Revamp tr(1) set parsing and handling

If you look at GNU coreutils, they do not support the mappings

	$ echo "1234abc" | tr "[:alnum:]" "[:upper:]"

	$ echo "ABCabc" | tr -c "[:upper:]" "[l*]"

to only give a few examples. This commit broadens the scope of tr(1)
as far as humanly possible to map between classes and non-classes,
making tr a usable tool and actually fulfilling user expectations.
Posix really is of no help here as it still kind of assumes the
fixed ASCII table instead of complex Unicode code points or even
Grapheme clusters.
1 file changed
tree: e8bb136ba2e976c4a262599c7dca3a34a5906fbf
  1. libutf/
  2. libutil/
  3. arg.h
  4. basename.1
  5. basename.c
  6. cal.1
  7. cal.c
  8. cat.1
  9. cat.c
  10. chgrp.1
  11. chgrp.c
  12. chmod.1
  13. chmod.c
  14. chown.1
  15. chown.c
  16. chroot.1
  17. chroot.c
  18. cksum.1
  19. cksum.c
  20. cmp.1
  21. cmp.c
  22. cols.1
  23. cols.c
  24. comm.1
  25. comm.c
  26. compat.h
  28. cp.1
  29. cp.c
  30. cron.1
  31. cron.c
  32. crypt.h
  33. cut.1
  34. cut.c
  35. date.1
  36. date.c
  37. dirname.1
  38. dirname.c
  39. du.1
  40. du.c
  41. echo.1
  42. echo.c
  43. ed.1
  44. ed.c
  45. env.1
  46. env.c
  47. expand.1
  48. expand.c
  49. expr.1
  50. expr.c
  51. false.1
  52. false.c
  53. find.1
  54. find.c
  55. flock.1
  56. flock.c
  57. fold.1
  58. fold.c
  59. fs.h
  60. getconf.1
  61. getconf.c
  63. grep.1
  64. grep.c
  65. head.1
  66. head.c
  67. hostname.1
  68. hostname.c
  69. join.1
  70. join.c
  71. kill.1
  72. kill.c
  74. link.1
  75. link.c
  76. ln.1
  77. ln.c
  78. logger.1
  79. logger.c
  80. logname.1
  81. logname.c
  82. ls.1
  83. ls.c
  84. Makefile
  85. md5.h
  86. md5sum.1
  87. md5sum.c
  88. mkdir.1
  89. mkdir.c
  90. mkfifo.1
  91. mkfifo.c
  92. mktemp.1
  93. mktemp.c
  94. mv.1
  95. mv.c
  96. nice.1
  97. nice.c
  98. nl.1
  99. nl.c
  100. nohup.1
  101. nohup.c
  102. od.1
  103. od.c
  104. paste.1
  105. paste.c
  106. pathchk.1
  107. pathchk.c
  108. printenv.1
  109. printenv.c
  110. printf.1
  111. printf.c
  112. pwd.1
  113. pwd.c
  114. queue.h
  115. readlink.1
  116. readlink.c
  117. README
  118. renice.1
  119. renice.c
  120. rm.1
  121. rm.c
  122. rmdir.1
  123. rmdir.c
  124. sed.1
  125. sed.c
  126. seq.1
  127. seq.c
  128. setsid.1
  129. setsid.c
  130. sha1.h
  131. sha1sum.1
  132. sha1sum.c
  133. sha224.h
  134. sha224sum.1
  135. sha224sum.c
  136. sha256.h
  137. sha256sum.1
  138. sha256sum.c
  139. sha384.h
  140. sha384sum.1
  141. sha384sum.c
  142. sha512-224.h
  143. sha512-224sum.1
  144. sha512-224sum.c
  145. sha512-256.h
  146. sha512-256sum.1
  147. sha512-256sum.c
  148. sha512.h
  149. sha512sum.1
  150. sha512sum.c
  151. sleep.1
  152. sleep.c
  153. sort.1
  154. sort.c
  155. split.1
  156. split.c
  157. sponge.1
  158. sponge.c
  159. strings.1
  160. strings.c
  161. sync.1
  162. sync.c
  163. tail.1
  164. tail.c
  165. tar.1
  166. tar.c
  167. tee.1
  168. tee.c
  169. test.1
  170. test.c
  171. text.h
  172. tftp.1
  173. tftp.c
  174. time.1
  175. time.c
  176. TODO
  177. touch.1
  178. touch.c
  179. tr.1
  180. tr.c
  181. true.1
  182. true.c
  183. tsort.1
  184. tsort.c
  185. tty.1
  186. tty.c
  187. uname.1
  188. uname.c
  189. unexpand.1
  190. unexpand.c
  191. uniq.1
  192. uniq.c
  193. unlink.1
  194. unlink.c
  195. utf.h
  196. util.h
  197. uudecode.1
  198. uudecode.c
  199. uuencode.1
  200. uuencode.c
  201. wc.1
  202. wc.c
  203. which.1
  204. which.c
  205. whoami.1
  206. whoami.c
  207. xargs.1
  208. xargs.c
  209. xinstall.1
  210. xinstall.c
  211. yes.1
  212. yes.c