uniq: always store previous line length

A bug was introduced in the NUL support refactor leading to
the length of the previous line only being saved if the
previous line was shorter than the current line. If triggered
this lead to copying too much data into the previous line buffer.

Behavior before:

	printf '1234\na\n' | ./uniq

Behavior after:

	printf '1234\na\n' | ./uniq
1 file changed
tree: 397f4641b0148b0ab39ca7d774467010b35f855d
  1. libutf/
  2. libutil/
  3. arg.h
  4. basename.1
  5. basename.c
  6. cal.1
  7. cal.c
  8. cat.1
  9. cat.c
  10. chgrp.1
  11. chgrp.c
  12. chmod.1
  13. chmod.c
  14. chown.1
  15. chown.c
  16. chroot.1
  17. chroot.c
  18. cksum.1
  19. cksum.c
  20. cmp.1
  21. cmp.c
  22. cols.1
  23. cols.c
  24. comm.1
  25. comm.c
  26. compat.h
  27. config.mk
  28. cp.1
  29. cp.c
  30. cron.1
  31. cron.c
  32. crypt.h
  33. cut.1
  34. cut.c
  35. date.1
  36. date.c
  37. dirname.1
  38. dirname.c
  39. du.1
  40. du.c
  41. echo.1
  42. echo.c
  43. ed.1
  44. ed.c
  45. env.1
  46. env.c
  47. expand.1
  48. expand.c
  49. expr.1
  50. expr.c
  51. false.1
  52. false.c
  53. find.1
  54. find.c
  55. flock.1
  56. flock.c
  57. fold.1
  58. fold.c
  59. fs.h
  60. getconf.1
  61. getconf.c
  62. getconf.sh
  63. grep.1
  64. grep.c
  65. head.1
  66. head.c
  67. hostname.1
  68. hostname.c
  69. join.1
  70. join.c
  71. kill.1
  72. kill.c
  74. link.1
  75. link.c
  76. ln.1
  77. ln.c
  78. logger.1
  79. logger.c
  80. logname.1
  81. logname.c
  82. ls.1
  83. ls.c
  84. Makefile
  85. md5.h
  86. md5sum.1
  87. md5sum.c
  88. mkdir.1
  89. mkdir.c
  90. mkfifo.1
  91. mkfifo.c
  92. mktemp.1
  93. mktemp.c
  94. mv.1
  95. mv.c
  96. nice.1
  97. nice.c
  98. nl.1
  99. nl.c
  100. nohup.1
  101. nohup.c
  102. od.1
  103. od.c
  104. paste.1
  105. paste.c
  106. pathchk.1
  107. pathchk.c
  108. printenv.1
  109. printenv.c
  110. printf.1
  111. printf.c
  112. pwd.1
  113. pwd.c
  114. queue.h
  115. readlink.1
  116. readlink.c
  117. README
  118. renice.1
  119. renice.c
  120. rm.1
  121. rm.c
  122. rmdir.1
  123. rmdir.c
  124. sed.1
  125. sed.c
  126. seq.1
  127. seq.c
  128. setsid.1
  129. setsid.c
  130. sha1.h
  131. sha1sum.1
  132. sha1sum.c
  133. sha224.h
  134. sha224sum.1
  135. sha224sum.c
  136. sha256.h
  137. sha256sum.1
  138. sha256sum.c
  139. sha384.h
  140. sha384sum.1
  141. sha384sum.c
  142. sha512-224.h
  143. sha512-224sum.1
  144. sha512-224sum.c
  145. sha512-256.h
  146. sha512-256sum.1
  147. sha512-256sum.c
  148. sha512.h
  149. sha512sum.1
  150. sha512sum.c
  151. sleep.1
  152. sleep.c
  153. sort.1
  154. sort.c
  155. split.1
  156. split.c
  157. sponge.1
  158. sponge.c
  159. strings.1
  160. strings.c
  161. sync.1
  162. sync.c
  163. tail.1
  164. tail.c
  165. tar.1
  166. tar.c
  167. tee.1
  168. tee.c
  169. test.1
  170. test.c
  171. text.h
  172. tftp.1
  173. tftp.c
  174. time.1
  175. time.c
  176. TODO
  177. touch.1
  178. touch.c
  179. tr.1
  180. tr.c
  181. true.1
  182. true.c
  183. tsort.1
  184. tsort.c
  185. tty.1
  186. tty.c
  187. uname.1
  188. uname.c
  189. unexpand.1
  190. unexpand.c
  191. uniq.1
  192. uniq.c
  193. unlink.1
  194. unlink.c
  195. utf.h
  196. util.h
  197. uudecode.1
  198. uudecode.c
  199. uuencode.1
  200. uuencode.c
  201. wc.1
  202. wc.c
  203. which.1
  204. which.c
  205. whoami.1
  206. whoami.c
  207. xargs.1
  208. xargs.c
  209. xinstall.1
  210. xinstall.c
  211. yes.1
  212. yes.c