install: ignore -s

The -s flag previously called strip(1) on the installed file.
This patch changes install(1)'s behaviour to ignore -s.

Many makefiles use the -s flag, so it has to be recognised for
compatibility, however it does not have to do anything because
symbols do not negatively affect the functionallity of binaries.

Ignoring -s have the added benefit that the user do not need
to edit makefiles if they want the symbols that are useful for
debugging. If the user wants to strip away symbols, it can be
done manually or automatically by the package manager.

Laslo: Update the man-date and remove -s from usage()

Signed-off-by: Mattias Andrée <>
2 files changed
tree: 66500c5020cfb9daf7ab109b8c98a4ddcfaf8267
  1. libutf/
  2. libutil/
  3. arg.h
  4. basename.1
  5. basename.c
  6. cal.1
  7. cal.c
  8. cat.1
  9. cat.c
  10. chgrp.1
  11. chgrp.c
  12. chmod.1
  13. chmod.c
  14. chown.1
  15. chown.c
  16. chroot.1
  17. chroot.c
  18. cksum.1
  19. cksum.c
  20. cmp.1
  21. cmp.c
  22. cols.1
  23. cols.c
  24. comm.1
  25. comm.c
  26. compat.h
  28. cp.1
  29. cp.c
  30. cron.1
  31. cron.c
  32. crypt.h
  33. cut.1
  34. cut.c
  35. date.1
  36. date.c
  37. dirname.1
  38. dirname.c
  39. du.1
  40. du.c
  41. echo.1
  42. echo.c
  43. ed.1
  44. ed.c
  45. env.1
  46. env.c
  47. expand.1
  48. expand.c
  49. expr.1
  50. expr.c
  51. false.1
  52. false.c
  53. find.1
  54. find.c
  55. flock.1
  56. flock.c
  57. fold.1
  58. fold.c
  59. fs.h
  60. getconf.1
  61. getconf.c
  63. grep.1
  64. grep.c
  65. head.1
  66. head.c
  67. hostname.1
  68. hostname.c
  69. join.1
  70. join.c
  71. kill.1
  72. kill.c
  74. link.1
  75. link.c
  76. ln.1
  77. ln.c
  78. logger.1
  79. logger.c
  80. logname.1
  81. logname.c
  82. ls.1
  83. ls.c
  84. Makefile
  85. md5.h
  86. md5sum.1
  87. md5sum.c
  88. mkdir.1
  89. mkdir.c
  90. mkfifo.1
  91. mkfifo.c
  92. mktemp.1
  93. mktemp.c
  94. mv.1
  95. mv.c
  96. nice.1
  97. nice.c
  98. nl.1
  99. nl.c
  100. nohup.1
  101. nohup.c
  102. od.1
  103. od.c
  104. paste.1
  105. paste.c
  106. pathchk.1
  107. pathchk.c
  108. printenv.1
  109. printenv.c
  110. printf.1
  111. printf.c
  112. pwd.1
  113. pwd.c
  114. queue.h
  115. readlink.1
  116. readlink.c
  117. README
  118. renice.1
  119. renice.c
  120. rev.1
  121. rev.c
  122. rm.1
  123. rm.c
  124. rmdir.1
  125. rmdir.c
  126. sed.1
  127. sed.c
  128. seq.1
  129. seq.c
  130. setsid.1
  131. setsid.c
  132. sha1.h
  133. sha1sum.1
  134. sha1sum.c
  135. sha224.h
  136. sha224sum.1
  137. sha224sum.c
  138. sha256.h
  139. sha256sum.1
  140. sha256sum.c
  141. sha384.h
  142. sha384sum.1
  143. sha384sum.c
  144. sha512-224.h
  145. sha512-224sum.1
  146. sha512-224sum.c
  147. sha512-256.h
  148. sha512-256sum.1
  149. sha512-256sum.c
  150. sha512.h
  151. sha512sum.1
  152. sha512sum.c
  153. sleep.1
  154. sleep.c
  155. sort.1
  156. sort.c
  157. split.1
  158. split.c
  159. sponge.1
  160. sponge.c
  161. strings.1
  162. strings.c
  163. sync.1
  164. sync.c
  165. tail.1
  166. tail.c
  167. tar.1
  168. tar.c
  169. tee.1
  170. tee.c
  171. test.1
  172. test.c
  173. text.h
  174. tftp.1
  175. tftp.c
  176. time.1
  177. time.c
  178. TODO
  179. touch.1
  180. touch.c
  181. tr.1
  182. tr.c
  183. true.1
  184. true.c
  185. tsort.1
  186. tsort.c
  187. tty.1
  188. tty.c
  189. uname.1
  190. uname.c
  191. unexpand.1
  192. unexpand.c
  193. uniq.1
  194. uniq.c
  195. unlink.1
  196. unlink.c
  197. utf.h
  198. util.h
  199. uudecode.1
  200. uudecode.c
  201. uuencode.1
  202. uuencode.c
  203. wc.1
  204. wc.c
  205. which.1
  206. which.c
  207. whoami.1
  208. whoami.c
  209. xargs.1
  210. xargs.c
  211. xinstall.1
  212. xinstall.c
  213. yes.1
  214. yes.c