blob: 246c4d15fbb725886fce92855d7240e4e0a64e9c [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _ES_INFO_H
#define _ES_INFO_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* ************************************************** */
/* */
/* keep track of where we have scanned so far for the */
/* synchronous data we received */
/* */
/* ************************************************** */
typedef struct enumScanInfo {
char *base; /* base pointer to response data */
int eodoff; /* end of the response data so far */
int ssecoff; /* start of section offset */
int curoff; /* current offset */
char *section; /* buffer pointer */
int sectlen; /* buffer length */
int prevtotl; /* previous total received bytes */
int recdtotl; /* total received bytes enumwriteCB*/
int getnew;
int parsestate;
} enumScanInfo ;
* parsing state definitions
#define PARSTATE_INIT 00 /* parsing hasnot started yet */
#define PARSTATE_STARTED 05 /* at least some data has been parsed */
#define PARSTATE_COMPLETE 10 /* parseing is complete */
#define PARSTATE_SERVER_TIMEOUT 20 /* timeout from getting data */
struct asyncrespcntl{
int xfer_state ; /* The state of the transfer */
int eMethodType; /* type of enumeration in progress */
struct native_enum *enmp ; /* enumeration pointer */
pthread_mutex_t escanlock ; /* mutex lock */
pthread_mutex_t xfer_cond_mutex ;
pthread_cond_t xfer_cond ;
struct enumScanInfo escanInfo; /* response control */
} asyncrespcntl ;
* asyncrespcntl info
* escanlock - lock the use of escanInfo
* xfer_cond -pthread condition variable which holds us from
* continuing until we have received something
* from the server .
* wait in getEnumResonse
* set in enumWriteHeaders
* xfer_states
#define XFER_NOT_STARTED 0 /* no valid data yet */
#define XFER_GENRQST 5 /* we have gotten the request built */
/* and will be sending it next. */
#define XFER_RESP_TEC 10 /* we received a response header */
/* with Transfer Encoding: chunked */
#define XFER_RESP_CL 15 /* we received a response header */
/* with content-length */
#define XFER_DATA_RECVD 20 /* we have recieved some data */
#define XFER_COMPLETE 25 /* xfer is complete */
#define XFER_ERROR 30 /* we had an error */
* Enumeration request types
* macros and prototypes
#define B(x) (x->base)
#define O(x) (x->curoff)
inline char * CURPTR (enumScanInfo * );
inline char * SSECPTR (enumScanInfo * );
inline char * LASTPTR (enumScanInfo * );
inline void INCOFF (enumScanInfo * );
#endif /* ifdef LARGE_VOL_SUPPORT */
#ifdef __cplusplus