyQualifierAt)
(CIMCInstance* inst, const char *pname, unsigned int index, CIMCString** name,
CIMCStatus* rc);
unsigned int (*getPropertyQualifierCount)
(CIMCInstance* inst, const char *pname, CIMCStatus* rc);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** This structure represents the Encapsulated Instance object.
struct _CIMCObjectPath {
/** Opaque pointer to MB specific implementation data.
void *hdl;
/** Pointer to the ObjectPath Function Table.
CIMCObjectPathFT* ft;
/** This structure is a table of pointers providing access to ObjectPath
support sevices.
struct _CIMCObjectPathFT {
/** Function table version
int ftVersion;
/** The ObjectPath object will not be used any further and may be freed by
CIMC run time system.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*release)
(CIMCObjectPath* op);
/** Create an independent copy of this ObjectPath object. The resulting
object must be released explicitly.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Pointer to copied ObjectPath object.
CIMCObjectPath* (*clone)
(CIMCObjectPath* op, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Set/replace the nameSpace component.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param ns The nameSpace string
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*setNameSpace)
(CIMCObjectPath* op, const char *ns);
/** Get the nameSpace component.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return The nameSpace component.
CIMCString* (*getNameSpace)
(CIMCObjectPath* op, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Set/replace the hostname component.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param hn The hostname string
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*setHostname)
(CIMCObjectPath* op, const char *hn);
/** Get the hostname component.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return The hostname component.
CIMCString* (*getHostname)
(CIMCObjectPath* op, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Set/replace the classname component.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param cn The hostname string
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*setClassName)
(CIMCObjectPath* op, const char *cn);
/** Get the classname component.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return The classname component.
CIMCString* (*getClassName)
(CIMCObjectPath* op, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Adds/replaces a named key property.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param name Key property name.
@param value Address of value structure.
@param type Value type.
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*addKey)
(CIMCObjectPath* op, const char *name,
CIMCValue* value, CIMCType type);
/** Gets a named key property value.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param name Key property name.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Entry value.
CIMCData (*getKey)
(CIMCObjectPath* op, const char *name, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Gets a key property value defined by its index.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param index Position in the internal Data array.
@param name Output: Returned property name (suppressed when NULL).
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Data value.
CIMCData (*getKeyAt)
(CIMCObjectPath* op, unsigned int index, CIMCString** name,
CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Gets the number of key properties contained in this ObjectPath.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Number of properties.
unsigned int (*getKeyCount)
(CIMCObjectPath* op, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Set/replace nameSpace and classname components from &lt;src&gt;.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param src Source input.
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*setNameSpaceFromObjectPath)
(CIMCObjectPath* op, CIMCObjectPath* src);
/** Set/replace hostname, nameSpace and classname components from &lt;src&gt;.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param src Source input.
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*setHostAndNameSpaceFromObjectPath)
(CIMCObjectPath* op,
CIMCObjectPath* src);
/** Get class qualifier value.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param qName Qualifier name.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Qualifier value.
CIMCData (*getClassQualifier)
(CIMCObjectPath* op,
const char *qName,
CIMCStatus *rc);
/** Get property qualifier value.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param pName Property name.
@param qName Qualifier name.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Qualifier value.
CIMCData (*getPropertyQualifier)
(CIMCObjectPath* op,
const char *pName,
const char *qName,
CIMCStatus *rc);
/** Get method qualifier value.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param mName Method name.
@param qName Qualifier name.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Qualifier value.
CIMCData (*getMethodQualifier)
(CIMCObjectPath* op,
const char *methodName,
const char *qName,
CIMCStatus *rc);
/** Get method parameter quailifier value.
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param mName Method name.
@param pName Parameter name.
@param qName Qualifier name.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Qualifier value.
CIMCData (*getParameterQualifier)
(CIMCObjectPath* op,
const char *mName,
const char *pName,
const char *qName,
CIMCStatus *rc);
/** Generates a well formed string representation of this ObjectPath
@param op ObjectPath this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return String representation.
CIMCString *(*toString)
(CIMCObjectPath* op, CIMCStatus *rc);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** This structure represents the Encapsulated Args object.
struct _CIMCArgs {
/** Opaque pointer to MB specific implementation data.
void *hdl;
/** Pointer to the Args Function Table.
CIMCArgsFT* ft;
/** This structure represents the Encapsulated String object.
struct _CIMCString {
/** Opaque pointer to MB specific implementation data.
void *hdl;
/** Pointer to the String Function Table.
CIMCStringFT* ft;
/** This structure is a table of pointers providing access to String
support sevices.
struct _CIMCStringFT {
/** Function table version
int ftVersion;
/** The String object will not be used any further and may be freed by
CIMC run time system.
@param st String this pointer.
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*release)
(CIMCString* st);
/** Create an independent copy of this String object. The resulting
object must be released explicitly.
@param st String this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Pointer to copied String object.
CIMCString* (*clone)
(CIMCString* st, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Get a pointer to a C char *representation of this String.
@param st String this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Pointer to char *representation.
char *(*getCharPtr)
(CIMCString* st, CIMCStatus* rc);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** This structure represents the Encapsulated Array object.
struct _CIMCArray {
/** Opaque pointer to MB specific implementation data.
void *hdl;
/** Pointer to the Array Function Table.
CIMCArrayFT* ft;
/** This structure is a table of pointers providing access to Array
support sevices.
struct _CIMCArrayFT {
/** Function table version
int ftVersion;
/** The Array object will not be used any further and may be freed by
CIMC run time system.
@param ar Array this pointer.
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*release)
(CIMCArray* ar);
/** Create an independent copy of this Array object. The resulting
object must be released explicitly.
@param ar Array this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Pointer to copied Array object.
CIMCArray* (*clone)
(CIMCArray* ar, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Gets the number of elements contained in this Array.
@param ar Array this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Number of elements.
CIMCCount (*getSize)
(CIMCArray* ar, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Gets the element type.
@param ar Array this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Number of elements.
CIMCType (*getSimpleType)
(CIMCArray* ar, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Gets an element value defined by its index.
@param ar Array this pointer.
@param index Position in the internal Data array.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Element value.
CIMCData (*getElementAt)
(CIMCArray* ar, CIMCCount index, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Sets an element value defined by its index.
@param ar Array this pointer.
@param index Position in the internal Data array.
@param value Address of value structure.
@param type Value type.
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*setElementAt)
(CIMCArray* ar, CIMCCount index, CIMCValue* value, CIMCType type);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** This structure represents the Encapsulated Enumeration object.
struct _CIMCEnumeration {
/** Opaque pointer to MB specific implementation data.
void *hdl;
/** Pointer to the Enumeration Function Table.
CIMCEnumerationFT* ft;
/** This structure is a table of pointers providing access to Enumeration
support sevices.
struct _CIMCEnumerationFT {
/** Function table version
int ftVersion;
/** The Enumeration object will not be used any further and may be freed by
CIMC run time system.
@param en Enumeration this pointer.
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*release)
(CIMCEnumeration* en);
/** Create an independent copy of this Enumeration object. The resulting
object must be released explicitly.
@param en Enumeration this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Pointer to copied Enumeration object.
CIMCEnumeration* (*clone)
(CIMCEnumeration* en, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Get the next element of this Enumeration.
@param en Enumeration this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Element value.
CIMCData (*getNext)
(CIMCEnumeration* en, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Test for any elements left in this Enumeration.
@param en Enumeration this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return True or false.
CIMCBoolean (*hasNext)
(CIMCEnumeration* en, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Convert this Enumeration into an Array.
@param en Enumeration this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return The Array.
CIMCArray* (*toArray)
(CIMCEnumeration* en, CIMCStatus* rc);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/** This structure represents the DateTime object.
struct _CIMCDateTime {
/** Opaque pointer to MB specific implementation data.
void *hdl;
/** Pointer to the DateTime Function Table.
CIMCDateTimeFT *ft;
/** This structure is a table of pointers providing access to DateTime
support sevices.
struct _CIMCDateTimeFT {
/** Function table version
int ftVersion;
/** The DateTime object will not be used any further and may be freed by
CIMC run time system.
@param dt DateTime this pointer.
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*release)
(CIMCDateTime* dt);
/** Create an independent copy of this DateTime object. The resulting
object must be released explicitly.
@param dt DateTime this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Pointer to copied DateTime object.
CIMCDateTime* (*clone)
(CIMCDateTime* dt, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Get DateTime setting in binary format (in microsecods
starting since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan 1,1970).
@param dt DateTime this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return DateTime in binary.
CIMCUint64 (*getBinaryFormat)
(CIMCDateTime* dt, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Get DateTime setting in UTC string format.
@param dt DateTime this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return DateTime as UTC string.
CIMCString* (*getStringFormat)
(CIMCDateTime* dt, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Tests whether DateTime is an interval value.
@param dt DateTime this pointer.
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return True if interval value.
CIMCBoolean (*isInterval)
(CIMCDateTime* dt, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** This structure represents the indication listener object.
struct _CIMCIndicationListener {
/** Opaque pointer to MB specific implementation data.
void *hdl;
/** Pointer to the indication listener Function Table.
CIMCIndicationListenerFT* ft;
/** This structure is a table of pointers providing access to indication
listener support sevices.
struct _CIMCIndicationListenerFT {
/** Function table version
int ftVersion;
/** The indication listener object will not be used any further and may
be freed by CIMC run time system.
@param il pointer to this indication listener
@return Service return status.
CIMCStatus (*release)
(CIMCIndicationListener* il);
/** Create an independent copy of this indication listener object. The
resulting object must be released explicitly.
@param il pointer to this indication listener
@param rc Output: Service return status (suppressed when NULL).
@return Pointer to copied indication listener object.
CIMCIndicationListener* (*clone)
(CIMCIndicationListener* il, CIMCStatus* rc);
/** Start listening.
@param il pointer to this indication listener.
CIMCStatus (*start)
(CIMCIndicationListener* il);
/** Stop listening.
@param il pointer to this indication listener.
CIMCStatus (*stop)
(CIMCIndicationListener* il);
#ifdef __cplusplus