Fix tr(1) squeezing

Okay, it took me a while and another look at the Posix spec to see that
I have been dealing with squeezing in a way too complicated way.
What just needed to be done is before doing the final write to deploy
the squeeze-check. We actually do not need this atomically complicated
squeeze check in every single edge-case. Now it should work properly.
1 file changed
tree: fa1b659477aca9a74c9f003113b3269d48047546
  1. libutf/
  2. libutil/
  3. arg.h
  4. basename.1
  5. basename.c
  6. cal.1
  7. cal.c
  8. cat.1
  9. cat.c
  10. chgrp.1
  11. chgrp.c
  12. chmod.1
  13. chmod.c
  14. chown.1
  15. chown.c
  16. chroot.1
  17. chroot.c
  18. cksum.1
  19. cksum.c
  20. cmp.1
  21. cmp.c
  22. cols.1
  23. cols.c
  24. comm.1
  25. comm.c
  26. compat.h
  28. cp.1
  29. cp.c
  30. cron.1
  31. cron.c
  32. crypt.h
  33. cut.1
  34. cut.c
  35. date.1
  36. date.c
  37. dirname.1
  38. dirname.c
  39. du.1
  40. du.c
  41. echo.1
  42. echo.c
  43. ed.1
  44. ed.c
  45. env.1
  46. env.c
  47. expand.1
  48. expand.c
  49. expr.1
  50. expr.c
  51. false.1
  52. false.c
  53. find.1
  54. find.c
  55. flock.1
  56. flock.c
  57. fold.1
  58. fold.c
  59. fs.h
  60. getconf.1
  61. getconf.c
  63. grep.1
  64. grep.c
  65. head.1
  66. head.c
  67. hostname.1
  68. hostname.c
  69. join.1
  70. join.c
  71. kill.1
  72. kill.c
  74. link.1
  75. link.c
  76. ln.1
  77. ln.c
  78. logger.1
  79. logger.c
  80. logname.1
  81. logname.c
  82. ls.1
  83. ls.c
  84. Makefile
  85. md5.h
  86. md5sum.1
  87. md5sum.c
  88. mkdir.1
  89. mkdir.c
  90. mkfifo.1
  91. mkfifo.c
  92. mktemp.1
  93. mktemp.c
  94. mv.1
  95. mv.c
  96. nice.1
  97. nice.c
  98. nl.1
  99. nl.c
  100. nohup.1
  101. nohup.c
  102. od.1
  103. od.c
  104. paste.1
  105. paste.c
  106. pathchk.1
  107. pathchk.c
  108. printenv.1
  109. printenv.c
  110. printf.1
  111. printf.c
  112. pwd.1
  113. pwd.c
  114. queue.h
  115. readlink.1
  116. readlink.c
  117. README
  118. renice.1
  119. renice.c
  120. rm.1
  121. rm.c
  122. rmdir.1
  123. rmdir.c
  124. sed.1
  125. sed.c
  126. seq.1
  127. seq.c
  128. setsid.1
  129. setsid.c
  130. sha1.h
  131. sha1sum.1
  132. sha1sum.c
  133. sha224.h
  134. sha224sum.1
  135. sha224sum.c
  136. sha256.h
  137. sha256sum.1
  138. sha256sum.c
  139. sha384.h
  140. sha384sum.1
  141. sha384sum.c
  142. sha512-224.h
  143. sha512-224sum.1
  144. sha512-224sum.c
  145. sha512-256.h
  146. sha512-256sum.1
  147. sha512-256sum.c
  148. sha512.h
  149. sha512sum.1
  150. sha512sum.c
  151. sleep.1
  152. sleep.c
  153. sort.1
  154. sort.c
  155. split.1
  156. split.c
  157. sponge.1
  158. sponge.c
  159. strings.1
  160. strings.c
  161. sync.1
  162. sync.c
  163. tail.1
  164. tail.c
  165. tar.1
  166. tar.c
  167. tee.1
  168. tee.c
  169. test.1
  170. test.c
  171. text.h
  172. tftp.1
  173. tftp.c
  174. time.1
  175. time.c
  176. TODO
  177. touch.1
  178. touch.c
  179. tr.1
  180. tr.c
  181. true.1
  182. true.c
  183. tsort.1
  184. tsort.c
  185. tty.1
  186. tty.c
  187. uname.1
  188. uname.c
  189. unexpand.1
  190. unexpand.c
  191. uniq.1
  192. uniq.c
  193. unlink.1
  194. unlink.c
  195. utf.h
  196. util.h
  197. uudecode.1
  198. uudecode.c
  199. uuencode.1
  200. uuencode.c
  201. wc.1
  202. wc.c
  203. which.1
  204. which.c
  205. whoami.1
  206. whoami.c
  207. xargs.1
  208. xargs.c
  209. xinstall.1
  210. xinstall.c
  211. yes.1
  212. yes.c