Rename struct linebufline to struct line and add linecmp()

This simplifies the handling in sort(1) and comm(1) quite a bit.
4 files changed
tree: d4b3113623e69278fdde79d118df6d440f1d0c49
  1. libutf/
  2. libutil/
  3. arg.h
  4. basename.1
  5. basename.c
  6. cal.1
  7. cal.c
  8. cat.1
  9. cat.c
  10. chgrp.1
  11. chgrp.c
  12. chmod.1
  13. chmod.c
  14. chown.1
  15. chown.c
  16. chroot.1
  17. chroot.c
  18. cksum.1
  19. cksum.c
  20. cmp.1
  21. cmp.c
  22. cols.1
  23. cols.c
  24. comm.1
  25. comm.c
  26. compat.h
  28. cp.1
  29. cp.c
  30. cron.1
  31. cron.c
  32. crypt.h
  33. cut.1
  34. cut.c
  35. date.1
  36. date.c
  37. dirname.1
  38. dirname.c
  39. du.1
  40. du.c
  41. echo.1
  42. echo.c
  43. ed.1
  44. ed.c
  45. env.1
  46. env.c
  47. expand.1
  48. expand.c
  49. expr.1
  50. expr.c
  51. false.1
  52. false.c
  53. find.1
  54. find.c
  55. flock.1
  56. flock.c
  57. fold.1
  58. fold.c
  59. fs.h
  60. getconf.1
  61. getconf.c
  63. grep.1
  64. grep.c
  65. head.1
  66. head.c
  67. hostname.1
  68. hostname.c
  69. join.1
  70. join.c
  71. kill.1
  72. kill.c
  74. link.1
  75. link.c
  76. ln.1
  77. ln.c
  78. logger.1
  79. logger.c
  80. logname.1
  81. logname.c
  82. ls.1
  83. ls.c
  84. Makefile
  85. md5.h
  86. md5sum.1
  87. md5sum.c
  88. mkdir.1
  89. mkdir.c
  90. mkfifo.1
  91. mkfifo.c
  92. mktemp.1
  93. mktemp.c
  94. mv.1
  95. mv.c
  96. nice.1
  97. nice.c
  98. nl.1
  99. nl.c
  100. nohup.1
  101. nohup.c
  102. od.1
  103. od.c
  104. paste.1
  105. paste.c
  106. pathchk.1
  107. pathchk.c
  108. printenv.1
  109. printenv.c
  110. printf.1
  111. printf.c
  112. pwd.1
  113. pwd.c
  114. queue.h
  115. readlink.1
  116. readlink.c
  117. README
  118. renice.1
  119. renice.c
  120. rm.1
  121. rm.c
  122. rmdir.1
  123. rmdir.c
  124. sed.1
  125. sed.c
  126. seq.1
  127. seq.c
  128. setsid.1
  129. setsid.c
  130. sha1.h
  131. sha1sum.1
  132. sha1sum.c
  133. sha224.h
  134. sha224sum.1
  135. sha224sum.c
  136. sha256.h
  137. sha256sum.1
  138. sha256sum.c
  139. sha384.h
  140. sha384sum.1
  141. sha384sum.c
  142. sha512-224.h
  143. sha512-224sum.1
  144. sha512-224sum.c
  145. sha512-256.h
  146. sha512-256sum.1
  147. sha512-256sum.c
  148. sha512.h
  149. sha512sum.1
  150. sha512sum.c
  151. sleep.1
  152. sleep.c
  153. sort.1
  154. sort.c
  155. split.1
  156. split.c
  157. sponge.1
  158. sponge.c
  159. strings.1
  160. strings.c
  161. sync.1
  162. sync.c
  163. tail.1
  164. tail.c
  165. tar.1
  166. tar.c
  167. tee.1
  168. tee.c
  169. test.1
  170. test.c
  171. text.h
  172. tftp.1
  173. tftp.c
  174. time.1
  175. time.c
  176. TODO
  177. touch.1
  178. touch.c
  179. tr.1
  180. tr.c
  181. true.1
  182. true.c
  183. tsort.1
  184. tsort.c
  185. tty.1
  186. tty.c
  187. uname.1
  188. uname.c
  189. unexpand.1
  190. unexpand.c
  191. uniq.1
  192. uniq.c
  193. unlink.1
  194. unlink.c
  195. utf.h
  196. util.h
  197. uudecode.1
  198. uudecode.c
  199. uuencode.1
  200. uuencode.c
  201. wc.1
  202. wc.c
  203. which.1
  204. which.c
  205. whoami.1
  206. whoami.c
  207. xargs.1
  208. xargs.c
  209. xinstall.1
  210. xinstall.c
  211. yes.1
  212. yes.c